Disclaimer: The Hobbit, all characters, places, and related terms are the sole property of J. R. R. Tolkien's estate, and Warner Brothers, New Line Cinema, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, and WingNut Films.

Author's Note: Written for AO3's IFDrabble Challenge in celebration of International Fanworks Day.

True to Your Heart

"She could be claustrophobic, die here! Then…vengeful elves!" Thorin cried listing the one-hundredth-and-one reason Kili and Tauriel should not marry.

Hunched over in his seat, Bifur grunted.

Letting out a deep breath, the king beamed brightly. "Thank you for listening, my friend. Glad to know I'm not overreacting." Whistling, he departed.

Rolling his eyes Bifur withdrew the parchment he'd hastily tucked into his pocket earlier, along with a quill. A smile spreading across his face, he wrote, "Leaning against the balcony rail, searching the stars, Tauriel sighed, 'O Kili, Kili! Wherefore art thou, Kili?'"