Freezing spitfire

Kid Flash was the warmest out of the team. Of course being a speedstar meant that his blood pressure high higher than the normal person and if he vibrated the molecules in his body just so, he would become a toaster. Of course he couldn't feel it though. So when the Team was truding through the heavy snows of Antartica he forgot that important piece of information. They had landed on Antartica for a recon mission but as soon as they got off the Bioship a huge snowstorm came and collected the ship. They only stayed alive because Aqualad made a dome around they of water that quickly froze into the perfect shield from the storm but not the biting cold. Robin pulled out a bloody heat pack from his utility belt and handed it around but it soon got cold. After the storm Miss Matian was absolutely distraught when they realised that the Bioship was sweep out of her range. They decided to split up. One team goes to find the Bioship, one team continues the mission while the last team tries to find shelter. Artemis and Robin, Superboy and Aqualad, Kid Flash and Miss Matian. They all split but kept inside Miss Matian's mental range. Kid Flash was running just inside of Miss Matian's range, to find a cave when he heard it. A painful yelp from... Robin. And a cry of help from Artemis. Kid Flash kicked into action, zooming as fast as he could to their location. It ended up being the same place they started off at, the dome still standing. Artemis was carrying Robin but continually stumbling, falling to her knees then getting back up. She growled out a couple of swear words but pushed up. Kid Flash picked them both up, grunting at the weight of them together and hearing Artemis' grasp as he knocked the breath out of her. He groaned as he starting reaching other teammates. When was the last time he ate? Superboy came over and picked Robin from his grasp and he put Arttemis down on her feet but held an arm around her for support. For the whiplash he probably gave her. It didn't matter because she push his arm away anyways, wobbling to stand. Kid Flash dug around in his compartments. Nothing, just great. He looked up at Artemis about to ask if she had food before she was assaulted with questions.

"What happen?"

"Any luck with the ship?"

"Who did this?"

"What happened to Robin?"

"Areyouhurtyourself?" Wally asked over the other questions. Artemis groaned and rubbed her fingers across her forehead but that only just hurt more because they were both numb from the cold.

Then she spoke out, "We found the ship alright. It's about twenty-five kilometres that way," She said, vaguely pointing back to where she came," Only problem is that it's stuck in the drug camp, so Batman didn't send us out here on a wild goose chase after all. Robin decided to do the recon mission with any of us so he disappeared, then I went into the camp trying to find him, following the sound of utter betrayal and gunshots," she said with a smile. "Found him tied to a chair. He has bullet wounds through out his shoulder and leg. I've already cleaned them up and they didn't hit anything important. He just needs to be warmed up."

"We could try to take him back to the Bioship where we could warm him." M'gann suggested.

"There was about 150 soldiers there. If we tried that we would only be able to fight them with four of us since someone would have to stay with Robin." Artemis gently said, popping M'gann bubble. "But we already have a heater right here."

She looked up at Kid Flash, "Remember what you did the other time in Greenland." And then a sudden lightbulb went off in Kid Flash's head.

"Oh, OH!" Now he remembered that all important feature of being a speedster, and made grabby hands to Superboy who promptly dropped the Boy Wonder in Kid Flash's hands. Vibrating his molecules just so, colour began to return to the boy's face. Most of the team sighed with relief. "So any luck with finding shelter?" Aqualad asked, which lead into a long discussion of how they were going to have to make Aqualad create his shield again because it is only flat planes as far as even the super eyes could see.

"We will rest for the night, then when our energy is restored we can finish our mission and get back the Bioship." Aqualad said then took Robin from Kid FLash's exhausted arms and curled around him to attempt to get a warm sleep.

"I'll take first watch." Kid Flash said to no arguments. Everyone curled around each other and promptly fell asleep. He watched at Aqua Lad made his dome again as the team curled around Robin. Kid Flash smiled down at his small team before noticing green wrapped around Robin. Upon closer inspection he noticed it was Artemis' cloak. Which meant that Artemis was only in her normal uniform. Which meant she must be freezing! Quickly he spun to the girl who refused to sleep near anyone to notice a small patch of blood around her leg and her shivering. How had he not noticed this before? He was too caught up in Robin to notice that she hadn't actually answered his question before. Cussing quite a lot he approached the stupid archer who smirked up at him when he approached. "I'm not sure mama Flash would appreciate those words, Baywatch."

Which drove another round of curses as she winced when he gently inspected her leg. Quickly he ran over and grabbed Robin's utility beat and pulled out most of the compartments before he remember the medical section was the third pocket from the back. Swearing all the while he fixed Artemis' leg he smiled when he was finally finished, proud of his handiwork. Then he remembered that she was still freezing and another load of cuss words spewed out his mouth. Just like he did Robin, Kid Flash picked up the stubborn archer and vibrating his molecules just so. In no time she felt warmed up in his arms and asleep with her head tucked in nicely to Kid Flash's neck. He considered putting her down with the others but... she felt really nice in his arms. So instead in two hours he woke up Superboy to take the next watch while he curled himself around the feisty archer.

This was going to be hell to wake up to tomorrow.