I hope you enjoy. I don't own anything. BrokenAskeus requested this.

10 years before present day…

"Alpha 5, Alpha 6, I want to recreate the Power Chamber, but maybe it should be a little less noticeable and harder to find. Alpha 5 you will go out and collect what is needed for me to rebuild the Power Chamber as the Sub Chamber, a special disguised, hidden submarine. This will serve to fit all the equipment and if necessary, the Power Rangers. This hideout will be disguised as a coral reef. Alpha 6, I need you to go to the planet called Inquiris, you should find seven morphers there, three will not be activated yet, but take them in case they are needed. They are called the Inquiran Morphers; they will change the user into a Mega Force Power Ranger. The Pink, Red, Black, and Blue Powers are online. But the Yellow, Silver, and Gold Powers aren't online. Go now and find what you can.

"You got it lady!" "Ai-yi-yi, of course!" Then both Alphas' leave.

5 years before present day…

"Zordon, you may leave the spirit world, as you were not truly destroyed after the Countdown caused by Dark Specter."

"I will return and d some more good. Is there any place I should go to for certain?"

"You should return to your friend Alpha 5, he is with Alpha 6 and Dimitria. They have rebuilt the Power Chamber as the Sub Chamber. This is hidden as a coral reef. They have gathered the Inquiran Morphers in case of a disaster. I think you should go there and help."

"I will. Thank you."

2 months before present day…

Zedd had started his experiment to be able to change shape.

"Come on, you got to work." Zedd muttered to himself. He was mixing the final chemicals to the formula. But then something happened, the chemicals must have mixed wrong or something, but the formula exploded all over Zedd. Zedd started screaming in pain. Then as the cloud of smoke disappeared he started laughing very menacingly. As the cloud disappeared completely, Zedd was no longer visible; no it was Lord Zedd now.

"I will take over the world, starting with Angel Grove, but first I must find my arm!" Then his menacing laughter filled the air and he disappeared.

Present day…

Kimberly Hart, also known as Kim who was now in her 30's, had come back to Angel Grove to see her Grandmother. She had actually moved back to help her Grandmother out, she didn't live with her Grandmother though, because her Grandma was living in a nursing home, Kim was just there to visit and make sure her Grandma was doing okay. Kim was going to open a place to instruct people on gymnastics was a hobby and fashion designing was her job.

Right now Kim was heading toward the Power Chamber ruins; she had heard about it but hadn't been there.

Kim started hearing a strange sound, it kind of sounded like a ship. She could see the Power Chamber ruins, but that sound was getting louder.

"Ah! Mighty Morphing Pink Power Ranger, or should I say ex- Ranger! I will destroy you now! For I am Lord Zedd, and you shall not get in my way this time!" Then a spaceship emerged from the clouds and Lord Zedd jumped out. He let out a menacing laugh.

"I thought you were destroyed by Zordon's wave of pureness! Oh well I doesn't matter, you will get destroyed Lord Zedd!" Then they rushed forward and Lord Zedd swung his staff forward but Kimberly dodged.

As this goes on, in the Sub Chamber Dimitria takes notice and orders Alpha 5 to bring Kimberly her and tells Alpha 6 to grab the Inquiran Morphers that are activated. Zordon is in a sleep to regenerate his power.

As Alpha 5 finishes punching in the locations for Kimberly to be teleported to, Alpha 6 walks in with the Pink, Red, Black, and Blue Powers.

"Yo, Dimitria, I got the Inquiran Morphers you asked for."

"Thank you Alpha 6. How is it coming along Alpha 5?"

"Ai-yi-yi! I've almost got the locations complete."

"Good. How is Zordon's regenerative sleep coming along Alpha 6?"

"He's going great; dude's almost ready to get up."

"That's probably for the better. With Lord Zedd reappearing we will need his help."

"Ai-yi-yi, I'm teleporting now!"

As the white light disappears, Kimberly appears. "What's going on? Where am I?"

"Ai-yi-yi! Kimberly you had me so worried!"

"Alpha, is that you? It is! Oh it's so good to see you!"

"You as well Kimberly."

"I'm sorry to cut this reunion short, but I'm afraid something needs to be done about Lord Zedd's reappearance."

"I agree with you, but who exactly are you? And what's that?"

"My name is Dimitria. I am here to help you, if you accept our offer that is."

"What's up? Yo, I'm Alpha 6."

Kim laughed hearing the way Alpha 6 talked. "Hi, Alpha 6, Dimitria. What is it you want me to do?"

"Kimberly, we would like for you to become a Ranger again. Will you take the power?"

"Yes. If you think I'm the right choice for the job, then yes without a doubt."

"Then Kimberly take the Pink Mega Force Power and may the Power protect you."

Kim went over to Alpha 6 and took the Pink Mega Force Morpher. She took the Power coin with a tiger on it and held it up in the air and yelled, "Tiger!". Then Kim became the Pink Mega Force Ranger.'

"Whoa this is so cool! Never thought I'd be wearing the suit again!" Kim said feeling her new suit.

"Ai-yi-yi, Kimberly it's so good to have you back!"

"Kimberly, I think it's time for you to go back to the battle with Lord Zedd."

"Right. Back to action!"

The Pin Mega Force Ranger appeared back on the scene. "I'm here to defeat you Lord Zedd!"

"What? I thought you Power Punks were gone! No matter, I can get rid of you myself!"

"No you won't Zedd! Tiger Claw!" Then the two leaped at each other and were fighting back and forth for a little while till the Pink Ranger got the upper hand.

"I will be back Pink Ranger!" Then Lord Zedd disappeared in a flash.

"That's right Zedd; you take a break because the Power Ranger's are back!

Back at the Sub Chamber…

"Yo, Kimberly that was awesome!"

"Ai-yi-yi! You had me worried!"

"Hey guys? Can you show me around?" Kim asked as she demorphed and looked around.

"Oh yes! I forgot Kimberly. This is the new Command Center; it's called the Sub Chamber. This over here is Zordon's place," Alpha 5 had pointed to an empty tube in the middle of the control center.

"Where is Zordon?"

"Dude's in a regenerating sleep, probably needs it after spending time in the spirit world." Alpha 6 said.

"Oh, and isn't that Dimitria's?" Kim asked, pointing to an identical empty tube next to Zordon's.

"Yeah, she's been the boss lately." Alpha 6 informed her.

"So are these like in the Power Chamber?" Kim asked, pointing toward the control consoles.

"Yes, Billy could use these as if he never left. They are exactly the same," Alpha 5 said a little list fully.

"What's the matter?" Kim asked coming toward Alpha 5.

"Ai-yi-yi, I just miss you guys." Alpha 5 admitted.

"Hey we all miss you too, but I'm sure Alpha 6 won't let you be lonely. Will you?" Kim asked.

"No way, you're my homey!" Alpha 6 said coming over too.'

"Aw, you guys are melting my circuits!" Alpha 5 said embarrassed.

"So what else is here?" Kim asked curiously.

"Well you have the zord's chambers, the weapons cabinet, and of course you have the Power Ranger's all of Fame!" Alpha 5 said excitedly.

"Well I know what the zord's chambers and the weapon's cabinets are, but what is the Power Ranger's Hall of Fame?" Kim asked with a confused look on her face.

"Oh it's a room dedicated to all the past Rangers! It has a picture of every team in it!" Alpha said, still excited.

"Every single team?" Kim asked impressed.

"Yeah it's got every single team in it!" Alpha 5 said. "We also have an infirmary, a recreational room, for snacks and drinks, and a training room!" Alpha 5 continued.

"That's cool!" Kim said.

"Oh, Kimberly your Grandmother is looking for you!" Alpha 5 announced.

At the nursing home…

Kim teleported behind the nursing home. "Oh thank you Alpha!" Kim walked into the building, "Hey could you please help me find Margaret Miller?"

"Oh yes! She's so sweet; I assume you're her granddaughter. She was so excited you were going to be here. Oh by the way, my name is Andy, it's a nickname for Alexandria, but you can just call me Andy!" Andy said.

"Well thank you Andy! HI Grandma! How are you?" Kim asked.

"Oh Kimberly, I'm just fine! How has your time back in Angel Grove been?" Kim's Grandma asked.

"It's been fine Grandma, great actually." Kim said, smiling.

"Oh well that's wonderful! Now I want you to meet my roommate. I'm warning you now, she can be a handful." Margaret said.

Kim's smile grew and she said, "Okay Grandma, I promise to be nice."

"Good. You know just yesterday my roommate, Ester is her name, Ester Rodie, well she took all the toilet paper and…"