Disclaimer: The Hobbit, all characters, places, and related terms are the sole property of J. R. R. Tolkien's estate, and Warner Brothers, New Line Cinema, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, and WingNut Films.

Author's Note: Written for AO3's IFDrabble Challenge in celebration of International Fanworks Day.

A Sweater for Gibbs

Nori examined the tiny green sweater. "You want to mail this to Gibbs?"

Eight-year-old Ori nodded firmly.

"NCIS Gibbs?" he clarified.

The dwarfling sniffled. "He's so sad about his wife; sending him a sweater will let him know I'm his friend no matter what, just like Hollis Mann!"

Swallowing the urge to point out Gibbs wasn't real, Nori instead replied, "We'll try."

After hugging his big brother happily, Ori skipped off.

The star-haired dwarf groaned. Thank goodness Ori hadn't asked for Dori's help! He wouldn't be pleased to discover Ori was a NCIS fan courtesy of Nori.