A/N: I OWN NONE of these characters. WWE owns them. I just own the plot of the story. Also no I did not forget about this story. I have had major writer's block and I didn't want to throw some crappy chapter up. That's not fair to you guys as readers who like this story. So please bare with me.

Months have come and gone since Seth's injury.

Laughing at his father, Roman was pushing Hunter's buttons. "Bring it old man. Come on, let's go right here, right now. Unless you're too scared and don't want to embarrass yourself in front of Uncle Shawn, Dean, Seth and Paige."

Coming into the ring and standing toe to toe with his oldest boy, he was ready to show Roman why people fear him. "Shawn you're the ref. Now kids I want you to watch why I put Roman in his place and shut him up." Hunter will not hurt his son, but that didn't mean he had to go easy on his son either.

When the match was over, Roman put up one hell of a fight against his dad, but came up a tad short. Hunter just got the best of him, countering a mistake he made. He misjudged and that was all Hunter needed. Going over to Roman, Hunter bends down and says "You alright?"

Looking up at his dad, Roman says "Yeah, I just got the wind knocked out of me." Hunter sat with his son in the middle of the ring until Roman could gain his breath back and is able to stand up. Once the group made their way back to the house, Stephanie was there to meet them with a home cooked meal.

"Boys, Paige go wash up, dinner will be done in ten minutes. Hunter, Shawn, can you two help me get the table set please." She looked at her husband and brother in law. Doing what his wife said, Hunter grabbed Shawn to help him. The three adults got dinner on the table in the short amount of time it took the four kids to wash up. As the small family was sitting down eating, Stephanie couldn't help but notice how quite her boys and Paige were. "You four are awefully quiet. What happened?" Stephanie looked at her children and Paige.

Not getting a chance to answer, Seth got up from the table and walked out on his family that was still sitting at the table in a stund silence. "Excuse me while I go see what that sudden burst was about." Hunter said to his family and walking in the direction that his youngest son went in. Finding his son sitting on his bed, he went in and sat beside his boy. "Would you like to tell me what that was all about?" Hunter asked Seth.

Shrugging his shoulders was the only answer that he gave his father.

Sighing, Hunter looked at his son "You're going to have to do better than shrugging your shoulders as a response."

"Seeing you and Rome fighting in the ring and seeing Rome get the wind knocked out of him. I don't think I'm ever going to be ready to get back in the ring and have a match." Seth said to his dad, but not looking at him. He couldn't stand to see the disappointment on his father's face.

"Wrestling is very unpredictable yes, but you have to trust yourself and your opponent that everything is going to be okay. The minute you stop trusting and start doubting things, that's when trouble happens. Yes injuries can happen when things are going good, but you have to roll with the punches. Things happen, we get back up, dust ourselves off against and learn from our mistakes." Hunter said in response to his son's concern.

"What if I get hurt again dad? Or I don't want to wrestle again? I can't stand to see you, mom, Rome, Dean and Grandpa upset and disappointed in me." Seth responded with tears spilling down his cheeks. Too many things don't scare him, but what happened to him several months ago scared the living daylights out of him. He doubts himself more now then he ever has.

Hunter looked at his son. His heart was breaking. He had no idea that Seth felt this way, and for how long was he keeping this bottled up inside him? Turning to face his son, Hunter said "Seth I want you to look at me and really listen to what I'm telling you. No one and I mean no one in this family is EVER going to be disappointed in you. If you choose to walk away from in ring performing and want to do backstage stuff, that is totally fine, and if you choose to get out of the business completely and live in the mountains as a mountain man, that's completely okay too. You are my son and I love you. Your mother loves you and so does your brothers and Vince. We just want you to be happy. And it's okay to be afraid to wrestle a match for the first few times back. If you aren't, I'd be worried. I'm going to tell you something only uncle Shawn knows about. When I tore my quad the first time, I was scared to wrestle again. In fact I was sick all night, but when I did wrestle and when I was done and everything felt fine, I knew I was going to be okay. When I tore my quad the second time, I was having a really hard time deciding if I wanted to wrestle again. It took a lot of talking to different people, and when I finally looked in the mirror, I said to myself that I am damn good at what I do and I'm not ready to give it up yet. It's a battle we all face at some point. Don't doubt yosurself Seth. You're a great talent. Don't you ever forget that." Hunter looked at Seth with tears still rolling down his face. He pulled him into a hug and left his son cry on his shoulder. While sitting there, Hunter said "Later tonight, you and I will compete in the ring. Nothing special, but you and I will step inside the ring and compete against each other."

Seth looked at Hunter. "What if something happens or I can't finish and get scared?"

"We'll know now before you go to have a match with someone else in front of thousands." Hunter responded back. Seth nodded his head.

Indeed later that evening, the whole family went out to the training facility to watch Seth go up against his father. Standing in the ring across from Hunter, he took a really long steady breath in and slowly let it out saying to himself "I'm really doing this".

The match ended up being a huge success for Seth. "I did it!" Seth said loudly to everyone. He couldn't believe that not only did he beat his father, but he had a great match. As the match went on he dared to do more of his old moves against Hunter knowing that his father wasn't going to let anything happen to him. Leaving the training facility, the family sat around a fire in the back yard talking amongst themselves. Paige was wrapped up in Seth's arms and Dean and Roman all sat together talking about the match telling Seth that he did great and what they still need to work on to make it smoother. Looking around, Seth saw how happy everyone was. "So I was thinking, I know you all have to leave tomorrow afternoon for a couple of weeks, and uncle Shawn I was wondering if you and I could go over the match and help me smooth some things out so when you all do come back I'll give dad a rematch." Seth said to everyone. He wasn't a hundred percent and knew that it will take time, but he was on the road to a full recovery.

Nodding his head, Shawn looked at his youngest nephew and said "I would love to smooth out some of the moves and maybe work some new stuff in if you're willing to try. You know spice things up a bit. Also I wouldn't mind seeing a rematch against you and Hunter. It's fun seeing him have to work hard to keep up with you." Shawn looked at his brother smiling.

Hunter gave a smirk back to Shawn and then said to Seth "You give me another rematch and I won't go easy on you a second time."

"I wouldn't want it any other way." Seth said smiling back at his dad. Everyone was laughing and taking bets on who would win in the rematch when they came back in three weeks. That's how the family spent their evening before dispersing for the night.

A/N: I hope you all enjoyed that chapter. Until next time...