Let me know if it's utterly confusing as to whos talking or what and I'll change it or not continue it

Hey people! Whoa, been a while since I last posted up a story. But I got a fabulous idea, which I've never seen done before. It'll probably be a mix of Romance/Humour. Cuz I haven't written any real romance, unless you count Ronnie and Snape in Snape's Adventures.

Claimer: I thought up this style all myself so if you're going to use it please tell me (so I can read it) and give me credit!

Disclaimer: I don't own Hotmail, MSN or MSN IM. They belong to Microsoft. Or any Harry Potter characters, they're Ms. Rowling's. Although I really think she should put out shares for each character so we could each have a piece of Draco, or Sirius or Harry with us...^-^

Oh, and a little guide for anyone who is chat-language deprived!

Omg- oh my god/gawd
Brb- be right back
G2g- got to go
Lol- laugh out loud/lots of laughs
Lylas/lylab- love ya like a sister/brother
Ttyl- talk to you later
Ttfn/tafn- ta ta for now/that's all for now
Lmao/rotfl-laughing my ass off/rolling on the floor laughing
Wb/ty/yw- welcome back/thank you/you're welcome
g / s - grin/smile
anything in *'s is an action

Snape is a Loser – Harry

napkin – seamus

I Luv Hogwarts: A History! – Hermione

Harry Rulz – Harry

Ron is a git – Ron

Chudley Cannons 4ever! – Ron

Cinnamon Stix – Hermione


Harry logged onto his hotmail account. 'Blah, all junk,' he thought. He deleted 8 emails offering him credit cards with LOW LOW APR!

He clicked a small icon at the bottom of his screen. A box popped up and he typed in his email address and password.

'Great! Seamus is on!'

Snape is a loser says:
Hey Seamus!

napkin says:

Snape is a loser says:

napkin says:

Snape is a loser says:
Again i say whut?

napkin says:
wasabi, it's a muggle term

Snape is a loser says:
ok then...

Snape is a loser says:
whuts up with you're nam?

Snape is a loser says:

napkin says:
wel there was a napkin on my desk while I was logging on

napkin says:
so I decided to change my name to napkin

Snape is a loser says:
you're weird

Snape is a loser says:
hay, herms on, I'm gonna add her into the convo k?

napkin says:

I Luv Hogwarts: A History! has been added to the conversation.

napkin says:
hai hermione

I Luv Hogwarts: A History! says:
Hallo, napkin...

I Luv Hogwarts: A History! says:
Who is that Harry?

Snape is a loser says:
lol! it's seamus!

I Luv Hogwarts: A History! says:
You boys are utterly confusing.

I Luv Hogwarts: A History! says:
guess what?

Snape is a loser says:
brb, I'm gonna change my name...

napkin says:

I Luv Hogwarts: A History! says:
Have you read Hogwarts: A History Seamus?

napkin says:

Harry Rulz says:

I Luv Hogwarts: A History! says:
You're conceited Harry Potter

Harry Rulz says:
etc etc

napkin says:
you're confusing, I g2g stupid diviniation

I Luv Hogwarts: A History! says:
You spelled that wrong

napkin says:
what ever

Harry Rulz says:
cya latr!

I Luv Hogwarts: A History! says:
Yeah bye

napkin has left the conversation.

Harry Rulz says:
oh ya, what was the thing you were going to tell us?

I Luv Hogwarts: A History! says:
Just a sec, Ron's just come on, lets invite him and I can tell you both!

Harry Rulz says:

Ron is a git has been added to the conversation.

Harry Rulz says:

Ron is a git says:

I Luv Hogwarts: A History! says:

Ron is a git says:
ahhhh! my name! gin's been on my account aagain

Ron is a git says:
wait a min

Harry Rulz says:

I Luv Hogwarts: A History! says:
That's not very nice, Harry!

Harry Rulz says:
*rolls eyes*

Chudley Cannons 4ever! says:

Harry Rulz says:

I Luv Hogwarts: A History! says:
w b

Chudley Cannons 4ever! says:

Harry Rulz says:

Harry Rulz says:
now, herm what were you gonn tell us?

I Luv Hogwarts: A History! says:
Oh ya!

Harry Rulz says:

Chudley Cannons 4ever! says:

Harry Rulz says:
well originally me an seamus were talking then herm cam eon and we invited her and she was gonna tell me somthin g

Harry Rulz says:
but thenwe kept on getting interrupted and then you came on and she wanted to tell you 2

Chudley Cannons 4ever! says:
oh, okay, so tell hermi!

Harry Rulz says:
look at the bottom, she's typing

Chudley Cannons 4ever! says:

I Luv Hogwarts: A History! says:
well I was late getting out of potions 'cause me and Pansy had to clean up HER spill *growls* anyways, and she didn't clean, she went over to malfoy and got his email addy

I Luv Hogwarts: A History! says:
and I overheard it

Harry Rulz says:

I Luv Hogwarts: A History! says:
And that's all, I just thought I'd tell you guys

Harry Rulz says:
Well do you still have it?

I Luv Hogwarts: A History! says:

Chudley Cannons 4ever! says:
so give it

I Luv Hogwarts: A History! says:
one sec, I g2 find it, I wrote it dpown

I Luv Hogwarts: A History! says:

Harry Rulz says:

I Luv Hogwarts: A History! says:
ok, I've got it

Chudley Cannons 4ever! says:
hey did you guys notice flitwicks hair taday?

Harry Rulz says:
Omg ya! Lololol

I Luv Hogwarts: A History! says:
You'd think he'd have a charm for that

I Luv Hogwarts: A History! says:
Here it is [email protected]

Harry Rulz says:
Whoa, talk about egotisticle

I Luv Hogwarts: A History! says:

Harry Rulz says:

Chudley Cannons 4ever! says:

Cinnamon Stix says:
I'm gonna add him

Harry Rulz says:
to the conversation!

Cinnamon Stix says:
No, to my list

Chudley Cannons 4ever! says:
lmao! i wonder what he would do if i added him...

Harry Rulz says:
try it

Harry Rulz says:
I dare you

Cinnamon Stix says:
I doubt he will

Chudley Cannons 4ever! says:
Wanna bet?!

Cinnamon Stix says:

Harry Rulz says:
Oh oh! I'll decide what it's for!

Chudley Cannons 4ever! says:
*shakes his head*

Cinnamon Stix says:

Harry Rulz says:
3 choclate frogs to the winner!

Chudley Cannons 4ever! says:

Cinnamon Stix says:

Harry Rulz says:
shake on it

Cinnamon Stix says:
uhh...harry, we're kinda on the computer

Chudley Cannons 4ever! says:
*grabs herm's hand and shakes*

Cinnamon Stix says:
uh, ok. *shakes also*

Harry Rulz says:
I g2g, home work

Cinnamon Stix says:
Oh! I should too!

Chudley Cannons 4ever! says:
I may as well too, meet you in the comoon room

Cinnamon Stix says:
Nice spelling ron

Chudley Cannons 4ever! says:

Harry Rulz says:

Harry Rulz has left the conversation.


Well, that was that. No romance yet...I didn't notice any anyways. Expect the next chat transcript soon. Maybe featuring a little Draco?...Review and tell me what you thought, of the format and the story itself. Eventually I'll figure out where the comps are cause Ron an Harry were not in the same room, ie. the boy's dorm. oh, and it's taking place year 5, right now it's in september. tata for now!

~~DJ Verits