Well… Hello there... I'm sorry for the delay.

As some of you may be aware, I've been writing for the Freelancer Collaboration, (I write for North Dakota), and then I had exams and I've only just gotten my inspiration to write back. The Freelancer Collab fic is called 'Phase II: Betrayal', so if you're a fan of RvB, please check that out.

I also apologise that this chapter isn't very long, I just need some time to get back into the groove of writing. But don't worry; I'm just posting this short chapter so you know that I haven't given up on this story yet!

Also, the Freelancer Collab fic is called 'Phase II: Betrayal', so if you're a fan of RvB, please check that out if you haven't already.

Yang shot up from her bed, a loud booming sound being more than enough to startle her from her sleep.

"What… the hell was that?" Yang grumbled to herself as she groggily got out of bed.

The blonde tried to wipe some of the sleep out of her eyes as she made her way towards the window. It was still dark outside, but that was hardly of any concern to Yang. What was of her concern was the fact that there seemed to be a raging inferno in the near distance.

Any drowsiness that Yang had previously been experiencing disappeared almost instantly.

"Holy… Shit…"

Without any further words, the blonde rushed out of her room with her jacket in her hands. As she made her way down the stairs, she heard a small voice call from above her. She looked up and she saw Ruby looking down worriedly at her.

"Yang? What's the matter?"

The blonde tried her best to give her little sister a reassuring smile. "Well… There's been an explosion downtown, and now a fire's broken out… I'm going to check it out now."

Ruby's eyes widened at the news, and she quickly ran down the stairs so that she was standing next to Yang. "But what if there's another explosion and you get hurt?"

"I'll be fine, Rubes, I promise," said Yang, giving Ruby a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder.

"Pinky promise?" asked Ruby.

Despite the situation, Yang chuckled. "Ruby, you're not nine years old anymore."

"Pinky promise!" Ruby demanded this time, holding out her right little finger in front of Yang with a determined look on her face.

"Okay, okay," laughed Yang, hooking her pinky around Ruby's. "I pinky promise."

Satisfied, Ruby nodded, and she started to make her way back upstairs. "Be safe Yang…"

"I will sis, don't you worry," said Yang, giving her sister one last wave before heading out of the house.

It took her a considerable amount of time to reach the source of the fire, even as she sprinted at full pelt. As she approached the burning buildings, Yang had to cover her nose as the smell of acrid smoke hung in the air. Firemen were trying their best to fight the fire, but flames and smoke continued to billow out of the buildings. One of which looked especially familiar…

Concern was etched on Yang's expression as she sprinted towards Jaune and Pyrrha's Café. The area around it had been cordoned off, but she could still make out the kneeling figure of her red-haired friend. However, Yang noticed a worrying lack of Jaune with her.


Yang's concern morphed into alarm as Pyrrha turned to face her, noticing the tears streaming down her friend's face. The blonde kneeled down next to the redhead, ignoring the sound of all the commotion around them, who stayed silent, placing an arm on her shoulder.

"Pyrrha," said Yang gently, as she noticed the glazed, unfocused look in her friend's eyes. She shook Pyrrha's shoulder gently, trying to get her attention.


"Yeah, it's me," said Yang quietly, Pyrrha's hoarse voice more than enough the confirm Yang's suspicions that something bad had happened to Jaune.

"J-Jaune… H-he…"

Yang's heart clenched as Pyrrha struggled to get words out of her mouth. "Take your time hun," said Yang sympathetically, now wrapping her arms around Pyrrha's sobbing form.

"H-he's alive… But h-he…" Pyrrha couldn't continue as she cried into Yang's shoulder, sobs racking through her body.

Yang felt slightly relieved that Jaune was still alive, but the fact that Pyrrha was still breaking down, and that Jaune was not present, meant that something bad must still have happened. Seeing as Pyrrha didn't look in any state to continue talking at the moment, Yang released her friend from the hug, and slowly stood up, before holding her hand out.

"We can't have you staying out here all night Pyrr," said Yang softly, as Pyrrha glanced at the blonde's outstretched hand. "You can stay at our house for now, and maybe once you've calmed down you could tell us exactly what happened?"

There was a moment's silence between the two, which allowed Yang to focus her hearing on the background noise; sirens were blaring loudly, and Firemen were shouting as they tried to bring the flames under control. Her attention then focused back on Pyrrha as she felt a grip on her hands.

Doing her best to give a reassuring smile, Yang gently pulled up Pyrrha, who wobbled a little as she stood up, but was quickly able to stand unaided. Then, the two women slowly made their way back to Yang's house in tense silence, with Yang's concerned gaze concentrated on Pyrrha the whole time.

If Yang had been looking elsewhere, she would have seen a red logo on the wall, detailing a fierce looking catlike creature with claw marks behind it.

I honestly had no idea what the animal on that logo is, but if it were up to me to decide, it would definitely be a puma xD. Anyways, expect another update within the next week, which should hopefully be longer, and will deal with the aftermath of this event.

Until next time (Hopefully, it won't be eight months),