Soon enough, Harry and Ahri finished their food. Ahri gave him a smile. He looked full, and satisfied. She made her way over to him and picked him up.

"There...All better." She said, poking his little tummy and eliciting a giggle.

"That tickles..." He said. And then, he let out a soft yawn. The nine-tailed fox put a hand to her mouth and giggled.

"Looks like someone's sleepy." She said, amused. "Let's put you to bed." She held him close to her bosom, and he mumbled something. "I'm sorry, repeat that?"

"You're so warm..."

"Aw, thank you."

'Welcome…" the boy mumbled his eyes closed a sleepy smile on his face.

Ahri's smile grew as she gazed down at the small boy warmly. She walked up the stairs and into her own bedroom. Using one of her tails to flick the switch for the light she brought the child to the bed and gently laid him down on it.

His little head laid on the soft pillow and he grinned tiredly up at Ms. Ahri. He liked her…she was warm and nice to him…even if he did not deserve it.

She looked around the room for something before giving a soft "Ah-ha" before walking over and picking up a small blanket that was covered in cartoon fox's. She was out shopping and just could not resist getting it.

She walked back over and covered the boy with it, tucking it up right under his chin. She gave him a kiss on the nose as she did so causing a tired giggle that warmed her heart. She licked his cheek then paused and cursed in her head. 'Darn it!'

Harry smiled. This was amazing…yet he did not wish to sleep. He was scared that if he did then he would never see her again she he tried to keep his very heavy eyes open.

She ran her hand through his hair lulling the boy to sleep. "Get some rest sweetie. I'll be right here when you wake up." She promised.

Harry stared up at her with slightly widened eyes before he nodded with a timid grin. He would believe her…he would believe… His eyes closed and the boy had fallen into his first deep sleep.

Ahri's tails began to wag back and forth as she smiled fondly at the sleeping child. 'Poor thing...' She thought sadly. 'Who could ever hurt a face like that?' She reached down and caressed Harry's cheek gently. He cooed in his sleep and leaned into the touch.

The vixen giggled at the adorable sound, when she heard a knock on her door. Her ears twitched as she turned and tilted her head in confusion. "Who could that be?" She said out loud.

Making her way out of the room, she stepped down to her front door and pulled it open, revealing a familiar face.

"Ah, Ahri. I trust all is going well?" The vixen smiled.

"Albus!" She said excitedly, hugging the old man. "It's been FOREVER!" Dumbledore chuckled.

"I just visited last week, my dear."

"But that was SOOOO long ago!" she wined.

The old wizard smiled amused at the vixen's usual antics. He could still remember when he found the poor dear. How much she has improved from those scared and depressed days.

"May I come in?" he asked.

"Of course! Your always welcome!" she said beaming at him as she leads him into her home.

The old man took a seat in a chair as the fox girl jumped into her couch but courted herself as she sat on it proper. He could only smile at her. "Still having some issues?" he asked.

Ahri blushed in embarrassment as she looked down. "A little…but I don't do it as often as I used too!" she said with a happy grin.

"That's wonderful my dear." He praised causing her to almost glow. "Now how have you been this last week?" he asked as he waved his wand and two tea cups with a convenient pot filled with the warm drink landed on the table before them.

"Oh I've been okay!" she said lifting her cub and taking a sip sighing at the taste. "Getting many tips from those who are desperate." She smirked.

Albus chuckled and shook his head. "Poor them." He said, "Anything else of note?" he took a sip closing his eyes.


He opened his eyes to see a hesitant and sad look pass the vixen, he grew concerned. "Ahri? Is everything okay?"

The vixen sighed softly and to the surprise of the old wizard a few tears started to shine in her eyes. "No…no…something happened." She whispered.

The old man's eyes became somber as he leaned slightly forward so he could look into her eyes. "Tell me what happened." He said much like a concerned grandparent to their grandchildren.

The young woman sighed, her ears and tails drooping. "Come on...I'll have to show you..." The old man stood and followed her up to her room.

Slowly, the vixen pulled the door open. Dumbledore peeked inside...and his eyes bulged out of his sockets. He entered the room and approached the sleeping Harry slowly. "...Ahri...Where...Where did you find this child...?"

"It was awful." Ahri replied. "His family...They were TORTURING him, Albus..." Dumbledore immediately felt like he had received a powerful punch to the gut.


"Beatings...With weapons." Ahri clarified. "I saved him...I brought him home because I wanted to protect him."

Albus was in shock. Harry Potter was…being tortured? With weapons!? The man felt truly sick. He knew the Dursley's weren't kind to magical folk but he had hoped they would put that animosity away for their own flesh and blood…it would seem he was wrong.

Ahri was staring at the old man now feeling a bit concerned. "Albus…are you okay? You look like you're in shock. One of her tails unknown to her started to swish next to the small boy who stirred softly but stayed asleep.

"I'm…no…" he said with a heavy sigh starting to look much like the old man he was. "I'm not okay Ahri. Do you remember the story's I used to tell when I visited?" he asked her.

The girl blinked before looking up in thought. "The one about the boy-who-lived right? That was always my favorite one." She said with a soft smile before frowning. "What does that have to do with Harry?" she asked.

Albus sighed and took a step back expecting the worst. "Because my dear…the boy-who-lived…is the one laying in your bed."

Ahri's eyes widened, her pupils dilated in shock. "So...Harry...Harry" She slowly looked at him, then back to Dumbledore. "But...Why...? Why was he with those...THINGS?" Dumbledore's shoulders sagged.

"Because an old man made a terrible mistake." He replied softly.

"What do you mean?"

"I wanted to keep him safe from any of Voldemort's followers who may have wanted revenge...So I sent him to the home of his relatives, and set up blood wards so they couldn't get in..." The old man buried his face in his hands. "I never, in all my life, would have imagined the boy's relatives would be more of a danger to him than the followers of the man who wanted him dead..."

Ahri's ears drooped. "...You made a mistake." She said softly. "But don't worry. I'll fix it."

Albus gave the girl a sad smile. "You don't have to do that for me dear, but for yourself." He stated. "But…thank you."

She gazed up at him with conviction and nodded but then stiffened as she felt something odd happen to her tail. Albus noticed and the two turned around to see an adorable sight.

Little Harry Potter had caught the tail that was tickling him and was clutching it like a teddy bear. He had a soft smile on his face as he nuzzled into the soft white fur.

Ahri's heart melted into goo as she saw this and walked over to the bed and sat on the edge, she moved her tails to wrap around him making a soft cocoon for the boy. His smile grew and he lulled his head to the side with a soft mumble.

Albus watched this with warm eyes. "It would seem he has taken a shine to you my dear." He stated.

Ahri gave him a toothy grin, revealing her sharp canines. "I guess he has." She replied, her ears twitching in delight. "And I've gotten attached to him too."

"And that shows very much." Albus nodded his head. "I can't even begin to tell you how grateful I am that you found him and rescued him from the horrid life he was living..."

"I am too. They're horrible influences...So rude and self-entitled..." The vixen stuck out her tongue in distaste, causing the old man to chuckle.

"I admit, they never were the most civil of people. If you could have only seen them at Lily and James' wedding..."

"Those poor souls..." Ahri said sadly.

"Well, if there's one thing I can say for sure they'll be content's that they're looking down from up above, and aside from undoubtedly cursing my name, they're seeing that young Harry has found a wonderful mother."

Ahri blushed scarlet her eyes wide. "M…mother?" she whispered.

The old man nodded with a warm smile. "Yes, a mother. A most wonderful one at that." He complemented.

"But…Albus! I'm not-"

"Human?" Albus finished for her. She nodded sadly. "Do you think it matters to him?"

She looked down at the little boy who was snuggled into her tails and smiled softly. "No…I guess not."

Albus nodded. "I'll take care of the adoption papers so they are filled under your name."

She smiled at him brightly. "I'm a mommy?" she stared down at the small boy and ran her hand through his messy hair "I'm going to be his mommy." She leaned down and started to lick his scalp happily lost in her joy.

The old wizard grinned with a shake of his head. 'I have much to redeem I am aware, let me start with making the boy's life a happy one.'

"Well, my dear...I'd best go get those papers prepared." He said, making for the door.

"Aw, you're sure you don't wanna stay a bit more?"

"I'd love to, but I'm sure you're quite anxious to have the adoption forms official." The old man smiled warmly. "Thank you so much for finding him..." And with that, he apparated out.

Ahri stared after him, pouting slightly, but then looked back at Harry. "You're gonna be my kit!" She said cheerfully. Then she returned to licking the top of his head, before her eyes went wide when she realized what she was doing. "Shoot..." She grumbled before puffing out her cheeks in annoyance.

Harry whined a tiny bit at the lack of her kisses and Ahri was quick to replace them with human kisses, as she rained them down on the small boy's head and face. The boy awoke with a giggle that warmed the Ahri's heart.

Harry Potter had never felt more warm or happy as he did right now. She was real! Ms. Ahri was real! He looked down at himself and smiled in bliss at the fox tails wrapped around him. They were so pretty like her!

Ahri's eye's widened in surprise and then frowned sadly. "Did I wake you, sweetie?" she asked softly.

He shook his head as he tried to hold back a yawn. "No…I need to do chores now right?" he asked the lady.

Ahri's eyes saddened but then brightened back up. "Alright…here's what you are going to do."

Harry nodded as he leaned in so he could not make any mistakes. "You," she poked his little nose "Are to start eating more, stay cute as can be, and be with me always." She smiled warmly.

Harrys eyes widened and he tilted his head in confusion. "I don't…Don't I have to cook? Clean the house? And garden in the rain…?"

Ahri fought the urge to snarl in anger, knowing that such an act would frighten the poor thing. "No...You don't have to do that." She replied, ears flattened against her hair.

"I...I kinda like cooking though-"

"You can help me cook then." Ahri replied with a smile. "You'll be my little assistant chef." She poked his nose. "I'll even get you a chef's hat."

"Really? Like the ones on TV?"

"Exactly! It would look SOOOO cute on you!" Ahri said, smiling brightly.

Harry blushed and averted his eyes from her causing her to smirk. "Now Harry, I do have something I want to tell you?" she said.

The boy blinked and looked back at her and saw the slightly nervous look. He snuggled into her hoping to cheer her up. He did not want to see her sad.

The vixen smiled warmly down at the boy and kissed his forehead next to the unhealed scar. 'I should ask Albus about that next time.' She thought to herself before gazing into the boy's emerald eyes and took a deep breath.

"Harry…do you know exactly what I am?" she asked him

The boy blinked at her and tilted his head to the side "A fox lady...?" he asked adorably.

Ahri grinned at him and patted his head, "That's right…though I wasn't always…like this." She said waving her hand over her body.

"What do you mean?"

"I was a normal fox…well one with nine tails. But I was just an animal…till someone like you came to me and turned me human."

Harry's eyes widened "Someone…like me?"

"You have a gift my kit." She said with warmth. "As do I. Your magic-"

"That's a bad word!" he said shock and horror in his tone.

Ahri shook her head. "No. No it's not, sweetie." Harry opened his mouth. "I know...I know your uncle poisoned your mind with his lies, but believe me. There's nothing wrong with magic."

"B-But...My uncle says it's not real-" His eyes widened as Ahri formed a small ball of fire in the palm of her hand.

"Well, I think you'll agree that it's VERY real." Ahri replied with a wink. She smiled at the awestruck expression on Harry's face.

"I-It's fire..." He said softly.

"MAGIC fire." Ahri corrected.

"W-Will I be able to do that...? It's pretty..."

Ahri nodded with a smile. "Of course…and so much more. You are a very special little boy." She closed her eyes and focused her magic to make the fire take the shape of the boy who waved at Harry.

The boy's eyes widened in awe as he waved back slowly. The fire disappeared and the fox girl poked his tummy causing him to giggle. "You need to laugh more. Think you can do that for me? Add that to the 'chores'?" she said with a wink.

Harry smiled with a blushing face and nodded his head shyly. "O…okay."

"Theres one more thing I have to ask you…but first…what do you think of me now that you know that I'm…well…not normal?" she said softly.

Harry's eyes widened as he jumped out of her arms shocking her, he wrapped his tiny arms around her neck in a hug. "I…like you…you make me feel good." He said softly. "You saved me…you don't hate me…you have fluffy tails that are so warm." He continued tears starting to fall now. "Don't go…please don't go."

She smiled sadly and held the boy close to her, "I never will." She whispered. "Your mine…my kit…my son."

Harry's eyes widened. "Y-Your...son...?" He squeaked out, shocked to hear that.

"That's right." Ahri nodded in affirmation. "I decided I'm gonna make you my son."


"No buts." Ahri said in amusement. "You're my son now.


"Do you need a moment?"

"...Does that mean I get to call you mama...?"

Ahri felt intense warmth at that thought as she smiled down at the child. "Of course kit."

"Mama…mama…MAMA!" Harry shouted holding the girl tight and crying into her neck.

The fox girl smiled sadly as she felt the warmth grow within her, she brought up her tails as they wrapped around the pare keeping them warm as tears escaped her eyes as well. "Shh. It's okay baby…let it out…mama's here. And she is never letting you go"