Well hello again! I know I know it's been awhile! Sorry but I had to move house AGAIN! But that will be the last time! So I know that your all keen to just jump in and finish off this amazing story (if I do say so myself) but let me just give a shout out to Raininthesun. Thanks for giving me the kick that I needed to finish this story.

Disclaimer: RM owns everything, so I will just make the talking Llama kidnap her and eat her hair until she gives it to me lol.

"Do you remember when we carved our initials into a tree with a love heart around it?" I asked looking at her closely.

"Uh yes, I do," she said. And she blushed again!

"How about we go back to that park again after I get let out? See if it's still there," I asked crossing my fingers that she would say yes. If she did then she must like me. I know that it's been a long time, but I still liked her.

Please say yes...please!

"I'd love that! And we can swing on the swings just like we used to!" Jane said with a big smile.

YES! This had to be the bestest day ever!


6 months later.

I screamed again as another powerful contraction hit me and I shut my eyes as I squeezed the life out of Dimitri's hand and kept breathing deeply until it passed.

"You're doing great Roza, just keep breathing," Dimitri said for the umpteenth time as he kissed my sweat soaked forehead.

"Yeah well that's easy for you to say! You're not the one having the baby here!" I shouted as I death glared him once again for getting me into this mess. "And if you even think about touching me again after this then I'm going to make it impossible for you to have any more children as painfully as I can!" I yelled, well and truly over this whole labor thing.

"Whatever you say dear," Dimitri said barely managing to keep a straight face while I threatened him with something so stupid that he knew I wouldn't go through with. We had both talked about having more children after this and I was all for it. But he should keep his mouth shut and not remind me of that fact if he didn't want to get knocked out by his pregnant fiancé! Because let me tell you I was this close to it!

But I did have to hand it to Dimitri, after thirteen hours of being yelled at, you would think that he would be just a little bit agitated or cranky at me. But noooo. Just try and keep that smile off of his face!...Well not that the whole me being in pain bit, but the fact that it was finally time for us to meet our baby. And to be honest, I was pretty glad that the time had come as well. I was over being the size of a house and having everyone treat me as though I was made of glass! Heck, I could probably take on half of them when I was in labor!

I cried out again as the most powerful of the contractions so far hit me and I knew that it was time.

"Dimitri!" I cried out.

"I'm right here Roza, it's ok," he said reassuringly from my side.

"Alright Rose, it's time to push," the Court doctor said as she got into place at the business end of the delivery table.

"Alright on three. 1,2,3!"

I pushed as hard as I could and felt something MOVE.

"Ok good. One more big push and we're done. Come on Rose 1,2,3."

I pushed so hard that I felt my face turning red and I didn't think that I had anymore left in me...until I heard it.

"Aaaah waaaa waaa."

The entire room froze as we all heard that sweet cry for the first time.

"Congratulations it's a boy!" the doctor said after cutting the umbilical cord and cleaning him up before placing him in my arms. A BOY! I looked down at my sweet baby and fell instantly in love for the second time in my life. He was absolutely perfect. I looked up into Dimitri's deep brown eyes and saw the same thing in them.

"Ivan," Dimitri whispered as he looked back up into my eyes and smiled. "Ivan Mason," I said saying the name that we had agreed on if we had a son. I looked back down at our son. Our miracle baby.

"Aren't you tired of watching that thing yet?" A voice said from behind me, snapping me out of my own little world and back into the present. I reached for the remote and hit stop on the DVD before turning around carefully on the couch of our home with Ivan sleeping contently in my arms to look at Dimitri.

"What's to get sick of? It's the day that I brought our son into the world and as such one of the most important days of our life. Followed closely by the first time that you told me that you loved me and our wedding. Which by the way is on next after I finish watching this one," I said turning back around to the TV.

"Again," Dimitri said in an exasperated tone of voice. But he had a little smile pulling at his lips as he came around to sit next to me. I decided to stop this one and just skip right on to our wedding. We had been married two months ago in a small by Lissa's standards but big for mine wedding. I had wanted to do it in Russia, but having only just recently had a baby, and Violet being due any day now we had just decided to have it at Court.

"You know no matter how many times that I see this, I still just can't believe my luck that you're mine now," Dimitri said snuggling up next to me and stealing Ivan from my arms. "And that you're mine too," he said in a coo. It was so funny hearing my tough ass Russian speaking in such a soft loving voice that was universally reserved for babies.

"Well you have the rest of our life together to get used to it," I said teasingly as I watched myself walk down the aisle once again. My dress was simply lovely. It was a classic white with a red corset that set off my dark skin nicely and helped hide my left over baby weight and a flowing full skirt. Ivan was of course Dimitri's best man and we all got a kick out of Ivan holding 'Ivan' at the altar as our ring baby.

"It really was a nice wedding, and I can't believe that Jane caught the bouquet," Dimitri said with an amused smile.

"And I know that Sam rigged it so that he could catch my garder, I think that he's smitten with her," I said with a smug smile of my own because I had been let in on the big news last night. I know that it wasn't really my doing, but I felt somewhat proud of me being involved with both Ivan and Sam finding the objects of their affections. Huh maybe when I get too old for this Guardian stuff I could get to the matchmaking department?

"Mmm speaking of that, did you hear that- " he was interrupted by his phone beeping. Handing Ivan to me and looking at the caller ID he answered it with a grin.

"Ivan, we were just talking about... What? She is?!" he said abruptly. I sat up, ready to spring into action if needed.

"Yes...alright, we'll be right there," he said before hanging up and looking at me with excitement in his eyes.

"What it is?"

"It's Violet, she's gone into labor."

Five hours later and we were all in the delivery room watching Violet and Ivan fawn over there brand new arrival. Though Adrian didn't look overly thrilled at the idea of babies, Lissa and Christian were looking as though they wouldn't mind it so much.

"She's so beautiful," I said looking down at her. I could already tell that she was going to have her mum's strawberry blond hair, but I was betting that she would have her father's eyes.

"She takes after her mother," Ivan said leaning down and kissing Violet softly on her forehead.

"Well? What are you all waiting for? What's her name?" Sam of all people asked. I had made it my mission to make sure that after Sam was changed back into a human that he would be looked after and treated right. And somehow that had turned into him being a permanent fixture in my little family group. Not to mention that with him working as head tactician for Hans he was considered an honorary Guardian, so was automatically accepted as one of us anyway. But it was nice to know that Sam was happy and being treated well. And eating his body weight in chocolate almost every day.

Ivan and Violet looked at each other before Violet said, "Her name is Roza," with a mischievous grin.

It was a good thing that Dimitri was holding the baby right then or I might just have dropped her out of shock. "Ro...What?... Really?" I asked not believing it. I mean I know that we kind of named our baby after Ivan, but it had made sense. Both Ivan and Mason had played major parts in our life and had been taken from us (one way or another) far too soon. So we honored their memory by naming our baby after them. But I would never have seen this coming.

I watched dumbfounded as they both giggled at my reaction. "Of course Rose. If it wasn't for you then we never would have gotten back together and had a chance to have this baby at all!" Ivan said with a grin.

I smiled and wiped away a few tears before looking back at Lissa who was also getting a little teary eyed. "Don't you dare get any ideas!" I growled. I couldn't have everyone who's life that I had dramatically changed naming their daughters after me or there would be WAY too many Roses in the world for anyone to handle.

"No promises," Lissa said glancing at Christian who was glaring back at her.

"What about us little Dhampir? I certainly wouldn't be with Sydney if it weren't for you," Adrian said with his devil may care smile.

"Try it and you will be having all sorts of fun figuring out if you can in fact heal and grow back parts of your lost anatomy," I threatened which just made him laugh louder. Until Sydney elbowed him in the ribs.

"On another note," Sydney said bring the conversation back to Violet and the baby. "Has anyone taken a sample of the baby's blood? Just to make sure that it wasn't somehow contaminated from Ivan's transformation?"

I had allowed Sydney, and by extension the Court scientists, to do at least that much with Ivan and the test had come back clear. There was no damaging affects from both Dimitri and I having been Strigoi at one point in our lives, so I wasn't overly worried about Violet and Roza.

"Yeah, but it's come back all clear. She's just perfect," Violet said lovingly over her baby.

"Wonderful. Because while the vaccine worked on all of the other Strigoi, I would really rather not try it out on a newborn," Sydney said visibly relaxing. After months of testing, lots of coffee and little sleep, Sydney had managed to come up with a way to not only cure the Strigoi plague, but turn them all back into people and Dhampirs. And to some how "poison" the air so that if any Moroi did willingly turn Strigoi then they wouldn't be able to breathe and suffocate before having a chance to hurt anyone. Not the most humane way to get rid of them, but if they chose to turn then they deserve what they got.

I looked around at the delivery room full of my friends and thought that life really couldn't get any better than this. All was right with the world and my friends, our babies were happy and healthy, the Strigoi were gone from the world. Tasha was dead. And, not that I was allowed to tell a soul yet, but Sam had proposed to Jane last night, at the park that they had played at as children, to which she had of course said yes. They didn't want to steal Violet's happy moment and were going to wait a little bit before announcing it. I was already planning to surprise Sam at the reception with a giant chocolate fountain. There could be no better gift for him. And I was sure that soon after their wedding, we would all end up in a similar delivery room to this one with their little Dhampir baby to add to our group.

I didn't want to jinx it, but I seriously didn't think that life could get any better than this.

The End.

well, there you have it. Thank you to all of you who stayed with me from the beginning and gave me all of the lovely and funny reviews that I thrive on. So thank you and goodbye 😇