AixSyo -Magnet

{A/N: Heyo! This is my first fanfic! To be publish in ~ That means I have written other fanfic. I post 1 on Wattpad but, well I guess its suck so I wanna start writing in ! Minna, Yoroshiku~}

In the deepest part of me, a tiny flame was lighted

And before I knew it, my whole heart became ignited.

'What is this feeling?' Ai thought. 'Its burning my heart... It hurts, is this what they call jealousy? Whenever I see him around with someone else, my heart ache..' "Konbanwa, Ai-senpai." Natsuki greeted him as he entered the shared dorm. Ai nodded "Em, Konbanwa." 'Funny, why is it so silent?' Ai thought. He looked at Natsuki, he was... alone, without Syo being around him.

"Natsuki-san, where is Syo?" Ai ask him. Natsuki looked at his senpai. "He went on a walk," "At night?" Natsuki nodded "He said he wants to be alone for a while," 'Why does he want to be alone?' Ai thought, a bit worried about his fellow kouhai.

Wand'ring as a butterfly, I aimlessly took flight, and

Found myself falling apart alighted in your palm

Syo walk aimlessly under the night sky. He is rethinking what is going on, he had been feeling anxious when he is around him. "Koi nano? Ai nano? Nande ka kono kimochi? (Is this love? What is this feeling?)" He whispered to no one in if his soul's been taken away, Syo didn't even look at where he is going. Suddenly, he heard a car honk at him. He snapped out of his thought and look at the direction of the car. 'Its too late...'

Let go of my hands entwined around your own

And instead I'll press my lips against yours

Even if they say that what we have is wrong

When you're with me, I burn up all the more

Ai's phone rang. 'Who would be calling me in the middle of the night?' He thought before answering the call. "Mushi mushi?" "Mushi mushi, is this Mikaze Ai-san, Kurusu Syo-san's senpai?" At the sound of Syo's name being said, Ai trembled. "H-Hai," "Kurusu Syo-san met with an accident, he is now at the hospital."

Ai fell down on he knees, eyes widen. "S-Syo..." "Mikaze-san? Mushi mushi? Mikaze-san?" He ignored the call, he is too shocked about this news. Too shocked. "Ai-Ai?" Reiji who was passing by saw his bandmate. "Ai-Ai? Doushite yo?" He asked him as he too kneel down beside him. "S-Syo.." "What's up with Syo-chan?" "Syo got into an accident!" "What!?"

I want you to hold me tight

And reassure me every night

Make me believe that no matter what they say, we're in love, baby

"Syo-chan.." Natsuki said as he stand beside him. Syo was sleeping on the hospital bed peacefully, still in a coma. "How could this happen?" Otoya ask. "The doctor said he get hit by a car because he was walking in the middle of the road." Tokiya said. "Why would he walk in the middle of the road?" Cecil ask. "He is probably too deep in thoughts," Masato said. "About?" Ren ask. "Moreover, we should be concern about his health now." Reiji said.

"You guys have a recording today right?" Ranmaru ask STARISH. STARISH nodded. "You should go get ready," Camus said. "Demo, senpai." "You guys should go, you can't abandon your jobs." Ai cut Natsuki off. Knowing that it is useless fighting with Ai, they walk off slowly. "Ai-Ai, you coming?" Reiji said as the senpais too walk out the hospital room. "I think I'll stay for a while, as a senpai I should be responsible of my kouhai." Reiji just nodded.

Kiss me in the dark

Like we could never come apart

Intoxicated by you, I am consumed, wanna drown in this fantasy

Ai hold Syo's hand tightly, "Syo, please wake up. Please don't leave us, please don't leave me. I-I don't want to lose you." Tears start falling of his eyes. Ai wipe it away with his hand. "I-I," Ai stop and took a deep breath. "Suki desu, Syo." A tear fell down Syo's cheek, "S-Syo? You could hear me?" Another tear fell on Syo's cheek. "Please wake up soon Syo, I'll be waiting for you."

Need you to restrain me, I need you to need me more and more

If you love me, show me, and know me further than you've gone before

Call it "weird", but this love is something that I simply can't ignore

Let's just run until we find somewhere to run to

"Ai, Ai wake up." A voice said while slowly shaking him. Ai groan, he opened his eyes and look at the figure that wake him up. "S-Syo?" Syo hold Ai's cheek, "Ai, I love you too." He said. "Wha? But I thought you love Nanami-san?"

If it seems I've let my heart lead me astray

It's because I've melted my life with hers

So much pressure weighs upon our shoulders that

we can't be soft-touchers or whisperers

"Well, I was but when I met you I fell in love," he said. "I was so confused about this feeling that I can't even see you without my heart throbbing. I decided to take a walk that I didn't see where I was going and met with an accident." Their faces get closer to each other and Ai close the gap between them, melting themselves in a soft yet sweet kiss. Syo pull away, "Ai, I have to go now." "No! Syo don't leave me!" Syo slowly backed away. "I'm sorry Ai, but I have to go. I'll... see you soon." He smiled softly, a tear fell and he disappeared.

This isn't just another dream

For sure, this is the real thing

This is reality, you and I, together and face-to-face

With the knowledge that

From this point on we can't go back

But that's okay, because I'd give up the world just to be with you, precious one

"Syo!" Ai wake up. 'Yume?' He thought. He looked at Syo, he is still sleeping peacfully. Its been a few days now, the guys would come and visit him. STARISH's activities are canceled but individual activities are still continued. Ai would come to visit him every day. He didn't know why but at least seeing him sleeping would ease his heart a bit.

Miracle strucks, Syo's fingers start moving slowly. And his eyes open slowly, Aqua met Cyan's. As soon as he saw his kouhai waking up he hugged him. "Syo!" Tears fall down his cheeks, he didn't mind to wipe it off as Syo hugged him back. "I'm fine, everything will be okay."

Dawn breaks colder than I've ever seen before

I'm driven to tears by anxiety

Then you whispered to me "It'll be okay"

But I could hear your voice was wavering

I want you to hold me tight

And reassure me every night

Make me believe that no matter what they say, we're in love, baby

Kiss me in the dark

Like we could never come apart

Intoxicated by you, I am consumed, wanna drown in you

Syo didn't want him to let go. His warm despite being a robot. Ai pulled back before Syo could say anything, Ai pulled the breather away and kiss him.;Their eyes close, savoring the moment they have together, their first kiss. Unexpectedly in a hospital room.

Looking in your eyes

I'm absolutely magnetized

If they took me away, God, I swear that I'd be pulled back to you

This I know is true

And on my life I promise you

I'll be okay, because I'd give up the world just to see you, my precious one

They pulled back and look at each other's eyes. A smile spread across Syo's face.

"From now on let me protect you from danger and such. I promise you I'll be beside you whether you need me or not. As I promise on my life, you are the one and only I love, my precious one." Ai whispered and kiss him again. Whatever people think, whatever people say, they would be together, forever and always...


{A/N: What do you guys think? Pls rate and review! There is a few notes I'll give here:

1)ALL of them are Out Of Character (OOC)

I tried my best but I couldn't *shrugs* Gomen, minna

2) I'm a AixSyo shipper! (I think that was not necessary)

3)The ending is crap...

Well, thanks again for wasting your precious time to read my junk. I know its bad, real bad but hey, it doesn't hurt to challenge yourself right? If you think this is a good story, pls suggest some other pairings. It will be nice if you have songs that would match the pairing (Cuz the title DID say Musical Love) just make sure to leave a link to the song. And if its a song in Japanese or other language (ie: Korean) please make sure to also leave a link to english translation! Now I should have said this earlier but I guess I forgot.

Disclaimer: I DO NOT own UtaPri! If I did I would have been too busy to write this fanfic... Song used is Magnet which is ALSO NOT OWNED by me. The song Magnet is sang by Vocaloids, Miku & Luka so (c) to them I guess.

Check YouTube for a MMD, Starish & Quartet Night's version of Magnet which is also good. Thanks again for reading, see ya soon~}