Author's notes: And here it is. The very last chapter. This is the first time I finish a story (if you don't count the OS). So I'm a bit stirred and excited at the same time. Proud too. I can therefore explain where this idea comes from now. It was just a dream. Usually I'm always myself in my dreams, but not this time. I was Castiel and was watching Anna in her hospital bed. Then, on leaving, I passed a room where there was Dean. Then I woke up. And everything was built around this image.
It was a pleasure to write this story, chapter by chapter. Thank you to all those who supported me, read and those who left reviews. It was a great adventure and it's thanks to you. So thank you!
Special Thanks: Thank you to Dupond et Dupont who helped me from the beginning to the end of this story. If you enjoyed the quality, it's thanks to her. And thank you to Deidato who gives a second life to this story by translating it.
Happy (last) reading!
Deidato's notes: So this is it, the last chapter. It was a real pleasure to work on this amazing story, and even more to work with Ellen who brought me her presence, advices, corrections, and a mass of good mood. Thank you Ellen~
I'd also like to thank all the people who read and commented this story and made it even more enjoyable to translate.
Happy reading, enjoy!
pyroleigh: Thank you! I hope you'll enjoy the end of this story!
Little Cinch: Thank YOU for your lovely message!
Castiel kissed the forehead of his cousin and left, gently closing the door behind him. He slipped into the door frame of the Balthazar's room and gave him a hand gesture to greet him, with a smile, before quickly visit Garth and Mr. Fizzles. He then went into the room 42 where now resided an old man a bit mad who only talked about his children who he had abandoned, the voice tinged with a sad guilt. Castiel again listened to him telling his nonsensical story, put a hand on his shoulder, reassured him. Then he left.
After discussing a few minutes with Julie, Castiel out of the hospital, head-high and light-hearted. The doors of the building closed behind him and the warm summer breeze caressed his skin, slipping on his face and through his hair. The splinters of the setting sun shone on his trench coat, gratifying it with warm and golden tones. Castiel Inhaled. Exhaled. This hot season had a peculiar smell that Castiel couldn't quite define. A mix of freshly cut grass and vaguely spread Monoi oil. Of vanilla ice cream and heated tar. Of grills and cold beer.
Castiel no longer took the same direction he used to go a few months earlier. He no longer lived there for several months now, in the rich suburbs of the city. He had moved to a small house just a few minutes from the hospital and the police station, on the outskirts of the city center. The house wasn't very far from the Singer garage either, which was perfect for Dean now that he worked full-time there.
The place was maybe not to the same standard than the home he once had - and he could still hear the disapproving remarks of his uncles and aunts on his new life choice - but Castiel felt good there. He felt at home. Since it was their place to both of them, to Dean and him.
A smile appeared on the lips of Castiel when he branched off into the street of his new home where the colorful facades of houses succeeded one after the other: the Impala was parked in front of the driveway, its ebony features clashing in the colorful horizon.
Dean was there, at their home.
After the argument they had had that morning - argument which Castiel didn't even remember the origin - he wouldn't have been so surprised if Dean had decided to spend his evening at the Roadhouse, away from him. By dint of foolishly believe that Castiel was going to leave and abandon him because he continued nevertheless to still have violent nightmares, Dean often found easier to run away the first. To suffer less, probably. Castiel had initially been hurt faced with the behavior of his partner but since Dean always ended up coming back, Castiel had ended up not saying anything and waiting.
And even when Dean would finally realize that his companion would always be by his side, Castiel was fully aware that it wasn't for all that the arguments would stop, whether they concern an empty milk carton forgotten in the fridge, the repayment of the house loan or the adoption application which progressed only far too slowly despite the cradle quietly waiting in the first floor bedroom.
Meanwhile, Dean was there tonight. He wasn't running away. Perhaps he was beginning to understand that these disputes didn't measure up to all these wake they spent together, the blue drowned in the green or green engulfed by blue. To their spontaneous life and their fingers intertwined. To their looks, their smiles and laughter. To their hungry lips and sighs and fevered murmurs. Dean was perhaps realizing that Castiel had never been happier than he was now, not even so much in love.
When Castiel switched the handle, a noise of metal crashing on the floor resounded throughout the house. Castiel frowned and gently closed the door behind him. From where he was, he could hear Dean curse under his breath while a sweet smell of roast meat, runner beans and onions baked in the oven crept into his nostrils. Dean had prepared a dinner for him. Hand on his stomach which was already gurgling of impatience, Castiel was about to join him in the kitchen when a desperate voice cut him short in his approach:
"Don't come in!"
Castiel froze and then remained motionless, not knowing what to do.
"Is everything all right Dean?"
"Yes, yes, yes." His distant voice answered. "Just don't come in the kitchen!"
The floor creaked under the feet of Dean when he appeared in the doorway, his hair a mess and flour on the nose. His companion passed the back of his palm on his face, cursing, and Castiel couldn't help smiling.
"Could you take Crowley out?" Dean asked in a small voice. "I didn't have the time to do it today. He must be in our room. Just give me another thirty minutes, please."
Dean bit his lips, waiting for Castiel's answer.
"Of course Dean, I'll go get changed and then I'll do it."
A huge smile on his lips, Dean disappeared back into the kitchen humming Poor Some Sugar On Me - yes, Castiel recognized all the songs Dean listened to and sang now. Castiel let out a small laugh before heading to their room.
Many photographs were hung along the main corridor of the house and Castiel couldn't help looking at them whenever he passed beside them. There was Mary who was growing up far too quickly and Jessica's belly which was bulging again. There were Dean and Castiel, hand in hand. At the edge of the lake. Near the barbecue. On the front steps of Sam and Jessica's house. There was also Anna, in her flamboyant youth. Bobby, Ellen, Jo, Sam, Jessica, Dean and Castiel at the Roadhouse. There was even Crowley, asleep on the knees of Bobby who seemed to not really know how to react. There were memories, promises, hopes. A happy family. United.
Castiel came into his room where he found Crowley lying at the end of the bed, its snoring flooding the room. The noise caused by Dean hadn't even woken him. Castiel sighed before the animal. When he had suggested to have a dog, he'd been far from imagining that Dean could come a week later, all smiles, a black Carlin in the arms.
"We said "not on the bed"." Castiel whispered, sitting beside him.
The animal stretched before raising its head, its big bulging eyes staring sadly. Crowley yelped slightly, trying to gain the sympathy of its owner who couldn't help smiling at his animal. Castiel often found himself helpless against it.
"Come on, let's go for a walk."
Castiel took off his trench coat, his tie and shirt before putting on a t-shirt of Dean. He was always better in his companion's shirts, wrapped in his smell. Jacket on his back, Castiel then tied a leash to the collar of Crowley which wrinkled its pug nose, before taking it in his arms. And, struggling against the urge to take a look in the kitchen and find out what Dean was concocting for their evening, Castiel quickly walked down the hall.
He walked around the block, controlling more or less his dog which had decided to sniff all crannies of the streets. As he quietly enjoyed the warm atmosphere of this August evening, Castiel ran into Uriel, this not very talkative neighbor with whom he got along well, in the end. They discussed about the neighborhood, his new friend railing against Krissy and Aidan who he had again caught smooching against the wall of his house. Castiel laughed, retorting that he found it more touching than anything else. Castiel sincerely appreciated his neighbors, their bursts of laughter echoing in the streets and the improvised pre-dinner they spent in their company. And although Uriel tended to just criticize everything, it didn't sully his feelings.
When the sun disappeared behind the roofs of the houses Castiel thought it was time for him to go back home. He again sailed along the houses with ocher brick walls and green, orange, blue coatings. Flags of the last neighbors party were still hanging here and there, small colorful triangles blending into the blue sky.
Once back home, Castiel detached the leash of Crowley which rushed like mad in the hallway of the house - towards the marital bedroom, of course.
Castiel, as for himself didn't really dare to move for fear of arriving too early and for Dean to not be ready yet. Only, the sound of water dripping and sliding against a body came quickly to his ears, and he immediately realized that Dean was in the shower. Castiel hesitated for a moment to join him when his curiosity was stirred by a rock'n'roll tune resonating quietly in the living room. Castiel removed his shoes and put on his slippers before heading there.
The table was set, a long black tablecloth covering it and a white orchid placed in its center. The plates were also perfectly arranged, accompanied by their cutlery and wine glasses. The smell that emanated from the kitchen foreshadowed for Castiel that Dean had prepared an intimate dinner. And perhaps his companion was going to be the dessert, once more.
It wasn't every day that Dean was making efforts like this, often preferring the simple evenings without superfluous. But his companion always had the knack of surprising him, of bringing a little spice in his life, of breaking the everyday life and the routine. When it weren't impromptu road trips across the country, it were gifts, surprise parties, stolen kisses.
A throat clearing got Castiel out of his thoughts. He turned around immediately. Dean was leaning against the doorway of the living room. His hair was still wet - a droplet of water ran down his neck before disappearing under his shirt. Damn how much Castiel was in love.
"Hey." Dean whispered with a smile.
Castiel's heart missed a beat. Once more. It never stopped with him. Dean straightened and slowly approached him, his bare feet treading the floor creaking in rhythm. He wrapped his arms around the neck of Castiel, dragged him a little closer to himself and put his lips on his. A sigh of contentment rolled down the throat of Castiel and Dean let out a little laugh against his mouth. He pulled back slightly, stared at him with his big green eyes and whispered:
"Welcome home."
The end
Author's notes: I can't tell you "until a new chapter" or "see you soon on this story," and it makes me a little sad. Thank you, thank you, thank you for following this story to the end, until the final point. It touches me deeply. I didn't think I'd go that far with this universe.
So, yeah. Thank you.
And see you soon in new stories?
Deidato's notes: We'll never say it too much: Thank you guys. This story is here thanks to you. So thank you!
I'm not done with translating for now, Music Matters is still going and within two weeks I'll start posting the first chapter of Through the darkness, a new translation. See my profile for more info.
By then, take care and see you soon in other stories~