A/N: Happy Valentine's Day! I decided it wouldn't be a Valentine's Day without my OTP, will be a short story, but was inspired by an old Josh Gracin song called " Stay with me".
In this story, Sebastian and Rachel are secretly dating , but can't let anyone know that they are dating. Actually, it is Rachel hiding, and Sebastian loves her and doesn't care who knows.
Disclaimer: I own NOTHING but the storyline. This is an AU storyline.
Song: Stay with me by Josh Gracin
Happy Valentine's Day!
The time was about two in the morning, and Rachel was tangled in bed with the captain of the Warblers, Sebastian Smythe. They took "Sleeping with the Enemy", to a whole other level. Regionals had ended and the New Directions had won. They were headed to Nationals for the second year and it was Rachel's last chance before heading to NYADA and New York in the fall. Well, that is if she's lucky and talk Carmen into giving her another chance since she choked at her NYADA audition. She choked on a song she knew since she was four years old.
Rachel had been so devastated, and to make it worse she broke up with Finn Hudson because she wasn't ready to get married. She didn't want to be trapped in Lima, Ohio. Plus there was another reason... Rachel was in love with someone else. Someone gwsdn vabg za turned her into jello and rocked her to the core, literally, by a simple kiss. The trouble is he is the enemy.
Sebastian had spent most of the year making their lives miserable especially Blaine and Kurt. Finn couldn't stand him. It surprised Rachel when he had asked her out for coffee. Of course they saw each other in secret because if anyone found out, they would give her another intervention and ultimatum like when she dated Jesse St James. She didn't want to repeat that. Although she knows it bothers Sebastian even if doesn't say anything.
Last night she meant to end it with him, but she was so attracted to him. He is tall, dark, handsome, and a bit cunning but he was very smart and loving with her. The fireworks she saw with Sebastian weren't like any shared with her ex boyfriends or even Disney world were no match.
Rachel smiled and tried to get out of the bed to get ready to drive back to Lima. As much as she loved him, she just couldn't let anyone find out. Sebastian wouldn't let go.
Sebastian: Mmmm no don't go.
Rachel: Seb, we talked about this. I've got to go. We don't want to get caught.
Sebastian sighed, and kissed her neck, while massaging her breasts, tweaking her hard buds.
Rachel: Sebastian *moaning*
Sebastian: Rach...
Rachel's eyes rolled back when he reached her warm core and slowly massaged her clit.
Damn, the things this man did to her. She moaned louder as his hands and lips worked their magic. Rachel tried to bite back a moan. She couldn't do this.
Sebastian: Tell me you don't want me. Tell me you don't love me. You can't do it. I love you, Rachel.
As much as Rachel was enjoying this, she couldn't do it. She pushed away and got up to dress. She knew if she didn't leave, she never would.
Rachel: Sebastian, I do love you but if they found out...
Sebastian: Like I give a fuck, Rachel! They don't run our lives. You allow them to do that. Even your best friends. You're off to New York soon and won't be around those haters. We belong together. I only want you. Love is about sacrifices and not letting THEM destroy us. I know you want this.
Rachel: It doesn't matter...
Sebastian rushed to grab her back before she left, but she was out the door. "Damn it! I'm not losing her!" he vowed to himself. Sebastian got dressed and ran to catch up, but she was gone. Sebastian will just have to make a trip to McKinley. He hated public schools, but loved Rachel. And he will prove it. He showered, dressed, and grabbed his car keys and wallet and out the door, heading to Lima.
A/N: More next chapter...,,,