It was finally lunch break and because I already finished eating my lunch so I was taking a walk around campus. If I don't say so myself, our school is extremely beautiful. We have a lake that glistens and glitters under the bright sun with the grass and trees around. It doesn't really feel like a school at times, especially when I can't keep my thoughts off of this certain blond who is my dorm mate... let me try to explain his features. He has this fluffy mop like blond hair, green eyes, changes personalities if you take off his glasses, and he is a relatively well shaped man, yet loves fluffy and cute things. Augh! Why am I thinking about that stupid...


My thoughts were cut off by a familiar voice calling my name. Knowing it was Natsuki, I started to run away. Who knows what he has for me today! Maybe he has some more of his deadly animal shaped cookies like the ones he was trying to get Nanami to eat the other day.

"Syo-chan! Stop running away! I have some cupcakes that I specially made for you today! Syo-chan!" the bubbly blonde with glasses yelled after me.

"Stop screaming my name! Stop running after me! And get those poisonous cupcakes away from me!" I said the last part quietly. I didn't want to hurt his feelings, but I also didn't want to almost die eating his stupid cupcakes again.

I ran through the halls and found myself in the library. When I looked around, I saw pink hair, a focused pair of yellow eyes, and pale hands working hard to write something that looked like notes onto a score sheet. She was in our school uniform, a blue blazer with a yellow and brown checkered dress. I knew I shouldn't bother her, but I decided to walk over to her and ask her what she was working on.

"Hey Nanami, whatcha workin' on?" I asked.

"Oh! Syo-chan, you surprised me. I'm working on a new song for a group project. I hope my group mates will like it." Nanami replied.

"I'm sure they'll like it! The songs you make are amazing, nobody can hate them." I flashed her a smile to show her I honestly meant what I said.

"Thank you, Syo-chan" she smiled brightly.

We talked a little longer, but I soon left her to continue what she was working on.

I started walking back to the S class. When I started up the stairs to the classroom I heard Natsuki and Otoya.

"Otoya~, do you think Syo-chan hates me? Whenever I try and give him sweets he runs away. Whenever I try to make him dress up in something cute, he gets really mad. Do you think he doesn't get that I like him?" Natsuki asked sadly.

Wait… Hold on… Natsuki said that he liked me… No he just means that he likes me as a friend and he likes seeing me in cute clothes. I mean he wouldn't make someone he likes wear something they are so against right? I'm a man! Not some girl that needs cute clothes.

"Nacchan, I think he just doesn't want you to dress him up.I don't know about the sweets (oh yes he does!), but I'm sure that if you don't force him into the clothes he doesn't like, he will come around." Otoya replied.

"Do you really think so Otoya~? I mean when I just saw him now he ran away from me. What should I do if he really does hate me?!" Natsuki replied, worry and fear overcoming his usual bubbly cute voice.

"I'm sure it's fine Nacchan. If it really bothers you, maybe you should talk to him when school is over. He does share the same dorm with you, so you two will be alone together to talk." Otoya tried his best to comfort the worried Natsuki.

"You're right, I'll just talk to him tonight to ask him! Thank you Otoya~. Ah! The bell rang… I'm so sorry for making you talk to me about this. I took away your precious lunch time." Natsuki said in a sad voice.
"It's okay Nacchan. I'm happy that you came to ask me for advice. If you ever have something that you need to talk about, you can always talk to me. I will always be here to give you advice!" Otoya replied with a stupid smile on his face, brimming confidence.

I couldn't hear their voices anymore so I took the advantage of running up the next set of stairs to my class. I felt my face get hotter and hotter. I knew that I must have looked like a blushing idiot, but having no way to solve it, I just tried my best to hide my face with my hat as I walked into the class. Luckily the stern-faced Tokiya was the only one in the classroom. He wouldn't have asked me anything. Words can't describe how happy I am knowing stupid Ren, who always calls me freaking "Ochibichan" isn't here. I understand that I'm short and that he's freakishly huge! But that doesn't give him the right to rub it in my face! Crap, right as I was relieved with him not being here, the screaming group of girls he always had following him were screaming his name. How can you be so happy with so many annoying girls calling your name? I just can't understand that guy.

"Yo Ochibichan, what's with the red face?" Ren asked as soon as he saw my stupid red face that decided to continue being stupid and stay as red as a tomato.

"Nothing! And stop calling me Ochibichan! I'm not that short!" I tried my best to keep my normal voice, but dang it, too many things were going on in my head and my voice squeaked a little bit.

"What was that, Ochibichan. That was a first from you" Ren replied, a smirk played across his lips.
"Oh shut up, and stop calling me Ochibichan!" My voice was finally back to normal and so was my face because this idiot was annoying me.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll just make you tell me later." Ren replied and sauntered over to his own seat as Ryuya-sensei started to walk into the class telling us to get to our seats.

"Okay. How was everyone's lunch? Hope you guys ate enough, but you better not sleep in my class. Especially you over there Ren! The rest of today I'm just going to be talking about…" Ryuya-sensei's voice got farther and farther away as I was getting swallowed up by my thoughts.

I need to piece this together. Natsuki said that he liked me. But he said he was worried if I hated him or not so maybe he didn't mean it in a romantic way. But what would I care if he meant it in a romantic way or not. That has nothing to do with me. Wait to start this all off how do I feel towards him. Do I like him? As a friend? As a love interest? What do I feel towards him. I've been with him since we were little kids. He always annoyed me about how cute I am. I'm not cute! No, I am a man! And men aren't cute! I mean I understand that he thinks I'm short and easy to mess with but still, he's been calling me cute since we were what less than ten! Anyways, he always made me slightly frustrated because he was so good at the violin. He was a freaking genius over there as I was struggling my butt off with practice. Well, I do feel bad for the guy, he was messed up after his violin teacher stole his music and left. He now turns into Satsuki if I take off his glasses, and I don't want to do that. Satsuki is terrifying. Anyways, I don't hate him. Yes, he does annoy me by always telling me that I look cute. I also did get really embarrassed when I heard him say "like", but isn't that completely normal for someone, anyone, well except Ren, to get kinda sorta embarrassed when they hear the word "like" right after their name? Augh, this is driving me crazy. Natsuki is just Natsuki. He is nothing more or less. I wonder how he's going to bring up this topic in the dorm room. I'm just going to pretend like I have a lot of homework tonight. Yes, that way I can stay away from this topic and maybe get away from it. I just hope he doesn't try to get me into a stupid dress today. He better not drag me away from my work just to take freaking pictures of me in a maid outfit with cat ears or something, if he does, that stupid Natsuki is going to regret he was ever…

The bell rang, helping me out of my weird thoughts. I tried packing as fast as I could so that I wouldn't have to talk to Ren, but the stupid rooster-like haired guy had nothing but a stupid notebook and one pencil that he had nothing to pack. He came right up in front of me and said, "Well then Ochibichan, care to explain why you were blushing before class started, and why you looked like you were in Lalaland for almost the entire period? It's incredibly obvious that something is on your mind, maybe something on the lines of your love life? Seeing as to how much you were blushing before class and woah there, wait a little bit, we have plenty of time to talk." He was annoyingly holding the collar of my shirt making it so I couldn't run away as he said the last couple of words.

"Shut up stupid Ren! And how many times do I have to tell you to st-"

"Stop calling you Ochibichan." Ren cut me off. "I understand but it's not happening. Ready to go? We need to discuss this." Ren was starting to get on my nerves, who gave him the right to just go around and tell me what to do? He was just another stupid classmate. I bet if I ran he would be too lazy to chase me. All I need to do is just not let him into my dorm room either. Yes, that is an amazing plan! I will just run away from him as soon as he lets go of the collar of my shirt. Like now!

I made a run for it. Just as planned, Ren didn't come after me. He was too much of a lazy bum and he probably didn't want to let girls see him with his stupid hair messy.

I ran down the stairs to get to the first floor of the school building. When I got out of the building I stopped running, seeing that there was now no reason to run. Not wanting to go straight to the dorms (just in case Natsuki was already there), I decided to take another little walk. I went by the lake again, for some odd reason this lake calms me down. It helps me think about things and not have to worry about other people coming to annoy me. When I got to a good spot that was shaded, I sat down and leaned against the relatively large tree that was giving me shade and stared at the lake. It wasn't too windy today so the ripples in the lake were not enormous, but just right. Just enough to not make it look dead, and not make it look like there was a dangerous creature lurking underneath. The day was just right in general-not too hot and not too cold. The sun was shining brightly and the sky only filled with soft, white, cotton candy-like clouds. Because of all the events that occurred today, I never really got the chance to just enjoy the day. I couldn't keep running away from this topic with Natsuki though. If I'm a man, I need to face this like a man too. Time to head to the dorms then, I guess.

I started to walk towards the dorms and away from the classrooms. Walking to the dorm buildings was actually not that bad, but trying to get up those stairs, now that… that was another story. My legs were moving extremely slow, well I thought they were, but I guess I was moving at a normal speed. The dorm room that I share with Natsuki was right before my eyes. I knew that I just had to walk in there like I always did. Just walk in there and do my best to avoid Natsuki trying to hug me and kill me with his hug.

Just a few more steps.

Okay Syo. You can do this.

Just turn the knob.

Open the door, and act like usual.

I opened the door only to be greeted by silence. To my surprise, Natsuki was still not back in our dorm room. An odd feeling of relief and disappointment mixed together washed over me. I walked over to my hat stand on my side of the room and put the blue fedora I was wearing on the stand. I sat down at my desk also on my side of the room and decided to start my homework before Natsuki could bombarde me with his voice.

I grabbed my little notebook that I used as my planner out of my backpack to check what I had to do for tonight. There was some math, a little bit of English, I needed to think about lyrics to a song, and I had history.

Deciding to do what felt easiest, I grabbed my English out. It was a little worksheet that I needed to just finish because I was able to do most of it in class. I grabbed my English notebook and started to translate the sentences that were written out. The next question read, "Kyou ha kare to eiga no de-to ni ikukoto ni natteimasu." English translation is… ah! "Today I've planned to go on a movie date with my boyfriend." I wonder if this is what Natsuki sees us doing. Going on movie dates, he would probably pick the worst movies, but still I guess it would be nice to see him smiling at a kiddy movie. Wait… how did Natsuki get involved in my English homework. Okay just go to the next problem.

This continued for the next 10 problems that I had left. Everything ended up connecting in some way, shape, or form to Natsuki. It was starting to drive me crazy. Especially the last one freaking had something like "I love you, will you please listen to what I have to say?" or something like that. I swear! The universe just doesn't want me to do my homework!

I noticed that it was starting to get dark outside. I turned on the lamp I had overhead. It was one of those little lamps that you put on your desk.

Next I started my History. It was surprisingly easy. I was done with it about 45 minutes later. I decided to take a little break and eat something. I hadn't had anything since lunch so my stomach was starting to growl on me. I went into the little snack stash that I had in one of my desk drawers. I looked at the time and it was almost 7 o'clock. I was starting to worry, but he wouldn't have gone outside of campus anyways, so he should be fine. Maybe he was even over at Tokiya and Otoya's room. My thoughts wandered off to nowhere and I decided that I should start my Math homework so I could go to sleep early.

I grabbed my math notebook and my calculator. I had no idea what the homework was. It turned out that it was, what I want to say, I'm worst at: Probability. I hate these type of problems with a passion. For some reason they always took me so long to finish and made me sleepy. I was on the 20th out of the 25 problems I had. I looked at the clock and it was already 8:30. I just wanted to throw my work out the window and go to sleep, but I continued working on the problems. I was on the second to last one, and I found myself nodding off. I thought that I could finish the last two soon so I tried to just wake myself up. Failing to do so, I fell asleep on my desk.

Right as I fell asleep, I heard the door to the dorm room open. The next thing I knew, I heard "Syo-chan!" come out of Natsuki's mouth.

I heard Natsuki's footsteps get closer and closer. I didn't wake up though I was just about to fall asleep. "Why is it so dark Syo-chan? Why is only your desk light turn-" Natsuki stopped talking.
He took a couple steps closer and I heard him shuffling trying to get something out. The next thing I knew I heard the camera noise from his phone go off. It went off at least 20 times until he seemed satisfied with taking pictures of my sleeping face. I was too tired to argue and make him stop. Soon after I heard footsteps get farther and the lights flickered on.

"Syo-chan, Syo-chan, I have this cute outfit for you today! I really want you to wear it!" He said excitedly, shaking me awake. He looked like he was dancing around because he needed to use the restroom or something.

"I'm not wearing it, Natsuki. I told you I don't like cute clothes! I'm a man and will not wear anything that you call cute!" I replied trying my best to win the argument with my drowsy voice.

"That's what you always say at first, but you end up always wearing what I ask you to wear Syo-chan." The bubbly blond countered with a slightly devilish grin. There was no arguing to that. I did always end up wearing whatever he told me to wear. I just couldn't keep saying no after I saw the heartbroken look on his face after I said no about ten times.

"Fine, I'll wear it. What is it today?" I asked in a defeated tired voice.

"Tada!" Natsuki showed excitedly. It was a dress, a freaking dress... well at least it wasn't a maid outfit. There were cat ears… but I guess I could deal with it. It wasn't that bad I guess. But I did resist when he tried to put the dress on me, just for the show of it, it also helped me to wake up. The dress was white and pink. The basic shape of it was normal, lots of frills, but nothing to the point where it looked like a party dress. It had a casual sun-dress feel to it, the frilly layers were pink and fluffy. The material was so soft. It was a strapless dress, something new and different. After he put the dress on me, I thought he would let me take it off, but no, he needed stupid pink ribbons in my hair. I was starting to regret allowing Natsuki to get me into the dress. Then of course he took out his phone again.

"Natsuki! No pictures!" I tried to argue.

"No, Syo-chan don't move. You looked perfect just now! No, don't cover your face! Stop scowl, that doesn't look cute."

Ten minutes later…

"Yay! I got a cute picture of Syo-chan!" Natsuki triumphantly exclaimed.

I was so tired. I just wanted to get out of the dress. "Natsuki help me out of this dang dress!" I yelled.

"Hai, hai. Just hold on. Don't rush it or you might ruin your pretty dress Syo-chan."

"It's not my dress! You just forced me into it!"

Natsuki slowly undid the zipper. I didn't have a shirt on, but I did have shorts on under. I was not stripping into boxers for some stupid dress. Natsuki let me step over the dress and he told me to hang it back on the hanger and give it to him. I did so and he put the dress in my closet. I tried protesting, but once again gave up, I was too tired to argue. I turned my back to him to grab my shirt on my bed and I suddenly felt arms wrapped around my waist. At first I was confused, I looked down to see that there was indeed a pair of arms wrapped around my waist and the warmth I was feeling on my back was Natsuki's chest.

"Natsuki, what are you doing?" I hesitantly asked.

"Syo-chan, do you hate me?" Natsuki replied to my question with a different question. That just proved that he had no intention of answering my question.

"No I don't hate you. Why would I hate you?" I replied as calmly as I could with my heartrate starting to slowly but surely speed up.

"Really?! I'm so relieved! With that out of the way," Natsuki paused for a long time. I almost said something, but he started talking again, "Can we talk?" He asked.

I knew that the talk was about to happen. I didn't want it to come, but I knew that it was inevitable. "Alright just let me go! I need to put my shirt back on!" As soon as I said that, he jumped back and started blushing. I felt kind of bad, but didn't say anything.

After I got my shirt back on, I sat down on my bed and patted the space next to me on my bed gesturing for him to sit down.

"What's on your mind." I asked.