The Ending Part 02: The Flickering Cradle Light
A big thank you to: Master Huytin, Rachel Roth27, Guest (1), RichkeyZero, Guest (2) and Guest (3).
Guest 1:(Forgive me. I'm using goggle translate here) Muchas gracias por leer y luego comentar. Lo sé, en el Wolfram original habría podido defenderse con una lengua afilada. A mí también me gusta, pero siempre sentí que era un poco malcriado. Él era mucho mejor en el manga, y traté de escribir ese tipo de Wolfram. Pero incluso si pensaba que estaba "curado", Wolfram aún estaba herido mientras crecía. Su personalidad refleja eso.
RichkeyZero: Thank you for reading and commenting. Yeah, it's unbated due to a few things. Haha. But I'm glad you like that they're finally married. I hope you will enjoy the new chapter then.
Guest 2: I'm pleased you like it! And that it made up yourday!
Guest 3: Thank you! I so happy you stuck with me from the first chapter. Haha.
Wolfram, the Joō of Shin Makoku, was a small Omega, but not young. He had been wedded a month after the new law for Omegas had been interjected into Shin Makoku. To say there had been some serious hiccups during the years after the wedding of the Moah and Joō, was an understatement. However, as the years went, it became easier.
However what really began to soften the harden judgements of the people was during Wolfram's first baring.
It was a year after the wedding. Wolfram found himself seated outside the royal castle, in the gardens. His green eyes were half-lidded with tiredness. A cup of honey tea was placed in front of him, a gift from Miko. Apparently it was a craving that was illuminated from the Shibuya family.
Wolfram hummed to himself. When he thought back on his wedding to Yuuri, he always blushed like a virgin. He clearly was not a virgin, but whenever he thought back to his wedding night, he would always light up like Christmas tree. How gentle Yuuri was, how tender and so caring the Alpha had been. Always stopping, and asking if Wolfram was alright. An hour had went, and they wasn't anywhere close to the main event of it, Wolfram had felt like throttling his husband. He had said yes more then once, many times! And yet Yuuri hardly touched him, even after their wedding night, Yuuri was so careful with him.
The Alpha King had only just began to aggressively touch him recently, well that was before it was revealed he was baring. Wolfram tried not to feel the little bang of resentment at that.
The Omega blinked. He pulled out of his thoughts to anxious, and frantic footsteps quickly advancing. Wolfram barely had time to think before he was overwhelmed by his mate.
"Yuuri," Wolfram said, his lips twitching between the want to smile up at his Alpha and pouting.
Yuuri let out a deep grunt. Panting to catch his breath. It was clear he must have witnessed Wolfram from the window of his office and had shoot off. His black hair was mess, and Yuuri smothered his hair down with a deep frown.
"What are you doing?" Yuuri let out, his eyes becoming wide, "You heard Gisela! You should be in bed!"
Puffing out his cheeks stubbornly, Wolfram snorted loudly. He stuck his nose up in the air with a deep 'hump'.
"I'm not made out of china. I'm going crazy staying bed all day. I'm fine, everyone's over reacting," he grumbled.
"Over reacting?" Yuuri repeated, his eyes narrowing.
Yuuri let out a sound, and throw his arms out dramatically, "Wolfram. You're outside! You're outside in your night gown! Everyone can see you."
Wolfram's eyes narrowed this time. He felt self-conscious now, pulling at the white nightie he wore. It wasn't anything revealing. It was actually very modest. It was a gift from Lady Flynn, and Wolfram really liked it. The gown was pure white, it had a light blue under gown. The white gown had light blue ribbons around the arms with another ribbon just above his stomach. It fell down his body like a waterfall and pooled around his knees. It was given to him after Yuuri and Wolfram had announced his baring, and Lady Flynn had presented it to him as a baring gift.
"What's it to them? I don't care! And they should mind their own stupid business," Wolfram grumbled, hissing through his teeth. He sent a glare at the curious maids and guards, they immediately buzzed back to work.
Yuuri frowned deeply, he placed a hand onto his slim hip, "What if something happened to you? What if another assassin tried to hurt you again? Can you imagine how I'd feel if something happened to you because I couldn't protect you? You can't do things like this!"
"I'm fine!" Wolfram burst out loudly, clenching his hands tightly, "I'm fine! We're fine! What? I'm not even allowed in the gardens now? There are guards over by the garden gates! I think I'm safe enough!"
Yuuri clenched his teeth together, "Wolfram. You don't understand, you're not just some Omega. You're important, just as important as me! You know how dangerous it is for you to be wondering around by yourself, without anybody! Not even Conrad!"
"Well! Maybe if you had never bared me to begin with, the assassins wouldn't have targeted me!" Wolfram snapped, his frustrating bobbling to the surface.
"That was mean," Yuuri hissed, "And uncalled for."
Wolfram snorted loudly. He leaped to his feet, or at least tried too, "What would you have me do? What do you want exactly? You can't chain me to the bed, Yuuri!" he huffed, bristling angrily. He unconsciously rested a delicate hand upon his belly, despite the anger he was feeling.
"You can't control me," Wolfram added, "I'm baring, not made of china. I refuse to stay in that bed any longer!"
Yuuri paused. He lowered his head in thought, his dark eyes becoming even darker and familiar golden slit like eyes taking form. He arched himself, just as blue electric began to flicker around him. He stormed towards the Omega, and effortlessly swiped Wolfram off his legs. Holding him like a groom would with his bride.
Wolfram jolted. His eyes widened, and face flushing specially when he noticed the new curious eyes looking at them. Jaw clenching, and hands trembling in pure anger, he lightly batted Yuuri on the shoulder.
"Put me down! Put me down right now!" he growled deeply.
Yuuri clenched his hands around Wolfram. He wordlessly carried his Omega through the long corridor of the Blood Plague Castle. He ignored everyone he passed, but Wolfram turned redder and redder.
At first Wolfram kept lightly batting Yuuri on the shoulder in hopes of the King putting back down, but eventually he realized the Alpha wasn't gonna to put him down. Instead the Omega hide his face into the dark shoulder, just fuming to himself.
Finally, they reached the royal chamber. Yuuri booted the door open, making the door to swing open and slam against the wall loudly. He practically dumped Wolfram onto the plush bed. He made sure to have placed Wolfram on the bed in way that the Omega couldn't have been hurt. However, the King was still fuming.
"Why you incompetent wimpy pinhead!" Wolfram huffed out. Sitting up on the bed, and glaring at his mate. His hands trembled from the rage rushing through his veins.
"Quiet!" The Moah's voice interrupted Wolfram's ranting, "Thou will stay here!"
Wolfram opened but then shut his mouth. He pressed his lips together in an angry scrawl. He wanted to continue hissing at his mate like a snake, but the Moah levelled him with a firm, stern look that made him clam his mouth shut. Instead he shovelled further up the bed, pulling his legs as far as his belly would allow him.
"Thou will behave, and stay where thee is supposed to be!" The Moah added firmly, sulking back towards the door.
"Heika?" Conrad began, standing in the doorway, "Is everything alright?"
Yuuri inhaled sharply, "Conrad. I want you stationed outside here for the rest of the day, if he so much as calls your name, I want you to lock him in."
Wolfram's eyes widened. He gapped, and in his anger, grabbed one of the royal cushions from the bed, "You! You! Bonehead! Buffoon! Imbecile! WIMP!" he shrieked, lobbing the cushion across the room. He wouldn't deny the pinch of smugness as it hit his target square in the head.
Yuuri was quiet. He stood stiffly, hands at his sides with his lips pressed into a firm line. He closed his eyes and inhaled sharply. Wolfram watched with a satisficed smirk on his lips.
"Also, I'm considering a way to bound him to the bed, if needed," Yuuri added before disappearing down the corridor. Out of Wolfram's sight.
Wolfram shuttered, his eyes widening before narrowing, "You goddamn wimp!"
"Wolfram," Conrad sighed deeply.
Looking up at his elder brother, Wolfram frowned. He glared at the brown haired solider, "I don't need you lecturing me either! So just shut the door and let me just stow in peace," he sneered. He huffed and then throw himself back against the large pillows and cushions.
"Wolfram, please be careful at least. I know you're upset right now, but think of the baby," Conrad said, reaching for the cushion by the door.
"What?" Wolfram grumbled loudly, "How dare you suggest I'm not thinking of my cub!"
Conrad shook his head, "That's not what I meant Wolfram. We're all just worried. Heika, Yuuri, is just worried about you. You're so far along, and you could drop any day now," he explained kindly.
Nose wiggling, Wolfram pouted. He knew Conrad was right, but he couldn't help but feel annoyed. Frustrated. His green eyes lowered to gaze down at his bulging stomach. He was massive, his stomach was so round and big. To think he had a cub inside it was enough to make him shudder. Gently, he rubbed his hand smoothly over the large bump.
"Yuuri's just worried about you. You do remember last week?" Conrad asked, handing the Omega the cushion.
Clicking his tongue, Wolfram bowed his head. He took the cushion, and held it to his chest. Silently, he nodded his head. He did remember last week, he really did.
"I remember, it was a lot of pain…" Wolfram mumbled quietly, nudging his chin onto the cushion.
As gentle as he could, Conrad placed himself down next to him. He carefully laid an arm around Wolfram's shoulders, "That's why Yuuri's besides himself. An assassin did almost kill you a few weeks ago too," he said quietly.
"But you caught the guy before he could," Wolfram mumbled quietly, "So I wasn't in any real danger."
Conrad let out a low chuckle, "As long as Big Shimaron is fighting against Yuuri's new peace treaty, you will always be in danger, just like Yuuri is. If not because you are Shin Mazoku's Joō, then because you carry Shin Mazoku's future Maoh."
"It's not just Big Shimaron," Wolfram said quickly, "I overheard Gwendal and Gunther, Yuuri's been trying to hide it from me. Many of the other countries are trying to negotiable the new terms of the treaty. Some are using violent means…."
Conrad nodded, "That's right," he said, no point in lying, "Only because they don't want to put you through any more stress."
"Stress?" Wolfram repeated and rolling his eyes, "That's what everyone is always saying! They don't to put me through stress! Stress! Stress! Stress!"
The Omega quietened after that. His eyes dropping back to his bump, and he sighed softly. His hands shook a little as they rested upon the bump. He had, what did Gisela call them? They were like abdominal cramps and pain but different. It was a lot more painful, and Wolfram had practically broken down in tears as soon as it flared up.
"You had fake contractions due to stress," Conrad reminded.
Wolfram pouted, "Right…Gisela had said it was Braxton Hicks contractions. My body is getting ready for…for…" he trailed off with a horrible wince. He was bed ridden because of it, it had put his body through stress which was bad for the baby.
Yuuri had been annoyingly concerned for him. Gisela had said it would be very wise if Wolfram stayed in bed until after the baby was born. Clearly she had meant there could be further complications if they weren't careful.
"I just wish he'd lighten up," Wolfram said, "I know he's worried, and I know everyone doesn't want to put me through stress. But being in here all day and night, that isn't helping me! I feel like I'm gonna go crazy!"
"And then there are the maids!" The Omega grimaced with distaste, "They're always skittering about, I know they're outside the door. I can see their shadows underneath the door. They're gossiping too."
Conrad frowned deeply, "I'll have a word with them."
Wolfram sighed deeply. He sloughed against Conrad with a pout, "Yuuri's never around too…he's always busy with meetings…it's hard to share him with the kingdom."
"I know Wolfram," Conrad said comfortingly, hugging the Omega to him, "I know it's hard, but it'll get easier as time goes on. But Yuuri loves you so much, and he's trying to keep you safe."
"Keeping me safe…" Wolfram mumbled quietly, "And how is that working out for him."
The Beta let out a low laugh, "Not well, I suppose. Especially if the two of you keeps blowing up at one another like that."
The Omega bristled with annoyance. He snorted deeply, and bared his teeth a little, "It's not my fault! Yuuri always starts it!" he grumbled loudly.
"Wolfram," Conrad sighed.
"I know," Wolfram huffed, "I can't help it. I'm just so…angry right now. All the time."
"That's normal Wolfram," the beta began kindly. He comfortingly hugged the Omega, "It's normal to feel different emotions. Anger is just another one of those emotions."
Wolfram grumbled to himself. He twisted his hands into his gown, his nose begin to twitch. His eyes began to heat up, as his face turned a soft pink colour. His view was beginning to become blurry as water began to swell at the corner of eyes, it began to lick at his eyelashes.
"D-Don't you dare say it's all hormones!" Wolfram hiccupped. He let out a soft sob as tears began to stream down his cheeks, "It's not mood swings!"
Conrad made a soft hum, "Of cause not Wolfram. You're just overwhelmed, and it's completely fine feel anger, and then to cry," he said, squeezing the Omega's arm.
Wolfram hiccupped loudly. He sniffled, and tried to wipe away the tears. He couldn't stop the tears from running down his cheeks, they just kept coming. Every time he wiped his tears away, more returned to take their places. He just sobbed. Just cried, his voice hitching as he struggled to gain his breathe.
Conrad gently rubbed the middle of Wolfram's back. The poor Omega kept sobbing, but at least he was beginning to calm down. His sobs slowly quieting into soft sniffles and hiccups. His red rimmed eyes gazed down at his bump, sniffling to himself while gently wiping his eyes. Finally he was no longer crying uncontrollable, instead, he had a few tears here and there.
"Do you feel better now?" Conrad smiled.
Wolfram sniffed. He turned his gaze from his bump upward to his little big brother, "Hm. I feel a bit better now. Conrad, I really do understand why Yuuri's acting like this. I understand he just wants me to be safe, and out of danger…but please. I can't stay in here day in and day out. I just want to be able to go out into the garden, is that to much to ask for?" he whimpered.
Conrad was silent for a good few minutes. He hugged Wolfram to his side, the Omega was slouched into him. Conrad held him gently, and lightly kisses him on the top of his head.
"I'll see what I can do," Conrad said, "But you have to realize how close you are to your due date."
Rubbing his large stomach, Wolfram inhaled deeply. He knew he was getting closer and closer to dropping. Gisela had told him that he was going to drop any day now. Especially after the Braxton Hicks contractions he had. His body was getting ready to have the baby.
"I know, their getting ready to come out…" Wolfram mumbled quietly, "I can feel them, moving and kicking."
"They're really active?" Conrad asked in curiosity.
Wolfram hummed. He nodded his head, a sweet smile over coming his lips. He gently pressed his hand down, and let out a soft laugh when he felt small movement underneath his hand. A little kick from the baby, as if to let Wolfram know it was going to be alright.
Eventually, the Omega dozed off. He doesn't know when he did, just one time he was listening to Conrad as he spoke about his most recent 'date' with Yozak. Wolfram remembered asking how much longer until the two themselves get married. Conrad had flushed with embarrassment after the seemingly innocent question. They even talked about Gwendal and Gunther, their newer relationship finally starting to take off. The next moment Wolfram was waking up to a dark royal chamber.
Wolfram blinked his eyes slowly. He made a soft sound tiredly, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. The Omega yawned slowly stretching himself out. He was nested within the thick black blankets with his arms wrapped tightly around the cushion. He sniffed through a blocked up nose, and scrunched up his nose in distaste.
"I'm sorry, did-did I wake you up?"
Puffing out his cheeks, Wolfram tilted his head backward. He blinked his eyes and then squirted them in hopes of making out whoever was in the chamber with him. He would have thought of Conrad, but then the familiar smell of earth and water filled his sense.
"Yuuri," Wolfram mumbled, "It's fine."
It looked like Yuuri had just entered the chamber. The Alpha stared at Wolfram for a few seconds, before he discarded whatever was in his head. Yuuri shook his head, and made his way to the chest of draws. Wolfram watched him as the King wordlessly opened the top draw.
As he gazed at Yuuri, he felt his body shudder. Conrad's word echoed through his head. Yuuri had just wanted to keep him safe. There had been assassins trying to get at him, and the unborn heir. There might have even been a few kidnapping attempts too. Wolfram didn't know but he doubted none have even been attempted.
He understood Yuuri's side. He really did…he just felt so trapped.
"Yuuri," he mumbled quietly, his eyes heating up as he stared at his husband.
Yuuri paused briefly. He glanced at Wolfram before returning to taking off his royal uniform. It was different compared to the school uniform he used to wear. It was more royal looking, with more buttons and metals, with a single black strap across his chest. Wolfram had admit, Yuuri looked very handsome in it.
Nowadays whenever Yuuri comes to bed, unlike when he was younger where he would wear black pyjamas, he now only wears a black shirt with his boxes. Sometimes he wouldn't wear a shirt. He's no longer a young kid, he is now a young adult. Wolfram would wear the night gowns Miko always gifts him, and when that got out, the Omega found himself being gifted all sorts of night gowns.
"Yuuri, are you still mad at me?" Wolfram asked, pressing his lips firmly together.
"I'm not mad," Yuuri said softly.
Wolfram pouted, "Really?"
Yuuri made a soft sound. He quickly moved to the bed, and dropped onto the bed next to Wolfram, "I'm really not mad Wolfram. I was annoyed, I guess. But I'm fine now," he said quietly.
Wolfram sniffled, he wiggled closer to his mate, "I'm sorry Yuuri. For making you worry so much. I-I know why you're very concerned…" he said, trailing off into a quiet whimper.
"You do?" Yuuri said, wrapping his arms around Wolfram, "I know you don't like being in here all the time but if we don't keep you in here, something could happen."
"Because of the assassins," the Omega sighed, resting his head on top of Yuuri's chest.
Yuuri slid his hand over Wolfram's stomach. He gently presses his hand on top of the bump with a small smile taking over his lips, "You're so close to the due date. Any day now, you could be ready to drop. They could be getting ready to make their great escape," he snorted with a soft laugh.
"Great escape," Wolfram laughed.
It was an a amusing thought. The baby getting ready for their great escape. Almost as if to agree with they're parents statement, a small kick echoed through the flesh. Yuuri made a shaky gasp upon feeling the kick, and then he grinned widely.
"See, the baby agrees with me," Yuuri chimed.
Wolfram smiled. His eyes half lidded, he watched as Yuuri excitedly rubbed the bump. The baby was kicking so much. It was always so active whenever they're Daddy was around.
Taking Yuuri's other hand, Wolfram held it close to his chest, "Yuuri, I'm just very lonely. Hahaue's on another one of her cruises, and Greta is away doing her royal Duchess training," he mumbled, wincing as he spoke about Greta.
Both Wolfram and Yuuri looked unpleased about that. Neither wanted Greta to leave the castle to do her training, but it was a known practice for all young girls to leave for their training. Greta was no expectation. They wanted her to be here when her sibling decided to greet the world. It was heart breaking she was going to miss that.
"Can't I go spend time in the gardens? I'll have more guards with me if that makes you feel better," Wolfram practically begged.
Yuuri frowned deeply, "Wolfram," he sighed deeply.
"Please," Wolfram pressed.
The King was quiet. He kept his lips pressed together, with his eyes narrowing. He inhaled sharply before sighing tiredly, "You'll have Conrad with you at all times then," he huffed, clearly not happy with it.
"Thank you," Wolfram breathed out with a smile, "Thank you Yuuri."
Yuuri grumbled. His hand returning to gently caress the baby bump, "But if I say you have to return to the royal chamber, you will without any protest. Understand?"
With Yuuri's other hand that Wolfram was holding, he brought the Omega's hand to his mouth. He presses a kiss to the back of the hand.
"Wolfram," Yuuri warned.
Wolfram hummed. He closed his eyes for a few seconds, "Yuuri. Alright. I understand, I'll have Conrad with me, if it makes you feel better."
"It does," Yuuri sighed quietly, "I'm not completely fine with this, but if it makes you happy I'll suck it up."
"Thank you," The omega smiled meekly.
Wolfram tilted his head backward. He lightly kisses his Alpha gently. Immediately Yuuri kissed back. He pulled Wolfram closer to him, the two curling up to one another. Eventually, after a lot of kissing and other things, Wolfram rolled over with a squeal of giggles.
"I always forget how ticklish you are here," Yuuri hummed, kissing the baby bump with his own snort of laughter.
"Yuuri," Wolfram sighed, rolling his head across the pillow with another laugh.
Yuuri brushed his fingers along the sensitive skin. It made the blonde haired Omega wail with laughter. Yuuri grinned widely, wiggling his fingers along the skin. He couldn't help it, and Wolfram couldn't stop laughing whenever Yuuri tickle him. Eventually, as poor Wolfram was out of breathe and had a pink face now, the two laid together.
"I love you," Wolfram mumbled tiredly, snuggling into Yuuri's arms, "I really do, Yuuri."
Yuuri presses his lips to the top of Wolfram's head. He breathes in the scent of his Omega, and buried his nose into the golden curls. His arms tightened around Wolfram, holding him tightly and as close as the large bump would allow him.
"I love you too."
Wolfram smiled widely. He rubbed his baby bump and let out a soft laugh when he felt the kick under the palms of his hands. He was practically glowing during this lovely, sunny day. Unlike the day before, this time he was dressed appropriately. He was wearing white and blue again, and something much more comfortable for his sensitive body. Wolfram doubted he could last wearing that tight uniform presented to him during the months leading up to his wedding.
He sat in the garden quietly. He breathed in the summer air, and watched the flowers that had bloomed under the summer breeze. Both of his hands were settled upon his baby bump. As he sat there, quietly underneath the watchful eye of Conrad, like Wolfram had agreed too, he recalled when they had first found out about the baby. Wolfram remembered there had been another glamourous ball. Another party thrown.
It was the first time Wolfram had met the King of Small Shimaron. Saralegui.
Saralegui was beautiful. Wolfram had been a little shy to meet the man, the King. The King had gleefully made his way to Yuuri, eyes glowing bright like matching honey pools. His long blonde hair braided with jewels and flowers.
He was stunning.
Wolfram awkwardly moved his feet, especially as Yuuri had placed his arm around his waist, there was no where the Omega could have ran. It had became a known custom as soon as Wolfram was introduced to all the noblemen families, whenever the royal couple wasn't dancing, Yuuri had a protective arm around Wolfram's waist. Wolfram would be pressed up to a slim hip, as he was forced to smile at all the judgmental eyes. Yuuri wasn't cruel, he would defend Wolfram with a sliver tongue if anybody shown so much as glare towards the Omega.
Saralegui had bowed his head upon meeting the two. He spoke to Yuuri with so much warmth, and sweetness that Wolfram felt as if he was intruding upon something important. Intruding between a pair of star crossed lovers? He couldn't deny the quiver in pit of his stomach of worry and slight annoyance.
Yuuri for his part had a gentle expression on his face when he spoke to Saralegui. His voice held a sweet tone that made Wolfram's heart flutter. It was almost similar to the tone Yuuri takes on when he is speaking to Wolfram, almost but yet different.
He had became jealous. It was the first time Wolfram had truly became jealous. He had to bite down on his tongue from screaming 'cheater' out. Wolfram had never uttered the word before, not towards Yuuri but it had tried desperately to crawl out of his throat during that awful moment. That moment where Wolfram felt like he was standing between two lovers.
Wolfram had stood silently, his eyes becoming unfocused. He almost slouched against Yuuri's hip as his mate and this human King, Wolfram had never heard about before, talked. It was only when he heard his name spoken in Yuuri's voice did Wolfram awake from his thoughts. He blinked, and then looked up at Yuuri in confusion.
Then Saralegui had addressed him. His voice was so different when he was speaking to Wolfram, then Yuuri. He wasn't cruel, nor was his voice cold and heartless. It was just, as if he was speaking to somebody not as smart as him. Somebody who wasn't on the same level as them, like an adult would talk to a child, but yet hidden with a kind smile and enchanting eyes.
Wolfram had been stunned into silence, well, not that he was talking before. Instead, he kept his mouth shut and looked up at Yuuri. If any other nobleman had spoken to him like that, in that tone of voice, Yuuri would have been call them out and then defending Wolfram. This time, Yuuri was smiling. Smiling naively and ignorant.
There was something off about the Beta King.
Eventually, Saralegui had requested Yuuri to dance with him. He had sent a look towards Wolfram as if to make a 'shoo' like motion with his eyes. To send Wolfram away. At first Yuuri was unsure, Wolfram could tell by his eyes and the way he looked between Wolfram and Saralegui. Wolfram had wanted to sink his claws into Yuuri and refuse to let his mate go off with this Beta. He wanted to prevent Yuuri from being anywhere near Saralegui but Wolfram found himself mutely stepping away.
Yuuri had grinned. He promised that he would be right back, but Wolfram doubted it. All the on lookers would be waiting eagerly to pounce. Wolfram was used to somehow becoming separated from Yuuri during a ball and then finding Yuuri trapped in endless dances with many different noblemen and woman. It was just something Wolfram had to accept.
Wolfram had found himself in the far corner of the ball room. He had at first stood, waiting and watching. He could see Saralegui whispering to Yuuri and making him laugh, and smile. He couldn't prevent the green hand of jealousy grow within him. Wolfram clenched his eyes shut tightly, and shook his head. He wasn't used to being jealous. He was a slave. Things like that should not be apart of himself. He had then retreated to a far corner of the hall.
At first he tried to comfort himself. Yuuri was married to him. Yuuri was his husband, the wedding band on his finger said so. Even the black imprint binding them together scared any Omega or Beta away. There was no need for jealously. He had watched silently, his lips settling into a small pout. His chest had tightened, and ached as he watched Yuuri spin Saralegui around the ball room floor. At least Yuuri's hand stayed on Saralegui's back rather then his waist. But the look on the King's face was making his head spin.
Unconsciously, Wolfram raised his hands. They moved to lay over his flat stomach with a deep sigh. His attention was suddenly drawn to a close candle, jerking in surprise when the flame flickered. Bursting for a split second before returning to a small flame. Then a strange warmth fluttered directly underneath his hands, and up to his chest. Wolfram felt like he was frozen. Frozen in time as the feeling burned through him, before ice began to seep back. Fighting against the flame, like water being forced back down his veins.
A hand took his shoulder. Wolfram jumped, the music of the ball echoing through his head. He had turned his head up with large worried green eyes. His head was suddenly throbbing, and the feeling of lightness began to take over.
Wolfram recalled he barely had a few seconds to notice it was Conrad that had came over to him in the corner. The expression of gentleness on the elder man's face before it morphed into concern.
From what he was told, Wolfram had just gone. He went down without so much as a second pause. Darkness had over taken him, and he fell straight into Conrad's arms. At first nobody had reacted, or even noticed but when their Moah had suddenly stop directly in the middle of the dance with Saralegui. Yuuri had began to make his way over to them without even knowing what had happened but as Yuuri had approached them, he split into a run upon seeing Wolfram.
The next moment, Wolfram remembered waking up in the medical wing. It was dark, and Yuuri was at his side. Yuuri was holding his hands, and his black eyes were wet. He was still dressed in the royal ballroom uniform. He hadn't been out long it would seem.
They spoke for a long time during that moment. Wolfram didn't like how he had felt during that ball, during those hours before and admitted it to Yuuri. He remembered being nervous, and eventually becoming teary-eyed, telling Yuuri that he felt jealous.
Yuuri had listened to every word of jealousy and loneliness Wolfram had said. The Alpha King had stayed quiet before he had reached towards Wolfram and kissed him, wiping the tears away. Yuuri smiled so sweetly that it made Wolfram's toes curl. He had told him, that he would never leave him and that Wolfram hadn't need to be jealous. That Yuuri's heart, soul and body belonged to him. That no matter what happens, Yuuri would always return to Wolfram, and so on. Their moment was cut short as Gisela forced Yuuri out.
Gisela had entered the wing like a blizzard. Her green hair was a mess, and her eyes were wide, she looked between pleased and anxious. Excitement was overflowing her body, and as soon as she looked at the pair, she seemed to light up like a Christmas tree. Gisela had demanded she wanted to speak to Wolfram in private and when Yuuri began to protest, she practically kicked the young King out.
He was dehydrated, and stressed out. That contributed to his fainting spell. That and the fact Wolfram was overthinking his emotions that night, he fainted. Gisela had told him to take it easy, and to be careful.
He was baring.
Wolfram remembered being so freaked out. Chuckling, Wolfram shook his head at the memory. He was so terrified after being told that, and then Gisela had left the responsibility of informing Yuuri to him. He had been so very scared of telling Yuuri. Worried that he wouldn't want this baby, and that he would be unimpressed with the fact he is baring all of a suddenly. So close after their wedding, well maybe not but it felt like they had only been married for a week.
He had avoided to telling Yuuri for a full week. Gisela had tried to stay out of it, she really did, bless her heart. Somehow Wolfram's whole family knew, somehow. Gwendal, Conrad, Gunther, even Yozak knew. Gisela had been pretty sheepish about it.
It all came out eventually. It was rather big explosion, and Yuuri must have been so overwhelmed.
"It ended well…" Wolfram mumbled quietly to himself. He closed his eyes and sighed, leaning backward under the sunlight.
That human, Beta King had been at the castle during it all. In the end Yuuri had made boundaries with his friend. Wolfram had came to accept their friendship, but that was all it was. Yuuri had made sure of that, and showered Wolfram in even more attention and love.
Wolfram broke out of his thoughts of memories. He blinked his eyes, the sunlight burning into his eyes made him grimace. He awoke from his thoughts from a loud ruckus coming from within the castle. He blinked once then twice, twirling his head around. Even Conrad was no longer standing by the pillar he was moments ago.
The sound was so loud. It was echoing through the air, coming down the corridor. Wolfram stiffened in the chair, and stared at the gates leading into the castle. Confusion began to cloud his mind, and he carefully scrambled to his feet. His right hand moved lay protectively on his stomach while he used his other to help support himself.
The ruckus was voices. A loud female voice that Wolfram felt like he may actually know, but he wasn't sure. The first thought Wolfram had was if another assassin had been caught, after all, why else would Conrad had gone as well as the guards? But as he turned a corner, he found a rather large crowd growing.
"Um," he began, stopping a fleeing Maid.
The Maid in bright pink looked at him flustered, "Oh! Wolfram, I mean Joō!" she squealed out, bowing her head with her arms full of sheets and towels.
Wolfram smiled meekly, "It's alright. Um, do you know what's going on?"
"Ah! It's nothing to worry about Joō!" the Maid gasped out, "It's just a delusional traveller! It looks like she had stormed the castle! Poor thing!"
With that the maid skittered away. Wolfram stared after her in confusion. He pushed his hair out of his face, and turned fully around back towards the loud ruckus. The sound of somebody huffing and blowing, belling out of words of all sorts. The yelling was followed by the sound of movement, a lot of movement as if somebody was trying to fight their way out. The loud sound of it made a bubble of concern to form in the pit of stomach.
Was somebody being hurt?
Wolfram speed up. He walked as fast but as careful as he could, moving quickly up the corridor. As he approached the crowd, a hand took his shoulder. He was gently pulled backward, and Wolfram tilted his head backward to look up at the person holding him.
"You shouldn't be here," Conrad said, his eyes narrowing in concern, "You should go back to the gardens and wait there for me."
Opening but then shutting his mouth. Wolfram pouted, his lips pulling into worried frown. His eyes moved back to the crowd. It was a bunch of guards trying to hold back a small woman. A woman that was screaming at the top of lungs, Wolfram couldn't see who she was but whoever she was, she was delivering some powerful kicks and punches.
Conrad placed a hand on the small of his back. He lightly tried to guide Wolfram away, when suddenly the woman shrieked at the top of her lungs once again. It was different this time because she screamed out a name.
"Oi, Wolf'"
Wolfram paused. He blinked furiously as his jaw dropped, "V-Victoria?" he gapped, forcing his way out from Conrad's hands.
Immediately the guards paused what they were doing. They looked between the woman and Wolfram, before stepping away. The dark haired woman smirked smugly, glaring at the guards around her as she pushed her way through them.
"Finally! Wolf!" she groaned loudly.
Wolfram gasped, "Victoria? It's really you?"
Victoria hummed. Her eyes narrowing, as her long eyelashes flickered, "That's right. It be me'. Those fools wouldn't let me' through! I wanted to see you, but they refused," she snorted, crossing her arms tightly over her bust. The blue dress she wore looked like she was painted upon her thin body.
"Wolfram?" Conrad began, walking up to his side and peering between the two, "Do you know this young woman?"
The other Omega snorted loudly. She looked the same from what Wolfram remembered. Beauitful with white skin, a beauty mark above her lip with flaming red curls highlighting her blue eyes. At least she looked a bit more modest then what he remembered.
She was one of those Omega. Doing what they could do to get money. Unfortunately back then, there was only one thing Omegas could do.
"Yes," Wolfram said, looking at her, "Where did you go? Lucas, Thorn and I looked for you!"
Victoria shrugged, "Her' and ther'. Imagine my surprise when I finally return an found out littl' Wolfi' is married to the Moah and is the Joō!" she chuckled, eyebrows bouncing.
"Victoria," Wolfram whined loudly.
Wolfram took a small step back, and reached up to take Victoria's wrists. The other Omega had grabbed his cheeks and playfully pinched them. Wolfram's lips twitched into a pout.
"It's not funny," he grumbled, "We were worried. You just disappeared and we didn't know where you went!"
Victoria's smile widened. She rushed towards him, and wrapped him up in her arms, hugging him as tightly as she could or as close as she could from the baby bump. She pets on him the head like one would with their precious pet.
"Oh Wolfi', I neve' knew how much you cared'," she giggled, "And oh my, you' so big!"
Wolfram blushed, "I-I'm not that big…" he mumbled shyly.
"You're massiv'!" Victoria grinned gleefully, "I member when you was so small? So tiny? Now you ar' so big and round!"
Face flushing even redder, Wolfram pouted. His eyes gazed down to his large stomach, and lightly glided his hands over the bump. Was it really that big? Now he really felt self-conscious about it. He quickly crossed his hands over it, as if he could hide the large stomach from view.
"Wolfram?" Conrad began, placing his gentle hands onto Wolfram's shoulders, "This young lady-"
Victoria clocked her head, "Young lady? That's a completely 180 from a moment ago."
Conrad looked like he was going to say something but Wolfram quickly cut in. He smiled dazzlingly up at him, his eyes catching the sunlight and making them sparkle brightly.
"Victoria is one of the people who took care of me back then," Wolfram explained, "She's an Omega, like me! So often, whenever something came up that Thorn and Lucas couldn't help me with, I turned to her!"
Blushing herself, Victoria placed a hand to her cheek. She fanned her hand with a gleeful smile on her cherry red lips, "Oh Wolf', you ar' just so precious'!" she squealed.
"I didn't know there was somebody other than Thorn and Lucas," Conrad said, peering at Victoria. His eyes running up and down body thoughtfully, "Nobody ever mentioned another person. I apologize Victoria."
The woman snorted loudly, tilting her head backward and sticking her nose up. Her lips twisted into an hard arch, "All water und' the bridge. I just wanted to see ma' little Wolf'!" she said, waving her hand before grabbing onto Wolfram's hands, "Ma' so sorry that I miss' your weddin'!"
Wolfram couldn't help himself, he grinned in return. He really missed Victoria, she was who he turned to do when he began to have dry heats. Victoria had explained to him that it was natural, and that dry heats were just a way of life until Wolfram really does the deed. Once he does, he will have normal heats like any other Omega. At first, Wolfram didn't believe her but then once he and Yuuri had their wedding night, his heats had become more regular and easier to handle. He loved Thorn and Lucas, but Victoria was his Omega sister.
"It's alright Victoria. I was really worried about you," he chimed softly, squeezing her hands, "I thought I would have at least heard from you when it was revealed who I am. But you just disappeared…where did you go?"
Victoria sighed deeply, "Really sorry Wolf'. I was in Big Shimaron, and I was in a situation where I couldn't reach out."
"Big Shimaron? Why were you in Big Shimaron?" Wolfram asked.
Conrad shifted next to Wolfram. He looked at the other Omega with interest in his eyes, he places a hand on top of his sword. He looked a little uncomfortable, but also seemed stiffly. His back was arched, with his arms tightening up at his sides.
"Ah, you no' need to worry about that," Victoria grinned, wiggling her fingers into Wolfram's face. She lightly brushed her hand along Wolfram's cheek.
Wolfram made a soft hum. He was just so happy to see her. He hoped she wasn't still selling herself, Yuuri had worked so hard to change the Omega laws. Victoria could be anything she wanted now, there was nothing holding her back. He never thought he would end up mating and then marrying the Moah of all things.
"Wolfram?" Yuuri's familiar voice called out.
Yuuri came speed walking down the corridor. His dark eyes were narrowed as he approached them. His black hair was a bit of a mess, but over all he looked handsome but tired. As if the King had just came out from a meeting or perhaps he had spent a long period of time going over paperwork again. Either way he rushed towards Wolfram, and protectively placed himself between the Omegas, but yet looked graceful. He placed his hands upon Wolfram's shoulders, and turned towards Victoria.
"What's going on? Wolfram, I thought we agreed you would stay in the gardens," he said quickly, looking between Wolfram and Victoria, "Remember what we talked about?"
Wolfram shook his head, "It's alright. I have Conrad with me, and besides this is Victoria! She's my friend, like Thorn and Lucas!" he cheerfully said, practically glowing with happiness.
Yuuri blinked blankly. He stared at Victoria, his suspicious eyes only lasted a couple minutes. His eyes became round and sweet once more, a smile taking over his lips as he addressed the new Omega.
"Ah, so you're Wolfram's friend? It nice to meet you Victoria," he said kindly.
Victoria bowed her head in respect, her arms spreading as she lowered her body a little, "Likewise Heika," she purred, a sugary sweet smile falling upon her red lips.
"Call me Yuuri," the Moah quickly spoke, pure friendlessness threading across his voice, "If you're a friend of Wolf, then you're a friend of mine."
Wolfram smiled. Yuuri was always so kind and friendly to his dear friends. The first time when they met Thorn and Lucas had become one of Wolfram's more treasure memories. Yuuri had personally supported their new revamped Inn. Wolfram remembered seeing the Inn months after being taken away from it. It was repainted, rebuilt and just looked over all beautiful. Thorn had changed it into a Bed and Breakfast, as she loved to cook. Yuuri and Wolfram had stayed at the place once or twice, with Conrad and many of his guards to protect them. After that, the Inn had blasted off. Even nobles came to Shin Makaou to stay at the Inn where the Moah and Joō had stayed.
Victoria had just disappeared once Wolfram was brought back to the castle. He had asked Thorn and Lucas about her, and both hadn't seen her in months. Not since Wolfram had witnessed his first Sun-Kissed Parade. He had been very worried about her, her life style meant anything could have happened to her.
"Why thank you, Yuuri," Victoria spoke loudly, her thick accent voice echoing through the long corridors of the castle.
Yuuri returns the smile just as bright, and just as friendly, "If you don't mind me asking, how long will you be in Shin Makoku? From what I heard on my way here, you wasn't here for very long before you left. Is that correct?"
"Hmm, only tonight," Victoria said, nodding her head along with Yuuri's words, "Tomorrow morning' I shall be leaving again."
Wolfram pouted, "That soon?"
The other Omega would have pet him on the head or something like how she used to before, but she decided against it this time. Not with so many people around them, that the fact Wolfram's husband, the Moah of all things were within a few steps away from her. So instead, she took his hand and squeezed it again.
"I'm afraid' I have important things to get back too," Victoria said with a wink.
It left Wolfram curious but he didn't push it. Instead he nodded his head firmly. He grabbed onto her hand with both of his, and frowned deeply. It lasted a few seconds before it twitched into a smile.
"Why don't you stay here for the night then?" Wolfram asked.
"Wolfram," Conrad began, stepping forward.
Wolfram shook his head, "It won't hurt. I'm supposed to stay where it is safe, and I'm not doing anything," he shrugged, "Having Victoria here, even if it's for one night, will give me company! Distract me from making a certain somebody's life hard."
As he spoke, he looked at Yuuri with narrowed eyes.
Yuuri puffed out his cheeks. He scratched at the back of head, and after a few minutes, he nodded his head. His dark eyes flickering, looking at Wolfram and then Victoria, his smile changing a little as he turned his full attention onto Victoria.
"Of cause. You can stay for the night," he said quietly.
Victoria blinked in surprise. She looked around herself before sheepishly laughed, "That's very kind. Thank you for your hospitality."
Wolfram practically glowed with happiness. He couldn't prevent the flutter of wings of excitement appeared in the pit of his stomach. It was the same feeling he got whenever Thorn came to visit or when Lucas occasionally popped up. Thought with Lucas, while he came to see Wolfram, it was more coming to see the lovely maids, Gisela and Anissina. He was a skirt chaser after all.
The maids skittered about, the threat vanished, they got back to work. They moved back and forth eagerly, before one in a bright green dress came bouncing over. Her short blonde hair dancing along behind her as she went.
Wolfram smiled brightly, and just as he was about to step forward, something twisted in side him. He paused in step, and his lips twisted together, pain flared through his body. His green eyes became glassy, burning from the sudden pain. It started at the bottom his stomach and straight up to the top of his head.
Letting out a cry of pain, Wolfram hunched forward. His hands scrambling to his stomach.
"Wolfram?" Yuuri gasped out in a worry.
Yuuri quickly moved towards Wolfram, just as he let out another gasp of pain. He placed a hand on the lower part of Wolfram's back, while his other arm went around his shoulders. His eyes darkened with pure worry.
"Wolfram, what's wrong?" he gasped.
Wolfram let out another shaky gasped of pain, "It hurts! Hurts so much!"
"Hurts?" Yuuri repeated nervously, "We need to take you to Gisela."
Conrad effortlessly lifted Wolfram. The Omega would have been embarrassed, probably more embarrassed then yesterday where Yuuri had carried him through the castle to their royal chamber. However, Wolfram was in to much pain to realize what exactly was going on. He curled up a little, a horrible and awful throb running through his body, centring around his middle.
It was all a blur. Blood rushing through his ears as everything spun around him. Only when a soft glow appeared over him did the pain finally wash away, leaving him feeling very numb, and very scared. Fearful. A strange sensation flickered through the middle of his stomach, it wasn't painful, just uncomfortable.
Wolfram let out a deep breathe. His eyelids twitched as his hands slowly slid over his large bump, gently rubbing the top of the surface.
"Wolfram?" Yuuri let out.
The Omega made a soft hum. His eyes half-lidded, as he shifted within the white medical wing's blankets. His lips twitched, his eyes becoming glassy with itchy tears beginning to be released.
"Wolf," Yuuri tried again, this time reaching out and grasping Wolfram's hand. He tightly curled his fingers around Wolfram's smaller hand.
Wolfram inhaled sharply, and finally, he rolled his head across the blanket to look at Yuuri, "Yuuri…I'm scared…" he finally said in a quiet toned voice.
Yuuri's black eyes widened, before they softened, "Don't cry Wolf. It's alright, Gisela said you were dehydrated."
"You were right," Wolfram sniffled, shaking his head, "You were right. I-I should have stayed in the chamber, and rested…I've put our baby in danger….w-what if, what if…what if the baby isn't okay?"
Yuuri brought Wolfram's hand up to his lips, and kisses the back of the hand. His eyes gazing down at their hands, admiring the black imprinted mark upon their skin, binding the two together in marriage.
"They're alright," Yuuri said comfortingly, "The baby is okay. They're strong, I know they are."
Hiccupping, Wolfram's bottom lip quivered. His nose twitched, almost beginning to run as tears slowly began to seep out. Dripping from his long eyelashes. With his other hand, he quickly wiped them away weakly.
"Y-Yeah, our baby is s-strong…" Wolfram mumbled quietly, his voice hitching and hiccupping as he spoke, "They…they will be o-okay…"
Yuuri nodded his head seriously, "They will! Look at who they're parents are! I'm sure they will have your fighting spirit Wolf," he grinned.
"My fighting spirit?" Wolfram snorted with a soft laugh, "Sure. But you're the Moah, if they have anybody's strength, it'll be yours."
The grin that overtook Yuuri's face, made Wolfram blush, "Oh no! You don't get to use the Moah card, my little wife!" he teased.
"Don't call me that," Wolfram bristled, "And why not? Since when?"
"Since you unwilling allowed yourself be tied to me!" Yuuri winked, his grin widening with every word he made.
Wolfram let out a laugh, "Unwilling, huh? Of cause, you trapped me into marriage after all. I thought it put up a pretty good fight, even if you defeated me…" he paused and eyed his husband with a small, sly smile taking over his pale lips, "You are the Moah after all."
Yuuri bristled himself, "Oh! You sure did! I still have those scratches on my back, I'm surprised Ken hasn't made an unsavoury comment on them," he then leant closer to Wolfram, catching the blonde off guard and pinching a sweet kiss, "And I said you're not allowed to use the Moah card."
Blushing a brilliant scarlet blush, Wolfram shyly let out a soft laugh. He then tilted his head backward, and kisses Yuuri, himself. His hands raising and then falling before finally making their way into Yuuri's midnight curls. He moaned sweetly into his Alpha's mouth when said husband licked at his lip for entries.
It was embarrassing, no matter long they had been married.
Eventually, Wolfram pulled away, his voice hitching slightly. He sheepishly smiled, and looked down at the hand still holding his. Yuuri had begun to caress his hand tenderly.
"I love you," Yuuri smiled, kissing Wolfram on the cheek gently.
Wolfram bites his bottom lip cutely, "I love you too, so much…
Yuuri laid his other hand upon the baby bump. He gently rubs with such a wonderful look in his eyes, "Hey, Wolf. I was thinking, we should have a code word for when the baby is coming," he said, looking back up into Wolfram's face.
"Oh? Um, how about…" Wolfram began thoughtfully, before letting out in almost a scream, "Yuuri! The Babies coming!?"
Yuuri snorted, he rolled his eyes but smiled anyway, "Ha-ha, thanks for making fun of me."
"Sorry-sorry. It's just…" Wolfram giggled, placing his other hand on top of Yuuri's. That way, both of them were holding the bump, "The little one is gonna come one way or another…I'm nervous about when…"
"Which is why we should use code words!" Yuuri said sternly, nodding his head almost numbly, "Encase we're separated or something, like in a meeting…not that I'd allow you to be in a meeting this close to the due date, and considering what happened, but just encase."
Wolfram hums. He observes his lover, before leaning up and pecking him on the lips, "Okay, how about peaches?"
"Peaches?" Yuuri blinked, dumb founded.
Shrugging, Wolfram looked down shyly, "On my first visit to Earth, Mama let me eat the whole fruit basket…since then, she's always bringing me bunches of peaches…I miss them sometimes," he admitted, almost shamefully. He didn't know why, the thought of admitting it to his husband, had his toes curling.
"Peaches…" Yuuri trailed off, "You should have said something! If I knew I could have brought you all sorts of peaches! We probably have some in the kitchen, I can go get some if you want?"
Wolfram shook his head stubbornly, "No. I mean, I only like the ones from Earth…I know they're a strange colour, orange, but they're sweeter," he mumbled.
Yuuri stared at Wolfram. It was true, the pink peaches the grow in his kingdom were sour. Much more sour then the ones on Earth. Wolfram truly disliked them, and had been quite sad upon finding out that Shin Makaou didn't grow the same peaches Earth did.
"Wolfram!" Yuuri whined, leaning forward and taking Wolfram's face into his hands, "Why didn't you tell me? I could have easily brought you as many orange peaches as you want!"
"I didn't want to bother you, you were already so busy! With Shouri-Oniisan now becoming the Moah of Earth and all," Wolfram admitted quietly, "Besides, Mama always have lots of them for me when I visit. So it wasn't that big of a deal."
Yuuri pouted. He puffed out his cheeks with a grumble, "First of all, don't call him Oniisan. I can't believe he's got you doing it," he said with a roll of his eyes, "Second of all! I am your husband! You would never bother me, I'm ment to get you everything you desire! If you wanted peaches, then I'll get you peaches! I don't care if they're from another dimension."
"Yuuri," Wolfram flushed even brighter than before.
Yuuri leant closer to Wolfram, kissing him quickly, "Anything! Anything you want, anything you desire and crave, tell me. You have to tell me otherwise I'll just bring you Ma's cold spaghetti!" he said seriously.
Wolfram winced. Spaghetti was his least favourite Earth meal. He remembered Miko making it when she couldn't make curry. He disliked all the tomatoes and minces beef. However, he was able to eat it but when it was cold…Wolfram could never understand how Yuuri could enjoy eating cold and left over spaghetti.
"You're making me spoiled…" Wolfram mumbled with a soft whimper.
Yuuri grinned widely, "I want to spoil you! You're my mate after all!"
Smiling wistfully, Wolfram buried his face into Yuuri's neck. He hummed, and inhaled his Alpha's scent. It made him shudder, and his fingers curled into the Moah's dark clothes. Yuuri, himself, immediately wrapped his arms around the small Omega.
"I've been craving Mama's curry," Wolfram admitted bashfully.
"Curry?" Yuuri repeated, smiling so sweetly. He pulled backward, and kisses Wolfram again, "I can do that! Yeah, I can get you curry!"
The double black King pulled away. He almost tripped over his own feet as he launched off the bed side, "If I leave now, I can totally get back within a few hours! Three hours top! It's a Wednesday too, so I'm sure Mum has already been cooking curry anyway!" he rambled.
"No!" Wolfram whined, latching onto Yuuri's wrist. He tugged him back before Yuuri could truly run out of the hospital wing, "Yuuri! I don't want it right now!"
Yuuri blinked back at Wolfram with large, round dark eyes. He stared and slowly parted his pale lips, "Oh…"
The Omega puffed out his cheeks, "I-I mean…I just want you to stay with me…if that's alright. I, if you have too much work and-and need to return to the office then-" he began, his voice hitching with each words slipping free from his lips.
"Shibuya Wolfram," Yuuri smirked, silencing his anxious Omega with his own mouth, "I'll stay with you for as long as you'd like."
Wolfram's face darkened at his married title name. It was still strange to hear, and always made his toes curl. Butterflies appearing deep within his stomach. It was also the name all the head nobles addressed him with, if not by his royal title Joō. Shibuya Wolfram was the next best thing. Just as Wolfram had truly became comfortable with his birth name, Wolfram von Bielefeld, it swiftly changed to a much more embarrassing but more respectful title.
"Sorry-sorry, I'm just teasing," Yuuri laughed, "I just love your expressions."
Pouting, Wolfram lightly batted his hand against Yuuri's shoulder, "Ha-ha, real funny. I-I can't help how embarrassed I get…" he mumbled with a small shrug.
"It's a beautiful thing," Yuuri said, hugging his pregnant Omega, "I love seeing how dark your face can become."
"I don't remember you being this cruel before we married," Wolfram hummed.
Yuuri playfully gasped. He crawled onto the bed, and his Omega moved over to let him onto the small bed, "Me? Cruel? How dare you," he said cheekily, "I think you will find you are misinformed. I'm the greatest but kindest Moah ever!"
Wolfram let out a giggle. He rolled towards Yuuri, and cuddled up to him, laying his head over Yuuri's chest. Just as he lightly presses his lips to the area over Yuuri's chest, and Yuuri kisses him on the top of the head. His eyes slide half lidded, sniffling tiredly as he pressed himself as close as his large bump would allow.
"I feel you're just stroking your echo there," Wolfram said sleepily.
"Isn't that how we ended up in this situation?" Yuuri said, brushing his hand along the curve of the baby bump.
Wolfram snorted loudly, "How long have you been holding onto that?"
"Too long," Yuuri admitted sheepishly, "Maybe I've been hanging out with Ken too much."
The blonde Omega yawned. He nuzzled the dark martial underneath his face, "I love you the way you are, don't change, Yuuri," he mumbled, slowly dozing off.
"I really love you too, Wolf."
Squirting his eyes, Wolfram slowly eased himself up. The thick blankets falling away from his shoulders as he sat up, the bed making a loud hitch as he moved. His large green eyes blinked slowly, the sleep dust in his eyes making them itch. Slowly, he peered around the empty and dark medical wing in silence. After a few seconds, a yawn wobbled free from his throat, and he then rubbed his eyes.
His golden hair was a mess from his sleep. Wolfram pouted, rubbing his eyes once more. It was quite dark, he could barely make out the other beds within the wing from how dark it was. Wolfram shook his head, and smiled cutely as he looked down at the owner of the sudden whine. Yuuri was laid out next to him, his foot hanging off the side of the bed. Yuuri was snoring quietly, with an arm wrapped protectively around Wolfram's waist. He gently ran his hand through Yuuri's messy black curls. He smiled so sweetly, and cutely when Yuuri moaned, leaning into his touch.
Wolfram sighed softly. He really loved Yuuri, more then anything. He shook his head, before frowning deeply. He blinked his eyes, and peered around the wing once more. Wolfram is sure there is at least four guards at the medical wing's doors.
What had woken up?
He was normally a deep sleeper, he wasn't always, only having become a deep sleeper once he was taken to the castle. But still, normally nothing could wake him up without having to scream into his ears. Nobody needed too thought, Wolfram would wake up himself before anybody had to enter the chamber to wake him up.
After a few more seconds, he frowned deeply. Wolfram scratched as his head, he didn't understand what had stirred him. What had made him wake up? The Omega groaned softly, and shook his head once more, it didn't seem like there was nothing out of place. Maybe he just woke up for no reason, it's happened a few times since he had begun to bare. At the thought of that, Wolfram rubbed his baby bump. Sometimes the baby would move or kick a little too hard, and that would wake Wolfram up.
"You must be pretty active, hmm," Wolfram whispered sweetly, rubbing the bump as he carefully settled back down. Automatically Yuuri rolled over towards him in his sleep.
Laying back into the nest of warmth and affection, Wolfram snuggled up to Yuuri. His hands laid upon his bump with a sweet smile on his lips, his eyes half-lidded, gazing down at the bump through his long eyelashes. He couldn't wait for the baby to be born, to be out here where he had can hold it, cuddle it and just love it.
Wolfram was a little scared, he won't lie but he was also excited. So excited to see his child, to met it. He wondered what gender would it be, a girl or a boy? He knew the maids were having a 'gender betting pool' and Wolfram also knew Yuuri had secretly entered it. He wanted a girl, and his brothers wanted a boy. Wolfram, himself, will be happy with either but he couldn't wait. Couldn't wait to hold them, and protect them from the wonders outside.
He couldn't wait for his baby to meet the sunlight.
Wolfram sighed at the thought. A soft giggle escaping his lips, as he leant back against the pillows. His hand moving to a small and slow caress. A small yawn freed itself from his lips, and Wolfram hummed, feeling of sleep returning to his body. Just as he was about to doze back off into a deep sleep, something suddenly tingled against his inner ear.
A sound from just outside the medical wing door.
Eyes opening, Wolfram stayed still. He could hear creaking, as if somebody was moving around right outside the door. At first, Wolfram expected it was an guard but then why would a guard be making so much noise? Normally they hardly make sound, especially this late at night.
Wolfram stilled himself and just listened. Whoever it was, were making such loud footsteps. After a few more seconds, Wolfram found himself easing upward.
"Maybe…they need help?" he mumbled quietly.
Holding his rather large belly, Wolfram swung his feet off the bed side. He shuddered as the cold air began to nip at his skin, but ignored it in favour of helping somebody. The Omega glanced down at his slumbering mate, maybe he should wake Yuuri up? Yuuri is the Moah after all, and Wolfram can imagine how upset Yuuri would be if Wolfram had gone alone into 'danger'. Thought, Wolfram doubted there was any danger, it was probably a night shift maid worker.
Carefully, he waddled through the pinned up sheets, moving closer to the heavy-looking door. Freezing when heard movement behind, and only relaxed upon seeing that Yuuri was only rolling over in his sleep. He let out a breathe he didn't realize he was holding. Wolfram shook his head, and then finally made his way towards the door.
He knew he shouldn't be doing this. Not with the assassins and kidnap attempts going on, but it was highly unlikely that Gwendal or Conrad hadn't done anything to ensure their safety. Wolfram doubted there would be no guards outside the medical wing considering both the Moah and Joō were inside the room. So as Wolfram pulled the door open and poked his head outside, he was expecting to see maybe three or four to many guards stationed outside.
The corridor was a bit darker then normally. Usually there were pretty lanterns glowing dimly, lining the castle walls during the night. Even a few candles would be placed around, however, Wolfram noticed more then a few lanterns on the wall were out. There was a couple specks of light leading down the hallway.
Wolfram slowly crept further into the corridor. He blinked his large green eyes, his lips twisting into a crooked frown. He couldn't help the chill of fear suddenly licking up his spine upon seeing nobody. There were no guards stationed around. How…how could there be nobody? Not even the normal medical wing guards?
He had thought a night shift maid had maybe fallen over, tripped outside the wing…there was the possibility that did in fact happen and the guards had rushed off to help her. But surely she would have brought into the wing if she had hurt herself? And Wolfram would be hearing much more then, well, nothing…no voices at all.
Feeling unnerved, Wolfram laid his hands gently on his baby bump. He shivered, suddenly feeling colder then normally. He glanced down at his bare feet, moving then backward a little as he felt a cold breeze wash past his skin. The nightgown he had on moved along with the breeze.
Wolfram swallowed thickly, he bites down on his bottom lip. He was really beginning to second guess himself, perhaps this wasn't such a good idea now. Maybe he should go back, and wake up Yuuri.
…Something wasn't right here…
Wrapping his arms around his baby bump, feeling unnerved and protective over his bump. Wolfram shovelled his feet, he moved backward towards the door. He'll wake Yuuri up, and then…well, he is sure Yuuri will know what to do. They aren't naïve, hopeless kids anymore. Yuuri's a smart and fearful Moah now.
Just as Wolfram turned towards the door, a hand reaching for the hand, something touched his elbow. He jumped straight out his skin, a startled gasp escaped his lips and he spun around. Wolfram's arms shield his baby bump nervously.
"V-Victoria?" he let out in surprise.
The dark haired beauty sheepishly smiled, "Didn' mean to scare' yah," she said, rubbing the back of her head.
"Hm," Wolfram shook his head, "I-I'm actually pleased to see you…then…um…"
"Another assassin?" Victoria said, "But Wolfie, what are you doing out here? So late and by yourself?"
Wolfram made a soft sound from the back of his throat, "O-Oh, um, I thought I heard an maid trip or something…but…I guess not," he said quietly, looking around the corridor once more, "There's no…guards either…"
"I saw the guards down there," Victoria said quickly, pointing behind her, "I think they're switching shifts or having a break, or something. I'm sure everything is alright."
Wolfram pressed his lips together. That still sounded strange, even if the guards were switching or going on a break, at least one guard would still be stationed. Still, he felt a little safer with his old friend there.
"I-I suppose you're right…" Wolfram mumbled quietly, a meek smile over taking his lips.
Victoria pets him on the head, "I thought' the royal chamber' was on the other side of the' castle?" she questioned cutely, tilting her head as she asked. Her long flaming red locks fell down her shoulders.
"I-I, um, well, I had another wave of Braxton Hicks Contractions," Wolfram explained softly. He looked down at his bump fondly, and gently rubbed the bump with a small smile.
The other Omega pouted, "Braxton Hicks Contractions?"
Flushing, Wolfram nervously shook his head, "O-Oh, right, sorry. I-It is an earth term for, um, false labour pain…basically my body is preparing for the birth of baba…" he said, a soft giggle escaping his lips. Once again rubbing his stomach that held his precious baba.
"Ah, do yah' get those pains a lot?" Victoria asked in curiously.
Wolfram shrugged a little, "Not as much as I did…Gisela says it'll lessen a little the closer I get. She…and everyone else thinks I'm gonna pop very soon," he said.
"Pop'," Victoria chuckled, an amused smile on her lips.
"Yeah, the little one is getting ready to come out! Everyone is so excited," Wolfram grinned, "They've been so active lately too."
Victoria chuckled, "I can' tell. You are glowing!"
Wolfram blushed. He looked down with a sweet smile. He made a soft hum, and gently rubbed his stomach. He hoped the baby felt how much they were loved. How much Wolfram loved them, and couldn't wait to hold them. He was going to give it all to protect his little one. Wolfram didn't, no, he refused to allow his baby go through anything he went through.
"I-I can't wait for them to come…" Wolfram said sweetly.
Victoria gazed at Wolfram with a kind smile on her lips. She reached towards Wolfram, and wrapped her arms around him, she held him tightly.
"My littl' Wolfe, grown all up'," she teased.
Wolfram's face darkened a little, "I missed you a lot, Victoria. I really thought something had happened to you…" he mumbled quietly.
"I'm so sorry' Wolfe. I've been so busy'," Victoria said, "But I can' make it up for you. Come with me', I have something I want to show you'."
Wolfram blinked slowly. He barely had time to say anything, a hand grabbed his own hand and gentle tugged him along. Honestly, he wasn't sure what was going through his mind, but he found himself willingly follow his dear Omega friend. He glanced over his shoulder awkwardly, but in the end, he allowed Victoria to take him away.
He was very curious in where Victoria was leading him, that he didn't notice the strange lack of any guards around. Eventually Wolfram found themselves being taken outside, out into the courtyard. He blinked a little and looked around at the dark but quiet courtyard. However, it was the beautiful lights dancing in the night sky. It was gorgeous, and took his breathe away.
Wolfram let out a breathless gasp. He came to a stop, his eyes widening as he looked up at them. It was like orbs of light, light of many different colours. Pink, yellow, orange, purple, all of which danced back and forth through the sky, like many different little fire flies. Like the ones he had got to witnessed during a 'date' back on Earth, Yuuri had had taken him to see them.
Wolfram stared in awe. His eyes glowed as he took in the beauty of the lights, a sweet smile over taking his lips. He held his baby bump with a deep, sweet sigh.
"It's beautiful," he let out quietly.
Victoria grinned, "I know' right. It is somethin' that only happens' like, once 20 years'."
An awe smile over took his face. Wolfram stared up at the lights, and jerked backward a little when an orb floated to close to his face. He blinked at the orb before he smiled, it was almost like it was alive. The way the orb moved, and for a brief second, Wolfram swore there was a small figure within the light.
Wolfram turned back to his friend only to pause. His eyes widened before narrowing as Victoria was suddenly nowhere in sight. Before he could even react, something grabbed him from behind. Hands grabbing him by the arms, fingers digging into the sensitive skin. He froze in pure fear and struggled against the hands holding him. Wolfram opened his mouth to scream when white martial was thrusted into his face.
Everything began to blur, and spin around him. Darkness soon followed.
Thank you so much for reviewing my last chapter. I only got a handful, but I am very greatful!
Everyone stay safe!