Chapter Nine: Assessment (Un-beta Read)

Disclaimer: I do not own "The Evil Within"

Summary: Sebastian is taken to get medical attention after the events taken place at Beacon Memorial Hospital, STEM, and Ruvik however the place he goes to is far from a normal hospital.

Author's Note: Well played the more recent DLCs and learned a bit more about the world of the Evil Within, will it affect my story? No, well not really. It did change my perspective on a few things and gave me some more ideas, but for the most part the plot I had outline will remain unchanged. Thanks for being patient in waiting for an update. Life has been hectic, to say the least.

Warning: Slight spoiler warning to those who didn't play the DLCs. I know a bit late to warn some of you, it is chapter nine into the story, but really if you haven't played the game or watched any let's plays of the game, why are you reading this? Oh yeah and there will also be a medical exam performed by Bloodworth in this chapter… take that as you will.






Juli glanced out of the corner of her eye at the older male walking beside her, "This is all too strange. How much of Sebastian's mind has been altered by Bloodworth. I know the truth, but if I say anything we'll both most likely be killed or rather they'll kill me and do something worse to Sebastian. They'll mostly condition him the old fashion way."

She never experienced what was done to those unfortunate souls who were left in Bloodworth's hands to be trained, but she heard some horror stories and gossip. "There is also the obvious obsession the mad doctor had for Sebastian. I'll have to use my new assignment to my advantage to make sure Sebastian isn't left alone with that bastard," She inwardly scowled while her face kept its impassive expression.

Juli chuckled lightly at the irony, earning a brow lift from Sebastian. She shook her head dismissively as they continued their silent stroll down the hall. "Usually it's the man protecting the woman's virtue not the other way around. Also Sebastian is older than I am… maybe I am suffering from a Father Complex. I always seem to latch onto older men."

She recalled the psyche evaluation she had not too long ago after she was fully inducted into Mobius, how she trusted and even looked up to the Administrator. How betrayed she felt when she found out how he viewed her as expendable. The anger that pulsated through her veins that even when the truth was discovered, he still expected her to carry out her mission without question.

"But it's different with Sebastian. I know he's a truly good man who had the misfortune of crossing paths with Mobius. Even at his worst, he doesn't compare to the monsters lurking within Mobius. I have to do my best to make sure he's safe. It's the least I can do, in a way I am partially responsible for what has happened to him," Juli frowned slightly.

A large, warm hand gently rested on her shoulder snapping Juli out of her musings. Her eyes widen as she turned to face Sebastian who stopped in the middle of the corridor. Bright amber eyes peered deeply into her own making it very hard for Juli to formulate thoughts or words.

"Hey, are you alright? I know you're not much of a conversationalist and you prefer to stay in your own head, but if something is bothering you… you can tell me. I know when you were arranged to become one of my partners that I wasn't the friendliest or even that welcoming, but you were my responsibility. To be honest I kind of had the feeling that in time we would have grown closer," Sebastian confessed.

Juli blinked in astonishment, "Do you really think so?"

Sebastian chuckled, "You wouldn't have guess it, but Joseph and I didn't get along at first." The statement seemed logical as she could see how their personalities would clash, but there was a sense of disbelief due to witnessing how close their relationship appeared to be.

Seeing her slightly doubtful look Sebastian smiled slightly, "He was assigned after Myra and I could no longer be partners and she transferred departments. In the beginning Joseph and I argued constantly. After a while we learnt to work together instead of letting our differences get in the way, we used them to our advantage. Joseph could see things more objectively than I could while my strengths lies more in intuition."

His statement gave Juli pause, "Sebastian? Were you always good at perceiving other people's motives? As if you could almost immediately tell what they wanted?"

Sebastian seemed confused initially, but comprehension slowly formed on his face. He was about to speak, but Juli quickly placed her hand over his lips.

"Don't say anything yet especially to Bloodworth. It's just a theory nothing more," She whispered.

Sebastian nodded his head and smoothly removed her hand from his mouth. His gaze quickly zeroed in on the scar on her wrist and hand. "When did this happen and what caused it?" He asked.

Juli briefly noticed his tone and the way he inspected the wound was much like a father would with his child. "He's a father through and through," She laughed half amused, half sadden. "Before I entered STEM, the needle they injected me with left this scar," Juli replied.

"Must have been one big ass needle," Sebastian muttered, still holding her dainty wrist in his hand. His fingers lightly brushed the wound making Juli gasp softly when a comforting heat passed through his touch and for the first time since she received that mark there wasn't any phantom pains.

"In fact it doesn't look quite so big," Juli mused placing her other hand over top of Sebastian's to convey she was alright.

Suddenly the sound of someone clearing their throat startled Sebastian and Juli. Standing not even two feet away was Maxwell, looking less than pleased.

"I came to see what could be taking you both so long," Maxwell's narrowed eyes were pinned on Sebastian and Juli specifically their joined hands.

Juli gave a brief smirk before forcing it to vanish from her face, it was apparent the man was jealous. Despite their rocky relationship Juli was miles ahead of Bloodworth in terms of closeness to Sebastian. She smiled a bit too pleasantly, "Nothing we seemed to have gotten distracted talking about things, not to worry we'll hurry up."

Purposefully she took Sebastian's hand and guided him into the proper training room, all the while Maxwell glared heatedly into her back.

Once they crossed the threshold, the door automatically closing behind them Sebastian coughed awkwardly, "So you and him don't get along I see."

"He's kind of creepy, if you hadn't noticed," Juli slowly released Sebastian's hand.

Sebastian snorted, "No, I gathered that much. It's strange I've never seen you show your animosity towards someone so openly."

"Empathy?" She questioned.

"Maybe your guess is as good as mine," Sebastian shrugged his shoulders.

"You can read emotions if someone is projecting strongly enough or if strong emotional memories are embedded onto the object, though you are far more accurate in reading emotions from touch. At least that is what the reports say," Maxwell entered the room carry a large folder.

Juli questioned, "And you know this, how?"

"Ready to get to work, Sebastian?" Maxwell looked directly at Sebastian neither of the two failed in noticing the obvious change in subject.

The other male glimpsed down at Juli who nodded her head and he in turn nodded as well, "Sure let's get started."

Viewing the little exchange didn't make Maxwell any happier causing him to sneer, "If I could get rid of that little bitch I would, but the Administrator was very adamant in keeping her around and that is one person I don't want to piss off."

"Good first thing's first a physical," Maxwell smiled making both Sebastian and Juli inwardly shiver. "If you would come with me to examination room," He gestured Sebastian to follow the walked into a separate room that was examination room with various medical supplies inside.

"I'll be right outside the door, if he does anything inappropriate tell me," Juli insisted making Sebastian nodded slowly almost as if he was in disbelief and ironic bemusement.

Sebastian went inside to see Maxwell had already washed his hands and put on a pair of gloves.

"Now I'm sure you already know what physicals consist of, but to be sure I'll be performing testicular, hernia, penis, and prostate exams. I will also be doing a complete blood count, chemistry panel, and urinalysis, it's not standard, but we need the information on file," Maxwell explained.

Sebastian's eyes glinted, "Let's get this over with."

"Very good then if you would strip and put on this gown to make things easier," Maxwell held out a blue hospital gown.

"I assume he won't be leaving the room and it's not like he's not already going to see more of me than I want to see," Sebastian grabbed the gown. He quickly pulled off his shoes and socks. Next he lifted his shirt over his head then pulled off his pants. With a small smirk he put on the gown luckily it was at a respectable length and then he took off his boxers.

Sebastian neatly folded his clothes and placed on the nearby table. Disappointed at the lack of a strip show Maxwell moved on, "Well let's get started."

"Hmm, good there appears to be no lumps on your testicles. Is there any tenderness or sudden growth?" Maxell asked as he slowly and smoothly stroked before backing off.

Sebastian shook his head. "Alright next the hernia exam," Maxwell announced. After getting into position he instructed, Turn your head and cough."

"Excellent there appears to be no weaknesses in the abdominal wall between the intestines and scrotum. If you would turn to the front and lift out the gown," The doctor clinically stated.

Sebastian's eye twitched, but he did as he was told. Maxwell hummed quietly and what could be described as appreciation while he checked Sebastian's penis. The detective easily could tell that the other was enjoying himself far too much even without the empathy. However the wisps of hungry desire escaped the doctor's veneer.

"We're done and finally the prostate exam. If you would," Maxwell pointed to the examination table. Sebastian growled softly, but bent over slightly, with his back turned he never saw the wicked gleam in Maxwell's eyes.

Maxwell silently took a packet of lube, slicked his fingers, parted Sebastian's cheeks, and inserted a finger in the rectum. "There doesn't seem to be anything wrong," He purred then slipped in another finger making Sebastian grunted at the sudden intrusion.

"Is there something amiss, anything sensitivity or irritation?" Maxwell asked as if he wasn't caressing Sebastian's prostate.

"N… no," Sebastian stuttered when Maxwell pressed down harder.

Maxwell smirked, rubbing at a steadier pace, "Nothing?" The movements forced a few moans to pass through Sebastian's lips before the man could stop himself.

At that moment all Sebastian could do was shake his head. Maxwell opened his mouth to speak, but a loud knock startled him and his "patient" making the doctor back away unconsciously giving Sebastian enough time to stand up, lower his gown, and turn to face Maxwell.

"Is everything, going okay in there?" Juli's voice filtered through the door. "I thought I hear something strange, is Sebastian alright?" She asked further.

Maxwell angrily strolled to the door and poked his head outside, "Agent Kidman you are aware a physical is being performed in here, do be quiet."

"I apologize, but Sebastian and I really need to get started on the training. I would like to think such a prestigious doctor as you would never take so long doing a physical," She said saccharinely.

Maxwell exhaled noisily, "Yes well after I do a complete blood count, a chemistry panel, and an urinalysis he'll be free to go."

Juli nodded her head then stepped back just in time to avoid the door being slammed into her face, a satisfied smile graced her lips.

After taking off his gloves in aggressive manner, Maxwell slipped on a new pair then proceeded to take Sebastian's blood. "Here I'll need a sample," He said tonelessly and pointed to a small bathroom in the corner of the room, handing Sebastian a cup to put his urine sample in.

Soon the physical was done and Sebastian was back in his clothes. "Thank you for your cooperation, I'll have the result done soon. Enjoy the rest of your day," Maxwell shut the door loudly once Sebastian had crossed the threshold.

Juli and Sebastian glanced at each other, a few moments went by before they began to laugh. "I think we better go. Come on we'll go to another room where we can do this," She smiled slightly leading the older male out.

"That smug little bitch, well she can't be around him all the time and there are the cameras. Yes, she can't protect you from me for long Sebastian. I will get what I want!" Maxwell muttered, his hands tightening into fists.

Suddenly his phone vibrated in his pocket quickly slipping it out Maxwell answered, "Yes? Oh they have arrived? Excellent I'll be right there."

"This is wonderful news indeed. Hilda works very quickly," He exited briskly walking down the hall into an elevator. He grabbed his I.D. and swiped the panel in front of him then pressed the button label B5.

In no time at all he reached the floor and reached his destination. It was a room with four cells lining the wall with a pair of large guards was standing at the side of each chamber.

"Maxwell Bloodworth, I believe Ms. Stark has authorized Team Omega to be transferred to me," Maxwell spoke.

The guards nodded their heads in unison then one of each side of the cells punched a series of numbers on a panel next to the chambers. With a loud hiss the doors open and four individuals stepped out.

"Team Omega for now until your mission is over I am in command. Your targets Ruben Victoriano better known as Ruvik and Joseph Oda, you will find them and kill them," Maxwell ordered.

The individuals nodded in understanding. "Good now then, shall we begin?" Maxwell chuckled darkly.






Author's Note: Yeah I did say Ruvik would be the main focus of this chapter and he wasn't… sorry about that. I tried to make this chapter revolve around him, but nothing worked that made sense or rather the story pacing would have been off so he wasn't in this chapter. I've already started to write the next one after this and he's in that one, don't worry.

Once again I apologize for the long break in between updates, real life got in the way. Thanks for your patience and continued support of this story. Until next time!