A/N I'm borrowing the Omega and Alpha universes that I keep reading in Supernatural Fan fictions and such. let me know what you think.
Seth whines softly shifting in the bed. He is half way across the world in Abu Dabhi for the house shows and his heat started. The suppressants are not working and he had read on the package that if he used them too long eventually his heat would just over power them and he would go through a stronger Heat then normal. He knew after being on them for years he would eventually have his body force him to go into a heat. He didn't count on it now though. In the middle of a foreign country.
He shifts and feels the wetness between his legs from his slick starting to come out from him. His body was screaming for a mate, and screaming for someone to take him. He whimpers and feels the need building in him stronger. The need to have someone knot him. To have an alpha claim him. Seth shifts and squirms trying to ignore it but even he knows that it's not going to happen and soon enough he'll be worse off.
He can smell his own slick and scent of his hormones filling his room. He swears that everyone can smell it in a 5 mile radius and he starts to get scared. He doesn't want just any alpha claiming him and forcing themselves on him. He reaches for his phone and then remembers he has no one to call. Hunter can't knot him and like hell he's little big show anywhere near him. He falls back on to the bed and shakes softly His heat is starting to make his skin crawl with fire and making his head swim. Seth pants softly and then sobs softly. Seth finally hides his face in a pillow and shakes softly. He begins to get very scared now that he knows for sure the scent is going to start reaching the hallway and he reaches for his phone again. He was desperate and goes to call Hunter, He needs someone to protect him.
He didn't hear the door open as he listens to the phone ring. He gasps when the phone is pulled from his hand and Seth looks wide-eyed up at Dolph Ziggler looks him over and has one of the most evil smirks he's seen and his eyes are dark with lust. Dolph then holds the phone to his ear, "Good morning Hunter."
Seth can hear Hunter growl and ask, "How'd you get Seth's phone."
Dolph smirks softly and looks down at the squirming omega. His alpha instincts going into over drive as he smells the hormones and slick coming from Seth. Seth can smell Dolph's Alpha scent and spreads his legs for him and whimpers softly. His insticts kicking into over drive and the desire for someone anyone to make the heat stop now. Dolph growl softly into the phone, "Aww your golden boy is right here. He's in quiet the state though." Dolph pulls at Seth's wet sleeping pants and slides them down Seth's legs as he holds the phone with his shoulder to his head, "But don't worry I'm going to take very good care of him. Then we'll talk."
Seth whimpers as the predatory look on Dolph's face as he crawls between Seth's legs and hangs the phone up. He then nuzzles Seth's cock as he breaths in the Seth's scent and shivers softly at the desire building in himself. Dolph then sits up and looks up at Seth, whispering, "Oh I'm going to enjoy watching this play out."
Seth can't even talk now. His whole body is screaming at him to make Dolph knot him. To make Dolph take him. Dolph smirks as he crawls over Seth and runs his hand over Seth's thigh, "So needy Omega."
Seth pants and looks up at Dolph, "Please... "
Dolph smirks and sheds his own clothing and throws them over the side with Seth's sleep pants. Dolph smirks, his finger teases Seth's slick lubed hole before gently pushing in. Seth lets out a gasp at the feeling and spread his legs more, pushing down against the finger. Dolph smirks and watches Seth's face as he works the finger in and out. Seth pants and tries to hold the sides of the bed to keep grounded. The heat making everything just feel surreal and too good. Dolph purrs softly and pulls his finger and licks it clean, "So beautiful. I'm going to fuck you so good Omega. Your going to limp for a week."
Seth lets out a keen whine of need and his one hand flies up and grabs Dolph's hair. He pulls him down and kisses him deeply. Dolph growls and kisses Seth back, his hand holds Seth's hip tightly. Dolph pulls away and takes Seth's wrist and kisses it before putting Seth's hand on the head-board, "Hang on little one."
Seth holds onto the head-board and looks up at Dolph with need and fear. Dolph lines himself up with Seth's hole and pushes into him. The slick easing Dolph into Seth. Seth cries out at the feeling of Dolph stretching him open. His back arches as he presses himself more against Dolph, needing his knot. Dolph smirks and ducks down and nips at Seth's neck, "shh.. Soon little one. You just hold on tightly."
Seth whimpers and holds the head-board as Dolph beings to thrust in and out of him, Seth's free hand moves to hold Dolph's arm tightly needing to feel something there to ground himself. The heat is making this feel to good and Seth is starting to feel overwhelmed by it all. Dolph moves Seth's legs onto his shoulders and goes as deeply as he can into Seth, making sharp full thrusts, making the omega shake and cry out. Dolph growls and presses his face into Seth's neck as he moves harshly in Seth, "Fuck.. so good."
Seth pants and shakes softly as he feels the need burn in him. He then cries out as Dolph pulls out suddenly at the loss of the feeling. He whines in need and Dolph clicks his tongue before flipping Seth onto his stomach. Dolph then moves a pillow under Seth's hip and boosting up his ass. Seth mewls softly as Dolph pushes back in and starts thrusting in earnest, hitting Seth's spot with every thrust. Seth shakes and his fingers latch onto the sheets. Dolph groans as his knot begins to come and he leans over, whispering into Seth's ear, "Your mine now bitch."
Seth shakes with need as he feels the knot and then he whimpers softly at the words, hiding his face in the bed. Dolph groans and thrusts deeply as he comes, his knot locking into Seth. Seth cries out as he comes onto the pillow from the feeling. Dolph leans over and bites where shoulder meets neck, his hips jerking as he comes deep inside Seth. Seth shrieks at the pain of the bite but soon it becomes a dull ache as Dolph pulls back from the bloody mark
Dolph pants and falls on Seth's back, his knot holding him in place. Seth moans softly and Dolph moves laying them both on their sides. He keeps his arm tightly wrapped around Seth's waist keeping him in place. As Dolph's knot goes down Seth relaxes into his warmth. Dolph smirks as he licks over the mark.
The door slams open and Seth whines softly at the light not all there yet. Dolph moves and sits up. His one arm in front of Seth, his alpha instincts to protect his omega. He though smirks when he sees Hunter and the rest of the authority looking at them. Hunter glares at him and then looks down at Seth, seeing the blood on Seth's shoulder still and the mating mark, "Shit."
Dolph smirks at him, "Hello Hunter. I guess you don't want to wait for that little talk huh?"
Hunter glares at Dolph, "you.. son..of.."
Kane glares at Dolph as well and starts walking forward.
Dolph growls, "you can't come between us.. I marked him and mated him Hunter. International law protects us."
Seth rubs his face as the heat fades slowly and reality sets in. He shrinks more into Dolph from the glare that Hunter is giving him.
Hunter growls out some curses. Stephanie looks concerned and quiet which isn't normal for her at all.
Dolph smirks, "what's wrong Hunter, Am I screwing with your plans for your golden boy." Dolph rubs Seth's side and tips Seth's face to look at him as well as he speaks, "This bitch is mine Hunter and there isn't anything you can do about it."
Stephanie glares at him but then smiles sweetly, "Dolph.. I will destroy you for this."
Dolph nods, "Yup.. but later.. I think I want another ride on him. Kind of a celebratory thing."
He waves the authority away and his hands grip Seth's hips. Seth grabs at Dolph's hands and shakes his head. Stephanie closes the door, pulling everyone away from the room. Seth whines softly and Dolph glares down at him.
"why" Seth whispers softly.
Dolph flips him and pins him against the bed. He pushes back into Seth in one fluid motion and groans softly, "maybe because I always wanted this ass.. maybe to make you pay for getting me fired.. Maybe I just wanted you to pay for being a sell out and trying to destroy my life."
Seth moans and bites the sheet, as Dolph starts to move in him. Dolph reaches under and stokes Seth's cock, his thumb running over the head. Seth moans and his hands grip the sheets on the bed. Dolph smirks and then pulls out and this time he flips Seth onto his back again wanting to look at his face. He puts Seth's legs over his shoulders and pushes back into Seth, looking down into Seth's eyes, "Say it."
Seth moans as Dolph wraps his hand around him again, stroking him in time with the thrusts.
Dolph thrusts sharply into Seth and snarls, "say it."
Seth gasps and then whispers, "yours.. "
Dolph groans at the sound of that and Seth's tight walls around him. He trusts harder and hitting Seth's spot again. His hand tightening around Seth's cock as he strokes him. Seth whines with pleasure as he pushes back to meet Dolph's cock inside him. Dolph growls and leans over, running his tongue over the mark again making Seth's body feel like it's on fire. Dolph growls and bites down again as he comes inside Seth. Seth cries out as he comes on his stomach and over Dolph's hand.
Seth groans softly as he wakes in the morning. His body aches with everything that happened. His legs where itchy because of the dried cum and slick on them. He then sits up and winces. He looks around the room and bites his lip. He looks up when Dolph walks out of the shower and smirks at him.
Dolph walks over and touches the mating mark on Seth's shoulder, "I can't believe last night was real."
Seth nods slowly and then looks at Dolph confused when Dolph starts to laugh. Dolph pulls on his pants and looks at Seth, "you know when you asked why?'
Seth nods and whispers, "yeah." Something feels wrong right now and Seth swallows listening.
Dolph leans forward and goes almost nose to nose with Seth, "I did do it because I wanted to get you back for being the golden boy."
Seth's heart drops. Dolph smirks at him and heads through the door, "see you later bitch."
Seth sits there in the hotel room after Dolph left and his heart just sank. Every omega feared what just happened. Dolph had bite him but then walked away. He was now off-limits to everyone. He couldn't date, he couldn't do anything. He was owned by Dolph but Dolph had walked away. Dolph had doomed Seth to be alone.