Okay this is a brand new story I've been planning for a while... I felt like writing a Renamon story that had nothing to do with any adventure or action but that focused mainly on romance (sorta like Renulpire's Renamon story). B.T.W. Digimon don't exist in this story (as in the digital monsters do exist but humans have no knowledge about them.) and this Renamon isn't Rika's (Again like Renulpire's story) because I wanted a Renamon that has a more friendly/childlike like element rather than a serious one.
"Normal speech."
Character profile:
Name: Mike
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Chapter 1: First contact (edits made november 2019)
Where am I?
"Don't worry Mike I've got you!" a feminine voice spoke desperately. I couldn't really see much the only thing I could make out was a blurry yellow figure clinging onto me. The figure looked unfamiliar but she seemed to be someone I know or at least knew. Although last time I checked people aren't completely bright YELLOW.
My body feels weak like I'm going to give out any second.
I then realized the gravity of the situation some sort of vortex was pulling me back, it felt as if I was being sucked up by a vacuum.
The stranger was using something that looked like a tree to keep us at bay, however she began losing her grip on my wrist. Suddenly I felt my wrist slip from her grip, everything began to fade away as I heard screaming in the distance.
The sun blinded me as I woke up in a cold sweat. "What the hell was that?" I thought groggily as I sat up from my bed. "Just another dream" I sighed to myself as I grabbed my notebook and sketching supplies. I'm an artist and no not a realist, I'm not a huge fan of shading a picture for five hours. I sketch out comic book characters like Spider-Man and Batman and Manga on very rare occasions.
I got dressed and headed out of the door with a single Cinnamon roll in my hand and got out of the house. I live with my parents but They both work from about six in the morning to about five at night It's pretty laid back but it does get boring from time to time.
With my mind still wrapped around the dream I began walking to school. It had me puzzled, to say the least, but then again it was just a dream nothing I should get too worked up over besides I've dreamt up weirder things.
"Hey Mike wait up!" A voice called out taking me out of my thoughts. "Hey Zack." I greeted calmly.
"You free today? I'm heading out with some other friends today to watch movie and thought you might want to tag along"
"Um not really, my parents are working today and if I'm not home by then they will be pissed, besides I have homework." I answered with a disappointed expression.
"No offence dude but your parents are lame asses, they barely even see you now a days." He bluntly stated causing me to frown.
Low blow Zack, truth be told he isn't wrong but the main reason why both of my parents are working is because they can barely afford the house. They aren't really around as often and when they are they go straight to bed out of exhaustion. I don't hold that against them but lately they have been kind of distant.
Zack seemed to notice my silence. "Hey I didn't mean to-"
"Eh It's fine" I interrupted wanting to change the subject.
"Okay then, anyways let's hurry up before Mr. Stein yells at us for being late again." He said in half joking manner. Yeah... Stein is our Geometry teacher he practically gives a twenty minute lecture to anyone who is late to his class. We both laughed it off and began running to class.
Later at school...
School would most likely be the bane of my existence it's so boring (especially when you have no friends in your classes). Well at least art class is fun. "Today class we will be reviewing the events of world war one." My teacher announced. I practically slammed my face against my desk. History is probably one of my least favorite classes, I got out my notebook looking through some of my drawings.
What? I said I disliked the class, doesn't mean I'm failing it.
Ripping out a piece of paper I began to sketch out a picture of Spider-Man. At that moment I was focused on nothing except the graphite that was being transferred to my paper, making sure that every detail was made to perfection.
"Mike..." A voice suddenly called.
"Wha-?" I looked behind me only to see other students writing down their notes.
"Weird." I whispered.
Paying no attention to what had just happened, I continued drawing until my head began throbbing painfully, I suppressed the urge to shout out in agony. I then clenched my head tightly trying to ease the pain while my other hand pretty much had a spaz attack.
My pain then subsided but that didn't comfort me, besides with my Spaz attack I managed to ruin my drawing.
I ran out of class went straight up to the bathroom I didn't even care about excusing myself. Running over to the sinks I splashed some water on my face as the pain began to return. "What was that? One second I'm fine and the next I find myself having a spaz attack" I asked myself. I clenched my head in pain I then began to hear someone crying.
"Come back... please..." The same feminine from before voice whimpered. "Hello?!" I called out but there was no response. "What is this?" I thought as the pain began to fade slightly.
"Mike? Where are you. Where's your Digivice?" The voice called out.
"Where are you?!" I shouted only to receive silence as an answer
It stopped I sighed in relief momentarily only to splash more water on my face. I should probably start taking my meds again.
looking at my reflection in the mirror a figure suddenly appeared behind me scaring the living shit out of me. I turned around to face whoever it was, to my surprise it looked looked like an anthropomorphic fox resembling a female due to her hourglass shape and other features but the most noticeable feature of it was its cyan eyes. I rubbed my eyes multiple times to make sure I wasn't dreaming. The expression on its face was one of depression which confused me and sorta made me feel bad for it... or should I say her. But she wasn't actually there or at least I hoped, the only indication this was fake was the lack of a shadow. The figure tried touching me only to vanish in an instant.
I placed a hand on my forehead.
"What was that? What is this?!" I thought bewilderingly. Shaking the image out of my head I headed straight to the nurse, I need to head home and take my meds.
30 minutes later...
"This sucks, now I'm going to have a crap load of make-up work" I thought to myself.
I was sent home by the nurse, I just told her I had a headache and of course I didn't tell her about the hallucination or whatever the hell that thing in the bathroom. They'd consider me a nutcase if I mentioned any of that.
I went into the medicine cabinet and pulled out my medication back when i used to have convulsions. Placing an ice pack on my forehead I walked to my room only to pop the pill in my mouth. God I hope this doesnt mean im epileptic again.
"I'm probably going insane first the weird dream, then my arm goes crazy, THEN the voices in my head, and now I'm having-"
I looked for the source of the noise eventually I found myself looking at some sort of G.P.S. like... thing.
"Where's your Digivice?" I repeated the words the voice had said earlier in my head. I was soon intrigued to go and grab the strange device. "Is this the 'Digivice?' Looks more like one of those tamagotchi toys" I thought as I got a closer look at it. Right when I touched it reacted somehow. It showed a dot in the center representing me I guess with a dot blinking towards the north. Let me just say this thing was SMALL so I was a bit surprised that this thing had G.P.S. functionality
O-kay definitely not a tamagotchi.
"I don't even remember ever receiving anything like this before. Or seeing anything this high tech." I thought, only to head out the door walking towards the direction that the arrow pointed.
"Why am I even doing this?" I pondered but I kept walking, I felt as if I needed to follow wherever this thing was telling me to go. It seemed pretty far away I walked about two miles but it didn't really bring me that close to wherever my destination is and at this moment I'm ready for anything I'll find.
The dot suddenly began to move towards my direction at an alarming rate. "Wait what?! I thought I was looking for an area not someone else!" I thought frantically. My head began to pound again. I swear this feels like my brain wants to crawl out of my skull!
"Mike if you can hear me I'm on my way!" A voice rang in my head not just any voice but THE VOICE. Now I was scared.
"OKAY I CHANGED MY MIND I'M HEADING STRAIGHT BACK HOME!" I yelled to myself as I began to run back home as fast as I could.
looking at the device I realized that whoever is tracking me down is getting pretty damn close to me. I ran as fast as I could, I was afraid, I had no idea what the hell I was dealing with here. I decided to take all the shortcuts I knew and eventually found myself running down an empty alleyway.
Looking to my rear I tripped on a curb only scrape my knee. I cringed as I felt the pain set in only to instinctively place my hands on my knee.
"Dammit c'mon Mike get up! it's coming!" I reminded myself. With a deep breath I got myself up and the moment I looked up and my eyes were met with a pair of cyan ones. I literally had to repress every will to scream in terror. She looked generally surprised yet perplexingly did not show any signs of aggression.
"Mike? Is it really you?" The vixen said with teary eyes.
To Be Continued
Okay I know that I left you on a cliffhanger there anyways the next chapter will fill in some of the holes in this chapter. On a side note, you should probably check out Renulpire's Renamon story it's a pretty dang good story. Those of you waiting for the next chapter of my other story not to worry I've got another chapter coming very soon.
This is spidyfan1202 signing off...