A/N: Okay guys, as the summary said, this is going to be a Sam/OC/Cas love triangle, and it's going to be quite long. It starts out in S1E5, Bloody Mary, and will continue through most or all of the series. I have most of it planned out already, so updates should be pretty regular.

Disclaimer: All I own is my OC, Olivia. But, I'm pretty sure that, if you're here, you know enough to be able to tell what's mine and what isn't.

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Dean Winchester groaned as he awoke to the sound of his phone buzzing. Glancing at the time, he swore to himself before reluctantly answering the unwanted phone call.

"'Lo," he grumbled into the mouthpiece.

"Dean?" A female voice responded, a playful lilt present. "Dean Winchester, is that you?"

"Yeah, who is this?" Dean barked impatiently, not in the mood for cheeriness at this ungodly hour. The voice laughed lightly.

"Aw, Dean, I'm hurt! I mean, I know it's been a couple of years, and that poltergeist was our main focus, but I really thought I'd made more of an impression!"

Dean perked up immediately. "Olivia?!" He could hear the amused, yet pleased grin in her voice as she answered.

"So you do remember me! Bravo! I'm honored!"

"Well of course I remember you! Uh...listen...not that I'm not thrilled to hear from you or anything, but um...any particular reason you're calling me out of the blue at 3:00 in the morning?"

"Oh dear, is it really that time? Sorry if I woke you. If you recall, I don't exactly have much of a sleeping schedule."

Dean smiled in spite of himself. "How could I forget? But really, what's up?"

"Well, are you on a case at the moment?"

"No, just finished a bit of an oddball actually. I'll have to tell you about it. Why? You got something?"

"Yeah, I've picked something up that seems promising. Thought it might be fun to have a little reunion. You still working with your old man?"

Dean winced. "Uh, no actually. I'm working with my little brother at the moment."

Olivia sounded surprised. "Little brother? As in, went-away-to-college little brother?"

"Yeah...bit of a long story. Anyway, where are you at?"

"Toledo, Ohio. I can email you the details if you want."

Dean opened Sam's laptop, searching for the town she was talking about. "That'd be great, Liv. Doesn't look like Toledo is too far from here. Seven or eight hours maybe."

"Sounds great! I'll see you this afternoon then?"

"It's a date," Dean smirked as she laughed and hung up.

"Who was that?" Sam asked tiredly from his bed. Dean jumped in surprise, not having realized his brother was awake. He frowned, but elected not to mention Sam's inability to sleep.

"An old friend, Olivia Walters. Dad and I worked a case with her a couple years back. You'll like her. Hot as heck, charming, and a mystery I never even came close to solving."

Sam raised an eyebrow. "So you know next to nothing about her. But you trust her?"

"I know she's a dang good hunter. And, yeah, I trust her. It's hard not to. When you meet her, you'll see what I mean. Even Dad took a liking to her, and you know how big of a deal that is."

Sam shrugged with a small snort and sat up, stretching. "Alright then. When are we leaving?"

"Soon as we're ready," Dean answered. "You can sleep a bit longer if you want."

"I'll be fine," Sam replied, shaking his head. "Let's get on the road."

Eight and a half hours later, Olivia Walters sat outside the morgue in Toledo, waiting for the Winchesters to arrive. A light breeze lifted her layered hair, sending a few blonde strands dancing in front of her face. At a solid height of 5'2", she wasn't exactly an intimidating sight, and her soft, delicate features created the picture of sweet innocence. The only thing that betrayed this well put together mask was her eyes, and this only on the rare occasion that she'd let her guard down. Shining pieces of the sky would darken, revealing glimpses of the sorrow of her past and of the dark secrets she kept buried deep inside her heart. Captivating crystals, which spoke compassion and love, would harden into hints of the unyielding nature of the skill set she'd come to rely on for survival. Peaceful pools of blue would become stormy oceans as the pain and emotions she fought so hard to keep at bay would finally become too much, rising to the surface and spilling in the form of the tears she was so ashamed of.

But that hadn't happened in a long time, and as those same eyes spotted the familiar face of Dean Winchester, the delight and excitement they conveyed was completely genuine. Olivia broke into a sprint, shouting his name joyfully as she neared him, and launched herself into his arms. He caught her with a surprised laugh and spun her around in a circle, grinning as she placed a sloppy kiss on his cheek before he set her back on her feet.

"Hey, Short Stuff!" He chuckled, ruffling her hair a bit.

She grimaced and stuck her tongue out at him playfully at the nickname he'd given her upon their first meeting. She then turned to his companion, who practically towered over her, and smiled. "You must be Sam!"

He smiled and nodded, amused-if a little surprised-at their antics. "That'd be me! And you're Olivia?"

"Right! Other acceptable names include Liv, Livvy, or just about anything else you can think of. Some exceptions to this rule are Olive, Ollie, or any reference to my height or lack thereof," she added with a glare at Dean, who only grinned roguishly.

Sam laughed. "I'll try to remember that."

"Anyway!" Olivia began walking toward the morgue, the boys following closely behind. "Did you read the articles I sent you?"

Dean nodded. "Yeah, sounds interesting. The body is here?"

"Yup." She lead them up a couple of flights of stairs. "I happen to know that the doctor is on his lunch break at the moment, so we'll just have to win over the attendant."

"Well, perfect! I got this." The elder Winchester strode into the room, followed by Sam and then Olivia, and approached the desk confidently. "Hey."

The attendant looked up at him. "Can I help you?"

"Yeah, we're the uh, med students."


"Oh, Doctor Figlavitch didn't tell you?" He stuttered uncertainly over the doctor's name. "We talked to him on the phone. We're from Ohio State. He's supposed to show us the Shoemaker corpse. It's for our paper."

"Well, I'm sorry, he's at lunch." Olivia fought the urge to roll her eyes at his tone.

"Oh, well he said uh...oh well, you know, it doesn't matter. You don't mind showing us the body, do you?"

"Sorry, I can't," the man responded. "Doc'll be back in an hour. You can wait for him if you want."

"An hour?" Dean put on a conflicted look. "Ooh we've gotta be headed back to Columbus by then...Look man, this paper's, like, half our grade, so if you don't mind helping us out-"

"Look man. No."

Dean was starting to lose his cool, and Olivia decided to take matters into her own hands. Pushing in front of the two brothers, she leaned against the desk, allowing her button up shirt to open just enough to reveal a bit of cleavage. The man looked at her with wide eyes.

"Listen...I know that this is a bit unorthodox," she spoke in a flirtatious voice before sighing pitifully. "But we really need to see this corpse, and we've got classes tonight that we have to be back for. We-that is, I-would really, really appreciate it if you could just make one teensy exception..." She batted her eyelashes at him and offered a sultry smile.

The poor man swallowed hard, eyes fixed on her chest. His voice cracked as he spoke. "Y-yeah sure. R-right this way."

He stood up clumsily and walked down the hall. Olivia pulled her shirt back over herself and, as soon as he was out of earshot, muttered, "Sleazeball."

Sam and Dean, who were already looking at her in amazement, choked with laughter as the three of them followed him to where the corpse was.

A half hour later, they were walking back down the stairs after viewing the body and the police report.

"A stroke? An aneurism? My eye!" Olivia shook her head. "The guy's eyes and brain melted!"

Sam shrugged. "I dunno. Could be some freak medical thing."

Both Dean and Olivia looked at him disbelievingly. "Is it ever just a freak medical thing?"

Sam sighed. "You're probably right. Should we go talk to the daughter then?"

Olivia raised her hand. "Yes, but can we go get some food first? I'm practically starving!"

Dean grinned and slung an arm around her neck. "I knew there was a reason I liked you. Let's get some pie!"

A/N: And there you have it folks! Chapter one! Sorry, not exactly a lot of romance in this one, but I promise the drama is coming! I won't be covering every single episode. Only ones that are relevant. And the ones that I do cover probably won't be in much detail after this one, as I'm assuming everyone reading this has seen the show and doesn't need to read all of the dialogue that is in the script. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it! Please review and let me know if you have any suggestions!