AN: Okay, I know I only updates yesterday but I'm really feeling this fic right now and you guys seemed to like it so here we are! Thanks so much for the nice reviews, by the way. You guys made my day! Anyway, this is the chapter where shit goes down, so be prepared my friends. And, yes, I'm finally writing an actual strip-club scene.

Also, guess which of my favorite characters decided to cameo! Hint: He's my profile pic. And now he's a stripper... Why did I decide to do this again? Also I apologize in advance for my use of the made-up term "heckski."

And, Mom, in case you're reading this, I'm so, so sorry I wrote it. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.


"You're kidding me, right?" Lukas demanded in disbelief, his phone held to his ear.

The statement caught Emil's attention and he listened intently to his brother's side of the call, trying to figure out what was being said on the other end.

"But you said we could- no I didn't mean tomorrow!," he paused, "Oh my god. You know what? I'm sorry. Never mind. Have fun." He hung up the phone, scowling.

Emil watched him, then asked, "What was that about?"

"Magnus thought our plans for today were for tomorrow, so he's going out with his friends and he's probably going to get drunk and then he's going to call me like he always does and just- ugh." He sat on the couch next to Emil, pinching the bridge of his nose as if just think about it gave him a headache, "I bet Li doesn't do this to you."

"Li and I aren't dating..."

"Wait, what?" Lukas interjected, "We need to fix that."

Emil backed up, "Yeah, okay, or, you know, not," he laughed nervously, "I've, uh, I've got to go." With that, he threw open the front door and rushed out.

The moment he was out he regretted leaving. His brother had already had a date spontaneously canceled on him, he definitely didn't need to spend the whole night alone. But, Emil had to go to work, and even if he didn't he was not going to deal with that. He knew how Lukas could get.


Just like yesterday, the club was full. He wondered what the hell Miss. Labelle was doing to get so many customers, because this was definitely more than usual. Or, maybe she wasn't doing anything. Maybe there was something else going on. Whatever the reason, he was glad for it, because more people meant more pay.

He was already off the stage, he only got about 45 minutes at the beginning of the night, so right now he was working the floor. That meant, that he was currently surrounded by drunk men, many of whom were desperate as hell, and he'd already given lap dances to fourteen of them. In fact, he was talking to a potential fifteenth at that exact moment. Or, he was, until he noticed a familiar head of spiked blond hair on top of a sweet, and completely out of place, freckled face across the room. He froze.

What the fuckwas Magnus doing here?

"Hey, hey, Sweetheart," The man he'd been talking to, who hardly looked old enough to be called one, said, attempting to get his attention, "Are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost."

"Huh?" Emil blinked at him, "Um, I'm sorry. I'm fine. Just, uh, excuse me for a moment." He forced a smile and hurried to the restroom where he locked himself in a stall, hoping to figure out what to do.

He couldn't let Magnus see him. Besides the embarrassment of him knowing his secret, he was Lukas' boyfriend as well, and there was no doubt in Emil's mind that he'd tell him.

But then, wait a minute, he was Lukas' boyfriend. What was he doing at a strip club? There was no way on Earth that Lukas could possibly be okay with that, was there?

A knock on the stall door sent his thoughts scattering.


"Emil, it's me," Replied an unmistakable sing-song voice. It was Feliks, also known as 'Miss Fuchsia,' who just so happened to be the most popular dancer in the club.

Emil rolled his eyes, not that anyone could see them anyway, and groaned, "What do you want?"

Feliks sighed, "I want to know, like, what the heckski is wrong with you. Is everything okay?"

"I'm fine. I swear," Emil insisted, hoping he would leave and let him sort this out himself.

Suddenly, Feliks gasped as if in realization. "You're not pregnant, are you?"

"W-what?" Emil stuttered, "I have XY chromosomes! I can't get- Why would you ask that?"

"Right, sorry. It's just, like, I'm used to talking to Erszebet and that's totally what she says when... I'm going to stop talking now. Just, come back out soon. Miss. Labelle will be mad if you don't."

Emil listened until he heard the close before coming out. He checked himself in the mirror to be sure he was still looked good, then went back out into the club. There wasn't anything he could do to but go out there and hope Magnus didn't see him, so that's what he did.

It didn't work for very long, because soon he felt a tap on his shoulder which he turned towards only to find him face-to-face with the very person he'd been trying to avoid. He outwardly cringed.

"What the fuck?" Magnus asked, confusion written all over his face.

Emil frowned, "I could ask you the same question." God, what was he going to do? Now that he knew, he had to make sure he wouldn't tell, right? But they couldn't negotiate out here... "Come with me," he suddenly ordered, grabbing his brother's boyfriend by the sleeve and dragging him into a VIP room. He closed the curtain.

"I'm telling Lukas." Magnus warned.

Emil's mouth dropped open, "No you're not!"

"I don't know," The man countered, "This sort of seems like something he should know about."

"No, it really isn't! What on Earth makes you think that?!"

"Well what if you go missing?" He argued, "Then he'll at least know to look here-"

"My friends know that so he doesn't have to."

"He's your brother, Emil. You've got to tell him these things."

"He'd make me quit."

Magnus sighed. "No, he wouldn't," He assured the boy.

"Oh my god, just don't tell him!" Emil pleaded, desperate now.

"Okay... give me one good reason why I shouldn't."

He thought for a moment, wondering if there was any good reason, until he finally had the perfect idea. "If you tell him I'm a stripper, then he'll find out you were at a strip club."


They were silent for a moment, until Emil suggested, "Let's just agree to pretend this never happened. Neither of us say anything to anyone. And we can just go on about our lives as normal. Agreed?"

Magnus considered it, then said, "Maybe."

"Maybe?" Emil exclaimed, trying to still, somehow, not be too loud, "What do you mean, 'maybe?'"

"I'll think about it, that's what I mean." He turned to leave only to be stopped by Emil's small, pale hand.

"You've got to pay me for my time."

Magnus rolled his eyes but took out his wallet. "Dammit, how much?"

"Fifty bucks."

His jaw dropped, "That's highway robbery!"

"That's the fee for a VIP room."

He handed over the money. "By the way, what's your stripper name?"

Emil hesitated, then told him, "Ice-Cold Angel."

"Okay, that's bad."