Chapter 10: The Mysterious Letter

A man was hyperventilating as he ran through a house trying to get to a door when it slammed shut and the lock went into place.

Trying desperately to unlock it, the man froze when he heard soft footsteps and he turned to see the bandaged boy that has been stalking him for the last few days.

"S-Stay back." The man pulled out a pistol as Gauze chuckled. "I-I'm warning you-."

The man saw movement and he turned to be blindsided in a tackle by a masked man causing him to drop the gun.

Pushing the masked man off him, the man went for the gun only for a knife to go into his hand causing him to scream before his throat was slit.

"About damn time." Masky muttered as Gauze finally finished his kill. "I swear you're worse than Slenderman when he takes his time."

"What?" Gauze asked sheathing his knives as he looked at the Proxy. "I like to see their reaction."

"It got boring after the third day." Masky deadpanned causing Gauze to chuckle. "If he wasn't your job I would've just killed him and be done with it."

"Well he's dead, so what do you want to do?" Gauze asked as Masky shook his head.

"... Want to raid his fridge?" Masky suggested.

"Why not? I'm pretty sure there's some cheesecake in there." Gauze joked causing Masky to glare.

"For fuck's sake, I ate one cheesecake out of my victims fridge and people think I have an addiction to them." Masky muttered shaking his head as he opened it and found a few cans of beer.

Taking one, Masky tossed one to Gauze. "The hell?"

"It's beer." Masky said opening one and taking a sip. "Old enough to kill, old enough to drink."

Gauze blinked before opening it but he gagged. "Dear lord, the smell."

"Yeah it's a bit strong, but it's good to drink." Masky said with a chuckle at how Gauze reacted.

Gauze took a sip and practically spat it out, his throat burning as Masky busted out laughing.

"Right, first time drinking does that." Masky said in between chuckles before they heard a thump.

Tensing as the two looked towards the noise, they saw an owl on the window sill.

"The fuck?" Masky muttered walking to the window as the Owl looked at them, rotating its head before he saw a letter. "Who uses birds for mail anymore?"

Feeling curious, Masky opened the window as the owl shot in and landed in front of Gauze, holding the leg with the letter out, giving a hoot.

Blinking, Gauze used one of his knives to cut the letter off as the Owl took off out the window.

"... You saw that too, right?" Masky asked a little weirded out by that as Gauze looked at the send address.

"Masky, you may want to see this."

Tilting his head, Masky walked over and read the Sent Address.

'Harry James Potter.

The Kitchen on the First Floor

1024 Brookside Drive



"Alright that's just weird." Masky commented now worried. "Come on, we should get back to the Mansion before opening it."

Gauze gave a nod as he looked on the back to see an H emblem with four different animals around it.


Slenderman held the letter given to him by Gauze and Masky as the two looked at him.

"It's nothing to worry about." He said surprising them.

"Nothing to worry about-?" Masky shook his head. "Somehow whoever sent that letter knew where Gauze was going to be before sending it, if someone can predict that how long before the SCP can-?"

"Masky, no one knew." Slenderman said causing him to blink.

"Come again?"

"It's an invitation for Gauze to go to a School of Magic." Slenderman said handing it back to him. "They use a spell that automatically writes where they were on getting the letter."

Masky stared before he gave a sigh. "Fuck it." He muttered not wanting to think anymore about that.

Gauze gave a chuckle as he opened the letter.


Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore (Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Mr. Potter, We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31. Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall, Deputy Headmistress.'

"So this Hogwarts is one of the schools of magic?" Gauze asked a little intrigued by it.

"Yes and one of the few places I cannot go into." Slenderman revealed causing both Masky and Gauze to give him incredulous looks. "The closest I can get is their 'Forbidden Forest'."

"How can you not get in there?!" Masky asked never hearing of anything that could keep him out.

"You remember those runes that Gauze has on his door to keep those with the intent of harming him out?" Slenderman asked causing Masky to give a nod as Gauze learned how to apply those pretty quickly in his time in the Mansion. "The school itself has thousands of more powerful runes that can keep beings stronger than me out."

"Damn." Masky muttered.

"Then wouldn't it keep me out?" Gauze asked curiously.

"Not entirely." Slenderman said looking thoughtful. "You are still human so it wouldn't affect you like it would me, however if you try to kill someone no doubt the runes would power up against you."

"But once I'm a full-fledged Creep, they will affect me?" Gauze asked causing Slenderman to give a nod.

"Masky, I need to speak with Gauze alone." Slenderman said to the Proxy. "Get Hoodie and be on standby.

"So do you want me to go?" Gauze asked curiously, gesturing to the letter.

Slenderman was quiet before giving a nod. "It would be beneficial of you to go and learn more magic that you couldn't learn on your own." He said looking at the boy. "But you'll also be looking into these wards and how they work."

Gauze looked surprised by that before he grinned. "Sounds like fun."

"Be warned, in that school none of us will be able to help you." Slenderman told him. "And though we are nothing but mere legends to some people, there are a few in the Magical World who know of us to be real."

"So watch my back and don't give anything away." Gauze said giving a nod. "Anything else?"

"Yes… Have you been studying up on that Occlumency?" Slenderman inquired eliciting a nod from the bandaged boy. "Then when you get back I will be testing you on that."

Gauze looked a little confused on how he would do that before he frowned. "Get back? From where?"

He suppressed a shiver as he was certain that Slenderman was somehow giving an evil smirk despite not having a face.


There were a few shouts as a sound of static ruptured an area in an alley somewhere in London where Slenderman deposited Masky, Hoodie and Gauze.

Of course they didn't have their usual look.

Masky now looked like a dark haired young man with brown eyes and sideburns as he righted himself, wearing a gray long-sleeve shirt and blue jeans while Hoodie was a brunette with hazel eyes wearing a black unzipped jacket.

Gauze had his glasses on and a green vest over a black shirt.

"Fuck I hate not having my mask." Masky muttered as he rubbed his head.

Hoodie gave a nod of agreement, looking uncomfortable without his regular clothes.

Hell, they didn't like the thought of going to a place where they had to act human.

"I hate not having my knives." Harry muttered as Slenderman was still in the alley.

"The entrance to Diagon Alley is across the street." Slenderman said pointing to what looked like a run-down pub to them. "Once you have what you need, move to the nearest park and get back to the Mansion."

"Got it." Masky said as Slenderman teleported before anyone could see him. "Come on, let's get this shit done and over with."

If they thought it was run-down from the outside, the inside confirmed the fact that EJ's storage of organs was cleaner than this.

"Hello, what can I get you boys?" A barkeeper asked as they walked up.

"Where's the entrance to D-Digo-... It was Diagon Alley, right?" Masky asked looking at Hoodie who gave a shrug.

"Ah, Hogwarts Students?" The Barkeeper asked as Masky frowned before he began trying to blend in.

"Yeah, we're meeting up with some friends in Diagon Alley to get the shopping out of the way, so any help would be appreciated."

"It's right through there." The Barkeeper said pointing to a door in the back. "If you ever need anything just ask for Tom."

"Tom, that's you I assume?" Masky asked as Tom gave a nod. "Alright then."

Leaving the bar area, the three went through the door to see a dead-end with bricks.

"... Hoodie you still have the instructions right?" Masky muttered as Hoodie gave a nod and pulled out a slip of paper that Slenderman gave them, telling them which bricks to tap and in what order as he did what was shown before the bricks began to move in on each other and show a neighborhood behind it. "Well I'll be damned."

"This is… Surprising." Hoodie agreed with Masky as they walked through the streets of Diagon Alley.

"So this is the world I'm from apparently?" Harry asked as Slenderman did say something about his magical abilities coming from here.

"And I thought I've seen it all when Operator created us." Masky muttered avoiding a group of red heads being lead by a woman who was complaining about the price of Dragon Liver. "I wonder if Kagekao or Jason knows about this place."

"Probably." Hoodie said as Harry frowned.

Despite being in the Mansion for a year, he has yet to learn a lot about the world of the Creepypasta's, so he heard names like Kagekao, Seed Eater, Scarecrow, Jane and various others being said in the Mansion but not all of them were explained before they came across the Gringotts Bank that was their first stop according to Slenderman's directions.

It was a white building that towered over all the other shops.

Approaching it, they stopped at seeing the note.

"Enter, stranger, but take heed.

Of what awaits the sin of greed,

For those who take, but do not earn,

Must pay most dearly in their turn.

So if you seek beneath our floors

A treasure that was never yours,

Thief, you have been warned, beware

Of finding more than treasure there."

"... Good thing we didn't bring Toby, he would see that as a challenge." Harry deadpanned as he could see his friend doing that.

Hoodie took the initiative to open the door but they all paused at seeing what looked to be midgets with beards walking around, but they didn't look human if you got a good look at them.

It got silent as they entered, everyone in the room looked at Masky and Hoodie as if they could sense they were something more as they walked through the aisle before coming to a stop at a counter.

The person there curled his lips to show cracked sharp teeth. "It's been awhile since we've had beings like you two in here." He said causing Masky and Hoodie to tense as they realize that these people knew. "But with a human as well, my, my don't we live in interesting times? Tell me, how is the faceless one these days?"

"... Busy." Hoodie said his voice straining to remain calm.

"Very well, I assume you're here for a reason?"

"We're here to trade normal money for wizarding one." Masky said placing an envelope on the counter that they got from Slenderman.

The being gave a nod as he ordered another person to fetch the money as he saw how they were all tense, causing him to grin, showing cracked teeth. "Oh don't be like that, Goblins don't care what you creeps do as long as we get our gold."

"G-Goblins?" Harry asked in surprise as he looked at Masky.

"Don't look at me Gauze, it's your world." Masky responded to him.


Thankfully they weren't inside of the bank any longer after getting the money they needed.

"Alright so the bronze are Knuts, the silver are Sickles and the gold coins are Galleons?" Masky muttered as Hoodie had it written down. "Seventeen Sickles to a Galleon and Twenty-Nine Knuts to a Sickle-How the fuck does that make sense?!"

Hoodie just gave a shrug, not really caring.

"Ga-Harry, you getting this?" Masky asked with a look catching himself as they were still in public.

"Not really." Harry muttered, still trying to wrap his head around the fact that they met Goblins and how he's from this world.

"Right… So what should we get first?" Masky asked curiously. "You have a school list?"

"Yeah… Should we get the clothes shopping out of the way first before we do the fun stuff?" Harry asked curiously.

"Might as well." Hoodie muttered as they looked around before seeing a shop called 'Madam Malkin's Robes for all Occasions.'

The three of them entered curiously as they saw Madam Malkin, a squat witch dressed in mauve as she had a smile. "Hogwarts dears?" She asked as they entered.

"Just him." Hoodie said pointing to Harry. "We're his chaperones."

Harry gave him a look as Masky smirked. "Yeah cause we can't trust him to be by himself."

"You must have me confused with Toby." Harry said rolling his eyes knowing that despite his friendship with Toby, the killer will do some crazy stuff when he's alone.

"Alright, we got the lot here, just finishing up on this young man right here, in fact." Madam Malkin said gesturing to the back of the shop where a kid Harry's age was standing on a stool.

It was a blonde haired boy with a pale, pointed face as Harry was lead to the stool next to him and Madam Malkin was using the tape measure to see his size.

"Hello, Hogwarts too?" The blonde boy asked and Harry looked at him.


"My father's next door buying books and my mother's up the street looking at wands." The boy continued boredom in his tone. "Then I'm going to drag him to the racing brooms. I don't see why first years can't have their own. I think I'll bully my father into getting me one and smuggle it in somehow."

Harry raised a brow as he heard Masky whisper 'Racing brooms, seriously?' to Hoodie who looked just as lost. "Really?" Harry asked seeing a resemblance between this kid and his late cousin only the blonde was skinnier than Dudley was.

"Have you got your own broom?" The boy asked.

"No, but I plan to look into them." Harry said indulging the boy who may or may not be a future mark for him.

"Play Quidditch at all?"

"No." Harry said wondering what Quidditch was but he played along like he did.

"I do, Father says it's a crime if I'm not picked to play for my House and I agree." The boy said with a sniff at the thought. "Know what House you'll be in?"

"I'll know when I get there." Harry said evading the question as he saw the other two proxies looking a little interested, wanting to know what he was talking about.

"Well, no one really knows until they get there." The boy gave a nod agreeing with Harry as he gave a prideful look. "But I know I'll be in Slytherin, all of our family has been there, imagine being put in Hufflepuff, I think I would leave wouldn't you?"

"Depends." Harry said with a shrug.

The boy raised a brow. "On what?"

"On what the opportunities would be."

"So who are they?" The boy asked giving a disdainful look at Masky and Hoodie, or rather how they looked.

"We're his older brothers." Masky said going along with the story that Slenderman gave them. "I'm Tim and this is Brian."

Hoodie gave a nod.

Neither of them liked the tone that this kid was using though, as if he thought he was better than them.

"Where are your parents?" The boy asked now ignoring the two causing them to glower.

Harry gave him a look, wondering how the kid would react if he knew he just annoyed two Mythical Serial Killers. "They're dead."

"Oh sorry." The boy said, although he didn't sound sorry at all. "But they were our kind weren't they?"

"They were a Witch and a Wizard." Harry said as talking with the boy was beginning to annoy him.

"I really don't think they should let the other sort in, do you? They're just not the same, they've never been brought up to know our ways." The boy said shaking his head in disgust. "Some of them have never even heard of Hogwarts until they get the letter, imagine. I think they should keep it in the old wizarding families. What's your surname, anyway?"

Harry didn't get the chance to answer as Madam Malkin spoke up. "And you're done." She said.

Harry wasted no time getting off the stool as the blonde boy continued in a drawling tone. "Well I'll see you at Hogwarts I suppose."

"I suppose you will." Harry said paying for the robes as they left.

"Finally, that kid wouldn't shut up." Masky muttered shaking his head. "Please tell me you may kill him?"

"Haven't decided yet." Harry said in a thoughtful tone. "It can't be at this Hogwarts considering the Wards would power against me."

"I'm beginning to think this world is on crack." Masky commented shaking his head. "I mean Gringotts, Hogwarts, Quidditch, Slytherin and Hufflepuff?"

"Those are some weird names." Hoodie agreed.

"Like our true names aren't?" Harry asked and the two gave him that one. "Although I think I will look into the Racing Brooms."


It was after they bought some parchment and quills, with Masky questioning how much in the middle ages this world was, that they were eating.

"Well at least the Ice Cream is good." Hoodie commented as he had some Chocolate Chip.

Masky gave a shrug. "I guess." He said taking a bite out of his cookies and cream before he looked around to make sure no one was listening in. "You guys want to kill someone after this?"

Hoodie and Harry didn't need any persuading on that.

The day so far was stressful from being wary about the Goblins to getting annoyed by blondie.

So killing someone should calm them down.

"But the bookstore is next right?" Harry asked eating his chocolate and raspberry ice cream.

"Yeah and then we get the Potion stuff before we get your 'wand'." Hoodie said shaking his head.

"Man you don't even need a wand." Masky said giving a sigh as he looked relax.

"I know, but it'll be cool." Harry said looking at him.

Masky just returned the look. "You think shooting fire from a wooden stick instead of your bare hands is cool?"

"... What do you yanks say, I plead the fifth?"

Hoodie just shook his head as he stood up and walked towards the bookstore, gesturing for them to follow.

They spent a good few minutes in there as Harry gave a dark chuckle. "Oh I think I got a good book." He said holding one that was titled 'Curses and Counter-Curses.'

Masky gave Harry a suspicious look. "You better not be trying those out on me." He said as Harry gave an innocent smile.


"Uh guys." Hoodie's voice was from a few rows down. "You might want to see this."

"What, did you find something that actually makes sense in this crazy place?" Masky asked as he walked down there only to stop and stare. "What. The. Fuck?"

A lot of nearby people glared at him as there were children around.

Harry was now curious as he tucked the new book along with the various school books he planned to buy and walked down there only for his mouth to drop open.

The reason was the row was specifically called 'The Harry Potter Aisle.'

It showed various books, one of them showed a picture of Harry when he was a baby, to showing drawn pictures of him looking heroic.

"I don't know whether to be creeped out, which is saying something considering who we are, or just confused." Masky said pulling a book called 'Heroic Tales of Harry Potter' off the shelf.

"This is just weird." Hoodie said looking at another one titled 'Fall of You-Know-Who.'

Harry however was looking at all of them in shock, the most seen feature was his Lightning Bolt scar. "I-... I'm famous in this world?"

Masky gave a shrug as he began grabbing the books, looking over his shoulder before stuffing them in the bag. "Might as well see what they say." He said wondering how Harry was famous in this world.

Hoodie however had one opened. "... Apparently he killed someone when he was a year old." He said looking up. "And it was someone they called a Dark Lord."

"Wait, so I killed someone as a baby?" Harry asked in surprise before smirking. "Oh I can't wait to see Jeff's face if he hears about this."

"Do you think Operator knows?" Masky asked curiously as they all went quiet.

"One way to find out." Hoodie muttered as they decided to just get what they need to and leave.


The Potion Ingredients were easy enough to get, along with the Pewter Cauldron and Harry managed to buy a lot of extra ingredients so he could practice brewing in the Mansion as they were passing by the Owl Emporium when a certain Owl caught Harry's eyes.

It was a Snowy White Owl, in a room filled with various other species but the part that caught Harry's attention were the crooked feathers and what looked like a scar on the stomach.

The eyes however had a murderous look as they glanced at him, a look that Harry returned as he saw the Owl tilt its head.

"What are you doing?" Masky finally asked as Harry seemed to be in a staring contest with the white owl.

"I… Don't know." Harry muttered as he entered the Emporium. "I'll be right back."

"Should we go after him?" Hoodie asked looking at Masky.

"Nah, he can take care of himself." Masky said before seeing a sign pointing to someplace that was called Knockturn Alley. "Hey you mind waiting for Harry?"

"Knock yourself out." Hoodie said as Masky left, walking down the alley.


Harry saw various owls inside of the Emporium as he made it to the desk. "Hello, you here to pick up an Owl for Hogwarts?" The Store Clerk offered.

"Why would I need one?"

"Ah Muggle-Born?" The Clerk asked.

"No, I was raised by muggles though after being adopted." Harry said looking at the Owls to see them glaring at the white one who glared even fiercer.

The Clerk gave a shrug. "Well a lot of people use the owls for delivering their mail, it helps keeping people in contact without using Floo."

Resisting the urge to ask what 'Floo' was, Harry decided that it would be useful. "How much for the Snowy one?"

On hearing that the Clerk looked a little uncomfortable. "Uh I'm not sure I should sell that one to you."

"Why not?" Harry asked as he actually liked the white owl compared to the others.

"She's very… Temperamental." The Clerk chose his words carefully. "Anyone that tries is attacked viciously by her."

Unknown to the Clerk, he just made Harry grin. "I like a challenge."

The Clerk gave a frown as he looked at Harry. "Are you mental?"

Harry didn't answer that before the Clerk sighed. "Fine, but if she attacks, I'm putting her back."

Harry gave a nod, agreeing to the terms as the Clerk pulled out a stick much to Harry's curiosity and waved it, allowing the cage to open.

The white owl flapped her wings and shot out, landing near Harry, giving him a dark look.

Harry returned the look, but while the Clerk kept his eyes on the owl, he didn't see the boy giving the Owl a twisted smile, dropping the innocent facade causing the Owl to see who he really was.

The Owl matched the stare before giving a nod as she flew onto his shoulder much to the complete surprise of the Clerk while Harry quickly put the facade back up.

"Well I'll be." The Clerk said stupefied by what just happened.

"So how much?" Harry asked pulling some money out.

Five minutes later, Harry got the owl in a cage as she had a disgruntled look with the boy promising that she would be free once they were out of the Alley.

Hoodie just shook his head at what he was seeing.

"Where's M-Tim?" Harry asked curiously.

"He decided to check something out." Hoodie answered as he eyed the owl who glared at him. "If Smile eats this bird it's your fault."


Masky had a frown as he was in the Knockturn Alley and he had to say, this place seems perfect for future shopping.

It's definitely got the dark and gritty environment.

And he could see from how everyone was acting that there were quite a few illegal things happening around here.

"You look lost." A voice said causing Masky to frown as he saw someone in rags with some cracked teeth. "Not one to be around here are you?"

The man had a wand in his hand as he made some demands.

"Now give me your valuables and be quick about it."

Masky however looked amused at this.

This man was attempting to rob him.

"What are you smirking at-?" The Man was cut off as Masky grabbed his wrist and easily snapped it causing him to scream in pain and a lot of onlookers looked on as Masky took the wand and snapped it in front of the man.

"Oops, was that yours?" Masky asked as he had a grin before kicking the man back.

He then looked at the others as they easily got back to what they were doing.

Feeling satisfied that no one was going to interfere, Masky grabbed the man and dragged him out of sight.

A few minutes later a bloodcurdling scream resounded from the Alley.

As Masky came back out wiping blood off his hands, he looked at the others. "Anyone else?"

Needless to say, no one bothered Masky as he continued to explore now liking this Knockturn Alley more than ever.


Masky met up with Hoodie and Harry just as they were about to head into Ollivanders. "What took you-?" Hoodie stopped as he noticed a smirk on Masky's face. "What did you do?"

"I only defended myself from a mugging." Masky replied innocently. "And gained a reputation to not be fucked with."

Hoodie was silent before sighing. "Forget it." He said and that was when Masky saw the Owl.

"You bought a bird?"

The Owl screeched at him causing Masky to raise a brow.

"She's very temperamental." Harry said repeating the Clerk's words. "I thought she would fit in fine."

"Well we have just about everything, but one thing." Hoodie inputted as he held a hand out for the list that Harry had.

Once it was handed to him, the Proxy double-checked everything because he didn't want to have come back.

"The wand?" Masky asked in a bored tone as they saw a store called 'Ollivanders: Makers of Fine Wands Since 382 B.C.' "Huh, quite a long business."

But Masky had a frown as something about that store name had him thinking.

"Let's just go." Hoodie commented, handing Harry back the list as they walked in to see it was an extremely cramped place with bookshelves full of small boxes, a lot of them having dust from years of not being touched and there was a very spindly chair that neither of the Proxies trusted.

Coughing a bit from the dust, Harry spoke up. "Hello?"

"Good Afternoon." A voice said coming out of nowhere startling Harry and he saw that whoever spoke also startled the other two, not an easy feat either.

An old man walked out of the shadows with his wide eyes shining like the moon.

He looked so creepy that Harry idly thought that maybe this man was a fellow Creep before squashing the idea.

"Ah yes." The man spoke up walking up to Harry. "Yes, yes. I thought I'd be seeing you soon. Harry Potter." The way he knew exactly who Harry was surprised him. "You have your mother's eyes. It seems only yesterday she was in here herself, buying her first wand. Ten and a quarter inches long, swishy, made of willow. Nice wand for charm work."

Mr. Ollivander moved closer to Harry making the boy back up as those silvery eyes were a bit creepy. "Your father, on the other hand, favored a mahogany wand. Eleven inches. Pliable. A little more power and excellent for transfiguration. Well, I say your father favored it. It's really the wand that chooses the wizard, of course."

"I think you should back up." Masky warned not really liking this guy as he was a bit too close for comfort for all of them.

"Ah yes Masky and Hoodie am I right?" Ollivander asked with a knowing smile causing everyone to freeze. "It's been some time since I've been in contact with the Operator, how is he doing?"

"How do you know of him or us?" Hoodie asked all politeness gone as he was ready to kill the old man.

Masky however frowned before his eyes widened. "No fucking way." He said looking at Ollivander in complete shock. "382 B.C."

Hoodie paused in shock as well, while Harry looked confused. "Excuse me?"

"Gauze, this man is the Wand Maker." Masky said causing Harry to blink. "He's an extremely old Creep along with Slenderman."

"Slenderman, is that what they're calling him these days?" Ollivander asked with a snort. "My he keeps getting new names."

"So he is a Creep?!" Harry asked in surprise as he did have the thought for a second.

"Yes, although I haven't been active in many recent years." Ollivander the Wand Maker said giving a dark smile. "I have to keep up appearances as this I'm afraid. But my, Harry Potter is one of our kind?"

"He's not there yet, but he's getting there." Masky said a little respectfully.

"Sounds grand, but you didn't come here to listen to an old Creep ramble, you want your wand?"

"Yes." Harry said now extremely interested in this place as he saw Wand Maker grabbing a Wand case off of a shelf.

"Now a lot of these wands are made by 'Human' standards with no dark rituals involved, but I like to dabble a bit now and then." Wand Maker explained before opening one. "Now Gauze what's your wand arm?"

"Uh… I'm Right-Handed originally?" Harry said not sure as Wand Maker waved a hand and a tape measurer was going all around him, measuring his height, how long his arm was-... His nose?

"Good, good, now this wand is a human named one." Wand Maker explained holding it up. "Every wand in here has a magical core that will be unique to each wielder. Everything from Phoenix feathers to Dragon hearts are considered for making the wands."

"So there's no same wand?" Harry asked a little interested.

"Well there is one that shares the origin of a Phoenix feather, I was actually saving that one for you until I found out you were a fellow Creep." Wand Maker said with a sadistic grin. "After all the brother of that wand gave you that Scar."

Harry blinked as he chuckled. "That would be weird."

"Yes now this one is beachwood and Dragon Heartstring. Nine inches and very flexible." Wand Maker held it out as Harry grabbed it and only held it for a few seconds before Wand Maker snatched it back. "It didn't work for you because you are not compatible for this wand."

Harry looked towards Masky and Hoodie who were waiting patiently before Wand Maker held out another wand.

"Maple and Phoenix feather, seven inches and quite whippy." Wand Maker explained.

It went on like this for a long time and Harry saw Wand Maker was having a hell of a time with each wand he pulled off, sometimes apologizing to the 'wands' for neglecting some of them.

"You act like they're alive?" Harry commented as Wand Maker smirked.

"Oh they are, the Wands choose the Wizard you know." Wand Maker said before pausing as he pulled out an extremely dusty wand. "Oh this one was one of the first few wands I've ever made so it's been around for a long time."

"Really?" Harry asked as the Wand Maker pulled it out.

"Eight Inches, Walnut Wood with a Thestral Hair as the core." Wand Maker said before grinning. "And held together by the blood of a human sacrifice from my old days."

Harry tentatively grabbed it before the wand lit up as magic poured off of it.

"Haha I should've known that a wand like this would work for you." Wand Maker said in glee. "Walnut Trees have a lot of superstition around them, some include death and the Thestrals are creatures that can only be seen by those who witness death."

"Sound's like my kind of wand." Harry said seeing at how unique the wand.


"Finally home." Masky muttered as they made it back to the Mansion after getting the wand.

It took forever to lug everything to the forest in order to get back.

Hoodie rolled his eyes and walked to the Kitchen to get something to eat before he changed into his regular clothes.

"You have it from here Gauze?" Masky asked as he wanted to get dressed in his usual outfit.

"I do." Harry said giving a nod as he held out his new wand, deciding to give it a go. "Wingardium Leviosa."

Everything floated up as Masky glared. "You couldn't do that a while ago?"

"And have all those normal people see the levitation?" Harry asked with a snort. "We already got weird looks for the Owl alone."

The Owl in question was flying around the outside of the Mansion, happy to stretch her wings.


A few moments later, Harry was back in his Gauze outfit, minus the bandages as he had everything in his room and looking through some of the books that had something to do with him being famous.

As he read, Gauze sensed someone behind him as he smirked. "Hey LJ."

Gauze heard some cursing as he turned to see the Creep. "How did you know it was me?" Laughing Jack asked annoyed that he wasn't able to scare him.

"You're one of the only ones who can get past the Wards besides Slendy." Gauze remarked as he knew how LJ had the ability to teleport even if it wasn't completely on par with Slenderman's. "So what is it?"

"Just seeing how our resident human is doing." LJ said with a grin showing rows of sharp teeth. "I haven't been around much this year with my busy schedule."

"With you being a kid's imaginary friend?" Gauze asked with a raised brow as LJ gave a laugh.

"Well of course." LJ said as he looked around. "Man where the hell did all of this stuff come from?"

"Found out there's a school for people who can do magic and a whole hidden community where people can do what I can." Gauze answered earning a surprised look from LJ.

"First I've heard of that." LJ said in confusion as Harry gave a nod.

"Yeah, I'm going at the beginning of September."

"Huh." LJ muttered before they heard some crashing noises downstairs. "Well it sounds like Toby's back."

"He had a job?" Harry asked in surprise.

"Nah, he just left because he felt cooped up." LJ said as he turned and left.


"You're shitting me." Jeff had a glare as Gauze smirked while they were at dinner.

"Nope, I killed someone as a baby." Gauze said giving a laugh at how Jeff glared at him.

"That's bullshit!" Jeff complained shaking his head. "There's no way."

"It's a recorded event." Hoodie supplied with a shrug.

Toby laughed as he twitched. "Nicely done Gauze." He said cracking his neck before he looked thoughtful. "So you know where this Magical World is?"

Gauze gave a nod as Jeff frowned before looking at Slenderman. "How come none of us were told about this world, or this Wand Maker that Masky and Hoodie knew about?"

"Because knowing you, you would rush in there and kill some of them bringing the truth of our existence to light." Slenderman responded in a deadpanned tone. "As well as setting off every warding charm that will detect us."

"Oh come on, I'm not that careless." Jeff said crossing his arms. "I sneak into places all the time."

"You aren't going to Diagon Alley." Slenderman told him.

Gauze gave a small chuckle as he thought about some of the only rules that they follow here.

No fighting in the Mansion.

Don't reveal yourselves too much.

And don't kill anyone too famous.

That last one is the only reason some people like Stephenie Meyer and Justin Bieber were still alive.

Jeff glared as EJ just ignored the whole conversation.

Lulu was intrigued by the idea of a hidden magical world while Sally was asking Gauze what type of magical creatures there were.

Smile was eating but he was also growling at the White Owl who was perched high up, giving him a glare.

As they finished eating, Gauze saw Slenderman looking at him as the being gave a nod before disappeared.

Knowing what he wanted, Gauze stood up but he stopped, looking at Jeff. "If you want I could find out the address to some Witches and Wizards for you to kill for an extra challenge." He offered causing Jeff to look surprised before the killer gave a sadistic smile.

"There might be hope for me not to kill you yet." Jeff commented.


"So what exactly are we doing?" Gauze asked as he stood across from Slenderman in the middle of the woods.

"I'm going to spend this month making sure your Mental Shields are good enough to prevent any 'curious' Wizards from reading your memories." Slenderman said causing Gauze to tilt his head before he winced as static ruptured through it causing him to grip it in pain. "I won't be going easy on you."

With that said, Gauze couldn't stop the scream of pain from erupting as his mind was assaulted.

To Be Continued…

Wow this chapter took a long time but it was worth it considering this chapter is the longest for this story.

Now the trip to Diagon Alley is done and I hope you liked how I mentioned some Creeps that haven't shown up yet as well as show some characterization between Masky and Hoodie.

Plus I made Ollivander into a Creepypasta because the guy was way too creepy from the book to not be one.

But right now Gauze is training his mental shields with Slenderman in order to prevent any magical beings from finding out where he's been as well as to prevent them from finding the location of the Mansion.

And Gauze is on a mission of his own in Hogwarts as the Castle itself is heavily guarded with powerful runes to keep extremely dark entities out for many generations, so I think it would make sense for Slenderman to have Gauze look into it while he's still human as well as explain how the others won't be able to just kill some people in that school.

Oh and Harry didn't use the Potter Vault because A) He doesn't know about it. And B) Using it would let Dumbledore know he's in Diagon Alley considering he has the key.

He will get the key back after the first year though.

Alright it's time for some reviews.

Duskrider: Yes he will be extremely bored and having the Invisibility Cloak will only add to his arsenal as Gauze.

Smugraptor: Yes I would like to hear the ideas please.

GodofGreed: Well I'm going to have him be a Master Manipulator in my other HP story, in this one he's actually going to be a good Dumbles, just a little more human in making mistakes.

Coldblue: Thank you and Lulu's story doesn't really show much of her character except for having someone follow her before he kills them to steal their eyes, so I'm happy people enjoyed her character at the moment. Haha the beach idea was kind of a joke, I wasn't going to show that because it would be OOC to type for them, but honestly people like to relax and I think some of them would.

Now for your questions. 1) I'm not that active on Fanfiction as I used to be but I'll try to update some of my older stories. 2) Yes I planned for that but they aren't really bonded yet, more of Hedwig's past will be revealed as the story goes on. 3) I hoped the ending of this chapter did a good showing of it. 4) I think I'm going to keep that story separate from this one. 5) Well not really because only a 'few' Witches and Wizards know of them to be true.

Guest7: Thank you and sorry for the wait.

The Richmaster: I'll have Harry meet Slender's brothers eventually and no this story won't be connected to Hoodie in Gotham.

Shinigami Phantom: Yeah but considering this is a Slender crossover murdering the Dursley's had to have happened as well as Harry's marks.

Matt: Kind of, I wouldn't necessarily say evil but he is pretty dark with killing people that Slenderman sends him after, he's pretty indifferent around anyone else.

Karnevalfreak59: Thank you and sorry for the wait.

The Crazy Reviewer: Thank you and I will eventually address the issue of him not swimming, possibly in the next chapter. As for Marge Harry doesn't even know where she lives as he's never memorized anyplace outside of Privet Drive, he will kill her though when he does find her. Harry will learn the Unforgivables when he hears of them.

Just curious: There will be a pairing maybe in the fifth year but right now no. I may do the traditional Ticciwork pairing. As for the house, I think Harry would play along with what they think of him in order to keep suspicion off of him as if he plays along with being the 'hero' they wouldn't suspect him of being who he is, I may put up a poll later for the houses he would be in.

Sea and Chaos: Thank you and I'm happy you liked this story, yes Hedwig is changed so she may be his familiar. Gauze may make an appearance at Hogwarts but not in the way you would think.

Zara Potter: Thank you and I think Sirius will really freak out but kind of accept it with the mental issues being in Azkaban caused.

Guest8: Those would be some interesting reactions wouldn't they?

Sweet Smile: I think I may do that in the next chapter as well when Harry and Toby talk. Uh I wasn't going to show the beach because it would be a little weird to type but I'll have it referenced a bit. Yeah that many years in Azkaban would really do a number on a person so it would be possible that he would accept Harry as a killer. Sirius staying at the Mansion? Priceless.

Now for the Spanish Part. Creo que puede hacer que en el próximo capítulo, así cuando Harry y Toby charla. Uh yo no iba a mostrar la playa, ya que sería un poco raro que escribir pero tendré que hace referencia un poco. Sí que los muchos años en Azkaban serían realmente un número en una persona por lo que sería posible que él aceptaría Harry como un asesino. Sirius estancia en la mansión? Invaluable.

TheDeadGirlRisen: Thank you and I hope you liked this chapter.

Multipule-Characters1-Acct: Possibly.

Guest9: Haha that would be a good joke but I may have his Patronus be something else.

I don't know: Oh… My… God, that would be hilarious to type! I need to add that in somehow.

Meep: They may find out somehow, just not yet.

RaNdOm StUfF: Sadly that's not how it's going to end with Marge, but that would be priceless to type.

Kurohi Rokujou: No it won't be influenced by a person and the staff will be surprised about the Dursley's 'untimely' demise.

Guest10: Yeah that would be fun to type.

God of the Challenge: Possibly.

Food is bae: Exactly it's very unbelievable that Harry never snapped in Canon with all the shit that happens.

Sharknight 101: Soon.

Random Dancing: Yes he does and I actually planned to use that.

Drake58: Yes and that will show later on.

Ender the Multiverse Detective: Thank you.

Eggers: Sorry for the wait.

Itharax: Thank you and sorry for the wait.

Kira Akuma: Thank you and I'm glad your first Creep story was this one.

DarkBlur2005: You don't want to know *Smiles mischievously*

Lucille: A little late for that one, don't you think?

Marshman101: Thank you and I am sorry for the long wait.

Lawliet: I figured with how bloody some animes were the Creeps might enjoy them. And Death Note is a good one.

ThePinkyNinja: Thank you and sorry for the wait.

Firestar-Harry: Sorry for the wait.

KorinaDragonClaw: Thank you and I hope you continue to enjoy this one.

Alright that's enough from me, Spidey is Signing Out!