I found this one a lot harder. I would rather write another Brennan one. Alas, I must persevere. I decided to go with a more naïve sweets for this, early days and all.


It was endearing the way they looked at each other, he liked it. If only they could see past their own blindness, so to speak. He shook his head and smiled. If only all his patients were like them. They were going to be easy, he could see it now. Just a simple few sessions to get them thinking and he could probably get them set up. It wasn't actually his job description to 'set up' couples, but Caroline Julian had assigned them to him specifically, put in a whole load of requests. Why she had sent them to him he didn't know, they seemed fine to him, there might have been a slight bit of tension, but nothing he couldn't sort out. Caroline had said something to do with a difficult partnership or something, but he couldn't see it.

There had to be a way to make them stay. He liked them, they had character- which was more than he could say for many of his patients. The FBI could be and interesting place but it could also be a very dry place, all rules and regulations. He had considered being a child psychologist at one point but then realised that that had the potential to bring back the bad memories. He decided it was safer to be an FBI psychologist, less trauma, or so he'd thought. There had to be some way to keep seeing them, some excuse he could use.

He couldn't help but smile at them. They were nice. They reminded him of his parents, before they died.