Author's Note: I was going to do a 7B and let the naughtiness continue but decided against it (thus the title of 7A). However, I like the idea of Oliver being vulnerable and of Felicity respecting that vulnerability instead of taking advantage of it. You all have been so kind with your comments. I admit I keep a separate file just for the sweet words.
Felicity had been sitting in front of her computer screen for so long she had completely lost track of time. The boys had all left the Foundry ages ago and Felicity had stayed behind to work on some system updates and a couple of satellite links. Her finger tips were slightly blue and she had goose bumps up and down her arms from the damp chill in the basement but she didn't care. She was solving problems and she couldn't be bothered with creature comforts. Suddenly her phone buzzing spurred her out of her intensity. It was Oliver.
"This is Thea, Oliver's sister. You are the most recent and most often texted person on my brother's phone so I'm guessing you two are close."
Felicity gasped. She had only met Thea once or twice and neither time involved long conversations. Why was she texting her on Oliver's phone? What happened to Oliver?
"Yes, I know your brother well. Did something happen to him?"
"Yes. He's at Verdant. He's drunk. He's angry and he's picking fights. Could you come get him? I can't leave the club otherwise I'd drive him home myself."
Felicity's shock just grew larger. Oliver drunk? What could possibly have made that happen? And now she needed to sneak out of Verdant, drive the block and come back around through the front door.
She locked her computers down, shut off the foundry lights and headed to her car. By the time she got to Verdant Thea had gotten Oliver outside and was keeping him away from the paparazzi that always lingered by the front door. Thea took a couple light steps towards Felicity and said,
"Felicity? Right?"
"Yes, that's me."
"Thank goodness you showed up. I don't know what has happened to him. He keeps rambling about whether or not it is all worth it and some guy named Slade and his shadow and good grief who knows."
Thea looked tired and worried. Felicity thought it must be difficult to have a brother return from the dead only to no longer understand him or trust him. She reached out and lightly touched Thea's arm. "It's okay. I'll take him home. No worries."
She gingerly approached Oliver who stood leaning against a brick wall in jeans and a black t-shirt. He looked beaten down. Felicity reached out and grabbed his arm and his head flung up and he had the look of wildness in his eyes. For a moment Felicity was frightened and she softly said, "Oliver, it's me. It is just Felicity. Let's get you home." The anger and feral craziness in his eyes instantly softened but Felicity sensed it was best to get him out of the street and someplace private. She carefully took his hand and guided him to her car.
She didn't want to take him back to his house. Nobody at the Queen mansion knew Felicity and she didn't want to spark suspicion. She decided on taking Oliver back to her apartment. Oliver said nothing and glared out the car window. When they pulled into Felicity's apartment building he quietly stumbled behind Felicity until she guided him to her couch where he sat slouched and beaten. Felicity kicked off her heels, grabbed a blanket and curled up next to Oliver, her legs tucked underneath her and softly stroked the back of his head.
"Oliver, you want to tell me what's going on?"
He sat with his head hanging low for several minutes before looking up at her. Tears filled his eyes and pain seemed to be all over his face. When he spoke his voice was barely over a whisper, "the nightmares never stop Felicity. I thought when I came home the pain would stop. The hurting would stop. I thought I would be a force for good and things, in turn, would be good. But it isn't. It's just more death, more pain, more hurt. I..I just can't do it."
Felicity's heart broke and crumpled. Oliver was always strong, always stoic, and always unemotional. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close. She nuzzled her face into his neck and whispered, "It's okay Oliver. It's going to be okay. I promise". Oliver's shoulders silently shook as Felicity felt the tears drop down on her shoulder. She said nothing but instead just held him, hoping her calm love would be enough to chase the demons. Felicity allowed the silence to envelop them. There was nothing to say. She knew he wouldn't want to tell her about the island and she wasn't sure she really wanted to know. What do you say to somebody who has come back from the dead after living five years in hell and emerged as a masked vigilante? There wasn't a single way for Felicity to relate to his emotions. Oliver's shoulders stilled and his breathing became steady. He pulled away from Felicity and looked at her with red tired eyes. "Thank you."
Felicity held his hands in hers and said, "I don't know what you went through Oliver but I know that all lives are worth living and every person is worthy of love. But Oliver, you've got to love yourself first. You've got to forgive yourself first before you can accept the love and forgiveness of others."
Oliver silently nodded. He tried to stand up but fell back down becoming increasingly aware that the multiple shots of vodka were definitely still in his system. Felicity leaned forward, holding his face in her hands, "I forgive you. I love you." She gently kissed him on the cheek and then stood up and offered her hand, "C'mon Arrow, let's get you into bed so you can sleep this one off. No nightmares for you tonight" and she led him to her bedroom.