Chapter 1
It had been a look day of debate, arguing, and lobbying that would make any politician in the Galactic Senate exhausted. This had become an ever increasing tread for one Senator Padme Amidala of Naboo who was looking forward to relaxing at home with Jedi General Anakin Skywalker, her husband married in secret, during one of his rare rotations away from the war. All she had to do now was reach her speeder. Unfortunately Padme's plans came to a grinding halt when, off in the distance the recognizable voice of the Supreme Chancellor had called out to the fatigued Senator.
"Senator Amidala, how good it is to see you after that rousing speech this afternoon. If only there were more people such as you on both sides of this conflict than maybe we could bring the fighting to a swift end."
"Thank you, Your Excellency. However, I fear that at the rate we are going any amount of rational thinkers on either side won't be enough to end this war."
"My child you must have faith that what the Republic is doing can only be to the benefit of the Galaxy as a whole. Just look at the damage that has already been wrought to countless systems in our jurisdiction. If we as a nation were to allow this to continue what would that say about the strength of our union?"
"You are correct, Chancellor. But if the Republic is to continue this war and forsake its citizens how does it make us any better than those we hope to defeat." The Senator responded as she turned around to finally head home.
"Padme sometimes to achieve the greater good it is necessary to act harshly when dealing with those…"
Something was wrong, for all the time that Padme had known the Chancellor it was not in his behavior to stop talking mid-sentence; all she heard now was silence. It was not the absence of sound though that alerted her to trouble it was the sensation of a warm liquid seeping through her clothes that tipped her off.
Curiosity quickly changing to recognition as the scent of the mystery fluid finally reached her, it was blood. Rapidly turning around to check on the Chancellor revealed the most horrid sight she had ever seen. In the place where Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, the most powerful man in the Galactic Republic, once stood now laid only a mangle body; blood pooling around it. Two large holes, one where his heart once was the other in his head, would later be noted as the cause of death. It was at this point that Padma finally heard a noise reminiscent of a blast rifle in the distance.
"Ahhhhhhhhhh!" She screamed harder than she had ever done before. Alerting those in the area something had happened.
Finally noticing something was wrong the Senatorial Guard dashed over to where she stood. Shock evident on their faces at unsure of what just occurred here. Gasps of horror could be heard from the crowd that was slowly gathering around the now dead Chancellor.
Anakin Skywalker was starting to get worried. His Padawan Ahsoka Tano, General Obi-wan Kenobi, and he had arrived earlier in the day to report to the Senate regarding troop movements and the current state of the war. Now that their duties to the Republic were done for the day the three were heading back to the Temple when the atmosphere in the Senate changed from the usual calculated conversations too chaotic panic. All he knew was that someone had been killed at the same entrance Padme was known to frequent on her way home.
"Masters, do you think this is another attack by the Separatist?" Ahsoka asked.
"I'm not sure Ahsoka. However, since this death occurred there has been much fluctuation in the Force. It's as if the darkness has faded greatly but an element of uncertainty had taken it place." Obi-wan replied.
"All I know is that we better get there quick otherwise we're going to lose the chance to catch the perpetrator." Anakin said as they took off running to the crime scene.
A few minutes later the three Jedi had final made to the scene of the crime equally shocked as everyone else in the vicinity. Before them stood the blood soaked Padme slowly explaining what happened to Inspector Tan Divo. She was shivering, a side effect of experiencing something traumatic. They approached the two eavesdropping on the tail end of her explanation.
"… and that's all I know Inspector."
"Alright Senator, my team is in the process of collecting evidence here. Should we have any questions we will give you a call." He said turning to leave grumbling about the report he had to write.
The Jedi approached the weary Senator care evident on Anakin's face.
"Are you alright Senator" Anakin asked in a worried tone.
"I'm fine just confused and a little shaken up."
"That's a relief, but what happened here if you don't mind me asking." Obi-wan asked.
"I was on my way home when I ran into the Chancellor. Just as I turned to leave, he suddenly stop talking so I looked back and found his as you see him now. Then I noticed a noise like a loud bang in distance and I finally realized what happened."
"Wait so that's the Supreme Chancellor now what's going to happen to the Republic?" Ahsoka asked in a concerned manner.
"Who can say but Vice Chair Mas Amedda will most likely fill in till the Senate can elect a new Chancellor." Padme replied.
"You've had a trying time Senator I think it best that Captain Typho escort you home for now." Obi-wan said.
"I believe I will Obi-wan and good luck with your investigation." She said as the Captain approached to take her home.
"Well then we best get to work this perpetrator won't catch itself will it."
"No master, it will not" said Anakin, while scanning the crime scene for any missed evidence. With a loud beep the scanner located two strange metallic items that had imbedded themselves deep in the ground near where the Chancellor had been killed. It took a bit of prying but Anakin had succeeded in wrenching one from the ground still intact. It was a small piece of metal that was strangely heavy and constructed like an old slug thrower's projectile.
"Master I think I may have found what killed the Chancellor, but where did it come from?" Anakin asked.
"Hmm, this is strange Anakin." Obi-wan replied.
"Masters, if this is a bullet why don't we just follow its trajectory and see where it came from." Ahsoka said.
"Way to go Snips that's using your head."
It had taken awhile to calculate the projectile's point of origin but eventually they found themselves in front of a tall apartment complex that over looked the Senate building. However, the building was nearly 3 miles from the Senate there was no way anyone the Jedi knew of that pull of a shot like that especially with an antiquated weapon. That was what they thought at least until they spoke to the receptionist in the lobby.
The young Twi"lek woman had informed them of a strange group of people that had been renting an apartment near the top floor. She said it was a brown haired human woman who looked to be around the age of 30 and what looked like four of the largest droids she'd ever seen painted a drab olive color.
The three Jedi approached the apartment unsure of what to expect. Not sensing anyone inside they entered quickly but cautiously, ready to draw their lightsabers at any moment. Unfortunately they were to late the group had most likely left as soon as the job was complete.
"It looks like we're too late to catch this lady whoever she is." Ahsoka announced.
"So it seems young one." Obi-wan said.
"Damn if only we had gotten here quicker we could have had them." Anakin said anger evident in his tone.
"Have patience Anakin we'll find. Now I think it best if we start to search for clues as to who we're really dealing with." Obi-wan replied.
"Yes Master, well Ahsoka let's get to it."
They started to slowly search the large apartment finding nothing until they reached the balcony. Anakin had noticed that the floor was blacked and warm as if something hot had been pressed up against the surface.
"Master, I think I found where the Chancellor was shot form."
"Is that so? Hm, well there certainly is evidence of something being at this spot but who and what did this."
"MASTERS, you better come take a look at this." Ahsoka called out too them. Her shock so strong it could be felt through the force.
Ahsoka had decided to check in the bedrooms while the others ventured deeper into the apartment unsure of what she would find. After checking the first two rooms she started to wonder if she would ever find anything, it was like whoever previously occupied the home never existed. That was until she entered the last room for on its far wall was a myriad of pictures with lines connecting each other forming a massive web. On the desk bellow were piles of bank statements, phone records, and time logs stretching as far back as the Naboo crisis some 10 years ago.
Everything was starting to make sense the war it seemed was just a way to divide and conquer while at the same time thinning the out the Jedi Order. She was shocked unsure of what to do so she did the only thing she could.
"MASTERS, you better come take a look at this." Ahsoka called out.
They entered in a rush expecting combat only to be bombarded by what most would consider a conspiracy theory involving most of the higher up in the Republic and Confederacy of Independent Systems. Looking over the documents Anakin collapsed to his knees.
"How can this be I thought he was my friend. To think the Chancellor was the Sith Lord we've been looking for all along." Anakin yelled.
"I guess we now know why he was killed but fact of who could have found all of this when even we could not troubles me. What do they gain form this and are they more dangerous than the Sith?" Obi-wan thought as their world came to crashing halt.
EDITS: changed shot distance from 10 to 3 miles and small grammatical error.