Title: You're My Flower, Lily

Author: Chrysanthemum

Summary: Lily's a shy girl, hidden behind her leaves. That's how she's been ever since... well, forever. That's how she planning to be for the rest of Hogwarts. What can possibly trigger the leaves to open and reveal the beautiful and radiant flower she is inside?

[Hey peoples... This is my first ff. I hope you like it. I know my summary's pretty corny, but that was all I could think of. Rated PG-13 for some language. It's not that bad... just making sure. i'm not going to post the next chapter up until i get at least 5 reviews. that's what i'm shootin for... if not, i'll just make the story better and try again next time. have fun reading!]

DISCLAIMER: yeah yeah yeah. u know. what this is. JK Rowling owns pretty much most of the characters. And also the setting and the school, and all that wonderful stuff.

Lily Evans had been waiting for this day since summer started: Her 6th year at Hogwarts. She was looking forward to this year because it was a year where she would get the most freedom: Nobody worrying about graduating or the NEWTs. Well, maybe except for Tonya Abott, a Ravenclaw in her year, who was her close friend, but at the same time, annoyingly smart. She squirmed around in her seat, watching London trademarks slowly pass by.

"Wow! Look at them dears!" Her bald-headed father said excitedly, looking at a wave of pigeons taking off, creating long shadows in the purple morning sun light. He worked at a salmon hatchery, but dreamed of being a watercolor painter someday.

"Keep your eye on the road, Harold…" Her short, plump mother said.

"I am, honey… But the pigeons, they're so beautiful! They're just like the ones your uncle painted some years back. I should've brought my camera!" He muttered.

"No, dad. We have only 20 minutes left and look at the traffic ahead!" Lily impatiently added. It was true. There was a long line of cars trying to get into the train station. The smog was already settling on the London street and created a gray purple atmosphere. "I swear, we would be there faster by walking…"

"Why don't you just get out of the car and walk there? It would do all of us good… We're wasting our time." Petunia, Lily's older sister, remarked, quiet enough for only Lily to hear. She knew that if her parents heard that, they would explode. Petunia had brown hair and sallow, almost yellow skin that clung tightly to her bones. She always had so much make-up on that she was already looking like 25, while she was only 21. She noticed Lily looking at her up and down and whispered, "What are you looking at freak?"

"Nothing…" Lily quickly replied, looking outside. They were almost halfway there.

"Now hon, are you sure you packed in your Tylenol?" Her mother inquired. "You know I really don't trust those magic medicines. Tylenol simply works like magic!" She laughed at her own pun. Her mother was a sales representative for, obviously, Tylenol. She had worked there for so long, and was so passionate about her job that every time she met someone, she would say 'Hello. Nice to meet you. I'm Jolene. Have you ever tried Tylenol? They're simply wonderful, don't you think? About five times better than… say… Motrin.' This was one of the reasons why Lily didn't have a lot of muggle acquaintances. Most teenager Lily's age didn't find it amusing when their friend's mother passed out free Tylenol.

"Yes mother" Lily said in a monotonous voice.

They were now in the parking lot. Her father was talking to himself as he looked around the lot, trying to find a space. Lily looked at her watch. Gosh, I'll never get there in time… already 10:45! It takes at least 5 minutes to find a spot. It took 20 last year…

"Ooh! There, dad!" She said enthusiastically, pointing at an empty parking space. They turned around the car and was about to get in—

Then a red convertible sped in the precious parking space. They all jolted forward as her father stepped on the break.

"Hey!" he whined. "I guess we'll have to find another spot…" He said miserably.

Lily watched as the door opened and a blonde haired girl walked out. She had sunglasses on, even though it was still foggy. A man, who looked about 20, walked out. As she got her luggage out, Lily noticed that the trunk had the familiar "H" logo on it. Hmm… I wonder who that is. I've never seen her before. Lily knew most people in her grade, even though most didn't know her. She had helped Professor Binns, the history teacher, grade papers last year. But Lily herself wasn't a social butterfly. Her daily routine was breakfast, class, lunch, class, library, sometimes watch Quidditch practice, and talk with her few friends. She was thinking hard about her life at Hogwarts when she was shaken out of the daydream by her mother.

"Common Lily, it's 10:50! You don't want to be late..." She said. The four of them walked into the wall between the platforms 9 and 10 as usual. She looked at the big clock hung up below the platform sign. It read 10:55. Whew! I thought I would never make it!

She walked around the platform 9 3/4 trying to some space to put her luggage in, and at the same time, explaining to her mother that apparating is completely safe, which she will be taking a course for the second half of her year. Her mother always brought up the subject, even though it's been discussed over many times during the summer.

"Mom, as I told you for the thousandth time, apparating is not dangerous!"

"But honey, what if you end up in the middle of the Sahara, or even the middle of the ocean! You can't swim!" Her short, plump mother said hysterically.

"That's why you have to pass an exam!" Lily whined with hint of anger in her voice.

"But accidents…"

"Then I'll apparate back," She explained. She stopped, gripped her mom's shoulder, looked in her eyes, and said soothingly, "It's okay. I promise I won't apparate unless I get 95% on the final exam."

That seemed to satisfy her mother even though she won't be taking the exam until her seventh year.

"Look mom, dad, you better go. I can handle it from here. Plus, Petunia doesn't seem happy" Lily said, eyeing her sister hunched in a corner, throwing dark looks at people nearby. "I'll see you at Christmas, perhaps…"
"O honey!" Her mother cried as she threw her arms around her.

"You'll make us so proud, you always do. Now go show them what you're made of" Her father beamed proudly.

"Bye mom, bye dad!" Lily waved as they walked off. "Oh, and bye Petunia!" She shouted as she stood on tiptoe to see over everyone's head. Petunia lowered her head and seemed to almost disappear into the corner. Lily grinned and stuffed her luggage in a luggage compartment. Her tawny owl, Chrys, hooted unhappily as she, too, was thrown in.

"Oops! Sorry Chrys!" Lily quickly said as she reached and grabbed her cage
Just then, she heard,

"Lily, Lily!" and saw a little blond head bobbing up and down on the wave of the swarming people as they crowded to get aboard.

"Shay! Shay!" She laughed as her best friend ran toward her. Shayla Fintley had brown eyes and short curly brown hair which she swept in a high ponytail every morning, muttering, 'Stupid hair. Wish I can just hack it off'. She had a round face and a rather flat nose which was spotted with sparse freckles. You could always tell her mood by looking at her hazel eyes. Most of the time, they sparkled. Today, they were dancing.

"Hi!" They both said in unison as they ran and hugged each other.

"How was your summer, Shay?" Lily asked.

"Oh! You should've been there! We went to the British Quidditch Cup and my dad got me a Silver Arrow!" She was practically jumping up and down as she showed her her new broom.

She was a beater for the Gryffindor Quidditch Team. The other beater was Riley Garhart, another close friend of Lily. Riley didn't come by the train, because her mother, Professor Garhart, taught Muggle Studies at Hogwarts.

"James will be pleased." Lily said.

James Potter, a chaser for the Gryffindor Quidditch Team was also the captain. He wasn't tall or short. He had unruly black hair that was windblown every morning as he always got up early to practice Quidditch by himself, occasionally joined by his teammates. His eyes were dark brown and complimented with a pair of straight eyebrows. His high cheekbones, fair tan skin were all part of James Potter. Even though he wasn't too interested in girls, they started to flock him since last year. 'hormones' he would always say. But he wasn't always that serious. He would sometimes go out with a girl for a week or two just because he felt sorry for them. It was usually the girl dumping him, saying 'I think we would be better friends, don't you think? You can introduce me to your friend, Sirius, and I can introduce you to mine!' It had always gone like that. And he would reply 'Fine with me. We'll be friends. But Sirius doesn't like girls who want to be his friend. He's more interested in those who want to go out with him…' that always left them dumbstruck.

Sirius was a fun-loving, jovial boy. He was tall and lanky. His dark brown hair was short and looked like a puppy's fur. His highly arched brows were above bright blue eyes which were always shining like big shiny sickles. He had a birth mark just above his eyebrow, which he always bragged was a scar from fighting some terrible monster. Just above his long neck was a pointy chin and a strong masculine jaw line. If he didn't laugh and smile so much, he would've looked really serious, Lily always thought. But his laughs had put a permanent dimple in his cheeks and small crinkles around his eyes. He and James always hung around Remus Lupin.

Oh, the sweet and smart Remus… Lily thought. She went out with him for 2 days last year, and that was how she knew Sirius and James. Remus and Lily were very intimate friends. They told each other the deepest secrets. But it ended briefly when James dared Remus to ask a girl out and go out with her for 2 days. Remus obviously asked Lily, not because he had a crush on her, but because she was one of his best friends. But Lily didn't see that and took it differently. It was quite a shock for her. But they worked things out and were closer friends than ever. But there was one thing that Remus didn't tell her. He never told her that he was werewolf. He knew that Lily's worst fear was a werewolf, because she had told him on the first day they met. Lily had gone to vacation with her family in her second year Christmas break and she saw someone get attacked by a werewolf and Belgium. Remus was like an opposite to James and Sirius. He had ash brown hair and sharp gray eyes. He was small figured and frail. Even though his physical appearance looked vulnerable, everyone knew better than that. He had a big heart and a very strong mind. He finished everything he started, kept every promise that he made. That was one of the things Lily liked about Remus. He never broke a promise, even the tiniest ones. So Lily always trusted him with her full heart.

Then there was Peter Pettigrew. Peter was a shy, but kind little boy. He had dirty blonde hair that was shaped like a bowl around his head. His beady brown eyes and the little squashed nose were splashed with golden freckles. He always reminded Lily of a farmer boy. His skin straw-colored and his beady eyes were always staring off into space. Only if he had a straw to stick in his mouth…

That always brought a smile to Lily's lips. Lily snapped back to reality.

"We wanted to take you, but you never answered my letters! I even tried the tellipone thing." Shay said as she and Lily walked toward the nearest compartment.

"Oh! My family went to America. We visited this museum and stuff. It was really cool" Lily answered. She muttered, 'here' and they sat down on an empty seat. They continued talking as the train started moving.

The door opened and four boys came in: James Potter, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, and Peter Pettigrew. Lily and Shay said "hey" cheerfully and continued to chatter about their summer. The four boys sat down seat on the opposite of the aisle. They got an old piece of parchment and started to pore over it. Occasionally saying, "We forgot the dungeon under the lake" or "Do you remember if there was a room cross the kitchen side entrance?" Lily and Shay ignored them and continued to talk.

The door of the compartment opened and tall skinny boy pushing the snack cart came in.

"What happened to Madame Florene?" Peter asked, looking suspiciously at the boy.

"She said she needed a break this year. So I'm taking her job temporarily. I'm Jake Hendricks by the way. Just got out of Hogwarts, and needed a job. This one pays pretty well, about a galleon every train ride. They even let you choose a free snack at the end of the day." Jake said.

"Really?" Peter asked, now genuinely interested. They started to discuss other jobs that offered free snacks, completely oblivious to the fact that there were other people in the compartment.

Remus loudly cleared his throat and said,

"Two chocolate frogs please." Jake quickly looked up and said, "Oh! That will be 14 sickles…"

"I'll have a slice of zucchini spice loaf and a chilled pumpkin juice." Lily said. Her stomach had been growling since she had left the house. All they got to have was a toast.

"1 galleon a 2 knuts…" He replied. Lily gave him a galleon and a sickle. She got 27 knuts back. She sighed with relief as she took a bite out of the bread. Shay was having her own lunch, macaroni salad.

"Hey! He accidentally gave you two galleons and 25 knuts!" She noticed, looking at the coin on Lily's lap.

"Oh! I never noticed that. Here, hold on to my food, I'll be right back" Lily hastily got up.

"What! That's two free galleon right there Evans! Are you crazy?!?" Sirius exclaimed. Remus rolled his eyes and smiled as he said, "She doesn't rip people off like you Sirius." He knew that Lily wouldn't know what to say, since she was shy around people except the ones she knew well. Lily gave him look of warm gratitude and left.

Suddenly, the door on the other side opened and three boys came in: Lucius Malfoy, Severus Snape, and Wesley Gringly. They were all in Slytherin. Malfoy was a tall, pale blonde who had empty cold gray eyes. Snape had black greasy hair and a hooked nose, that made him look like an old vulture, and Gringly had piercing brown eyes and brown hair, he also had a very pointy face. James quickly put the parchment in his pocket. Malfoy eyed him suspiciously and was answered by a glare. He ignored it

"What the hell do you want." Sirius said, making it sound more like a statement rather than a question.

"We were looking for Evans," Malfoy snapped. At hearing Lily's name, Shay and Remus stood up. "Not that she would be in here anyway, I smell something foul already…" he added.

Sirius lunged at him but James and Peter quickly grabbed both of his arms.

"Sirius! Seriously!" James said.

"He done it this time James, let me get him!" Sirius retrained.

"Sirius, stop!" James said firmly. While this was happening, the three boys scanned the room, as if they were hiding Lily under a seat or something. Remus sensed that they really wanted Lily, so he said,

"What do you want with Lily anyway?"

"Nothing. Come on, let's go" Gringly said in a deadly whisper.

As soon as the other compartment door closed, the one that Lily went through opened. She saw that everyone was standing up. She didn't know what to say. First she thought they were trying to make fun of her by facing the other direction and pretending she wasn't there. Then Shay turned around and saw Lily.

"Oh Lily! We didn't see you come in!" She said. Lily smiled faintly and sat down. Everyone just then noticed that they were standing and sat down. Remus sat down by Lily.

"Lily, do you anything about Malfoy, Snape, and Gringly?" he asked quietly.

"Of course I do. They're in Slytherin. They're sixth year except Gringly. They--"

"No, that's not what I meant. They just left, but they were looking for you." He said.

"What? Why would they looking for me? I didn't do anything. I've never even talked to them. In fact, they don't even know I exist..." She trailed off, her voice getting higher and higher. Malfoy, Snape, and Gringly always meant bad news. A girl in her house had gotten bullied by them for homework the whole time last year. They hurt her everyway possible to get it from her.

"It's okay Lily. I'm sure they just saw your name on the top scores for the finals and wanted to see you!" Shay said cheerfully. Then she just realized what she said. If they saw that she smart, they might bully her for homework. Lily just sighed and ate her bread and pumpkin juice. Remus gave Lily a reassuring pat and went back to sit with his friends. She just stared out the window and thought about her parents back home while Shay covered her nose in a book called Charm Your Way Through Quidditch! An hour passed like that and they were getting extremely bored when the door opened and a flushed blonde boy walked in.

"I expect that we'll be arriving at Hogwarts in about 5 minutes. I was just up at the teacher's lounge. By the way, I'm Ludo Bagman. Second year in Hufflepuff. You'll be hearing about me much more of course. I'm going to be the Beater for the house Quidditch team. I was going to be last year, but you know the stupid age limit thing. I know I haven't tried out yet, but my mother says that I'm simply the best and they'll be crazy not to put me on the house team!" He said all this in one breath. James got up and said mockingly in a high voice.

"Oh! Honor to meet you. James Potter's the name. I'm Gryffindor Quidditch Captain. I was going to be Head Boy, but they said I was too young. I could've been Head Boy since first year, by golly! But no, they thought I was too young." Ludo didn't catch the sarcasm. But when he heard that James was a fellow Quidditch player, Ludo was much more enthusiastic.

"Oh really? I'll see you on the field soon. I gotta fly! The ladies are waiting for me!" With that and a swish of his cloak, he disappeared through the other door.

"Well, that was interesting." Sirius said. Then they all started to laugh, even Lily, gradually forgetting about Malfoy, Snape and Gringly.

That's it folks! Don't forget to to R-E-V-I-E-W! hold on, did i spell that right?