Double dates are bad
Ethan and Honey are dating and Lofty and Robyn are dating. The close friendship between Honey and Robyn lead to a series of double dates. In the words of his brother Ethan protests, saying "double dates are bad,". In this case Doctor Hardy is right, or maybe he's wrong. Maybe what happened was pure destiny.
A/N So I know I have The Safety Net Is Broken to write, I promise I won't stop updating it, but this idea is all I can think about right now and I'm personally quite pleased with it. Starts with themes etc from the episode "Sweetie" on the 14/2 /15 (not that I'm expecting it to continue to next year but knowing me it might). Enjoy the story.
It was a cold, March day in Holby and, much to Ethan's delight, Honey had returned from looking after her Nan in Manchester. After the events on Valentines day, Ethan and Honey hadn't spoken and Ethan was planning on putting an end to the silence that had wormed its way into, dare he say it, their relationship. It was a fairly busy day and Ethan was dealing with quite a few patients in cubicals including, Rita's favourite one she got to give him, a man leaking from both ends and both sides. It was a particularly stressful day as, once again, Cal had "disappeared". Everyone knew he was with Taylor. It was evident, especially to Ethan, that Cal truly loved her. Honestly, it was becoming a bit of a disturbance, Cal coming back late, cal and Taylor, well you knowing, in the bedroom next door to Ethan, and Ethan was suffering from vague sleep deprivation.
However, none of that mattered, all that mattered to Ethan at that precise moment in time was talking to Honey. That was until he saw Robyn. The young nurse was staring of into space with, what Ethan knew was, the eyes.
"Who are you thinking about?" Robyn nearly jumped out of her skin at the sound of his voice.
"I have no idea what you're talking about." She glanced around nervously, hoping that Ethan would believe this to be true and drop the subject.
"Yeah no that's not going to work, you had the eyes on. Who do you fancy?"
Robyn glanced around, looked at her hands and finally glanced back up too Ethan.
"He's at twelve o'clock," she muttered whilst her cheeks turned crimson.
"Well, I suggest you tell him, you never know that might be what he wants too." Ethan told her.
"I might actually. Right I'm going to tell him." Robyn said cheerfully.
The young nurse walked across the ED Ethan smiling behind her. He stood there for a few minuets until he caught a glimpse of Homey from across the island. Instantly, he ran across the department to speak with her. This was the most important thing to him at the time. Honey was, without a shadow of a doubt, the most beautiful girl Ethan had ever seen. He'd never, ever had the guts to speak to girls he fancied let alone kiss them, his, thing, with Honey was massive to him.
Ethan being Ethan, he hadn't told anyone about it, he wanted to be certain of what was going on first, and Noel being Honey's dad had respected her privacy and hadn't said anything either. So, Cal being Cal got very confused when he saw his little brother dash across the ward for what appeared to be for no reason. Cal decided to interrogate Ethan later, after he'd called Taylor who was on a business trip in Amsterdam. He'd rope Max and Lofty in to help him, they could never turn down a beer or two. Ethan was well and truly busted.