A/N This will be a slow process. I will only update when ideas come to mind. I know I have another story in the works, but the last chapter is nearly done. I do not own Hetalia or Soul Eater.

It has been a year since the Kishin's defeat. The battle with evil humans, those who have become Kishin eggs still rages on. Along with that, Death Weapon Meister Academy aka the DWMA, is still fighting a war against witches. As for the three meister's credited for the defeat of the Kishin, they returned to their "normal" lives.

Maka stayed the hardworking, strong girl she always is. Her weapon Soul gained more determination in becoming a Death Scythe, but is still the same old Soul. Their relationship grows stronger by the day, some saying it is more than meister and weapon. Black Star, the not so good assassin, is still his overly confident self, and is more worried in defeating Kid than making Tsubaki a Death Scythe. The kind, and quiet girl puts up with his crazy ways, often getting mad at him, but still worrying, and caring for the boy. Death the Kid still wants everything to be perfectly symmetrical, and having fits when his Sanzu lines (which remain half-way, even after all the attempts to connect them.), are mentioned. His two weapons Liz and Patty are his saviors whenever it came to his self-doubt (usually caused by the Sanzu lines), reassuring him that he isn't "disgusting garbage". Over all, their lives did not change, even though they are technically known as saviors of the world.

Maka closed her book, after a few hours of studying. She sat in the academy's vast library, school ended, but being the girl she is, she uses her two-star rank for own her pleasure. Now that she is a two-star meister, she had access to a new variety of books.

"Another day of peaceful reading." Maka thought as she picked up the pile of books she had scattered on a library table. Thanks to her regularity at the library, the librarian, a strange but kind man, held books which she was currently reading, while she checked out the books she deemed the most interesting.

"I should probably get home. I bet Soul is dying from hunger, either that or the pervy cat is keeping him company." Maka really hoped for the first, since she hated it when Blair shoved Soul into her chest, or did anything with him for that matter. Jealousy is not something she is used to. Maka walked out of the library, only to bump into her Professor, Franken Stein.

"Oh, hello Professor Stein." She greeted

"I guessed right in you being here, Maka. Are you heading home?" Stein asked

"Yes, I just finished my reading for today. Why? Is something wrong?" Maka watched as Stein turned his screw.

"I was simply hoping Soul would still be here, but knowing him he probably left as soon as school finished. Anyways I would like you to call him, and tell him to come to the academy as soon as possible." Stein always spoke in a monotone voice, but when issuing something of importance, he gained a more serious tone.

"Very well, Professor. Where will you like us to meet you, after he arrives?" Maka readied her cellphone as she asked this.

"Head to the Death Room, in about half an hour. There we will explain more." With than Stein bid his student a silent goodbye. Maka stood outside the library, thinking about Stein's instructions. She shook her head focusing on her duties. Dialing Soul number, she placed the phone to her ear. After a few minutes of ringing, Soul picked up.

"Yo! What is taking you so long? It is your turn to cook." Maka listened as her partner complained.

"Calm down. Besides if you really are hungry, you can cook yourself." Maka retorted.

"My cooking is not as good as yours." Soul defended.

A slight blush appeared on Maka's cheeks, "You are right about that, but forget about food for now, you have to come to the academy. Professor Stein wants both of us to go to the Death Room." Maka informed.

"Did he give a reason?" Soul asked.

"He said he'll explain more when we get there, but he sounded pretty serious."

"Alright. I'll be there in a bit." With that Soul hung up. "The least you can say is goodbye." Maka thought as she placed her phone back in her coat's pocket. She then walked towards the Death Room.

After a few minutes of waiting outside the Death Room, Soul walked up to Maka.

"You took longer than I expected." Maka said

"I stopped by Deathbucks." Stein told her.

Maka sighed. She turned and knocked on the Death Room's door. After a few knocks the door opened. Maka and Soul proceeded to walk down the path, which led to the center of the Death Room.

"Wassup! Wassup! Waaaassssup!" Lord Death greeted them with his usually cheerful tone.

"Hello, Lord Death." Soul and Maka greeted back. They noticed Stein and Spirit standing to his sides. "Good now that you are here. We can brief you on your mission." Stein began speaking.

"Mission? In such short notice?" Maka looked at Stein.

"Yes we apologize for that, but we were waiting for confirmation." Spirit decided to speak, but Maka ignored him. "You can at least pretend to look at me!" Spirit thought, heart broken.

"As Death Scythe said, we have been investigating certain…claims for the past few weeks." Lord Death said.

"Claims of what?" Soul asked.

"As of late. The DWMA European branch has received reports of a male witch." Stein revealed. Maka and Soul stood shocked. Maka read books which mentioned male witches, but each book stated there has only been one account, which was Eibon.

"A male witch? Is that even possible?" Soul asked

"Technically a man cannot be a witch. The male equivalent is known as a warlock, or wizard. The latter being used more commonly." Lord Death answered.

"I thought witches can only be female." Maka commented, she thought of Crona, since she was the only witch offspring, which Maka personally knew. (A/N In this story Crona is female, even though I personally believe Crona to be male, I felt this would add clarification. Crona being female will not really add to the story, it is for clarification purposes only.)

"That is what we thought as well, but now we aren't so sure." Stein added.

"These reports are rather sudden, so I decided to have Justin lead a team to clarify, and well it seems it is true." Lord Death

"Then why do we need to go on this mission? If you have already discovered it to be true, shouldn't you stop this wizard?" Maka asked.

"That was the plan, but any agent of the European branch who is sent to investigate returns with no memories of their mission. This includes Justin. We don't even know the name of the supposed wizard." Stein clarified.

"The only concrete evidence we have, is the "wizard's" location." Spirit spoke again, this time gaining his daughter's attention, which made him very happy. "His location is believed to be in London, England. Near Buckingham Palace. Through a variety of rumors the European Branch acquired this information, but due to no agents being able to remember if this is true or not, it remains just that, a rumor."

"Were the agents' memories erased as soon as they neared this area? If they did then it is rather clear that this is where the wizard is located." Maka theorized.

"No this area is a huge tourist spot, being near Buckingham Palace, and all, but if I had to guess, I would say anyone who discovered where exactly this wizard was, lost their memories. If this person truly is a wizard, wiping memories would be a simple task." Lord Death added.

"This is where you two come in. Even after the erasing of the agents' memories, we have found a prime suspect." Stein held onto a clipboard, reading the bit of information they had.

"After doing some extensive research, I discovered several accounts of a family line, which has inhabited the same home for the past two centuries." Stein handed Maka and Soul, a printed picture. It was a picture of a painting. The painting showed a young man, around his early twenties. He had green eyes, blond hair, and the thickest eyebrows Maka had ever seen. He was dressed in fine clothing, which showed his status. Under the painting there was a caption.

"Sir Arthur Kirkland. A General of the British Army. 1776." Maka read part of the caption.

"Several records we found, show a member of the Kirkland family being in a high status in the British Army. They could be descendants of the original, who we believe is the man in that painting." Stein explained.

"Along with that picture, I found several more. Either this family's genetics, cause for every man to look the same, or it is the same man." Stein proceeded to give Maka more pictures. The first was a picture from what seemed to be WWI, after that there was one which seemed to be taken during Queen Elizabeth II's coronation. The last one was a present photo of the same man, but now he wore military suit, which was adorned by several metals.

"Every one of these photos states this man as Sir Arthur Kirkland, General of the British Army. You can see where our suspicions come from. Aside from these photos, his rank, and his name. We can't find any real information. As of now we have discovered a small mansion near Buckingham Palace, which is owned by the Kirkland family." Stein finished, allowing Maka and Soul to process the information.
"So when do we leave?" Soul asked

"Right away. You have an hour to pack, after that you need to get to the Death City Airport. There is a private jet waiting for your arrival. Also this mission is to remain a secret." Spirit answered. Maka and Soul bid a farewell, and headed out of the Death Room.

"I do not see why you had to send Maka." Spirit looked at Death's emotionless mask.

"You could see as well as I, that she is curious. Besides she is only gathering information." Lord Death reassured.

"I slightly agree with Spirit. If Maka discovers anything about the Kirkland family, in theory, would her and Soul's memories be erased." Stein pointed out. Lord Death stayed silent. "I guess you can say it is a "gut feeling," but I feel as though that will not happen. I have a feeling this is a fated mission." Stein and Spirit stood in silence. The silence soon got awkward.

"Oh forget I said anything! I am sure Maka and Soul will complete this mission with ease!" Lord Death bounced as he yelled cheerfully. Stein and Spirit soon left for home, leaving the god of death.

"Arthur Kirkland? That name…sounds familiar." Lord Death thought as he watched his own reflection.