A/N: Hello everyone! Are you surprised to see a new part posted so quickly (for me, anyway)? Well, thank CabbageGir99who sent me another piece for this fic! It's really funny, so I hope you enjoy her part (which is everything in italics) as well as the rest of the chapter. Let me know what you guys think!
Natsu really had no idea what was going on. For some reason, Mira was reading these weird stories, the stripper kept clinging to Loke, Juvia said something about writing the last story, Lucy had written one as well, and he really didn't know what was happening. Why did people write this stuff? It really pissed him off. Especially that one about Gray dying. Like hell he would let Gray die! Sure, the ice block irritated him but he was, sort of, his friend. Not that he would ever admit that out loud.
"I really don't get it!" He finally snapped, turning back to look at Lucy. "How could she be with both of them? Igneel said that you mate for life."
He watched as Lucy's face instantly turned bright red. "Uh, that isn't always how it works, Natsu."
"But Igneel-"
"Dragons mate for life, idiot," Sting called from the next table, "but we aren't dragons."
Natsu frowned. "What the hell does that mean?"
"Ask Erza," Lucy said again.
Natsu shivered at the thought. He still remembered those reading lessons from all those years ago. He wasn't going to ask Erza anything.
"Hey, Erza?" Mira called sweetly from the stage. Natsu felt his entire body tense at the tone. No matter how…calm Mira had become, she never spoke to Erza in that voice.
"I left one of the magazines by the pool. Can you go grab it? There's a story in there I really wanted to read."
"Of course," Erza said, nodding once. Her eyes scanned the room, "I will find you if any of you try to leave while I'm gone."
"Yes ma'am!" Multiple voices called throughout the room. Erza nodded once in satisfaction and left the guildhall.
"Let's start!" Mira said as soon as the door closed. Natsu frowned – hadn't she said she needed the magazine Erza went to get?
"Mira-" LIsanna said with a frown. "What-"
There were many fragrances in this world, but none of them was nearly as enjoyable as the perfume of the lovely Miss Scarlet.
"It's true! It is exquisite!" Ichiya yelled from his place two tables over. Natsu frowned as he turned to look at the man sitting beside Jura.
In the seven years that they'd been apart, he had missed her dearly. Never was a perfume as intoxicating and empowering as hers. He had almost lost all hope, thought he would never smell her wonderful fragrance again until the unexpected news of the return of the strongest Fairy Tail mages reached his ears.
"I was overcome with joy at the news! My dear Erza Scarlet, returned to me!"
"It was a happy day!" The Trimen exclaimed together.
Natsu let out a low growl. What the hell was Mira reading now?
"Tell me, Eve… When will we arrive at the Fairy Tail guild?"
"I'll have the Christina go double speed, Ichiya-san! Anything to bring you back to your long-lost love!"
"Of course I would!" Eve declared just as dramatically as his 'master'.
Yes… Ichiya couldn't wait to smell the odour of Erza again… Will it still be the same? Or will her scent have changed over the years? He didn't think she could have a more alluring aroma, but a man could always hope!
It was true, Erza did have a great scent! Natsu had always liked her smell – it made her easy to track as it stood out. But that wasn't for that Blue Pegasus jerk! Natsu really didn't understand why Erza just didn't fight the wannabe pretty boy and make him leave her alone! She wasn't afraid to fight Natsu, so why the hell wouldn't she fight him?
"What is it, master?" Hibiki asked.
"I keep thinking about how Erza and I will be separated once more when we'll inevitably leave later this evening. Maybe I should ask her to join Blue Pegasus. Or is it, perhaps, too sudden now that she's barely been reunited with her friends?"
"Like hell she would!" Natsu yelled, jumping while his fists burst into flames. "No way Erza would leave Fairy Tail!"
"We know that, flame brain! Calm down, it isn't real!"
"You weren't so calm when she read the last story, ice princess!"
"Nothing is too sudden for you, boss! True love will prevail above all! Not that I care, or anything…"
"Ren, there's no playing tricks with me," Hibiki countered, sparkles dancing around him. It seemed that he had come the farthest in the Trimens' quest to become like their lord. "We all know you care a lot about true love. There's a reason you and Sherry are engaged after all!"
Engaged? Natsu looked at the two in question, seeing a faint blush on both of their faces. Oh. That explained why they smelled like each other.
"Didn't know they were engaged."
Lucy rolled her eyes, "They talked about it at the Magic Games. Don't you ever pay attention?"
Natsu merely shrugged. If he was there when they talked about it, he hadn't cared enough to remember.
Ren huffed in reply but failed to notice the high-five the other members of the Trimens gave each other when they saw him blush.
As if mimicking their counterparts in the story, Eve and Hibiki's palms met with a smack as they smirked at the still blushing Ren.
"Maybe she's rubbing off on you, Ren," Eve said with a wink. "I've never heard you talk about 'love' so much before you met her!"
"Not arguing with that," Hibiki teased.
The blush on the dark haired mage's cheeks deepened, and Hibiki and Eve gave each other a knowing smirk. It was almost Ren and Sherry's big day, and they would take any given opportunity to tease him about it. What was Ren supposed to do with his charming skills once he was married after all? Eve preferred the bachelorhood.
"Though I wouldn't be opposed if any of you lovely ladies would like to change that," Eve said with a wink. Natsu scowled as many girls in the room cheered. What the hell did they see in this guy?
But, if he looked at the obvious dedication of his idol towards the gorgeous Erza Scarlet, he couldn't help but wonder if he should also settle down. Hibiki had Jenny after all…
"Yes, he does," Jenny agreed, tightening her grip on Hibiki's arm. Natsu frowned in confusion when he saw the older Trimen force his arm out of the girls hold. Weren't they together? He was sure he saw the two of them together when she wore a wedding dress at the games – and wasn't there a story earlier when she said they were together?
He really didn't understand relationships.
Maybe there were beautiful women in the Fairy Tail guild that were interested in dating him!
Natsu scowled as said ladies cheered and Eve stood to take a bow. "Thank you, ladies. I'll gladly meet you whenever you-"
"Sit down," Gray snapped, "they aren't going to-"
"Who says we aren't?" Cana called, winking at the younger boy.
"We're nearing the Fairy Tail guild," Hibiki informed them. "It won't be long before you can reclaim your girlfriend, chief."
"Girlfriend?" Natsu grumbled, his one again lighting up. He noticed Lucy moved away from him quickly, while Gray started muttering insults under his breath.
Ichiya's eyes sparkled brightly, brighter than they had seen them in years, and even though the Christina had barely begun its landing, he leapt out of the magical bomber.
"SENSEI!" Eve and Hibiki yelled.
"He jumped out?" Hibiki said, blinking in surprise.
"Sensei is amazing!" Eve declared.
"No need to worry, I think. I heard love gives you wings… or something like that,"
The Trimens watched their hero's fall with widened eyes, full of anticipation for his love to show its colours. However… no sudden wings appeared.
Crap. Hibiki thought. The Blue Pegasus icon would surely be injured from this fall, and he obviously didn't want his dear Erza to see him in such a state.
"Stop saying that!" Natsu finally exploded. "She isn't yours!"
"My dear Erza knows of our love-"
"Shut up!"
"Master Ichiya's girlfriend-"
"She isn't his girlfriend!" Natsu yelled, glaring at Hibiki.
"Sit down, squinty eyes!" Gray growled.
"Not until they shut up with the girlfriend thing!"
"Just sit!"
"Would you just-"
"What are you two doing?!"
Natsu and Gray froze at the voice. They both turned to the now open door, only to see a glaring Erza. "Why are you arguing?"
"W-we aren't!" Gray panicked. "Everything is fine!"
"No it isn't!" Natsu growled, not backing down. Even if Erza got angry, he couldn't let her hear this! It was stupid! She wouldn't like it!
"What was that?" Erza asked dangerously.
"Oh, Natsu just feels strongly about our current story!" Mira smiled.
Erza's face relaxed, "Now, Natsu, it is just a fan work. There is no reason to be upset over it. Sit down and we will continue to listen." She turned and made her way to Mira, handing the other girl the magazine she had retrieved. "Though I do wonder why you did not wait until I returned to start a new story."
Mira giggled, "I didn't want to keep everyone waiting!"
"I see. Please continue!"
Natsu shook his head as Gray pulled him back down. "She's going to regret that," Gray muttered.
"I almost want to run now," Loke said, eyeing the door.
"Me too," Lucy whimpered.
Just when Hibiki wanted to tell Eve to collect some of their king's healing potions, he noticed a black blur flashing through the sky.
"Is that…"
"Purgatory Wing Armour!" Eve squealed. "I've never had the chance to see it in action so close before!"
"It is a great piece of armor," Erza said, nodding toward the younger boy.
The gracious warrior saved the man from his fall. "Thank God," Hibiki said, tears threatening to spill from his eyes.
"Ichiya… I didn't think you'd come," Erza said, while her dark-brown eyes stared deeply into her boyfriend's.
Natsu's eyes were fixed on Erza. The older girl had froze where she stood, staring at the stage in complete horror.
"I thought a handsome man like you would surely have found another woman over the span of seven years…" She whispered shyly.
As Natsu watched, Erza began to shake. Her face turned into a look of pure horror – a look Natsu only ever saw in regards to Ichiya. No foe had been able to get that look out of Erza.
"Yes, my dear darling! Our love has been exposed to the world through this lovely piece of literature! We no longer need to hide from it!"
Natsu growled as Erza's eyes grew wide. "W-what are you talking about? W-w-we a-aren't-"
"Don't worry! We will never elt our love falter because it out in the open!"
"Never could any perfume replace yours, my love! I've waited patiently for you, just like you must have been waiting for me to fall from the sky, my knight in shining armour,"
"I have," Erza confessed quietly. She stared into the eyes of her loving boyfriend in front of her. "But now, the wait is finally over, and we can be reunited."
The take-over mage glanced up with a smile. "Yes, Erza?"
"Stop reading this-"
"What was it you said to Natsu? It's just a piece of fan work and there's no need to be upset over it? Why don't you sit down and we can continue?"
"I-I did say that but you-"
"I think there's a seat by Ichiya," Mira said with a bright smile.
All color in Erza's face disappeared at the words. "Yes, come join me my love! I would love to be close to your enchanting perfume!"
Natsu moved instantly at those words. He wasn't even sure what he was doing, or why he was doing it. He shoved Lucy to the side, making her yell out as she fell against Levy, and then stood and moved to Erza. Grabbing her arm, Natsu pulled her to the bench and sat her beside a fuming Lucy before he forced his way in between her and Gray. Gray cursed loudly, moving his body as close to Loke as he could get. Natsu ignored him, looking around the room with hard eyes and a scowl.
"That works as well," Mira said with a laugh.
Erza and Ichiya neared the ground, and she pulled her lover up in a tight embrace.
Natsu's eyes narrowed as he felt Erza shudder beside him once again. When would this be over?!
Ichiya sniffed deeply. Ah. This… This was the aroma of Erza Scarlet. He had almost forgotten, but it was as vibrant as ever. A strong, sweet smell of strawberries, mixed with the faintest whiff of metal and the subtle mixture of the odours of citrus, vanilla and the early cherry blossom…
Wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong! That wasn't how Erza smelled! It was more like…warmth. Warmth mixed with a natural woodsy smell. It made him feel like he was back in the cave with Igneel. Like he was home.
But, most importantly… He freed himself from her embrace and kissed her on the lips.
Erza shook so hard she actually pushed Natsu into Gray. Natsu ground his teeth as he reached out, praying he wasn't about the get a fist in the head, and placed his hand over Erza's. The girl froze for just a moment before gripping Natsu's hand in return while giving him a small smile.
Natsu felt his face flush. What the…? What was that? Why did he feel like smiling right now? There wasn't anything to smile about!
When he felt his own perfume blend with hers, it was no longer the aroma of Erza Scarlet.
It was the perfume of home.
"Like hell!" Natsu snapped.
"Oh, my beloved, let us join our perfume and-"
"Stay away from me!"