AN: Sorry for the long wait! I've been extremely busy with school and life, and writer's block didn't help. I'm going to be unpredictable at updating so I apologize before hand for inevitable future delays. Enjoy!

As Hans continued to casually stroll through the market, he couldn't help but go over the day's events in his mind, everything getting more bizarre by the second. It was like Hans to flirt with beautiful women around the market, but never had one so outright rejected him, and then turned out to be the most intriguing women he had ever met. He was never one to think of the same woman for a week tops, and that was only if they were extra special, but something told him that there was going to be much more to his encounter with Elsa. Eh, maybe not. He'll see.

"Well, well. Look at who we have here."

Hans groaned. He cleared his throat.

"And a lovely morning to you too, Hendrick."

"Someone's feeling awfully cheeky today, hmm?" Hendrick's brainless appraisal goons snickered.

"Oh, just as much as usual. The precious company of my wonderful big brother especially seems to boost my sense of cheer," Hans drawled on, practically spitting sarcasm.

"I don't like your attitude," Hendrick sneered, walking up to Hans to see eye to eye. He jabbed a finger at his chest.

Hans swatted his hand away, looking at Hendrick as if to say are you serious? "ReallyHendrick? Are we not a bit too old for jabbing fingers? Orare you still exploring your sexuality?"

Hendrick used both hands to push him back, letting out an animalistic growl. "Watch it, Hans."

"Why?" Hans spat. "Do my snarky remarks turn you on?"

Hendricktook a swing, hitting his brother square in the jaw. Hans fell backwards, landing in dirt and dust. He laughed, wiping himself off. "Couldn't control it could you? You just had to hit me. Had to look better than me. Had to protect your shit ego. Make me feel like the dirt my ass is in." He stood up, brushing his trousers off while giving his brother a classic smirk. "You've been doing it for years now, brother mine. I suggest you take up a new trick." And with that, Hans walked off, hiding his limp like he hid the pain in his heart.

"You're shit Hans!" Hendrick yelled after him, making his goons cackle with laughter. Hans could picture the smirk on his face. It ran in the family.

Still walking off, Hans began to look for a new place to sit and collect his thoughts. A new place to think and write, the beautiful poetry flowing off the tip of his pen. A new place to sit and let it out, a new place to cry.