My Secret Lover

Chapter 12

Lovers in Harmony

Note: Well, here it is. The finale to the story. I hope you've all enjoyed this story and it's been a pleasure writing this for you all. Please be sure to leave comment to let me know how I did. You're guys' feedback, good or bad, always lets me know what I can do in the future. Anyway, without further ado, I hope you enjoy.

"Umi-chan, how long have you been standing there?"

"I'm sorry. I was afraid I wouldn't have the courage to face you again." Eli slowly made her way over to Umi was still a little hesitant. Eli saw this and tried to let her calm down. She close enough to where Umi was comfortable, but to where she could get a good look at her.

"I've been so worried about you."

"I know. It's just…"

"It's okay. You don't need to explain. I completely understand." Umi raised her head and looked at Eli. At that moment, she took another step forward.

"I was just afraid of what would happen to us. I thought that we couldn't be together because of what other people thought of us."

"Who cares about them? Your happiness is the most important thing. You can't always think about the way people see you."

"I know. It took me a while to realize that." Eli took another step forward.

"Me too. Something inside me just knew that you were the only one for me, and that I couldn't go on without you." Umi widened her eyes and turned away.

"But what if this doesn't work? What if this causes our school to become a turn away? It'll be all my fault. I don't think I could handle that kind of responsible. I love this school. I want as many people to enjoy it as possible so…" Out of nowhere, Eli put her hands on Umi's cheeks and kissed her on the lips. She couldn't finish her sentence, but that didn't matter anymore. Eli's gentle touch took her to heaven, making her forget all of her problems and worries. She eventually gripped Eli's back and pulled her in even closer as they continued to kiss.

The stars were aligned at this moment. The whole world stopped. Umi wanted this moment to last forever and Eli just wanted to be with her for as long as she could. Once they started to run out of breath, Eli broke away and looked her in the eyes.

"Umi-chan, I love you, and no matter what. I will be with you. You won't have to carry that burden alone anymore." She grabbed her hand and kissed it. "I won't abandon you and I can promise you this: Our school isn't going anywhere." Those final words sold it for her. Tears started to form in her eyes as she melted into Eli's body. "I love you. Nothing will ever change that."

"I love you too," she said as she tried to fight back the tears.

The next day came around and Eli asked everyone to immediately go to the club room. It was kind of odd since they never did anything like that this early in the day. It was obviously something important so they quickly made their way there and waited for Eli to arrive. When she did, they couldn't believe their eyes. She and Umi walked in together and everyone jumped out of their seats and hugged them. They were so happy to see the two of them together, especially Umi since she's been absent for the past few days. On the other hand, Nozomi was a little quiet. She didn't really get involved in this little reunion, but tried to put on a smile for everyone. After that was over, they returned to their seats and waited to hear what Eli had to say.

"Alright, thank you everyone for coming on such short notice. I wanted to talk to you about something." They all listened intensively. "Because of what happened at that press conference, I'm pretty sure everyone wants to know what happened with Muse. And I think I have a solution. We're gonna hold a concert, today." Everyone nearly fell out of their seats.

"Today, are you kidding me?!"

"No, Umi and I have planned out everything." They reach into their bags and pulled out a whole bunch of fliers for the event. "We need to go around the school and the city and post these up in as many places as we can. If we do this, everything will clear up and we won't have to worry anymore." They all stood up from their chairs and grabbed the fliers.

"Alright, let's go!" Honoka pumped her fist and was the first one to leave the room. Everyone else followed behind her, super excited for what they were planning. Once everyone left, Nozomi and Eli were the last ones out. Nozomi grabbed her share of the fliers and started to walk out when Eli grabbed her by the wrist and kissed her on the cheek.

"Thank you, Nozomi. I couldn't have asked for a better friend." This caused her to raise her head and when she did, she saw such a bright smile on her face that she couldn't help but return the gesture.


"I love you, Nozomi." She let go of her wrist and ran out the room to post up the fliers. Nozomi was still a little stunned by this to where she brought up her hand to touch her cheek. It was still warm and for some reason, this brought tears to her eyes. However, they weren't tears of sadness, but of joy. Happy Eli was the best Eli, and now, she knew she did her job correctly.

For the next few hours, the girls went everywhere, advertising their concert. They ran through the halls of the school and everywhere else, making sure that all of the students heard about it. Once that was over, they left school and made their way into town. They posted up their fliers in all of the popular areas. They occasionally passed by some people walking through the streets to let them know that they were holding a concert. Surprisingly, some of them knew who Muse was and said that they were excited to attend another concert. Their plan was working. Everyone was taking notice of this impromptu event and all of them were excited for what was to come since Eli and Umi were the only ones who planned this out.

Once that part was done, they headed back to the school and prepared for the concert. They decided that it would be best to do it outside so Eli told them about the decorations and everyone immediately got on it. Meanwhile, Umi told the others what songs they'd be performing and what outfits they'd be wearing. It was best that they stayed with something they've already worn since it would be too much for Kotori to try and make something new. As for the songs, they chose some of the crowds' favorites. All that was left was to wait until the concert started.

The front of the school immediately started to pile up with tons of fans. They were all excited to see Muse once again after their little fiasco that caused them to go silent for a few weeks. Of course, the shipping fans arrived, but Muse tried their best to flood them out of their minds. There was a reason they were holding this concert and they were determined to see through it to the very end.

Once it was show time, the lights around the stage went black and some of the spotlights that the school provided started to shine to the sky. At that moment, Muse ran out on stage and performed "Wonder Zone" as their opening song. Surprisingly, everyone cheered as loud as they could without a care in the world and neither did the girls of Muse. They all looked happy and ready to give their fans another performance to remember. After their first song was done, they stood staring into their audience as they started to chant their names and other things that fans usually do. At that moment, Umi walked out in front of the group and made an announcement.

"First off, I'd like to thank everyone for coming out tonight. This wasn't planned and I'm just so thankful that you guys care us this much to show your support."

"You're the best Umi!" She couldn't help but laugh at the random comment from the crowd.

"However, there was a reason why we had this concert. About a week ago, we had a press conference in which things didn't really go according to plan." That's when the normal fans got quiet and the shipping fans started to get a little rowdy. "But I'm here to clear the air." Umi walked over to Eli and grabbed her hand. Everyone else didn't know this was going to happen so they were just as interested as the people watching. "I love Eli. I know that goes against what you guys believe, but I can't lie to my own heart. I hope you guys can understand. I love her." Without saying another word, the two of them kissed which caused an immediate response. They could hear the sounds of signs dropping the floor as everyone cheered. When they broke their kiss, they heard screams from everywhere.

"We don't care about that anymore!"

"As long as you're happy!"

"We love all of you!"

It worked. Their plan worked. The rest of Muse walked up to them and held each other's hands. They all gave each other a smile as the next song started to play. It may seem odd, but this was a true happy ending, not just for Umi and Eli, but for Nozomi would longed to find a way to make her best friend the happiest person alive.

The End

Ending Note: Thank you all so much for reading this story. I hope you all enjoyed it and I promise that there's more on the way.