Disclaimer and all that
Sorry for lack of updates, getting used to living on my new farm and all that jazz that come with it.
The meeting's had been boring, but thankfully not overly so like Mr binns history class back at Hogwarts. She was glad to find that her business was going to be able expand to other locations, other countries even, she was going to spread like Starbucks but cheaper, she almost died when she first saw the price of their coffee's.(and their tea taste was an abomination to mankind) She is even planning on going to open a magical cafe too in diagonally and such.
The school was ahead of Schedule, only a week instead of two and it would be complete, all known demigods who wished to go to a school specifically for them were being transferred now and their families linked into the wards. Teachers and other beings were informed and preparing for lessons schedules already. She felt giddy at the mere fact she was almost done with such a large important project like this, a weight had certainly been lifted from her shoulders.
Now though, Thelka was waiting patiently on the wall outside her house, she'd been there for five minutes waiting for Ares to come. Admitting she was nervous, she'd never been good with being in the unknown, a side effect of always being a step ahead during the war she supposed.
The sound of rumbling made her perk up, looking at the direction of which the noise was coming she felt awe wash over her. The bike that was making the rumble was a gorgeous Harley- Davidson in red and gold -her inner gryffindor was swooning- and was donned with skulls, it had to be his famous chariot in motor bike form.
She watched with interest as ares got off, dressed in a leather suit and a black helmet. She was indeed ogling how well ares suited leather, and how well it fitted especially over the muscled chest. Looking at his outfit now that she saw him, she couldn't help but think a pencil skirt and blouse would so not match. Waving her wand over herself, cloths quickly changing from smartly dressed to leather leggings and jacket along with a red tube top and Let's not forget the knee-high biker boots. Now they matched. Aphrodite must be a corrupting influence.
"Wow, you, you look gorgeous" Ares said, voice cracking a bit as he turned and got a good look at her.
"Thanks. Now where we going to this time" she asked, barely able to keep the excitement out of her voice.
"That's a surprise, and I thought we could drive there. didn't you tell me you had a thing for going fast on a broom, so I gathered a bike might be similar"
"Oh gods, that be awesome. If I like it, I might just buy one myself" she grinned as they got on the bike, Ares passing her a black helmet whilst placing his own one on that gave of an aura power for some reason. She'd look more into it at home.
she was getting one, no one could stop her either. These motorbikes where the best, though not better than brooms, were close enough to the feeling. She couldn't help but laugh as ares speed up on the motorway towards where-ever they were going, clutching his waist like the god told her to.
"You like it!?" Ares yelled over the load roaring of the bike and car horns.
"I love it!" she yelled back, releasing another whoop of excitement as he went a little faster.
However thinking about it, she couldn't help but wonder, was this bike Ares's famous chariot he used to ride into war as he battled the enemy side, ripping into the enemy lines with savage glee. A shiver racked her body at such a vision Ares must have been, victory of war planted on his face, looking down at the bike she saw it in a new light.
When they arrived to their destination, she was confused to say the least.
"A amusement park?" she questioned looking at the God who brought her to said place.
"Yea, why do you not like amusement parks" Ares asked, eyebrows furrowing together. It was actually kinda cute scrunched like that.
"Well I've never really been to one, my aunt and uncle always left me at a neighbors house when they went out" she admitted, more excitement filled her at the thought of going to one.
"Seriously?" he asked in display as well as anger at the hint of how her family life had been.
"Yea, so what are we waiting for. Let's get started, and as you obviously know what to do at a theme park, please introduce me to one" she asked, childishly dragging him towards the front gate. Ignorant to the smile forming on the god of wars face.
"Well we definitely need to start easy, we need to ease you in properly to get the full experience" he spoke, nodding to himself. When they got to the ticket booth, Ares gently pulled her to the furthest till where there was only a bored looking teen standing and no queue. She guessed it was one for the Gods or something.
Her musing had made her miss the exchange and she was gently but eagerly dragged towards the park.
"Well since it's your first time to one of these places, I believe we should go around the trail on the map, it makes sure we get to go on everything and able to stop for lunch" Ares stated pointing at the little yellow trail twisting and looping on the paper map they were supplied with at the entrance booth. Looking at her date with an excited smile she nodded happily, some rides sounded pretty cool, like the bumper cars for example and tomb raider.
Thelka cried out with a vengeful war cry as she smashed her to-slow-car into a couple of teen boys who bumped her, she grinned when they yelped and smashed into an incoming Ares, passing each other they high-fived, no one could stand against her and Ares bumper skills.
Ares laughed as they stepped out of their bumper cars, he was never going to let her drive a car ever. Unless it was a real life Mario of course. Then she could take the wheel.
"That was epic, what next!?" Thelka asked/demanded.
"Roller coasters are mostly next, after that we can grab a bite and hit the reptile/bug house if you want" He decided, map discarded as it was unhelpful, he decided to go random which was more his style anyway.
"Sounds neat, maybe I could chat with the snakes for a little while, most of them make good conservationist" Thelka agreed, Ares was a tap confused over that, but he thinks he remembered something about her ability to speak snake, parsel-something.
"That thing is supposed to keep me up there along with others going a high speeds up and stuff" Thelka squeaked, Walking to the next ride, she couldn't help but stare at the giant looping metal held up beams only.
"Yep, don't worry completely safe, not like we can die anyway right?" Ares grinned at the horrified look on her face, funny to see the normally fierce women afraid of something 10 years old go on.
"Come on, lets line up" Ares laughed, hand on her lower back gently guiding her forward into the line.
Nearly 10 minutes later, full of comforting and trying to prove the ride was safe, and no gravity won't break the rails and splatter us into paste Thelka, they finally got to the actual ride and got strapped in for take off. Grasping Ares hand she peaked through closed eyelids, suddenly she was jerked back by the speed the coaster speed of on, it made her fill like she was flying.
When she reached the top both her and Ares were laughing, others screaming as the coaster started its downfall down the loop top.
"This is AWESOMEeeeeee" she screamed as they sped faster due to gravity pulling them, Ares just let out a roar to start a glorious battle.
Sadly the ride was over quicker than either wanted it to be, but they hurried to the next one, and the next one after that, both doped up to the gills on adrenaline from going so fast and dropping deathly heights, needless to say Thelka wasn't to nervous to go on the unsteady looking rides again. By the time they had gone through all the rides, adrenaline had worn of and both were left panting, and starving.
"Hot dogs?" Thelka suggested as they walked to the foods stall lining the streets.
"I'm honesty will eat anything right now" Ares admitted honestly, eyeing the food booths as if he was going to attack purely for food.
"Go find us a table or spot, be right back" Thelka said, already walking into the food lanes, Ares simply shrugged and waited at a shadowed table.
"Having fun" a voice chirped from beside him, but he barely flinched already feeling the Goddesses presence.
"Yea, this was a brilliant idea, now what are you doing here Aphrodite, I was having a good time" he snarked to the beauty next to him.
"Oh you know just to peep on my friends date and all that, but since I'm here I want to give you a warning, Darling heppie has being acting a bit off lately and its...worrying, for you anyway. Keep an eye out would you, especially on Thelka there." The goddess warned before walking into the crowed and vanishing.
Ares sat there, mind in a whirl. A thunk caught him of guard, a tray in front of him full of food, Thelkas face beaming and dumping her own tray down and digging in. All thoughts left him as he to dug in to, for now he'd enjoy his day and worry later.