~ There will be a fourth book… *screams, faints, hyperventilates, runs round in circles, jumps up and down, tears out hair, screams some more, weeps with joy, chews lips/fingers/nails/cheeks/hands* OOOOOHHHHHHHHH MMMMMMYYYYYYYYYY GOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDD!!!!!! *bursts* I knew we could count on him! I knew he wouldn't let us down!!! There is hope still!!! The fairy world is not lost!!!! *screams, then passes out*
*comes round* Thanks to becca as it was in an A/N in her fic that I first saw the news, then ran off looking for it myself (thanks girl – your fic seriously disturbs me, but your info probably saved my life)
~ The title for the fourth book is 'The Opal Deception'… *same as above* geez, I'm shaking… which, as becca deduced, may possibly mean Opal Koboi is back! Bring on the pixies! But, as Eoin said in this online chat thing I found, it may get changed later.
~ There may be more Arty books… my store of excitement and hysteria is used up for one day I think. Let's just say that suicide I was planning when I finished TEC is put off for a while… ;)
~ Eoin has thought about maybe doing spin-off books about Mulch and/or Juliet… but this was a very maybeyish maybe, so don't get your hopes up.
~ Artemis will be fourteen in book four… haha. Hehe. *reminds self that she's been 15 for months, and by the time TOD (*shudders* a new abbreviation…) is out, she'll be 16* crud…
~ He is writing the book now, so we have a long time to wait… but that's OK! For now!
Nothing new to report… *mumbles* stupid pmuuto frelling vilgehk thing… (swear words translated into al bhed to avoid rating issues)
This is Kitty Rainbow's news page which she was too noble to put a specific link to on her author page, but her page is about a million times better than this one, so GO THERE! As this is likely to be the last time I do this, I'd just go to her whenever you want news. She updates, like, all the time.
The German website for the second book that some of you may recall me babbling about (in fact, I may have already put the link and didn't see it when I looked just now, so if so, sorry) but it's vaguely amusing, and has a picture of Holly in an orange jump-suit. Haha.
Well then… this is probably good bye for this thing, so thank you one last time to all those who contributed info and of, course everyone who reviewed!
Happy hunting (never was this more apt, I feel)
slime xxx