Hey all. I'm starting a new fic.

After finishing Inch by GEP and his editor Narutochaos22, I was set on writing a more serious, emotional fic. So this came about; it's also based on a movie, but I'll keep that info to myself for now. Maybe you can take a go on guessing which movie it is!

Beta: Maxaro. Based on your comments, I think you'll enjoy this one very, very much.



The blonde boy stopped struggling with the spear that had embedded his jacket in the thick bark behind him. His eyes searched for the source of the voice, eventually peering several feet below him to find the beautiful redhead (what was her name… Pyrrha or something like that?) looking on worriedly as he remained suspended in midair.

"Do you… have any spots left on your team?" she asked coyly.

Jaune was a very oblivious boy. Even he knew that. But being made fun of was apparently a very common motif in his life.

"Very funny." Jaune crossed his arms in mock irritation.

Pyrrha remained patient down below.

Finally the blonde boy relented, throwing away his façade of annoyance and offered the redhead a grateful smile.

His heart fluttered just a little when she smiled back.

Pyrrha stood on the outskirts of the dance floor, not quite sure what she was doing there. Jaune was nowhere to be found; more importantly, he didn't come to the dance with her as his date. Sure, perhaps initially she had come to be amongst her friends, especially since Yang and Weiss had worked so hard to prepare the whole thing. But it hurt. It hurt to be there. It hurt to be anywhere near Jaune, who seemed to miss her completely as he fell head over heels for Weiss.

The redheaded girl sighed tiredly, her fingers playing with the hem of her flowing red dress. Well, everyone else here is having fun, she thought to herself. I guess I could leave now without anyone noticing…

She suddenly heard quiet laughter behind her, growing louder and louder until it almost seemed to be upon her. She turned to see what the commotion was about and saw-


It was indeed Jaune.

In a dress, no less. It somehow clung to his frame quite nicely.

He shrugged sheepishly. "A promise is a promise."

Pyrrha looked Jaune up and down, then back up again.

She laughed. It was probably the hardest that she had laughed in a very long time.

"Jaune! You didn't have to!" she managed in between fits of mirth.

The blonde boy chuckled. "Hey, an Arc never goes back on his word. Now…" He extended a hand towards her. "Do you want to stand there and laugh at me, or do you want to dance?"

Still laughing, Pyrrha considered her choices. Continuing to laugh at his little stint did seem very enticing, she had to admit. However, the alternative was something that she had been waiting on for a quite some time now, and if she missed it now…

Pyrrha placed her hand in his, smiling with all the joy in the world.

"I would love to dance."

Afternoon's rays shone through the Beacon library as Pyrrha scanned through the shelves for one of the books that Professor – no, Doctor – Oobleck had required them to use for the upcoming "Extinct Civilizations" project. She'd already managed to grab three other outside books that would come in handy for some more in-depth info for the civilization she was working with, but the book that she was looking for now had managed to elude her completely.

After another twenty minutes of going up and down the shelves of the history and research section, Pyrrha reluctantly admitted defeat. All copies of the book we're already checked out.

She banged her head in frustration against the current row of books in front of her. It was 5:30pm on a Friday, and all she wanted to do was to find the book and head back to the dorm. Her team had been planning to go see a movie tonight, after all.

Pyrrha glanced around the library for any forms of help. It seemed that even most of the librarians had decided to call it a day, leaving Pyrrha not only without her book, but also without any means to reserve the next possible copy.

Sighing, she turned to leave, but not before a hand wrapped around her face and covered her eyes.

"Guess who."

Despite her current mood, Pyrrha cracked a smile. "Jaune. What are you doing?"

"Well, I was looking all over the place for you, y'know. We're about to go in a few." Her boyfriend and partner removed his hand from her eyes and frowned. "What's the matter? You look like somebody killed your cat."

Pyrrha smirked. "First of all, you know I think that dogs make for vastly superior pets –"

"Don't let Blake catch you saying that."

The redhead punched Jaune playfully, who made an expression of mock pain.

"And second of all, I've been trying to find that one book that Oobleck told us we needed on our project."

Jaune crossed his arms. "The History of Untold Cities?"

Pyrrha nodded. "Yep. That's the one."

"Hmmm." Jaune grinned, a twinkle in his eye. "Well, lucky for you, you have a partner who's inept for most combat-involved stuff but can remember the shit out of a book name."

The redhead rolled her eyes. "Give yourself a little more credit than that. You made it to the third year, after all."

Jaune shrugged. "Yeah, I suppose that's not too bad. Anyway, I believe this is what you're looking for." The blond boy pulled out a book that he had been hiding behind his back.

Pyrrha's eyes widened. "That's it! That's the book! How'd you manage to get your hands on it?"

"C'mon. I thought you said I deserved a little credit." Jaune beamed. "Checked out the very last one in stock. I knew we were going to need it for the project, so I came here early this morning."

His partner wrapped him in a crushing hug. "You're the best."

Jaune laughed. "Well, I do what I ca-" He was cut off as Pyrrha met her lips with his.

They kissed passionately, even more so as time went on, until they separated, flustered.

"Woah. Getting a little frisky, aren't we?" Jaune asked with a sly grin.

His girlfriend returned the smirk. "Maybe a little bit. Besides, it's 5:30 on a Friday, nobody's here."

"Well actually, I passed by some –" Pyrrha shut the blonde boy up once more as she pushed him up against the shelves and kissed him even more.

Desire took over, and neither Pyrrha nor Jaune cared if anyone saw.

"I'm gonna miss this spot."

The pair sat on the edge of their old training spot on the roof by their dorm, enjoying the night air and each other's company. While most nights would find the two sparring, tonight was not one of those nights.

Jaune sighed. "I can't believe we're graduating tomorrow."

"I know," replied his girlfriend and partner. "It seems like just yesterday we were standing on those cliffs trying to figure out how to land."

"More like I was trying to figure out how to land. You had your landing strategy in the bag."

Pyrrha chuckled. "I had a moment of hesitation there, trust me. It's not everyday someone launches you a hundred feet in the air and says, 'Good luck!'"

"I have a hard time believing that," Jaune snorted, then grew sad. "We made a lot of memories up here, you and I."

"That we did."

"You think Ozpin'll let us back up here when we grow nostalgic about the old days?"

Pyrrha laughed. "I'd be more worried about Professor Goodwitch, if anyone."

"Oh. Right." Jaune mulled over the thought for a moment. "Yeah, we're not coming back up here anytime soon, huh?"

His partner laughed again. "Probably not."

They sat in silence for a while. With all the stars glimmering brightly like Van Gogh's Starry Night Over the Rhone, it was indeed the perfect night.

The last perfect night.

Pyrrha turned to her partner. "At least we'll still be doing our thing together, right?"

"Absolutely." Jaune smiled at her. "I will follow you to the ends of Remnant if I have to."

"And I would do the same for you." The redhead leaned her head on her partner's shoulder. "No need to get too sad about leaving here. We've still got our whole lives ahead of us."

"Yeah…" Jaune wrapped an arm around Pyrrha. "Still… Beacon's been our home for four whole years now. It definitely feels like I'm about to lose something."

"Well, I, for one, am glad that we were here in the first place," said Pyrrha dreamily. "Without being here, I wouldn't have become the huntress and person that I am today. I wouldn't have had such a great team, or friends, even. And… I wouldn't have met you."

She laughed. "Now I have friendships that'll last a lifetime. I'll always have my team to go to. And you and me… we'll get to keep doing our duty together – as partners."

Pyrrha watched Jaune's face grow pensive for a moment.

He shook his head. "Nah."

The redhead blinked. "W-what do you mean, 'nah?'"

Jaune turned to her and winked. "I think I can do one better than just 'partners.'"

With that, Jaune stood up and pulled a small box out of his pocket. With a deep breath, he went down on one knee.

Pyrrha's eyes became as wide as saucers and she bolted to her feet. She knew what was coming next.

"Pyrrha, I'm not the best with words. You know that. So let's cut to the chase – will you marry me?"

The box opened, revealing a diamond-encrusted band of silver. Aside from the diamonds, the metal was intricately carved, with aesthetically beautiful patterns and even Jaune and Pyrrha's symbols combined together as one.

"Yes... yes, a million times, yes!" Pyrrha managed between overflowing tears as her now-fiancé rose to his feet. "Yes, I will marry you."

"That's… that's great!" Jaune wrapped her in his arms, and she hugged him back just as tightly.

"Dammit Jaune Arc," she laughed. "You've gone and made me cry. Where did you get such a beautiful ring?"

"Seven sisters, five of them love jewelry. It wasn't too hard to find." Jaune smiled and slipped the ring onto Pyrrha's ring finger.

"It's lovely, Jaune." The redhead took a moment to gather herself. "Wow. We're getting married. We're actually getting married."

"Yup." Jaune pulled her in close. "Should we wait until after graduation to tell the others?"

Pyrrha nodded. "Yeah. Tomorrow's a big day for everyone." She started laughing. "Shit, Jaune. We're graduating. We're getting married and we're graduating!"

"Geez, at this point I don't know which one to be more nervous for…" Jaune chuckled. "Let's take it one step at a time, shall we?"

His fiancé beamed at him "Yes. One step at a time."

They kissed deeply, and the moon bathed their silhouettes upon that rooftop for the last time.

"Hey Ren?"

"Yes Jaune?"

"Pinch me."

Jaune's best man rolled his eyes. "That's the thirtieth time you've asked me to do that today."

"I know, I know, I'm just having a really hard time believing that this is actually happening."

"Well, it's happening, and I'll bet that Pyrrha probably feels the same way you do."

The pair stood near the front of the stage, waiting for the doors at the end of the room to open. Seats lined in front of them, full of relatives and friends. All of SSSN filled out the rest of the groomsmen; opposite them stood Team RWBY and Nora as the maid of honor.

"God, I think I might explode if I need to wait a minute longer."

Ren, bless his heart, remained patient with the twenty-two year old groom. "Relax, Jaune. You're going to be just fine. You were our team's leader for four years, after all."

Jaune groaned. "This is so much worse. Tell me to go slice up some Grimm and save a town? I can do that. Make me wait for God knows how long as my fiancé is probably navigating through some labyrinth just to get here? That's just fucking cruel. What if something happens to her?"

"She's a very capable girl. You should know that, Jaune. Plus, she's not going to be your fiancé for much longer."

"Right." Jaune breathed deeply. "My wife. Not my fiancé. Holy shit, Ren, I'm gonna be married."

Ren chuckled. "I know."

And just when Jaune didn't think he could stand it any longer, the organ started playing, and the doors finally cracked open.

She stood there, glowing from the sunlight, in all her splendor.

Pyrrha looked up.

Their eyes met.

She smiled.

So did he.

And she walked down the aisle.

The closer she got, the faster his heart began to race.

And then she was there, standing right across from him. He could touch her, she was so close.

The minister spoke, but Jaune heard none of it. All he could see was the woman before him.

His soulmate.

His… wife.

"… you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

"And do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

Jaune exhaled. "I do."

"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Their lips touched, and the room exploded in cheers

It was a celebration of love, life, and everyone involved.

But Jaune and Pyrrha only had eyes for each other.

"I love you so much, Pyrrha."

"And I love you too, Jaune."

Dinner with the old teammates was usually a treat. Tonight was especially grand because Yang and Blake were also in town and joined in at Ren and Nora's place, bringing the number of occupants to a grand total of six. They rarely saw each other due to their busy schedules as hunters and huntresses, so any chance they had they spent together as old friends.

There was, however, a change in the air.

"It was a dark and stormy night," began Nora.

"Midday, sunny," corrected Ren.

"There we were, swarmed by Grimm in every direction…"

"The town had only one way in and out, it was actually quite easy to bottleneck the pack."

"The townspeople were crying, 'Save us, oh glorious Valkyrie!'"

"What they actually said was, 'Please don't damage our town any more than you already have.'"

Nora glared at Ren. "That's a creative liberty on your behalf, for once."

Ren only smirked in response.

Although they knew what to expect, Yang, Blake, and Jaune listened intently as Nora wove her tale of comedy, tragedy, heroism, and straight up badassery.

Pyrrha, however, seemed cold and distant.

"… And that's the story of how we saved the town of Vayne!"

Ren frowned. "That's… actually how it ended."

As they laughed and chatted further, Jaune leaned across the table, a look of worry on his face. "Pyrrha?" he whispered quietly.

No response.

"Pyr, please. Talk to me, honey."


"Pyrrha… tell me what's wrong. You know you can talk to me."


"Honey, don't be like –"

"You know exactly what's wrong."

Pyrrha had broken her silence, and at this point the rest of the table was staring at the tense couple.

"No, honey, you gotta tell me."

"Oh, fuck you."

The remaining four collectively inhaled sharply. Pyrrha didn't swear very much around them. Something was definitely up.

"Oh, fuck me!?" Jaune's brow began to furrow. "What the hell is your problem? We're at a fucking social setting, and you're just going to write me off in front of our friends?"

Pyrrha glared at him. "Well, if you stop skirting around the subject, then maybe we could talk like adults!"

"Like adults!? You're the one acting like a child, not telling what's wrong!"

"We just had an argument about this before we left the house, and you just brushed it aside like it never happened!"



Pyrrha stood up abruptly and marched out of the front door, slamming it on the way out.

"Pyrrha!" Jaune followed after her.

Ren, Nora, Yang, and Blake looked at each other in the silence that followed.

"You, uh… you guys know how long that's been going on?" Yang asked hesitantly.

Ren sighed. "For the last few weeks now."

"Really? That long?"

"Yeah. I was surprised that they decided to –"

The foursome winced as they heard Jaune and Pyrrha raucously arguing again from the outside of the house.

Ren sighed again. "– come over for dinner," he finished.

Even Nora was crestfallen. "It's terrible that Jaune and Pyrrha can't even do dinner anymore, they're so busy arguing with each other. Their marriage was going so smoothly too, until the last month-and-a-half."

Yang slumped in her seat. "Never thought in a million years that they wouldn't even last five years."

"To be fair, it was a pretty good five years they had there," added Blake.

"Yeah… I hope they get their shit figured out," murmured Yang. The rest nodded in agreement.

Suddenly, the front door swung open and Jaune poked his head in, a brooding expression on his face.

"Sorry everyone, we're going to go home early. Pyrrha and I have some… personal issues we need to hammer out. And Yang, Blake… I 'm sorry, I'll try to catch up with you guys better the next time you're in town or I'm near you two. Stay safe, you guys."

And with that, Jaune rushed hurriedly out the door.

The awkward silence prolonged as the sounds of a car angrily driving away held their undivided attention.

"Moodkiller…" muttered Yang.

The other three laughed nervously at her offhand comment.

Nora rested her head on her hands. "You think they're gonna be okay, Renny?"

Ren gave her a sad smile. "I… I really don't know."

And the stage has been set.

As you can see, it's not gonna be a sunshine-and-butterflies fic for sure. We'll get through it, though. I promise.

In the meantime, this fic will probably update very sparsely, at least until Infinite Playlist is complete.

Until next time!