A/N: Yup! It is boxing everyone. But this'll have variety as a story, it'll depend mostly on the characters that are involved. After all characters make the story. Don't worry about our girls being left out! While this story focuses mostly on male boxing, women will play a big part in main and supporting roles. This'll start slow and build into a bigger story. Expect grandiose stuff here.

Summary: The Fairy Tail Boxing Gym is responsible for some of the greatest fighters in Japan. A undefeated title contender named Laxus. A champion named Erza. An impressive rookie named Gray. But what happens when the sudden appearance of another eccentric rookie shakes up the Japanese Lightweight Division?

Rating: T

Genre: Sports/Drama/Friendship/Humor/Romance/Angst

Pairings: There will be ships in this series.

.oO Ruckus! Oo.

"Look how packed this place already is..." A boy with dark hair growled while rubbing the nape of his neck. He wasn't fond of being in such a crowded place, especially when he wasn't in the ring in the center of all of it. Mobs of people still seemed to be pouring into the building all around them.

"What were you expecting? Laxus is fighting in the main event." The girl next to him spoke, she had fiery red hair tied up into a ponytail. She began pushing her way through the crowd around them. "Come, let's find some seats."

He hated when she was so demanding.

"You really think they are here for Laxus?" Gray Fullbuster asked skeptically. "I mean isn't Mirajane the ring girl for the main event too?"

"Don't be ridiculous." Erza Scarlet rolled her eyes answering him. "Even if they were here to see Mira they'd only be seeing her once. Laxus isn't going to let it go passed the first round."

"He was pretty confident wasn't he?" Gray sighed trying to keep up with the girl leading him. He tried his best to wade through the crowd with her. This would be a whole lot easier if they held hands or something. Gray wouldn't even dare to make a move like that, he'd just catch a quick jab to the face.

"He has every reason to be, he's undefeated." The redhead shrugged her shoulders indifferently. She herself was no stranger to confidence, she had quite a bit of it herself. "What will it be if he wins tonight?"

"Fourteen wins. Fourteen KO's if he knocks him out." The boy answered simply in a monotone voice. "I only know that because the old man won't shut up about it."

"Hm." Erza glanced over at Gray to make sure he was still following close behind. "Laxus should be in line for a title shot soon."

Should be. At this rate it wouldn't be long before the older man brought back Japan's Middleweight Championship to their gym. Though, he'd have to dethrone the reigning champion before that... They'd cross that bridge when they got to it.

The two youths finally found their way to some open seats, it took them long enough. Erza wasn't happy with anything unless they were right up front. Luckily enough Erza was charming enough to get a couple of seats offered to her. In reality she got them through intimidation. She had more presence than most male boxers, Gray could vouch for that.

The show got underway after a short while. The opening acts came out one after another, mostly inexperienced or rookie boxers. It was mostly a boring first quarter before something interesting was brought out.

"That is the old veteran, Salamander." Erza pointed to a middle-aged pretty boy. Some woman in the front row across from them swooned over the boxer as he made his way to the ring. Gray sat still with his cheek in his palm, unimpressed by the man. "He's lost his last five fights, this could be his last chance."

That was evident when the ring announcer introduced him with a record of twenty-two wins, seven KO's, and nine losses.

"The one across from him is an eccentric new rookie." Erza gestured to the young boxer with the pink hair across the ring. Eccentric he was, shouting 'yeah' out loud while being introduced. Natsu Dragneel. Two wins, two KO's. He pissed Gray off already. "He calls himself Salamander too. He'll have the same record as you if he wins this."

Gray chose to remain silent watching closely as the bell rung signaling the start of the match. And right at the sound of the bell Natsu charged the older man. He was throwing wild shots! What was this rookie doing?! There was absolutely no technique behind any of the punches.

The way Natsu was fighting was more suited for a street brawl than boxing. The crafty veteran he was fighting easily was able to weave away from the wild swings. The swings were so wide they left Natsu wide opened for jabs. Which Salamander took advantage of.

Natsu was starting to be rained down upon with jabs. Despite that, the pinkette continued throwing random punches. He was almost fighting more reckless now that he was being hit.

The rookie didn't even try to avoid the jabs that were connecting thoroughly. Natsu just kept charging forward letting Salamander counter him. It was like he had no idea what he was doing...

"How did this guy win two fights?" Gray asked angrily causing Erza to chuckle a bit. Gray wasn't sure if she was laughing at him or the young fighter in the ring.

The older man was clearly winning this match, the left side of Natsu's face was beginning to swell up as proof. Gray was beginning to expect a first round knockout was in the near future. Then something happened... One of those wild punches got lucky connecting with Salamander's body. The thud of the blow echoed through Korakuen Hall... There was a lot of power behind that punch.

Salamander hopped back a few paces from Natsu to carry some distance. The reckless fighter continued charging forward but Salamander kept his distance for the rest of the round. Gray thought it was a mistake he didn't try to finish the rookie off.

Unless that body shot was really that devastating.

The first round had ended so both boxers went back to their corners. Salamander had an entourage of thuggish looking cornermen helping him. At the opposite corner the younger Salamander was sitting alone drinking a bottle of water. This confused Gray so he turned to Erza.

"Where is his cornerman?"

"He isn't just eccentric in words and actions." Erza smiled to herself while staring at Natsu. "This rookie doesn't have any cornerman. He doesn't even have a coach to our knowledge..."

"Then how the hell is he boxing?"

"Rumor has it he walked into the pro boxing exam and got his license easily."

"I can't accept that." Gray hissed shooting a glare over at the corner-...

"Hey! What are ya lookin' at you!?"

His glare immediately changed into a look of surprised. He saw Gray glaring at him?! Was he not concerned about the match he was losing so badly at all? Gray's hands balled into fists, Erza was laughing loudly beside him. Gray was about to yell back but before he could the bell for the second round sounded.

This time Salamander was the one charging in, he threw a wide right hook. That would've been a finishing blow, Natsu was able to step back to avoid it. He should have chose another way to avoid the hook. A rookie mistake, Natsu boxed himself into the corner.

Salamander quickly went in for the kill. He threw swift body shots trying to get the boy with the pink hair to lower his guard. Natsu stood strong while taking the beating in the corner.

Once more the rookie didn't try to bob and weave to escape the flurry. He just stood tall and absorbed the punishment, his body wouldn't last much longer like this. Natsu must have known this too because he lowered his guard to throw a punch.


Natsu's unguarded face took a direct hit yet at the same time...

"C-Counter..." Gray muttered under his breath getting to his feet. Salamander staggered away from the corner trying to create some distance like in the last round. His nose was bleeding, Salamander's punch was good, Natsu's counter punch was better.

The rookie didn't let the chance escape him. Gray was shocked to see another boxing technique from such a sloppy fighter. A dash. Natsu closed the gap between himself and the older man in the blink of an eye. And in the blink of an eye it was all over.

A vicious over hand right sent Salamander right down into the mat with a decisive thump. There was no need for a count, it was a complete knockout. With that the hand of Natsu Dragneel was raised.

Three wins, same as Gray. Three knockouts, same as Gray. Lightweight class, same as Gray.

"What did you think?" Erza asked with a small smirk glancing over at him.

"He's a heavy hitter." Gray looked over to meet her gaze. "But he is still no match for me."


Gray was outside the next day doing his roadwork, it was tougher now that it was winter. He was jogging while thinking over the events of the previous night. Laxus' match as he predicted didn't go out of the first round. It was an impressive showing in the main event, Laxus had earned quite the reputation. Last night was his fourteenth win and his fourteenth knockout.

It was motivating having such a monster at his gym. Gray was determined to do better that his senior, if that meant going undefeated for a hundred matches he would. Laxus' fight wasn't the only highlight from the previous night.

Natsu Dragneel knocked out Salamander during the second round in impressive fashion. For some reason he thought that he'd be meeting that Dragneel down the road... Gray wouldn't mind taking a crack at that reckless rookie.

As he continued running Gray noticed another jogger off to the side. He was crowded by a few juvenile highschool kids obviously trying to mug the innocent jogger. Gray probably should have let it go. Erza would kill him if he used his fists outside of the ring. Though, he couldn't just let that guy get shaken down while he watched.

Sighing he shoved his hands into his pockets crossing the street toward them. Gray looked as apathetic as ever as he approached the bullies.

"Shouldn't you guys be in school instead of harassing people?" Gray asked arching a brow.

"Ehhhh!?" One of the muggers with a stupid haircut sneer. "We just need a little pocket change to call a cab. We're running late you see?"

What a smart ass punk, it pissed him off. Well, it couldn't really be helped could it? He'd just keep this a secret from Erza.

"You don't really need ta get yourself involved, friend.~" The jogger stated turning to face his would be savior... They both froze up seeing each other's faces. Gray didn't recognize him while wearing that hood but he'd know that pink hair anywhere after last night.

"It's you!"

They both shouted this in unison pointing fingers at each other.