Rating: K+
AN: Always knock first, kiddies.
Chase had been in his throne room, indulging in his routine mid-afternoon meditation, when a chorus of growls from his jungle cats stirred his attention. He have hardly moved position in mid-air when a flash of grey flew through the doorway and then to the ceiling, slowing enough as it did to reveal itself as Ying Ying, with Hannibal Bean riding on its back. Chase tensed and dropped to the ground, along with the dozens of candles that had been floating around him, and readied himself into a defensive stance. Hannibal jumped from Ying Ying's back, growing into his human-sized form before hitting the tile with a thud.
"Chase." Hannibal smiled, shrugging his tendrils coolly. "Is this any kinda greetin' for an ol' friend?"
"What right do you have inviting yourself in, bean?" Chase scowled, lowering himself further into his stance as a group of his jungle cats gathered behind him.
"Oh now, put those kittens away, I'm just here to talk." Hannibal smiled, showing of his crooked, yellow teeth.
"Uninterested." Chase ticked his lip up in disgust, unmoved.
"You're not one to miss out on an opportunity—" Hannibal stopped abruptly, surprised by something behind the Heylin warrior in front of him.
"Chase, did I leave my water in here—" Wuya started before she was even through the door. Chase's pupils narrowed to slits as a wave of terror quaked through him. He whipped his head around, and grew more horrified as his fears where confirmed. Wuya stood in the side doorway, wearing nothing more than a very short, very lacy, black lingerie dress. She stared at Hannibal, then Chase, realizing too late her partner was not alone in his throne room. She smiled at him awkwardly and took a step back, not wanting to intervene. "—oh.. my bad, I'll um.. just get a new one."
Chase stared after her as she walked away, trembling, too mortified to turn back around and face his nemesis now. After a moment of preparation, he turned his head to Hannibal, and was met with a smug, knowing smirk. Embarrassment burned his face, but he managed to merely glower in its wake.
"Chase—" Hannibal began.
"Don't." Chase pinched his eyes shut in humiliation.
"—I mean, I s'pose everyone figured, but I didn't really think of you as—"
"GET OUT!" Chase roared at him as his dragon from broke loose from his loss of focus. Hannibal jumped backwards and shrunk before landing on Ying Ying's back and sailing out, laughing all the way, knowing the opportunity to propose anything to the furious dragon bellowing after him was gone, but to what a hilariously awkward cost.