The Ride
Summary: Callie & Arizona AU fic. Arizona is lost in a whirlwind of circumstances, relying on her motor cycle to give her clarity. Will this ride lead to the change that she needs, or lead to further hurt and heartache?
Chapter: 1/?
This is my first fic…. I'm giving this a try… hope you like it...
"Female, 26, motorcycle accident, visible lacerations to… pretty much the entire right side" Nicole, the paramedic began to call out. "Internal bleeding, possible her liver, there's an obvious break in the lower left leg"
"Stupid, Stupid…. Damn thrill seeking children, never get enough…. Trauma 2" Bailey ordered as she started shuffling towards the predestined bay. Once they entered the room, the surgeon began her exam on the un-conscious form. "Someone page ortho yet? I'm not getting a pulse in the ankle, and where is neuro?"
As the question mark formed on Bailey's question, Derek strolled in, quickly getting to work checking for pupil reaction. Shining his light repeatedly from one eye to the other. Each surgeon caught up with their own specialty trying to save this young, yet seemingly reckless life, no one heard the door crack open, and closed.
"Pupils even and reactive…" Derek began, but was cut off.
"She was wearing a helmet, I always make sure she wears a helmet" came through the defeated voice.
Eyes snapped up taking in the 6' 4", sandy blond, blue eyed form…. "Are you all going to tend to her leg? I applied the tourniquet in the field, but she needs an OR now if its going to be saved.
"Who are you?" the sharp response did little to deter the newcomer.
"Officer Daniel Robbins of the United States Navy, and the guy that would be saving that leg if I was allowed privilege to operate on my sister"
Taking in the military style cut, Derek stepped up… "Sir, we're going to need you to wait outside this room so we can work on your sister."
Undeterred, Daniel stood his ground, sizing up the neurosurgeon. Suddenly rushing through the door came aa very astute Latina, not up on all the details, but prepared to jump in. "Bailey…" began the cool voice of Dr. Callie Torres.
"Left leg, we have a break, and no pulse, tourniquet applied in the field. Looks pretty…" Bailey paused, wanting to spare possible negative outcomes in front of the patient's brother. "much like it's a goner, except, lucky for her, you were on call today."
Callie traced the limb, performing a quick cursory exam while taking in Bailey's assessment. "Is the OR set?" Callie eyed the nurse in the corner.
Holding the phone to her ear, awaiting a response from the other end. "Yes, we're all set" Kicking the brakes, the doctors took hold of the gurney, barreling towards the OR.
"Sir, we're getting her into the OR as quickly as possible. From my exam I can tell you, there is no immediate brain damage that I can see. I will still be getting her in for a head CT. Dr. Torres is going to be working on her leg, while Dr. Bailey handles and internal injuries possibly sustained during the crash." Derek assisted the blond man towards the family waiting area, while filling him in.
Able to take a step back for now "This Dr. Torres… is she the best you got?" Daniel inquired. Understanding the seriousness of his sister's leg injury.
"The best, this side of the Mississippi" came the proud response from Dr. Sheppard. "Dr. Torres will exhaust every possibility before she even allows the idea of amputation to enter her OR."
Rubbing his hands down his pants, Daniel exhaled the breath he had been holding since seeing his sister so harshly crash into the pavement, releasing his trained stature as he began taking a seat. "Dr…"
"Sheppard, Derek Sheppard, chief of neurosurgery" Derek offered.
"Thank you. And sir, I'm sorry for flexing back in the room… it's my little sister, I'm supposed to protect her."
If anyone could understand the actions of this family member, its Derek Sheppard. "No hard feelings, It's your family member on that table, I get it."
Derek stood there allowing his presence to be a support, as he watched emotion after emotion flash across the man's features. He could tell, there was more than this accident weighing on this man. "I'm going to check on things back there" he pointed his thumb behind him, motioning towards the double doors leading to the surgical OR's. " I will be sure to get you an update as soon as possible."
Placing his helmet on top of his leather jacket, Daniel momentarily took in the retreating form of the neurosurgeon. Leaning back with his fingers rubbing his temples, attempting to expel the stress of current events… "shit… momma can't take this right now."
"Let's get Sloan in here to work on these external lacerations" Bailey ordered one of the nurses. "Just because she's stupid, doesn't mean we can't fix her up right. How we looking down there Torres?"
Brow wrinkled, deep in concentration as if attempting to solve the world's most difficult math problem, Callie offered no response.
"Torres, hello, earth to Torres…." Bailey chimed, not particularly keen on a quiet OR.
"Ladies, you summoned?" Mark entered, dropping his towel to the floor, awaiting the nurse set to glove and gown hime. "What are we looking at?"
"This poor child was stupid enough to let a donor cycle introduce her to the pavement in a nasty way. Her entire right side, just for you" Bailey motioned as if displaying a lobster platter to the plastic surgeon.
"Let's take a look." Sloan eyed Torres across the table, noticing she had yet to offer any input. "Torres…." Mark dragged out the pronunciation in her name, dripping in his signature tone. "How's that leg looking for you?" Being her best friend, he knew how much the Latina wanted to save every limb that entered her OR.
Finally cluing back into her surroundings "hmmm….. any other surgeon would have amputated…" a slight temperature change could be felt in the OR. No surgeon ever felt good coming to the conclusion of ordering up a bone saw. "But I'm not 'any other surgeon' so I'm going to save this leg, AND she will have full function. Like you said…. Just because she's stupid, doesn't mean we can't fix her up right."
Now nearly two hours later, Mark's voice cut through the air "This skin graft is perfect, hmmm…. I am amazing, almost majestic like!"
"Torres I think we're going to have to finish up at another time"
"Between Mark and his ego, it's kind of squished in here"
"Hey, there's no need to be humble when you're this good"
"And the others of us will get back to rebuilding her leg, and actually saving her life."
Completing a final check of his work "Derek said no brain injury, just a concussion. Good thing, with the liver lac and her leg, she really didn't need to add a brain injury on top of that."
Surveying her work thus far, Callie cut in "That will be good news for her when she wakes up… whoever applied that tourniquet saved her leg…"
"That would be sergeant military out there in the waiting area…" seeing the confused look from Callie and Mark Bailey continued "he's her brother, and he must be a doctor… that boy thought we were going to let hime operate on her leg, apparently you weren't moving fast enough for him"
"Hmmm…." Looking up from her meticulous work, Callie ingested this new information "Mark if you're finished here, do you mind updating the brother for us?"
"Sure, I'll fill him in on my perfect work, her newly formed bionic leg, and her liver that is as good as new… about how much longer before you two are finished up here?"
Pulling up on a suture Bailey spoke up "I'm wrapping up within about 30 minutes, provided her stats continue to hold up for me."
"I've got at least another 3 hours, rebuilding limbs from scratch takes time" there was no hint of complaining coming from the Latina. Here in the OR is where life seemed just right. No matter what was going on outside that room, here is where Callie could breathe. This peace right here was what she needed. Delving back into her work, she barely noticed Mark take his exit, or Bailey forty-five minutes later.
Motor accidents had the tendency to push the brunette inside herself, they seemed to play a very unwanted heavy part in her life at the most inopportune of times.
Back in the waiting area, taking a momentary break from the pacing, Daniel sat holding a death grip on his phone contemplating a call he knew he had to make. His leg bouncing as he began inwardly cursing himself. He barely noticed the grey blue eyes of one Mark Sloan studying him. At the welcome intrusion he stood, shoulders squared as taught in his training; he awaited an update on his sister.
"Dr. Sloan…." Mark solemnly offered. He could read the figure before him, it didn't take a genius to see there was a world of weight sitting on this man.
Extending his hand in greeting "Daniel, Daniel Robbins Jr… Arizona is my sister, how is she doing in there?" Unknowingly his breath bated as he readied himself for the news to come.
Taking on his serious doctor tone Mark began "Mr. Robbins…."