*A/N It wasn't until the last chapter was already published that I realized that I forgot to include an author's note in it. Whoops. Anyway, I hope that you are enjoying this story as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Thank you so much for all of your kind words and encouragement; I greatly appreciate them. As always I own nothing and I stand to gain no profit from this blah blah blah. So, here we go, another little glimpse into Elsa and Massimo's lives together. Enjoy!
The longer that they stayed in Germany and bigger that Elsa's belly got, the harder Massimo found it to sleep peacefully at night. Thoughts of an air raid or an ambush by the Gestapo were never far from his mind. He'd even dreamed a few nights prior that Elsa had given birth in the middle of the night while he slumbered peacefully. That one had woken him up with a jolt and only when he glanced to his left and saw his love dozing comfortably did his breathing return to normal. He was grateful to find her lost in dreamland for once because her nights were usually far from restful, too.
Elsa was not one to complain but he knew that she found it hard to get comfortable and her missing limbs did not help in the matter at all. She also had to relieve her bladder so often that she had taken to sleeping with her prosthetic legs attached because she had grown tired of having to put them back on every time she needed to get up and use the bathroom. The baby also appeared to be something of a night owl; it was quite active at night and one of the few things that brought Massimo joy during these restless nights was reaching over, placing a hand on Elsa's stomach, and feeling the baby kick back a response. Though he enjoyed the baby's nocturnal nature Elsa did not. Most nights she would slip from the bed when he finally drifted off and sit alone in the dark and ponder all of her problems. Her days were filled with naps to compensate for the lack of sleep that she got at night and it made her feel like a toddler.
The soft chair that she did her best thinking in was just where Massimo found her one warm spring night. He awoke and instinctively flailed an arm in what should have been her general direction, but instead he found her side of the bed cold and empty. In his half conscious state he momentarily panicked, but quickly looked across the room and saw her where he knew that she would be.
"Rough night, cara?" He half grumbled, his voice thick with sleep and exhaustion.
"Just like all the others." She replied, sighing heavily. "You seem to be struggling yourself."
"How do you know that, mi amore?" He asked, the usual tenderness returning to his voice.
"Because I've been watching you sleep, and you've been tossing and turning." She answered, as if it were the most ridiculous question that had ever been posed to her.
Massimo smiled a sleepy, satisfied, smile. "And why would you do that, darling? Surely there is something more interesting here than watching me attempt to sleep."
Elsa scoffed. "Oh yes. This place is buzzing with new and exciting things. It's practically a jazz club."
Massimo bit his lip to keep from laughing at her hormonally induced sarcasm. "I'm sorry that you're so bored, sweetheart. Come join me again?" He asked, pulling back the sheets and waving a hand over her empty side of the bed.
Elsa managed a small smirk. She would be damn lucky if sleep were to find her again any time soon, but snuggling with the man that she loved might be just the ticket to take her to dreamland. It was certainly a better alternative than wallowing in the grief and worry that were her problems. With as much grace as she could muster, she pulled herself up from her sitting position and slowly and carefully sauntered back to the bed and climbed in, laying her head upon Massimo's chest as he brought an arm around her back to embrace and hold her in place.
For a few moments they said nothing and just lay in silence, using the solace that they found only in one another to try and relax. Finally Elsa spoke, breaking the blissful silence between them.
"Do you know why I was watching you sleep, liebchen?" She asked in a voice that was much softer and delicate than the strong, self assured voice that she primarily spoke in. She didn't let her vulnerable side show very often; she only ever let it seep through with him. Massimo hung on every word that Elsa said, regardless of the tone, but the words she spoke in this tender tone were his favorites.
"I don't, mi bella. That's why I asked." He joked, earning him a soft slap on the chest.
"Fine. Maybe I won't tell you." She huffed, but he could tell that she was smiling as she did so.
"Alright, my love. Forgive me. Why were you watching me sleep?" He asked again, placing a soft kiss on her forehead.
Elsa smiled. "Because the thoughts of everything that is going wrong and can and probably will go wrong were overwhelming me. Looking at you made them go away because you are the only thing in this world that is right to me."
Massimo swallowed hard, trying not to cry. When he felt like he was composed enough to look her in the eye, he glanced down and kissed her lips with gentle force that let her know how grateful and appreciative he was for the words that she had told him. Elsa returned his kiss fervently until he finally broke it and began to speak himself.
"I am sorry, my angel, I- "
"Why are you sorry, Massimo. You haven't a thing in this world to apologize for." She interrupted.
"I am sorry that you have so much to worry about. I am sorry that things are not getting any better. I am sorry that I am the only thing that brings you joy. I just wish there were more that I could do." He said tenderly stroking the side of her face.
"You are all that I need." Elsa insisted. "You have given me everything that has ever been good in my life. You promised me that everything would be alright and I know that you will make it so because you have never given me reason to doubt you."
As she finished her sentence, the baby kicked aggressively enough in agreement that even Massimo could feel it, though he did not have a hand on her stomach at the moment.
A wide grin spread across Elsa's face. "You see?" She continued. "The baby knows it too."
Massimo returned her smile. "Everything will be alright." He said for what must have been the five hundredth time.
"Everything will be alright." Elsa repeated, entwining their fingers as she settled her head back against his chest.
"In fact." Massimo began. "They might even get a whole lot better tomorrow. Maybe we'll finally be able to get out of here. Are you ready to leave?"
"Yes. Maybe tomorrow." Elsa muttered, sleep clouding her voice.
Before Massimo knew it, she was snoring lightly. Pleased that he'd helped her find peace enough to sleep again, he could relax a little himself. And who knew? Maybe tomorrow they really would get away to safety.
"Maybe tomorrow." He said, when his conscious mind was nearly gone for the night. A moment later when they were both dozing comfortably for the first time in a good week, they wore matching feline smiles.
And everything was alright.