A/N: So thank you to everyone who gives this a read, I've recently become obsessed with GOT and decided to write my first fic, I've just started reading ASOIAF so I apologise in advance if anything seems out of character but this fic will be based more on the show than the book series.

Also a warning: This story is AU, Modern day murder mystery with chapters based on a different character's POV. If you don't like Modern day/AU GOT fics then I suggest nicely that you don't read.

Disclaimer: I own nothing and make nothing from writing these fics.

He tied the black tie around his neck before straightening his collar, looking at his reflection in the mirror in front of him; wondering what had happened to the man he had been twenty years ago. A lot can change in twenty years but some things remained the same. Like tonight for instance. Every three months the company that he, Robert Baratheon, owned with his father-in-law Tywin Lannister would throw a dinner party; to celebrate how well their company was doing. His dining room would host the people who wanted something from him, they would be well fed with a three course meal; this year French onion soup for starters, Salmon for the main and strawberry cheesecake for dessert, and then a particularly flirty young girl who just so happened to sit opposite him, making flirty eyes at him would end up his in bed after they had both consumed too much wine.

The last part wasn't so bad. Robert preferred that, he saw it as his reward for having to sit through an entire evening surrounded by letches, mostly Lannister letches who liked to suck up to Tywin. Then there was his wife, Cersei who looked sour faced during these dinners with her twin brother whispering in her ear; he hated the lot of them. His marriage to Cersei had been arranged when he offered to help buy out Tywin Lannister's failing company, he got fifty-one percent and a bride whilst Tywin got a huge payout to save his debts and was made co-owner, of course Tywin didn't like the fact that the company he once owned fully he now owned forty-nine percent of.

Robert checked his watch, nearly time to start greeting the guests who would soon be arriving at their six bedroom house in the London suburbs. He had never truly been happy here. His successful business in which he owned fifty-one percent, his marriage to Cersei, his three blonde haired children, his car, his money, the lovers he took; nothing could fill the void that had been left by his one true love.

He sighed heavily, wanting to get this evening over and done with as he pulled on his suit jacket. Today had been awful and the party would only be an awful end to an awful day. How right he was in that respect.

Little did he know that as he took out the little flask from his trouser pocket that contained his favourite whiskey, the door to his study opened and closed without him hearing it. Robert took a small swig from the flask before placing the lid over the spout and put the flask back in his pocket, feeling a little better after a touch of dutch courage.

He turned around, eyes widening at the person who stood before him. Robert let out another heavy sigh before gesturing to the seats. The person shook their head, not wanting to sit down and talk about this situation calmly.

"I thought we talked about this!" Robert stated angrily.

The person shook their head, pulling something out from behind their back. Robert's eyes widened as he watched the person stood in front of him pull the trigger on the gun he kept locked away in the safe in his office and the company headquarters.

"How did you get the combination?" Robert asked.

The person smiled, "It wasn't exactly hard." they replied.

"Now don't be stupid." Robert tried to reason, "Give me the gun and we can go over this whole thing again."

"It's too late for that! Time for you to meet your maker Robert Baratheon!"

A shot was fired, straight into Robert's heart. The person fled the study, leaving Robert Baratheon to fall backwards and landing on the creaky wooden floorboards. As blood poured out of his chest fast, the last thing that Robert heard were the sounds of guests arriving for the dinner party that he would never attend.