Omay so this fic was a requestby an a anonymous peron for a dark g!p Elsa and sub! Anna with the one having the powers and Elsa being powerless.

So I'll try my best to honor his request.

Chapter one is just the events of frozen leading up until their parents death in Anna's point of view mostly. With Anna having the ice powers.

Chapter 2 will be more interesting so without further waiting let's begin this story.

"Elsa pst... Elsa" eight year old Anna called to her sleeping sister.

When she got no response she crawled onto the bed.

"Elsa wake up wake up wake up" Anna cheerfully jumped on her twin sisters back and shook her shoulders.

"Anna go back to sleep" Elsa called out slightly annoyed.

Anna huffed and fell down against her sisters back.

"But I just can't" Ann said dramatically. "The sky's awake, so I'm awake, so we have to play".

She beards Elsa snort lightly under her. "Go play by yourself" Ana found herself being propelled onto the floor. She fell onto her posterior with a huff.

She sat there and thought of some way to get her sister to play with her. She wiggler her toes as she thought then it came to her.

She crawled back into the bed and opened one of Elsa's eyelids.

"Do you want to build a snowman?" Anna smiled.

Elsa opened her eyes and smiled back which was enough to give Anna the answer she wanted.

They raced down into the throne room hand in hand opened the large oaken doors then shut them gently.

"Do the magic, do the magic" Elsa giggled and Anna complied happily.

The redhead felt her magic itching at her skin wanting to be released.

Anna twirled her hands around one another and she concentrated.

She grew a snowball out of her magic and smiled at her taller twin.

"Ready?" she asked with barely concealed excitement and Elsa nodded feverishly.

Anna propelled the magic ball of snow into the air and with a wiggle of her fingers the snowball burst into snowflakes.

Elsa danced around as the snowflakes fell about 5 centimeters per second and kept coming.

"Watch this" Anna smiled larger and stomped her foot onto the ground causing slick smooth ice to spread throughout the room.

Elsa giggled and soon enough there was a fine layer of white powder on the ground.

The two twins instant started to roll balls of snow to make snowmen neither of them cold cause they were to excited.

After minutes of rolling three differently sized snowballs on top of one another,a few sticks, a carrot, and coal later the snowman was finished.

They looks at the snowman as Elsa sat on the throne wiggling her feet happy as ever.

"Hi I'm Olaf, and I like warm hugs" Anna made her voice a shade deeper as she moved Olaf's arms.

Elsa giggled and jumped from the throne and enveloped Olaf in a hug. "I love you Olaf".

Anna stood behind Olaf and propelled Elsa and Olaf around the ice using blasts of magic both laughing happily.

After their skating expedition Anna with the wave of her hand created a massive snow-slide.

The two climbed up it hand in hand smiling all the way.

Anna sat Elsa on her lap knowing the cold snow didn't bother her as much as it bothers Elsa.

They slid down and at the end there was a bump. Elsa was propelled forward into a mound of snow. She came back up seconds later laughing and spraying snow everywhere which caused Anna to laugh as well.

Elsa jumped out of the snow and Anna made a mound of snow for her to jump on.

"Hang on". Anna said as she made mound after mound with her magic each one a bit higher as Elsa continued to jump. Both girls in a state of happy bliss until...

" Wait... slow down" Anna called alarmed at her sister who was starting to jump faster almost to fast for Anna to make snow mounds.

Anna moved her hands faster and faster the mounds getting higher and higher until.

Anna took a step forward and her shoe slipped on ice she felt herself begin to fall backwards.

Elsa jumped again completely oblivious "whoo" she cried out as she jumped and began to fall

"Elsa" she called out once again as she fell onto the ground. She turned quickly and shot a ray of ice towards Elsa. She misjudged the distance and the ray of ice hit Elsa in the head.

Elsa grunted and her body twisted with the force of the hit, she fell down and rolled safely into a pill of snow unconscious.

"Elsa" she called out desperately as sh ran over to her sister.

She moved the blonde's into her lap and she gave no response.

She felt horror and guilt run through her strongly. She hurt her sister, she hurt her Elsa.

She saw at least her sister was breathing a streak of red hair like her own weaved it's way into Elsa's platinum blonde hair.

"Mama, Papa" she cried out as she clung to her sister hoping she would be fine.

She felt her powers start to spiral out of control ice began to cover the walls and the door.

"Your okay Elsa I got you" Anna cried out.

Soon enough that King and Queen burst through the doors both gasped at the scene in front of them.

"Anna what have you done, this is getting out of hand" came her fathers judging voice as the couple ran towards the princesses.

"It was an accident, I'm sorry Elsa" Anna held her unconscious sister tighter until her mother grabbed her.

The rest was a blur between tears and the guilt Anna felt for hurting her sister.

"She's ice cold"

"I know where we have to go"

Anna vaguely remembers the library and the horseback ride some warm place.

They walked into a rock cove and her father called out for someone.

Anna clutched her father's leg as rocks started to move around them and close in. Her father held a hand to her head.

The rocks popped open to reveal these rock like creatures. If Anna wasn't emotionally scared right now they might have looked funny.

She saw one walk up to them he had an aura of wisdom and strength to him that made Anna relax, if only slightly.

"Your majesty" she heard his soft gravely voice and she relaxed a little more.

Anna saw him take her hand in his rough one. "Born with the powers or cursed?" He asked.

Anna looked up at her father "u... born a-and they're getting stronger" her father said they turned back to the rock creature as her looked at Elsa.

He laid a hand on Elsa's for head and sighed "you were lucky it wasn't her heart. The heart is not so easily changed... But the head can be persuaded" he spoke wisely.

"Do what you must" the king said urgently.

With the wave of his hand the creature shown pictures of her and Anna playing in the snow with her powers.

"I recommend we remove all magic, even memories of magic to be safe... But don't worry I'll leave the fun". He did something and the unnatural paleness from Elsa's face went away and a small smile formed in her lips.

Anna felt relived and grief stricken at the same time. She couldn't believe her ears Elsa wouldn't know about her powers they couldn't build snowman whenever they wanted.

"But she won't remember I have powers" Anna said to the creature.

"Its for the best" he father assured her.

"Listen to me Anna your power will only grow" the rock gestured and the sky become lit up by pictures.

"There is beauty in it but also great danger" Anna saw a flash of red and gasped as the creature continued seriously.

"You must learn to control it, fear will be you enemy"! She saw another flash of red and cowered into her father's protective hold the rest was another blur.

"No we'll protect her she can learn to control this I'm sure".

"Until then we'll lock the gates. Well reduce the staff. We will limit her contact with people and keep her powers hidden from everyone".

Anna felt despair and sadness well up inside her fathers next words.

"Including Elsa"!

From that day on Anna rarely ever saw her twin sister. She moved into her own solitary room, and when she did see Elsa, she usually ignored her or run away she didn't want to hurt her Elsa again.

It hurt so much every time Elsa would knock on her door and cheerfully ask if she wanted to build a snowman when it each winter, or ride their bikes around the hall. Anna would sit there against the door listening to her sister trying so desperately to reach out to her not knowing why she just shut her out. She usually just told her to go away.

Days turned into years and Anna didn't answer her sisters pleas not once not even an acknowledge that she was there.

Five years past and Anna still didn't acknowledge her sister. Her powers grew and her father gave her cloves that helped. They came up with a moto 'conceal it, don't feel it, don't let it show' and whenever she felt like she was going to lose control she said that to calm herself down.

Elsa still was persistent though she started to come less and was less energetic about trying to coax her sister.

One day was worse than the rest though. Elsa banged on the door yelling at Anna. She pounded on the door and cried out. Anna just lay against the door felling her sister relentlessly pound on the door. Soon enough the bangs became less and less as Elsa sank to the floor and begun to cry still yelling at Anna though her voice became soft as she cried.

Ana sat against the door and brought her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around hr knees.

She shivered not because of the below degree weather in her room, and not because the snow whipping around the room.

Cause Anna was crying she wanted to comfort her sister so badly that day, she wanted to dry away Elsa's tears an say everything was fine.

After what seemed like an eternity Elsa left. Anna listened till she was out of ear shot then she wailed in sadness pure despair.

The snow around her wiped around faster and one sharp snowflake cut her cheek and a small gash appeared on her cheek. Blood began to fall out of the cut and Anna felt the sting from it but she didn't care it didn't hurt nothing could hurt more than losing Elsa. Anna blamed herself for what happened she wished with her whole being that they could go back to the way things were before they couldn't get any worse but they did.

Her parents were going away they said they were going to another ally to discuss diplomatic things they'd be gone for two weeks.

Anna wished they weren't going who was going to help her control her powers. Her parents said she would be fine.

Two agonizing weeks went by and they didn't come back. Three passed and it was confirmed that there was a ship wreck halfway to the other kingdom and everyone on the ship died.

Anna took the news horribly she stayed in her room and cried for about a whole day a storm raged silently in her room sharp snowflakes hit her but she didn't care.

She didn't got to the funeral, though she put on all black.

Elsa knocked on her door one last time and for one last time Anna didn't answer.

After that Elsa didn't knock she didn't come down that hallway Anna didn't see or hear her till the blonde came barging into her room one time when she forgot to lock it and everything changed. For better or worse Anna wasn't sure.

yah that's done chapter two will be better so stay tune

Lover out :)