See chap one for disclaimers and authors not at the bottom.

"Meg," Harm said gaping like a fish. "What-what are you doing here?"

She smiled and gave hi, a brief hug, which he returned after getting over his shock.

"Hello Harm, how are you?"

"Meg," he asked again, not even hearing her question. "What are you doing here? I thought you were-"

She shook her head and laughed, God how he missed her.

"I was. I came back to fill in while you are on leave," she said.

He hugged her again, before really looking at her. The years have been good to Meg Austin, he thought. She looked not a day older from the last time he saw her.

"I'm sorry to here about your wife," she whispered looking at the headstone. "I swung by your house, but…Jen was it?" at Harm's nod she continued. "Had said you went out for awhile, and thought you might be here. so here I am."

"I'm glad your back," he whispered.

"Do you wanna go get a cup of coffee or something? I thought that maybe-"

"No," Harm said and shook his head slowly. "I should get going."

Meg nodded and grabbed his hand and gave a brief squeeze.

"I heard what you're doing with those boys, the Navy Flyers, I mean. I think it's great. If there is anyone that can help these boys, it's you."

Harm gave her a small smile and walked back into the darkness leaving a troubled Meg behind him. What had happened to that cocky aviator she once knew?

Harm was again sitting on the front porch three nights later rocking Lulu to sleep. She had a bad case of colic and the only thing that seemed to south her was rocking on the front porch. Harm was never more grateful for putting this porch swing in then he was now. He was about to go in, Lulu had fallen asleep only minutes ago, and harm wanted to get her in her crib before she woke, when a flash of headlights stopped him in his tracks.

Harm sighed as a police car drove slowly up his driveway. He watched as two uniform officers got out of the front, opening the back door and pulling a handcuffed teen out of the back. A haggard woman took his arm and walked with him to the porch. Mattie came out as they were walking slowly up the driveway, the darkness shadowing the teens face.

"Are you Captain Rabb?" One of the officers asked, pulling the teen into the light.

Harm sighed, looking at the bruised face of Josh Pendry and sighed. "Yeah," he said giving Mattie the baby, telling her to put Lulu back in her crib. Mattie went in with a huff, and Harm turned and looked at Josh again. "Maybe you should come inside."

As the five sat in the kitchen it seemed forever until the officers finally spoke.

"We're sorry to bother you so late Captain, but the circumstances-"

Josh hit his fist on the table and yelled, "Circumstances my ass!"

"Mr. Pendry!" the woman reprimanded, then turned to face Harm. "I'm sorry Commander. My name is Jen Carter; I am a social worker, who was called by the police to young Mr. Pendry's house to night after neighbors called about a domestic disturbance."

One of the officers cleared his throat and spoke. "When my partner and I arrived, we found Mr. Pendry here arguing with his father-"

"Step father," Josh said heatedly.

The officer nodded, and continued. "Mr.-", the officer stopped and checked his note pad. "Mr. Riley and Josh were both sporting bruised, insinuating that blows were thrown-"

"Gee, ya think?" Josh said sarcastically. But before the cop could open his mouth Harm stopped him. "Knock it off Josh," he said and handed him an icepack.

Josh sat back in his seat and scowled putting the ice on his eye.

The officer cleared his throat and continued. "Well Josh wouldn't say what happened, and denied that anyone had hit him, so we couldn't take the father in. The mother and the two other children came home just moments after we arrived and said that things have been heated between the two…"

"I talked the mother into letting us to take Josh for the night until things had cooled down," Jen said and trailed off biting her lower lip.

Harm leaned forward in his seat waiting for what seemed like the worst of it. "Well?" he said when she didn't continue.

"Josh's mother seemed a bit hysterical, and said that we could keep him."

Harm turned his head to face Josh who had closed his eyes and leaned back in his seat, refusing to meet Harm's gaze.

"We explained that it wasn't that easy, that there were certain things that she had to do and once he was in the system, that her chances of getting him back were very slim, but she was insistent. She said that Josh-"

But Harm stopped her. "Mattie," he said knowing that she was eavesdropping. She stepped into the kitchen knowing that she had been caught. "Why don't you take Josh into the rec room and hang out awhile. This could take awhile." Mattie nodded. "Go on Josh," He nodded and follows Mattie into the next room.

Ms. Carter smiles at me and continues. "It seems that the problems have been going on for awhile. I am aware that Mr. Pendry is currently on probation, and has joined a basketball team, which you coach. His mother explained to me, that despite joining the team that the problems at home have continued. Though I have checked Mr. Pendry's school and police record, and his grades have improved since joining the team, and he has had no more problems with the law. He asked me to bring him here, rather then go to foster care tonight."

Harm nodded, knowing deep down that something like this was bound to happen sooner or later.

"I'd be glad to keep him. Is his mother really willing to give up custody?"

Jen shook her head sadly, "yes. I have seen things like this happen before. Having a step child isn't what some people have on mind when they marry someone. Sometimes the parent just decides to choose the husband over their own child. It's sad really."

"What will happen to him?"

"Ideally, he'll go into foster care, until his mother signs over custody. Then I'll do my best to find him a good home. But I'm afraid that most boys Josh's age and with his record for trouble, it won't be easy to place him."

Harm shook his head and sighed. This is just what he needed. "What if," Harm said muttering a silent prayer for sanity, "what if I took him? I mean, that is what if I adopted Josh?"

Jen Carter smiled for the first time that night, knowing that this man would ask that. She had her office check out Captain Harmon Rabb before bringing Josh here. He had adopted another child a few years ago and had two children of his own. The only problem was, his wife had died recently, leaving him with three children, one being one a few months old, and Jen didn't know if Captain Rabb adopting Josh was in the best interest for anyone. With a nod, she asked Harm a few more questions before promising him that she would see what she could do. She had Harm sign a few papers and left with the officers a few moments later.

Harm dropped his head on the table with a thud and wondering what the hell he had gotten himself into, before hearing Lulu cry from the monitor. He dragged himself out of his chair and rummaged around in the fridge for a bottle, kissing his thoughts for a good nights sleep goodbye.

The first game of the season against Army….

Harm paced back and forth across the court, his mind racing. The team was doing batter, and starting to work together, but he just wasn't sure if it was enough to beat Army. Sturgis had agreed to be his assistant this season, which Harm was more then grateful for. The game was currently tied at 49 with only minutes to play in the second half. Army had the ball and was about to pass when Josh intercepted dribbled down the court and passed it to Sam for a two pointer. The crowd cheered and As Army was driving the ball back down the court, one of the defensemen for Army pushed his elbow into Josh's face. The ref called a foul and a time out.

Harm ran out to Josh who was holding his hand up to his bleeding face.

"Are you okay Josh?"

Josh growled and spit out a mouthful of blood. "Let me at him Harm, I swear," but Harm grabbed his arm and steered him away from the other smirking boy.

The rest of the game seemed to end well enough, Navy beating Army 51 to 50 in overtime.

Josh sat with Harm in the locker room after the rest of the boys went home, helping him clean up.

"You're lucky your nose wasn't broken," harm said idly throwing the bloody towel into the laundry basket.

Josh scoffed, but said nothing. It seemed that Josh seemed to have nothing to say lately. Ever since Annie signed Josh over to DCFS, Harm being granted temporary custody, Josh was as closed off as ever.

"Come on kid," Harm said, not having the energy to start something. "Let's go home."


Next chap…

Harm finally faces off with George Riley. Note I have it in mind that a few more characters might just be kicking the bucket in this story.

So come on guys let's have it. You guys have been telling me for awhile now, so I am finally opening the polls… Who should Harm end up with? Most votes will…hmm…well we'll see. But I want to know.

And as always please oh please review.

Thanks for hanging in there for an update, I had to come home early from my vacation to deal with some family problems that seemed to have quieted down a bit. Thank you again for hanging in there. Hopefully the next chap won't be such a long wait.


starryeyes10, Syrae: Thx, I hope you like the new twist this story is taking. And believe me, the ride isn't over yet!

Virago500: Over the past few weeks I have grown a new appreciation for Meg. She is temporarily taking his place at JAG while he is on leave. And who knows, might even stick around longer then that. And if you want hem to hook up, well then you'll have to wait and see. LOL about Harm's next wife. Who knows just who will be next on my hit list; though I have to admit, I don't think Harm can really take anybody else dying.

Lynnp: Oh yes, I do see her return opening up a few cans of worms. My thoughts currently are, how are Meg and Mac going to relate, while both struggling for a "top spot" in Harm's heart?

michelle UK: Thx, Hmm when I brought Josh into this story I had some notion of hooking him up with Mattie, but I'm obviously re-thinking that now. LOL. Thx for the review and keep them coming!

jj Queen: Thx for the review, and like I said, she won't be the only one popping back up in the story. Tracy Manetti, huh? Hmm…that might be interesting… My vacation was okay, thx for asking

TV Angel 711: Glad you like the nick name. I hope you submit to the poll to pick your best girl for Harm. With three kids to take care of, and maybe another one, Harm is going to need all the help he can get. Thx for you review and kind words.

kchs123: Thx for the review, and oh there will be plenty more twist and turns to come in my story