Chapter 1.

I was just getting off the train from Las Vegas, to Castle Rock. My parent's thought I was getting a little out of hang for 15, so they sent me to live with my cousin Gordon Lachance. This didn't appeal to me too much. I had left my glamorous life in Vegas for a small boring town in Oregon. The Lachance's had come to pick me up.

"Oh Jessika, you've grown so much. I've missed you so much." Aunt Amelia said, giving me a tight hug, and a kiss on the cheek.

"Uh... Yea... me too..." I said wiping off my cheek.

"Well let's go Jessika, Gordon is in the car. He'll show you around the town..." Uncle William said.

We got to the car and I wasn't surprised to see Gordon so frail.

"What are they starving ya?" I said

"Nice to see you too Jessika..."

"Please, just call me Jessie, or Jess, never Jessika..." I said sternly

When we got to the house, four of Gordon's little friends were on the porch, waiting for him.

"Gordon, help your cousin with her things." Aunt Amelia said.

Gordon sighed, and took two of my suitcases. I held one book bag, one suitcase, and one beach bag like bag.

"Hey Gordie, who's the skirt?" One of his friends asked. He had dirty blonde hair, and block glasses. I turned to Gordon.

"Gordie?" Was all I said.

"Shut up..." He said and went into the house.

"I'm Vern." The chubby one said.

"Well Vern, how bout you make yourself useful..." I said and handed him my heavy beach bag. Vern struggled with it. Gordon's two other friends laughed.

"And you can help him." I said handing the one with the glasses my book bag, and the silent one my suitcase. We followed Gordon up to one room and went tin.

"This is your room Jess."

It was a pretty yellow color. There was a beautiful white bed, and a matching comforter. The curtains were sheer white. There was a vanity, dresser, and a desk. They were all white and had a little yellow flowers as the drawer knobs.

"Well?" Gordon said.

"I hate it!" I paused. "It is too prissy"

Gordon, Vern, and their other friends put my things next to my bed.

"Ok Jess, this is Chris, Teddy, and Vern. Guys this is my cousin Jessie." Gordie said and sat on my bed.

"Jessie? That is a weird name for a girl" Teddy said.

"Well Teddy isn't a box of chocolates either." I said

"It's Theodore, okay..." Gordon, Vern, and Chris looked surprised of what Teddy had said.

"Jessika." I paused, with my arms folded across my chest. "But if any of you call me that you will die."

"Fine guys, let's go." Gordon said an got up

"Gordon, you can't just leave me here." I said Gordon sighed.

"Fine, come with us." He said. Teddy and Chris looked at each other nervously.

"Fine." I said and with that we left the house. I had to admit, Chris and Teddy were kind of cute, in an eeeewww my loser cousin actually has cute friends, kind of way. But they are Gordon's friends, there had to be something wrong with them if they are desperate enough to befriend Gordon.

We walked to the store and ran into some older guys.

"Hey Christopher, who's your little friend?" One said

"Fuck off Eyeball, I think I hear mom calling your name." Chris said

"At least she can remember mine." Eyeball said. I'm guessing they are brothers, but I don't think they look alike... at all. They both are cute though. I guess it runs in the family.

"Well girls, aren't you going to introduce us? You're being very rude" Eyeball's friend said in a smooth but chilling voice.

"Go to hell Ace." Gordon said.

"Not until we find out who your friend is." Ace said.

"She is my cousin."

"We're so sorry for her." Eyeball said.

"Well cousin Lachance, do you have a name?" Ace said.

"Jessie." Was all I said. Ace is so hot!

"Well Jessie, what are you doing with these homos?"

"Actually I don't know." I said walking closer to them.

"I'd invite you to come with us, but we might be a little too rough for you." ACe said, taking a smoke of his cigarette. I took the cigarette from his mouth and took a smoke,

"Not at all." I said blowing out the smoke. Then Ace Eyeball and I left Gordon and his friends. Gordon just rolled his eyes and walked away.

"Jessie, this is The Cobras. Billy, Charlie, Fuzzy and Vince. And that's my girlfriend Cheryl." Ace said UGH! He has a girlfriend!!!!!