Naruto: Inherent Demons

Disclaimer: I do not in any way, shape or, form own Naruto or anything related to Naruto.

Welcome everyone to the remake of my story, "Inherent Demons." When I first began writing, I didn't really have much of anything planned out and simply wrote. The end result was the haphazard story that, understandably, didn't get as much love as I would have liked. Since my last chapter, I've taken nearly a year off and decided that there were too many mistakes and errors for me to go back and fix. With that, added on top of not having a definite end goal that made logical sense, I decided that it would be better to simply restart with the same general concept, but with more planning done before ever writing a chapter.

With that being said, my friend/beta soulfistx, and I have brainstormed together and have come up with the perfect plot along with the back story to give this story what it needed from the beginning: well thought-out structure.

So with that in mind, for the new and the old to my story, a little introduction:

Originally, Inherent Demons was a hanyō story that took place during two different time periods—the past, in which Naruto was 12, and the future (present) when Naruto is at the age of roughly 23 (revised to 21). These two time-lines were to be running simultaneously and eventually intersect as the story unfolded, showing all the development and events that would occur to Naruto and the gang leading up to the climatic end of the story...

However, after much deliberation with soulfistx and reading through the short list of reviews and PM's that I received, this concept, while new and refreshing from the common everyday dribble that is spewed out onto Fanfiction, appeared to be the one running complaint that people had with the story. So, with much reluctance, we have both decided to nearly take this feature out and simply stick to the straight-forward method, except for two instances which are necessary (since we already have them written and integrated into the story) to the continuation of our story.

With that being said, there will be events in this story that are similar to canon, but not exactly the same and others that will be changed entirely, in addition, obviously, to the host of entirely original content. Also, there will be explicit material in this story for those under age, so I suggest you skip it.

Some of you may ask, why exactly do I need a cover page. Well, I don't really. This could all have been explained in the first author's note, but I figured that this would save everyone unnecessary time reading a story that they probably won't like should this kind of story not be your cup of tea. With that said, I hope you all enjoy the read and I look forward to hearing your feedback.

Things I want to address

Before you delve into the wonderful world of Naruto and half-demons, there are some key things that I would like to make all of my potential readers aware of, which may entice you into reading, or drive you away, but I still feel it should all be put out up front.

Copying Canon

For the most part, the story differs greatly from canon. While there will be similar events from both the manga and the anime, especially towards the beginnings as the story is essentially canon-divergent (where it diverges sometime after the first Chūnin exam, though already has certain details changed and additions included before then; as you go on, you'll see), these events will be so altered that they won't truly be the same thing, ergo should be considered two separate entities.


As mentioned earlier, there will be lemons in this story that will not be forewarned of, that will be used primarily at key points during relationship development, they won't be thrown around all willy-nilly.

Update Consistency

Both soulfistx and I have worked out a schedule, and with our free time, we hope to publish a chapter every five days. While some may say we are getting a little overzealous (given the consistancy of our previous stories), short of either one of us dying or some accident preventing us from doing so, it's going to stay five days.

Character Strength

All of the characters strengths—including those of the OCs—will be believable and gradually developed upon from the time the story begins until it ends. Naruto, or one of the many other characters, will not be all super powerful and god mode everything at any given moment, which is a common problem in many Fanfiction and in several existing anime (think we all know to which I'm referring to).

OCs (Original Characters)

Because we're diverging from canon, there will quite a few OCs that will be present throughout the story, in either big or small roles and will have an effect on the characters and the world around them. Aeron, one of said OCs, is the character being referenced in the character line-up for the story simply for the reason that he has a ever-present role in the story, affecting the main characters (Naruto/Hinata and many others) in many ways and has been integrated into the story in a way that he seems to have been there from the very beginning.


Within the Naruto FF community the term and concept was conceived of, or coined as far back as 2006... and since then it has only denigrated further in the eyes of the public, both readers and writers alike, due to its misportrayal, unrealism, and the misconstrued understanding placed in many of those representing the population and community.

A hanyō or "Half • Demon" is exactly what the literal translation would imply. It's by no means a new concept, but the secular etymology is something for a different day. In short, as far as we're concerned, and as far as it has been interpreted within the realm of Naruto, is this:

A human (typically an important character) who has come to fuse with either a powerful spirit, a malevolent being, or a bijuu in a way that permanently binds the two, combining them of mind, body, ability, and etcetera.

This does mean that the person would not be entirely human any longer, but they would still undoubtedly be themselves... so the problem then lies in the misconstrusion and the generalized prejudice towards the concept for aversion to genres such as those of secular-appeal. One's opinion cannot be changed so easily, but perhaps a better, more realistic rendition of this sadly neglected and soiled concept can revitalize it, and paint it in a new light.

Now, Inherent Demons (I.D.) is by no means a "hanyō story," as in one over-centralized on the topic, but it does use it in a very realistic and creative way to aid the story in all of its many diverse facets, much like Kishimoto's canon did with the idea of jinchūriki. I can assure you, a fulfilling explanation and a thorough exploration and proper representation awaits you...

So with this not so brief introduction, please enjoy.

-soulfistx (Co-Author)