Sam woke abruptly an hour later. He shook Gabriel awake and said incredulously, "Tell her daddy says hey?!"
Gabriel grinned. "Well, yeah. I thought you knew about Loki's kids."
Sam paled. "I thought it was...just a myth. Oh, god. Am I going to get pregnant? Is that even possible?"
The angel laughed at Sam's expression. "Slow down, there, tiger! Last I checked, you were a guy, so no, you won't be getting pregnant. Unless you wanted to, then I could turn you into a woman for a few months." At Sam's look of horror, he laughed again. "Resounding no, got it."
Sam blushed and mumbled, "Not resounding, just...let me think about it."
Gabriel gaped at his lover. "Really?"
"I do want kids, Gabriel. I just figured we'd have more like Mia."
"Sammy, there's no reason we can't. I won't ask you to do anything that you're not comfortable with," Gabriel said softly.
"I know that, Gabe." Sam yawned widely before continuing. "That's why I'll actually think about it. But not right now."
"Not right now," Gabriel echoed, slightly off-kilter at how serious Sam was taking this. He shook his head and pushed Sam back down to the bed and pulled the covers up over them. With a helpful push of Grace through his mark on Sam, Gabriel sent the hunter back to sleep. His own slide into the land of dreams took a bit longer, too preoccupied with replaying the last five minutes over and over in his head. Eventually, he pushed all of that from his head and drifted off.
The next morning, Gabriel woke first. He rolled over to face Sam and couldn't resist planting a soft kiss on his lips. The soft kiss turned into quite a few soft kisses, and before Gabriel knew it, Sam's hand was sliding into the hair at the back of his head and pulling him closer to take the kiss from soft to hungry.
Before things could get out of hand, they were interrupted by Sam's gurgling belly. They laughed as their foreheads rested against each other, not really willing to lose that small physical contact just yet. The beast roared again and they ceded defeat. Sam pulled on a pair of sleep pants, hissing when the fabric brushed the still-sensitive handprint on his hip.
Gabriel's mouth watered at the sight of Sam bearing his mark. The angel crossed the room and knelt down in front of the hunter before tugging the pants down enough to trace the mark with his tongue. Sam cried out and almost fell as he was wracked with pleasure. "G-gabe, stop. Fuck!"
Gabriel grinned up at him, unrepentant, before tugging the fabric back up and pressing a last kiss to the visible portion of the mark. "Let's go get some food, Sammy."
Sam glared at the angel before willing his half-hard dick to settle down. It took a few minutes, but he was finally decent enough to be around people. As he walked into the kitchen area, he saw Dean's gaze zero in on the mark immediately. He raised a brow at the incredulous look his brother sent him and carried on with fixing a plate from the spread that was laid out on the counter.
"Whatever," Dean sighed as he crunched a piece of bacon. When Gabriel sauntered into view, he pointed the partially-eaten pork product at the angel. "Don't hurt my brother. If you do, I will find a way to kill you."
Gabriel rolled his eyes. "Right back atcha, Dean-o."
Mia looked up from her plate and stared sadly at Sam and Gabriel, standing together now beside the counter of food. When Sam turned and saw her expression, he frowned.
"What's wrong, Mia?" he asked.
"Nothing," she said quickly as she turned her gaze back to her food.
"Hey, you can tell me. What is it?"
Tears filled the teen's eyes as she asked quietly, "Are you going to send me back?"
"Back? What do you mean?"
"Now that you guys are all happy and together, you won't want me around anymore."
Gabriel scoffed as he wrapped an arm around Mia. "As if. Baby girl, you're part of why we're so happy. You're family now, brat. No going back."
Mia turned to look at the angel. "Promise?"
"I promise. You're ours, Mia. We already love you to bits and we're not giving you up. Unless...unless you want to go?"
"No!" Mia denied. "You guys are weird and dorky and... and the best family I've ever had. I don't want to leave."
Sam crouched down to hug Mia as well. "Okay. Well, now that that's settled, finish your breakfast, young lady," he said in a mockingly stern voice.
Mia giggled as she used her sleeve to brush away the wetness in her eyes.
Dean and Cas watched the three interact and surreptitiously laced their fingers together. Family was a wonderful thing. Maybe, one day, they'd look into making one of their own.
For now, though, they were content with what they had.
As for Sam and Gabriel, they were both sending up their thanks to Chuck or God or whichever. A second chance at things had changed their lives and they never wanted to go back.
I realize this chapter is pretty well just a freaking tease, but I wanted to have the pr0n by itself. Haha. As I've said on the original post on AO3, I'm thinking of doing timestamps for this 'verse. If there's anything you would care to see in those timestamps, leave it in a comment and I will do my best to add it in. :)