Author's note**
This takes place immediately following "Under Lock and Key."
Professor Charles Xavier stared out one of the tall windows of his newly rebuilt Institute. Rain tapped insistently against the glass and lightning flashed brightly in the background. There was an ominous feeling in the air that had very little to do with the weather outside. It had been only hours since the tussle with the spider guardian and the exposure of Mesmero's plan to unleash the being that promised to bring doom upon the world. A great number of things were weighing heavily on the Professor's mind, including the presence of the man who stood not more than ten feet from him.
In civilian dress, Erik Magnus looked every bit as formidable as he did when he donned his attire and became Magneto. His shock white hair was vivid even in the darkness and there was a dignity in his jaw that was lacking in his son Pietro. He watched Xavier with careful eyes and though Charles could pick the thoughts from his head, he waited for the larger man to speak.
"I don't think this is a wise idea, Charles," Magneto spoke finally. Maneuvering his wheelchair around so that he was facing his longtime rival, Xavier folded his hands on his lap.
"I'm not entirely sure it is either, Erik," he agreed, noting the other mutant's surprise at the statement. Rolling away from the window and towards the fire that blazed in the hearth, he continued. "Undoubtedly our young charges will find great difficulty in working with each other, however dire the situation may be. Still, we have no idea as to Mesmero's location or his future plans. Finding him is of the utmost importance. Everything else must be laid aside, for now."
From far off in the mansion there came the sound of crashing followed almost immediately by a number of small explosions. Both were followed by something entirely more frightful. Silence.
Magneto raised one white eyebrow as he turned back to the Professor. "How long to you think it will take for them to over come their difficulties?"
There were another series of explosions and a rumbling of the earth that was the trademark of one mutant in particular. Folding his hands once more, Xavier replied,
"Hopefully before they bring the roof down on us."