Carly and her friends entered the classroom and she ignored all the mean looks the students were giving her. Carly walked over to Mr. Hennings and asked him if she and her friends could sit together. He nodded.

"Now the skank wants to get it on with the teacher." A girl remarked as she giggled.

Mr. Hennings moved a desk to the back row and brought out seven chairs. Carly, Sam, Freddie, Denise, Gibby Melanie and Pete sat down and Mr. Hennings went to the front of the class and began to write on the chalk board.

Jake glanced at the back row, curious as to why they were all sitting together but the answer became clear as he heard two girls giggling and pointing towards the back row. He shook his head with disgust as he heard their cruel whispers. He couldn't stand girls like this. Girls who gossiped like this and made others feel worthless, girls who only liked guys who were hot and popular. This was one of the reasons that he decided to break up with Stephanie again, for good this time. She was one of those girls who cared too much about popularity.

At the back row, one of Carly's friends seemed to catch his interest. The new girl, Denise Chapmen. There was just something about her. She appeared to be different from all the other girls. She was the girl who kept to herself, mostly and had her face burried in a book, completely ingrossed by what she was reading. He took a good look at the book cover. She was reading To Kill A Mocking Bird.

"Mr Crandall, is there any reason why you keep staring at the back row when your attention should be on the black board?" Mr. Hennings asked.

This caused half the students to laugh as they glanced at the back row.

A girl smirked. "I have the perfect answer to that, they're freaks!" She laughed along with her friends.

"Terri, that was uncalled for and the next time you have something to say, please raise your hand." He turned his attention back on Jake who was blushing and looked like a scared dear caught in the headlights.

"I um, I just, I thought I saw a fly." He lied.

The same girl who made the remark of Carly being a skank, turned to her friend, whispering as she pointed towards Carly and her friends. "Well, you know what they say, flies are attracted to shit and that's exactly what these misfits are."

Carly glanced at Sam and Freddie, knowing that Jake was lying about seeing a fly. Denise's attention was still glued to her book as she tried to drown out what was going on.

Mr. Hennings saw that Denise was reading instead of paying attention to the lesson. "You, new girl, what's your name?" Mr. Hennings asked.

The students turned their attention on Densise who was now blushing. "Uh, Denise Chapmen." She replied quietly.

"I understand that you're new here and all but you're not supposed to be reading during class. You can do that during your free time." Mr. Hennings explained.

Denise put the book mark on the page she was reading and put it away in her back pack. She was full tomato mode. She never liked being the center of attention. Carly gave her a sympathetic look along with her friends.

The same girl from earlier made another remark. "She reads books? What a nerd."

"I happen to think reading is cool." Jake said outloud.

The girl's eyes widdened. She had a huge crush on Jake Crandall and always wanted to be his girlfriend and now since he and Stephanie were over again, she had her chance or so she thought. "Oh my God, me too!"

"That explains why you called her a nerd." Jake replied, rolling his eyes with annoyance.

"Okay enough, please, Jake, Sally, you can all talk during break." Mr. Hennings said.

During break, Jake watched as Denise walked out of the classroom with Carly and Freddie. Sam, Pete, Gibby and Melanie headed in their own directions. Jake always had a feeling that Carly and Freddie would eventually end up together, it was only a matter of time.

"So,um, I'm going to head to my locker real quick." Carly told Freddie and Denise who nodded.

"I'll come too." Denise said, following her.

Carly nodded. "Great. Where you going to spend break?"

"Oh, I'm going to the library to read more of my book." Denise replied.

Carly ignored the obsenitys on her locker and opened the combination. She quickly reached for her iPod and ear buds. She quickly popped the ear buds in her ears and began to walk off with Denise in trail, but both girls stopped in their tracks as a familiar voice began to speak.

It was Tasha who was holding the pillow in her hands after picking it up from the ground. Her friends were with her as usual.

"Carly wait! You forgot your pillow!" Tasha said, catching up to her.

Carly shook her head, smiling. "No, it's okay. I think you need it way more than me."

Tasha's eyes widdened. "What?" She asked, obviously offended. She got ready to charge at Carly but her friends held her back. "Tasha, don't. You don't want to end up in the loony bin too." One of her friends said as she gave Carly a quick glare.

"You're right, I'm not a freak like her." Tasha headed off with her posse following.

Denise turned to Carly, smiling. "Nice one, Carly."

Carly shrugged. "It was nothing."

Denise shook her head. "No, seriously. You should have seen the look on her face once you said that. Priceless."

Carly laughed a little. "Yeah, well. I'm going to listen to some of my songs, so if you need anything, you have my number."

Denise nodded and headed for the library. The library, such a peaceful place and that was one of the many things that Denise liked about libraries. The smell of the library, the books and everything. She could just escape reality and read peacefully without anyone bothering her. She found an empty table, took out her book and began to read.

Carly glanced around and saw many students staring at her. Some with disbelief looks, like it was a disgrace she was here and 'She shouldn't be here' looks. Others stared at her with cruel and mean smiles as they pointed and whispered about her. Carly sighed as she searched for a good song on her iPod that she wanted to listen too. She eventually came across a good song that seemed to match the moment and everything that has been going on lately. Our Lips Are Sealed by Hilary Duff. For some reason, Carly even began to sing along to the lyrics.

'Can you hear them?

They talk about us.

Telling lies, well that's no surprise.

Can you see them? See right through them.

They have no shield

No secrets to reveal

It doesn't matter what they say

In the jealous games people play

Our lips are sealed'

She continued singing as she walked through the halls. What she was unaware of was that a certain cukey tech producer, long time friend and now boyfriend was listening. Freddie Benson was awestruck as he listened to his girlfriend's beautiful singing voice.

He already knew she was a great singer, the first time he had heard her sing was a couple weeks after they broke up. He remembered that day very clearly. He had entered the iCarly Studio to install an upgrade on his computer. He froze before he stepped foot into the studio. Her voice. The song she was singing. She was walking around the studio, singing. She was completely in her own world and completely Oblivious to life around her.

'You are my light in the dark

You stand beside me, you take my hand and show me the way

you're here to guide me. You give me the strength that I need

You give me shelter, you gave me life, you give me love

You are my mother'

He didn't want to interrupt her singing, in fact, he wanted to hear more. He entered the studio and walked over to his Laptop. She looked up and saw him. Her cheeks turned a bright pink and she immediately stopped. How long had he been there?


"Hi. I just... I was going to install an upgrade."

"How long have you been here?" She asked.

"Not that long, long enough to hear your beautiful singing voice."

She blushed. She took out her ear buds and plopped down on one of the bean bag chairs.

"So what were you singing?" He asked, sitting on the bean bag chair next to hers.

"Mother by Donna Lewis." She replied.

"Well you have a beautiful voice." He complimented.

She blushed. "Thanks."

Carly let out a yelp as she felt two strong arms wrap around her neck. He smirked seeing the startled look on her face. "Has anyone ever told you that you have a beautiful voice?"

"Oh my God, Freddie! You scared me!"

"Sorry." He apologized.

In the library, Denise was reading her book. She was so engrossed in her book that she didn't hear the sound of footsteps approaching. "I thought I might find you here."

Denise suddenly froze and felt her skin crawl as Eric placed his hands on her shoulders. "Get your hands off of me." She said, not even bothering to face him.

"Aw, is that anyway to treat an old lover you haven't seen in months?" He asked sarcastically.

"We were not lovers." She jerked away, picked up her book and began to walk off. He grabbed her by the arm and pulled her close. "Hey, where do you think you're going, babe? Don't you want to relive some old memories?"

"Get off of me!"

"Why would I do that?" He smirked at her. "Come on, don't be that way." He ran his hands through her bra and started feeling her breast. He then placed his mouth on them and moaned with pleasure.

She tried to push him away. "Get off me you filthy pig! Don't touch me!"

He responded by wrapping his hands around her and bringing her towards a close by bookshelf. He pinned her arms against the shelf and pressed himself against her.

"Stop! Get off of me!"

"Shh." He whispered in her ear. "You're supposed to be quiet in a library."

Before he could forcefully make out with her, a voice interrupted him. "She said get off of her!"

Without warning, Jake ran towards Eric and pushed him off of her.

"Alright, just cool it man." He then smirked at Denise. "We'll continue later." He left the library.

Jake turned to Denise who bent down to pick up her book and she felt Jake's hand on top of hers. She blushed as she looked up at him.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

She shyly looked down. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks."

He gave her a friendly smile. "No problem."

For what seemed like a long moment, she locked eyes with him. It was if time had stopped. He found himself looking into her eyes as well. She finally turned away, blushing like mad. "Uh, I should probably get going."

"So you like to read?" He asked, trying to make conversation.

She nodded shyly. "I love to read."

"Me too."

They found themselves staring into each other's eyes again.

The bell rang, interrupting the awkward moment.

"Uh, so I'll see you in class?" He asked.

"Yeah." She nodded. "Th-thanks again...for saving me."

"Sure, anytime." He replied shyly. He never felt this awkward around a girl before.

Denise was blushing like mad as she entered the classroom. No. I'm not falling for him. I can't. I won't. Not after what happened. She went to the back row and sat with her friends at their desk.

They were in another classroom. Miss. Lane was their teacher for this lesson. Carly also managed to convincue her to let her and her friend's sit at a desk in the back. Miss. Lane even thought it was sweet how the seven friends wanted to stick together.

Carly immediately knew that something was happening with Denise. She had witnessed the awkward encounter that had just taken place not to long ago. She knew Denise wanted to be very careful with who she falls for but if there was one thing Carly knew; it was that you can't help who you fall for. "Denise, are you okay?" She asked, even though she knew the answer. She didn't want to bring it up and make her feel even more awkward.

"Yeah." Sam chimed in. "You're starting to look as red as a tomato." She joked.

"Sam!" Carly quietly hissed as she elbowed Sam on the ribs.

"I'm fine." Denise replied quickly as she nervously figited her fingers.

"Really? You might want to look in a mirror cuz you're practically a tomato." Sam joked.

"Sam!" Both Carly and Freddie hissed before she elbowed Sam once again.

Jake would occasionally glance at the back row before glancing down at his desk letting out a sigh. It was the new girl he couldn't stop thinking about. Denise Chapmen. He really wanted to get to know her more but he felt so nervous and awkward around her. The second he looked into her eyes was when he began to feel even more awkward around her. What he didn't know was that Carly had caught him staring a few times and she had a smile on her face as she looked down. She looked like she was scheming.

She turned to Freddie and gently tapped on his shoulder. "Freddie?" She whispered.

He turned to face her. "What?"

"We have to do something about Jake and Denise."