Angel Chapter One ~ Death

Trees whipped past the Inu-Yasha as he ran through the forest after a shadowy figure in front of him. He cursed under his breath. This man was fast, but that was to be expected, he was his arc-enemy, Naraku. He quickly looked behind him, to the rest of his comrades. They were all behind him on the giant transformed, two-tailed cat, Kirara.

"Stop running away!" Inu-Yasha called up to the man dressed up as a monkey in front of him. Inu-Yasha pulled out the Tetsusaiga as he gained on Naraku.

Naraku stopped and turned around. Inu-Yasha, not expecting this fell back. He hesitated to swing his sword and Naraku opened his hand, a fireball in the center of his palm. He threw it at the charging half demon.

Inu-Yasha dropped the Fang as the fireball collided with his stomach. He fell to the ground, gasping for air. That attack did little more than knock the wind out him, or so he thought before he looked up to see Naraku standing over him.

Naraku smiled under his mask as he looked down at the half demon at his feet. He had decided to get rid of this nuisance as soon as possible, but it was so tempting to make him suffer. He hesitated and Inu-Yasha grabbed his foot and tried to pull it out from under him in an attempt to knock him off balance, but Naraku didn't budge.

'Ohhh! It would be so fun to play with this half-breed's mind!' Naraku thought, but then heard the sounds of people coming up behind them. 'His friends, I better finish this fast.' He tightened his fist and released it a small black light formed in his palm.

"Light becomes dark, friends become enemies, and LIFE BECOMES DEATH!" Naraku chanted. "LIFE BECOMES DEATH!"

The black light grew; Inu-Yasha was mesmerized by it. He stood staring, as the light in his hand seemed to draw Inu-Yasha to it. Suddenly a sharp pain in his stomach started and he fell to the ground in pain. The black light flooded into him and the pain grew. He couldn't move, the pain was too great. He wasn't bleeding, what was wrong? What was that light? Inu- Yasha stopped thinking about that, all he could think about was the pain. His vision blurred and blackness filled the edges of his sight. Slowly the blackness took over. Naraku stood above him, laughing. A flying two-tailed cat with passengers on it's back came closer, and those were the last things he remembered as he slipped into total blackness.

"Boomerang Bone!" Sango yelled as she threw her weapon. Naraku had saw this coming though, and managed to get out of the way.

"Your best weapon is out of commission, do you really think that you can defeat me without him?" He pointed to the unconscious figure on the ground beside him. Kagome opened her mouth in shock. All of them were thinking the same thing, 'What had he done to Inu-Yasha?'

Sango snapped out of her trance and instructed the others what to do, "Shippo, go get Inu-Yasha. Miroku, you distract him and me and Kagome will sneak up behind him."

"Why do I have to distract him?" Miroku asked.

"Because you are the most useless." Sango replied, when he frowned at her, she explained, "You can't use your tunnel with all the wasps."

"That means that I should be protected." He tried to act as though he as hiding be hind Sango, and he put his hands on her shoulders and they just went a little too low.

"PERVERT!" Sango cried as she kicked him in the butt toward the enemy, "Go do your part of the job!"

"Fine, fine." Miroku rubbed his sore butt as he walked over to Naraku. "Naraku, I am here to finish you."

"Oh, really?" Naraku asked.

"Uh, well, yeah." Miroku said.

Sango and Kagome sneaked up behind the man dressed as a monkey. Shippo and Kirara went over to Inu-Yasha.

"Hey! Inu-Yasha, wake up!" Shippo nudged him, but he didn't budge. "Come on, Inu-Yasha . . ." Still the dog demon didn't move. "Kirara, we have to get him away from here, he must be unconscious, can you transform and carry him?"

The cat demon nodded and transformed into a giant saber-toothed cat. Kirara bent down so that Shippo could lift Inu-Yasha up onto her back. Shippo pushed and pulled, but did not get anywhere fast. He was slowly pushing up him, but not fast.

"Man, Inu-Yasha! You need to go onto a diet!" Shippo cried as pushed him up onto Kirara's back. Inu-Yasha was up and Shippo hopped on her back. Kirara didn't wait for Shippo to sit down and immediately took off, nearly throwing Shippo off.

"Hey! Watch it!" Shippo yelled at Kirara who seemed to be laughing (If she can't on the outside, she can on the inside.)

Kagome and Sango tried to sneak up behind Naraku. Miroku was fighting him. Suddenly Naraku's arm grew and he hit Miroku on the head, Miroku flew backwards and hit a tree, leaving him unconscious. Naraku immediately turned around and faced Kagome and Sango.

"Nice plan, to bad it didn't work." He pulled out his hand from under the monkey costume. His nails grew into claws. He took one swipe at them and sliced them in the stomach. Sango threw her boomerang bone and Naraku caught it and threw it back at them. They were hit and left unconscious. Naraku stretched his claws and was about to finish them off when a thought came to him. It would be a lot of fun to keep them.

Kirara stopped running and bent down to drop off her riders. Shippo pulled off Inu-Yasha and Kirara returned to normal size. Shippo jumped on top of Inu-Yasha and slapped him on the face. At first he was shocked that that didn't wake him up, but the he slapped him again and noticed that he was cold. Ice cold.

The fax demon knelt down on Inu-Yasha's chest and put his ear to the dog demon's heart. No heart beat. Shippo shook in horror. Inu-Yasha was dead.

'Is he dead? He can't be dead can he? No he can't! I won't believe it!' Shippo thought as tears came to his eyes. The little demon started slapping Inu-Yasha more than ever. 'Inu-Yasha's not dead! He's not! If I just keep slapping him he will wake up! He will! I know he will!'

Kirara came up to the desperate Shippo who was slapping Inu-Yasha so much that his hands were turning a bright strawberry red. She nuzzled him and tried to comfort him. Shippo swept her into his arms and squeezed him tight. Kirara felt her fur start to get wet, but didn't move.

Shippo couldn't believe that he was gone. Inu-Yasha had been like a father to him after his had died, a very bad father, but still. Even if he wasn't his father, he was one of his closest friends if nothing less. Shippo sat and cried for an unknown amount of time.

The first thing that Inu-Yasha noticed was the throbbing pain in his head. He didn't move, afraid that the pain might be worse if he did. The next thing that he noticed was that there was nothing under him. This made him snap his eyes open and ignore the pain as he did.

Inu-Yasha sat up and looked down. He was floating a few feet above the ground. What was going on? He rubbed his hand across his throbbing head. What had happened? He rubbed his head for a moment and let the memories flood back. That's right, he was fighting Naraku and then he made a black light and then that was the last thing that he remembered.

He was at the same place he was when he was fighting Naraku. The sun was going down and a fog came up. The fog had come up a little to suddenly. He looked through it to see something coming toward him. It held a sickle and wore a black robe. There was something that looked like gigantic horns on it head. He watched as it came closer and pointed to him.

The End of Chapter One

Liger003 ~ sorry about the fight, I know that it wasn't very good. If you really want a good fight scene that I worked really hard on, read my story, Zero. I made a huge fight scene with that one. The last three chapters of part one are all the fight, ya gotta love it! But anyway, please review!