A/N: Hi all. This is a bit of an epilogue of sorts to my other storys The Penpal and Penpal Presents, this is set after the Presents story. Quick summury of the others, Callen and Nell get together after Callen invites Nell with him to visit friends of his in Australia. In the Presents saga, Nell finds out Callen's real name.
I hope you all enjoy this.
It had been almost two months since Callen had gone undercover. The group he was with were drug dealers and suspected human traffickers so he wasn't able to communicate with the ops centre much other than to call and ask about his mother.
NCIS had been called in and take a hand in the case when a SEAL had been killed by one of the members. He had seen a van being loaded with packages by young girls, who then also climbed into the vehicle. He had called the cops, then tried to help the girls, which was when he was killed.
Nell was starting to get worried. Callen had gone under a week after New Year's and she had yet to tell him that she was pregnant. Their time in Melbourne late last year had brought them together and the child she was now carrying was the fruit of that. She didn't know until a couple of weeks after he went under and hadn't had a chance to tell him. They hadn't heard from him since the shoot out the night before.
Callen had managed to get word to the ops through a contact of his that a large shipment was arriving and that the head of the operation was going to be there to handle delivery. SWAT, LAPD Narcotics squad, ICE agents and the NCIS team were there to arrest them once the deal went down around 8PM. However one of the dealers spotted a beat cop and a shootout started. The LAPD had been told that a member of the NCIS team was with the dealers, but once the shooting started, everything had gone to hell.
When the dust settled, fourteen members of the gang were arrested. Three dealers were dead along with a SWAT officer; seventeen other officers and agents were wounded and Sam had a graze on his leg. But there was no sign of Callen. The last the team had seen of him, he had taken up a position behind a car. When they went to look for him, he was gone and there was a blood stain on the ground.
"Nell, see if you can track G." Sam called over the ear wig. The fiancé of the lone wolf managed to track him for a few yards before his instincts took over and he vanished from the cameras.
"Sam, I think he may have been following Selin. Looks like he managed to get away from the shooting, he past Greg and when he tried to stop him, he … " Nell chocked back a gasp as the footage played in front of her.
Eric took over then, "Selin beat up and shot Callen, Sam. He managed to follow him before we lost them both a couple of blocks later."
"Can you see how bad it is?" Kensi asked. She had seen the blood pool and knew it couldn't be good.
"I think it may have been his stomach." Eric sad, sadness in his voice. "It's too dark to make anything else out."
"Find him Eric." Sam said before heading to his Challenger. "Get word to the hospitals in the area to keep an eye open for him." He was going to the nearest one to see if Callen had headed to it once he lost Selin.
Tina had just about finished her shift when the call came in that a police sting had gone wrong and cops were coming in wounded. She and her partner got the worst off to the hospital as soon as they could. It was past midnight when she managed to leave.
As usual, she took the lane that missed the worst traffic. That was when a man stumbled into her headlights. She hit the brakes and jumped out. She could see the blood on his shirt. She reached him just as he fell and as she caught him, she heard him mutter "light blue SUV, between eleven and one." She realised that he was a cop, no doubt one from the shoot out several hours before. His face was covered in blood, so she couldn't tell who he was, but for him to find her; he had to know an undercover cop she had saved in the past.
While thinking about who it could have been, she managed to get him into her car and headed to an apartment she paid cash for. She got the manager, to help her get him into the ground floor flat. Tina had saved his son, a cop, in the past and he allowed her to keep a room for just this purpose. The place was as secure as a safe-house. She had Mathers hold him for a moment until she pulled out the futon. They laid him on it and he left.
Tina got to work, cleaning out the wound and removing the bullet that had found its way into his side. From what she could tell, it had missed the major organs, but had lodged itself in one of his ribs. The guy had passed out when she got him into her car and had yet to wake up. While it made it easier to work on him, she was worried that he would wake while she was, and she had been attacked more than once by a cop suddenly coming to.
The first person she had saved had been by accident. He had been a cop and had stumbled out just like this guy had. It was the son of the manager of the building she was in. The guy had been lucid enough to make her promise not to take him to the hospital or call the cops. She had promised and he passed out after he gave her an address. She took him to it and patched him up as best she could and waited for him to wake up.
He did after several hours and told her that he was an undercover cop and needed to stay under for a couple of weeks longer to nail the people he was with. She hadn't put much stock in his words and put the whole thing out of her mind, just in case he came after her. He did a couple of months later, in uniform. He had been a cop and wanted to know if she would do it again for a friend of his that needed a bit of help with a fracture he got in a chase that had ended up in him leaping off a bridge.
That had been the start of it. The first guy she had helped got a room at his father's apartment complex at a reduced rate. She had a safe, secure place to help undercover cops that needed attention so they wouldn't go to a hospital and risk their covers. She always took the same route at the same time every other day so that they could find her. She didn't know how word got around, but two or three times a year, one would find her.
It had been a couple of hours since Tina started working on the guy. He had been badly shot in the past and she was getting the feeling she had seen the five bullet holes before. She had carefully stitched the wound closed from the inside out, cleaning and applying anti-septic cream as she went. She then got a cloth and cleaned the blood from his face. As she wiped the blood off and revealed his face, his eyes snapped open and his hand flung out and clamped down on her wrist.
She gasped as she recognised him. "It can't be, Callen?"