Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.
Let it be said that she absolutely abhorred wind instruments.
Any one could easily blow into a hole and press some buttons but it took serious skill to swipe a bow across a series of strings and create a sound so beautiful people are reduced to tears.
Which was exactly the reason she loved the cello - or any string instrument really - with a passion that burned even flames themselves.
It was elegant, it was sophisticated, much more so than spitting into a metal tube.
Besides it wasn't impressive if someone got into Juliard playing some useless thing like the flute.
But though she loved the string family more than she could ever express, right about now she regretted not learning how to play the recorder at the very least.
And she didn't think Hot Cross Buns would help her be able to summon and control three giant demons.
Staring upwards the recently dubbed 'Uta no Tayuya' watched the old pink haired woman play her music and direct the four tiny wooden dolls to dance.
Dolls that she had conjured the moment her lips touched the metal.
Despite this not being the first time she's been allowed privy to this little show it still amazed her what she could be done with that second rate instrument. It made her wonder what she could do if she used a string in its place.
Genjutsu was a funny thing but then again, so was being reincarnated into the world where such feats were possible.
She would rather not go into the whole explanation on how she figured everything out - it involved tears, screaming, and soiled diapers much to her dismay - but let it be said that when lulled to sleep by a soft rhythm of a flute and then being rudely awakened by a miniature fire breathing dragon in one's face was not the way to go.
She actually had yet to forgive the woman - especially for picking a wind instrument over something as grand and complex as a string - but after spending more than a year in one person's presence they tended to grow on them.
Eerily similar to mold in a hot place.
Now if only she could manage to pick up on playing that monstrosity as quickly as she did with getting used to old woman Kajuka then maybe, just maybe, she'd be getting somewhere.
*Looks at the other stories I have and the chapters for them I have either half written or in total chaos* Lol.
I like Tayuya so much so here you go.
Yeah, I'm trash but I'm a good writer I think so it balances out maybe?
I've decided to do a poll and the top three stories voted for will be updated that week. And then next week I'll do another poll but those stories that won the poll from before will be removed so you'll vote for the ones that weren't updated. Sound savvy?
That way I'm catering to my readers on what they want. The poll should be up right now I think. If not check tmr or in a few hours. It's on my profile.