Written for The Crazy 8s Challenge, Fanfiction Marathon Competiton/Challenge, Rubik's Cube Challenge, and Non-Canon Fun! (Sign ups Always Open!). Title from the Imagine Dragon's song, and this takes place in an utopian!AU. Sort of. In my mind, all dystopia's were once utopia's.

Neville looked at Astoria, her blonde hair streaming in the wind. He knew that she knew he was watching her. She always seemed to know when he was focused on her.

Neville would bet his life that Astoria knew everything about it.

Neville always wondered if he would win that bet. He desperately hoped he would. Not simply because it was his life in play, but also because he wanted Astoria to know it. He had nothing to hide and everything to give to her.

"What are you doing?" she asked crisply.

Just a few months ago, that simple question would make Neville blush and stammer as he tried to think of something. Now though, he was able to respond smoothly, "I'm watching you."

If Neville didn't know her as well as he did, he never would have been able to catch that smile. But he did and he did.

"Why?" she asked. "Surely there are other, better girls to watch?"

"Surely you must be joking."

Astoria laughed at that, her blue eyes a dance. "This is why I love you, Neville."

"You do?" he asked, a grin on his face and his heart thumping in his chest. "Well, I love you."

He had told her in everything he did, but he had never said those words out loud.

He supposed he was always waiting for her.

"Should we get back?" she asked, looking toward the manor from their position of the garden. "They'll be announcing the engagements soon."

"Soon," Neville said. "But I don't think we should quite yet."

Like everyone, they were eagerly awaiting to hear what was going to happen. Who were going to be the lucky couples that could get married in the upcoming year? That was the question everyone wanted an answer too, and Neville hoped that next year, he and Astoria could submit their names.

Minister Riddle had been a Godsend to the wizarding world. He had gotten rid of the poverty, of the struggle, of the notions of purity. He was honestly the greatest thing that had ever happened.

Everyone was equal under him.

And Neville, Neville who was constantly fighting and struggling to remove the government from Dumbledore's corrupt hands, who was always breaking Astoria's heart with the fact that he never could be with her the way she wanted, was finally free from the fighting.

Astoria was free from the heartbreak.

"What do you think is going to happen?" Astoria asked, breaking him out of his reverie. "Who do you think are going to get married this year?"

"Harry and Hermione, for sure," Neville said. "Probably Draco and Ginny, possibly Rolf and Hannah."

"I heard Luna say that she and Ron might sign up next year."

"They should," Neville said.

"And so should we."

Neville turned to look at Astoria, at her beautiful gray-blue eyes, her blonde hair being tossed around in the wind, her lips quirking into a smirk. He wondered what she saw when she looked at him.

"We should."