Grimmjow stood by Ichigo's apartment door, half willing to knock, half persuaded by the guilt in his stomach that he should just forget the whole thing. He didn't want to leave, but he had to. With renewed motivation and a sigh, he twisted the handle, warm from how long he'd been holding it, and entered the room. It was dark, the moon light cascading down through the kitchen window, dancing in shadows along with the subtle movements of the curtain.

"Ichi, ya awake?" He called softly, unsurprised when there was no answer. His boyfriend was a heavy sleeper after all. Grimmjow walked into the kitchen, finding a light above the stove that Ichigo had obviously forgotten to leave on. He also saw a note, 'Reminder to self: never ever go out with Rukia and Renji again.'

Grimmjow chuckled before taking out another paper from the notepad and a pen. He didn't want to end it this way, but there was no way in hell his conscience would allow him to wake Ichigo up and face brown eyes filled with tears. He knew Ichigo would have a hard time getting over him, but this was what he had to do.

Or so he kept reminding himself.

He left the note along with a bottle of wine, Ichigo's favourite, and then left his key to the apartment beside it. He spared a sorrowful glance in the general direction of Ichigo's room before slipping out, shutting off the light as he went.

Ichigo groaned, reaching over to shut off his alarm. He remained in bed for another half hour before he felt like moving. At first Ichigo resembled a creature rising from the dead, invoking a cliché woman bystander to scream 'It's alive!' but as the blankets slid off his completely human body was revealed. A mop of hair turned the room a shocking orange when touched by the sun, it almost outshining tan skin which coated a body currently only covered by boxers. A warm smile appeared on pink lips as he, near gracefully, got out of bed, the hangover he had yesterday completely gone.

The first thing Ichigo did was get pants on. He then made his way to the kitchen, taking a glass and filling it with milk. He glanced at the counter, finding an extra note that he couldn't recall writing. As his eyes scanned the words, the glass fell from his hands and broke upon contact with the floor. Milk inched across the tiled surface as Ichigo reached the bottom of the page, tears turning the whites of Ichigo's eyes an unhealthy pink.

'I'm sorry Ichi, but we can't be together anymore. You should know that this has everything to do with me, and it's nothing that you did. I don't have time to explain, the movers are ready to go. I wanted to tell you earlier but I couldn't find the right time. Don't call me, don't text me, don't even think about me

Ichigo ran to the door, not stopping to put shoes or a shirt on. He flung open his door then Grimmjow's, finding nothing but clean floors and empty walls. He was ushered out by men painting the blue walls over in white, forced back into his room. He ignored the mess in the kitchen, wanting nothing but to go back to bed and act like this was all a nightmare.

Renji and Rukia made several calls that day, none of them answered. Ichigo had spent the majority of the morning sobbing, passing out before supper time. Grimmjow was wrong about one thing; all Ichigo seemed to do was sleep as the days passed by.

Next chapters will be longer, I was a little eager to get this up! ^_^

I enjoyed the original VERY much, so I hope this suffices as a… uhm… 'second edition'?

Please tell me what you think! Also, much of what happens will be the same, however when something happens, how it happens, or anything surrounding the original events, will most likely be changed. ;)