Hey! Chapter two already! Actual crossover happens this time!

Chapter Two

Over The Gravity Falls

"Hey, careful with that!" Stan Pines called. "This isn't just some china set!" Soos, Dipper, Mabel, and Wendy were moving a large slab of crystal that Dipper had found in the woods. "Dipper, this is the best thing you've found ever!" Stan exclaimed.

"Grunkle Stan, are you sure this is a good idea?" Dipper questioned. "Usually when I find something in the woods it's bad news."

"Are you kidding?" Stan replied. " People will come from all over the northwest will come to see it!"

"Grunkle stan, it looks like a sparkly bottle cap." Mabel observed.

"Tourists like shiny things!" Stan defended. "Look, I just need Soos and Wendy to put the glass case on, so why don't you see if there are any urban myths for me to exploit." The Pines twins agreed, and headed out to the front porch with Dipper's journal.

"Mabel let's face it. I've read this book cover to cover. We aren't gonna find anything."

"Well, the sparkle bottlecap wasn't in your book, was it?" Mabel confirmed.

"Excuse me." Said a voice. Dipper panicked and shut the journal quickly and put it down beside him. "Sorry to disturb you" said a tall brown-haired boy. "I was just wondering if this was the Mystery Shack."

"It is." Dipper answered. "Home of the time-zone famous horse riding another horse. Of course, it's not actually here, we just have a photo. Are you new in this town?"

"Uh… no" the boy replied. "My family was heading for Seattle, but our car broke down. I guess we're spending our vacation here."

"There are Gnomes in these woods?" said another voice.

"What?" Exclaimed Dipper. He looked to his left and saw a younger boy, probably about six or seven years old, reading his journal. The strangest part was that he was wearing a teapot on his head. "Hey!"

"Woah! Greg, give him back his journal." The tall boy said.

"Wirt, there are gnomes in this town! We didn't see any gnomes in The Unknown!" Greg replied.

"The Unknown?" Dipper questioned.

"Now is not the time to talk about The Unknown, Greg! And why are you wearing your halloween costume?" Wirt said in an irritated tone.

"I brought it in case we needed to go on an adventure! I packed yours, too, Wirt."

"You guys have adventure clothes?" Mabel asked. "What adventures have you been on?"

"We went into a place called The Unknown, and we met a talking bluebird and a creepy woodcutter and I battled the north wind and we had to escape a creepy guy called The Beast and we took a boat full of frogs!" Greg proclaimed with excitement.

"That sounds super neat!" Mabel said. "This summer we stopped my creepy ex-boyfriend from taking over the town and we found dinosaurs and we found out who the 8th-and-a-half president was and met a creepy triangle guy…"

As Greg and Mabel talked about their adventures, Dipper made conversation with Wirt. "My name's Dipper. It's nice to meet you, Wirt." Dipper introduced himself and Mabel. They talked for a while, and finally a question made it's way out of Dipper's mouth. "I know this might be personal, but this has been bothering me. Did all that stuff Greg was talking about really happen?" He asked. "And before you say that I wouldn't believe you, I will. Trust me, It's been a pretty crazy summer."

"I-" Wirt began. "Yes. It all happened. Even I don't understand how, but it did. The bluebird was named Beatrice, the woodsman was warning us about The Beast, and The Beast almost killed Greg. After I defeated The Beast, we woke up in a river, which is how we entered The Unknown. After that, we-" He stopped, getting emotional. "We woke up in a hospital. My friend Sarah was there. I never found out what happened to Beatrice, or the woodsman, or any of the people we met." He smiled at Dipper. "And I know it wasn't a dream because Greg experienced the same thing."

"Sounds like you had a hard time." Commented Dipper. "All the stuff that mabel is talking about isn't nearly as dramatic. Or depressing." A frog hopped up towards Greg.

"Jason Funderburker!" Greg exclaimed. "So that's where you went!"

"I guess he was just making friends with Waddles." Mabel pointed out. Her pet pig was coming closer to them.

"Greg, we better head back to the hotel. Do you want to take the scenic route through the woods?"

"Yeah! maybe will see gnomes or the 8th-and-a-half president!"

"So, Wirt, do you think you'll come back here soon?" Dipper asked.

"Probably. I kinda want to see that horse riding another horse."

"Yeah, come back!" cried Mabel. "And bring your adventure clothes! And Jason!" Dipper and Mabel watched as Wirt and Greg walked off into the woods. "Think they're gonna be okay?" Mabel asked.

"I'm pretty sure they can handle it." Dipper said confidently.

Next chapter is coming soon!